Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 305 in total

  1. Ng WY, Low CX, Putra ZA, Aviso KB, Promentilla MAB, Tan RR
    Heliyon, 2020 Dec;6(12):e05730.
    PMID: 33364497 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05730
    Existing mitigation strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are inadequate to reach the target emission reductions set in the Paris Agreement. Hence, the deployment of negative emission technologies (NETs) is imperative. Given that there are multiple available NETs that need to be evaluated based on multiple criteria, there is a need for a systematic method for ranking and prioritizing them. Furthermore, the uncertainty in estimating the techno-economic performance levels of NETs is a major challenge. In this work, an integrated model of fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and interval-extended Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is proposed to address the multiple criteria, together with data uncertainties. The potential of NETs is assessed through the application of this hybrid decision model. Sensitivity analysis is also conducted to evaluate the robustness of the ranking generated. The result shows Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) as the most optimal alternative for achieving negative emission goals since it performed robustly in the different criteria considered. Meanwhile, energy requirement emerged as the most preferred or critical criterion in the deployment of NETs based on the decision-maker. This paper renders a new research perspective for evaluating the viability of NETs and extends the domains of the fuzzy AHP and interval-extended TOPSIS hybrid model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  2. Lim SM, Ng BK, Wilson A, Cheong CC, Ng TY, Wang CY
    J Clin Monit Comput, 2021 Jan 02.
    PMID: 33387155 DOI: 10.1007/s10877-020-00623-7
    The primary objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of cricoid pressure (CP) and paralaryngeal pressure (PLP) on occlusion of eccentric esophagus in patients under general anesthesia (GA). Secondary objectives include the prevalence of patients with central or eccentric esophagus both before and after GA, and the success rate of CP in occluding centrally located esophagus in patients post GA. Fifty-one ASA physical status I and II patients, undergoing GA for elective surgery were enrolled in this study. Ultrasonography imaging were performed to determine the position of the esophagus relative to the trachea: (i) before induction of GA, (ii) after GA before external CP maneuver, (iii) after GA with CP, and (iv) after GA with PLP. CP was applied to all patients whilst PLP via fingertip technique was only applied to patients with an eccentric esophagus. Among a total of 51 patients, 28 of them (55%) had eccentric esophagus pre GA, while this number increase to 33 (65%) after induction of GA. CP success rate was 100% in 18 patients with central esophagus post GA versus 27% in 33 patients with eccentric esophagus post GA (P<0.00001). Overall success rate for CP was 53%. In 33 patients with eccentric esophagus anatomy post GA, PLP success rate was 30% compared with 27% with CP (P=1.000). Ultrasound guided PLP fingertips technique was not effective in patients with an eccentrically located esophagus post GA. Ultrasound guided CP achieved 100% success rate in patients with a centrally located esophagus post GA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  3. Goh RY, Lee LS, Seow HV, Gopal K
    Entropy (Basel), 2020 Sep 04;22(9).
    PMID: 33286758 DOI: 10.3390/e22090989
    Credit scoring is an important tool used by financial institutions to correctly identify defaulters and non-defaulters. Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Random Forest (RF) are the Artificial Intelligence techniques that have been attracting interest due to their flexibility to account for various data patterns. Both are black-box models which are sensitive to hyperparameter settings. Feature selection can be performed on SVM to enable explanation with the reduced features, whereas feature importance computed by RF can be used for model explanation. The benefits of accuracy and interpretation allow for significant improvement in the area of credit risk and credit scoring. This paper proposes the use of Harmony Search (HS), to form a hybrid HS-SVM to perform feature selection and hyperparameter tuning simultaneously, and a hybrid HS-RF to tune the hyperparameters. A Modified HS (MHS) is also proposed with the main objective to achieve comparable results as the standard HS with a shorter computational time. MHS consists of four main modifications in the standard HS: (i) Elitism selection during memory consideration instead of random selection, (ii) dynamic exploration and exploitation operators in place of the original static operators, (iii) a self-adjusted bandwidth operator, and (iv) inclusion of additional termination criteria to reach faster convergence. Along with parallel computing, MHS effectively reduces the computational time of the proposed hybrid models. The proposed hybrid models are compared with standard statistical models across three different datasets commonly used in credit scoring studies. The computational results show that MHS-RF is most robust in terms of model performance, model explainability and computational time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  4. Sabapathy L, Mohammed BS, Al-Fakih A, Wahab MMA, Liew MS, Amran YHM
    Materials (Basel), 2020 Jul 13;13(14).
    PMID: 32668788 DOI: 10.3390/ma13143125
    The objective of this research was to determine the durability of an engineered cementitious composite (ECC) incorporating crumb rubber (CR) and graphene oxide (GO) with respect to resistance to acid and sulphate attacks. To obtain the mix designs used for this study, response surface methodology (RSM) was utilized, which yielded the composition of 13 mixes containing two variables (crumb rubber and graphene oxide). The crumb rubber had a percentage range of 0-10%, whereas the graphene oxide was tested in the range of 0.01-0.05% by volume. Three types of laboratory tests were used in this study, namely a compressive test, an acid attack test to study its durability against an acidic environment, and a sulphate attack test to examine the length change while exposed to a sulphate solution. Response surface methodology helped develop predictive responsive models and multiple objectives that aided in the optimization of results obtained from the experiments. Furthermore, a rubberized engineered cementitious composite incorporating graphene oxide yielded better chemical attack results compared to those of a normal rubberized engineered cementitious composite. In conclusion, nano-graphene in the form of graphene oxide has the ability to enhance the properties and overcome the limitations of crumb rubber incorporated into an engineered cementitious composite. The optimal mix was attained with 10% crumb rubber and 0.01 graphene oxide that achieved 43.6 MPa compressive strength, 29.4% weight loss, and 2.19% expansion. The addition of GO enhances the performance of rubberized ECC, contributing to less weight loss due to the deterioration of acidic media on the ECC. It also contributes to better resistance to changes in the length of the rubberized ECC samples.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  5. Eman S. Algariri, Rabiatul Basria S.M.N. Mydin, Emmanuel Jairaj Moses, Simon Imakwu Okekpa, Nur Arzuar Abdul Rahim, Narazah Mohd Yusoff
    Introduction: Rac1 and STIM1 genes are emerging therapeutic targets for cancers. However, their roles in acute my- eloid leukaemia (AML) are not well understood. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of dose and time on Rac1 and STIM1 knockdown in the AML cell line model (THP-1 cells). Methods: THP-1 cells were transfected with siRac1 at doses of 50, 100, and 200 nM or dsiSTIM1 at doses of 2, 5, and 10 nM. Expression level of Rac1 and STIM1 then were assessed at time points between 12 and 72 h post-transfection using real-time reverse transcription poly- merase chain reaction. Results: Compared to the control, 87% Rac1 knockdown was attained with 50 nM siRac1 at 24 h post-transfection, and 70% STIM1 knockdown was achieved with 10 nM dsiSTIM1 at 48 h post-transfection. Conclusion: These results show that effective knockdown of Rac1 and STIM1 is possible, and therapy that includes Rac1 and STIM1 inhibitors eventually could provide a new and highly effective strategy for AML treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  6. Hassim NA, Hambali K, Idris NSU, Amir A, Ismail A, Zulkifli SZ, et al.
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2018 Jul;29(2):175-186.
    PMID: 30112148 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2018.29.2.12
    Long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) has the potential to be a good biological indicator for toxic exposure because they have an almost similar physiology and behaviour to humans. The objective of this study is to determine the concentration of lead (Pb) in hair samples of long-tailed macaques which were found in and out of the Kuala Selangor Nature Park (KSNP) area. The hypothesis is long-tailed macaques that live in the anthropogenic area (outside KSNP) may be exposed to high levels of lead compared to long-tailed macaques living in the forest area (inside KSNP). Analysis of hair samples were carried out using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The study found that the average mean of lead concentration in the anthropogenic area is 6.31 μg/g while for the forest area it is 3.16 μg/g. Lead concentration in the two areas are statistically insignificant. Nevertheless, lead concentration in the anthropogenic area recorded a slightly higher mean concentration than in the forest area. Even so, results of this study indicate that long-tailed macaques in Kuala Selangor are not exposed to high levels of lead. This study is the first in Malaysia to utilise long-tailed macaques as a biological indicator for testing the concentration of toxic substances in the environment. This study is still in its early stages; thus, future research requires improvements.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  7. Sivalingam Nalliah, Nazimah Idris
    Medical education of today continues to evolve to meet the challenges of the stakeholders. Medical professionals today are expected to
    play multiple roles besides being experts. Thus, the curriculum has to be developed in a manner that facilitates learners to achieve the intended goal of becoming a medical professional with multiple competencies. The understanding of learning theories will be helpful in designing and delivering the curriculum to meet the demands of producing a medical professional who would meet the CanMEDS model.
    This commentary explores and reflects on the learning theories of behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism as they have evolved over time and the application of these learning theories in medical education, particularly in the context of medical education in Malaysia. The authors are convinced that these three theories are not mutually exclusive but should be operationalized contextually and throughout the
    different stages of learning in the MBBS curriculum. Understanding these theories and their application will enhance the learning experience of students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  8. Abousaeidi M, Fauzi R, Muhamad R
    Saudi J Biol Sci, 2016 Sep;23(5):555-64.
    PMID: 27579003 DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2015.06.004
    This study involves the adoption of the Geographic Information System (GIS) modeling approach to determine the quickest routes for fresh vegetable delivery. During transport, fresh vegetables mainly deteriorate on account of temperature and delivery time. Nonetheless, little attention has been directed to transportation issues in most areas within Kuala Lumpur. In addition, perishable food normally has a short shelf life, thus timely delivery significantly affects delivery costs. Therefore, selecting efficient routes would consequently reduce the total transportation costs. The regression model is applied in this study to determine the parameters that affect route selection with respect to the fastest delivery of fresh vegetables. For the purpose of this research, ArcGIS software with network analyst extension is adopted to solve the problem of complex networks. The final output of this research is a map of quickest routes with the best delivery times based on all variables. The variables tested from regression analysis are the most effective parameters to make the flow of road networks slower. The objective is to improve the delivery services by achieving the least drive time. The main findings of this research are that Land use such as residential area and population as variables are the effective parameters on drive time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  9. Nik Azlan, N.M., Ismail, M.S.
    Medicine & Health, 2013;8(1):0-0.
    Emergency Department Overcrowding (EDOC) has been a longstanding problem. It is defined as a situation where the demand for emergency services exceeds the ability of an Emergency Department (ED) to provide quality care within appropriate time frames. Hospital beds closure or access block to ward admission is one of the most important cause of Emergency s e.g. disaster. A surge response entails even greater responses including implementing Department overcrowding. This could be compounded further in events of a patient surge eg affirmative measurement in order to mitigate the issue in tackling the situation. The steps in managing EDOC were: 1. Recognizing EDOC, 2. Initiating action, 3. Maintaining patient flow, 4. Setting clinical goals and 5. Deploying a Surge Team for Advance Triage or Fast Tract.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  10. Ahmad Mahmood, Aws H. Ali Al-Kadhim, Zaripah Wan Bakar, Adam Husein
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2011;32(1):12-16.
    Evaluation of the mechanical behaviour of restoration dental materials is essential to understand their performance under different load conditions and to estimate their durability under clinical oral function. Restorative materials and dental tissues like other materials by having specific mechanical properties, such as static strength (i.e. compressive strength, tensile strength, flexural strength) and dynamic strength (i.e. fatigue strength). The selection of proper mechanical test type depends on the goals that the study claims to define. On such basis, the mechanical test can be chosen correctly. Laboratory studies should be designed as replications of the clinical oral circumstances to measure the mechanical and physical properties of a material and any arbitrary choices in the design of the study may result in large variations of data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  11. Zafir M.M., Fazilah M.H.
    Ergonomics management is a process that will have a significant, positive effect on a company’s profits through cost reduction, quality improvement, performance improvement and productivity enhancement. Also known as human factors of human engineering, it basically describes the interaction between an employee and his/her job functions, with the emphasis being on reducing unnecessary physical stress in the workplace. The goal of ergonomics is to enable workers to be more effective by matching the requirements and demands of the job to the abilities and limitations of the workers rather than trying to force the workers to fit the job. This paper theoretically describes the benefits of understanding the ergonomics to the workplace. The components and activities required to implement ergonomics management also have been discussed. Besides that, the practical approach of ergonomics has been described by giving practical workplace improvement suggested by scholars. By approaching work practices (stretching, reaching, and sitting) from an ergonomically correct point of view, a worker actually becomes stronger, healthier and more productive.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  12. Ahmad SH, Khoon YG
    Bul Keluarga, 1973 May 7;58:1-2.
    PMID: 12276936
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  13. Niestanak, S. Abedi, Faieza, A.A., Sulaiman, S., Rosnah, M.Y.
    This study of the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) in a customer driven environment analyzes the critical success factors throughout the initialization phase. The dynamic and stochastic nature of customer driven environments results in a massive workload of product structure configuration tasks related to new arrivals on one hand and a constant updating process on the other. Meanwhile, the development and implementation of an ERP system was studied from the very first step (i.e. the feasibly study for implementing an ERP) to the last step (i.e. testing the outputs of the implemented system) in an office furniture company for three years. The study involved analyzing of the data collected that were from a series of interviews, as well as direct observations and reviewing of the company’s documents. Based on the output of the analysis phase, a top-down hierarchical analysis of goals and CSFs were carried out according to the CSF analysis method. Three top level objectives included reducing project failure risk, project cost, and project time. Analysing the primary results of the study (i.e. activity model, data flow diagram DFD of different levels, system problems and potential solutions descriptions, etc.) revealed that the critical phase of the implementation project would be product structure initialization and this should be taken into consideration as the bottleneck of production planning in customer driven environment, which dramatically reduced the ERP efficiency in this kind of environment. Moreover, initializing issues of the same process is the main obstacle to the success of the ERP implementation, as it considerably raises the project failure risk and cost. Therefore, the simplification, facilitation, and automation of the PSCM process, which lead to acceleration of this process, are the most significant success factors for the ERP implementation projects in customer driven environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  14. Babalola Sunday Oyetayo, Abdulrahman Alias, Tan, Choon Liant, Mohammed Jawalludeen Sani, Shuaibu Umar
    One of the prime inspirations for this work emerge from the need to deal with our
    common assets (the Land). To build up a formal approach that can be utilized to
    address the issues emerges from a mind boggling circumstance in land
    administration. The capacity to track the progressions as it is connected to land
    everywhere throughout the year. A considerable lot of the land exchanges are as yet
    in light of 2D ideal models that have frustrated fast advancement in thickly urban
    condition. The consideration of 3D enhanced the functionalities of different models.
    Be that as it may, the dynamic idea of the land has an imperative part in the
    advancement of the land administration framework. One of the significant reason the
    expansion in intricacy in land utilize required that Land Administration Domain Model
    (LADM) concept in land administration has an enhanced limit is to deal with the
    current 2D and 3D. The need to talk about time dimension emerges from the way
    that individuals relationship to the land has an exceptionally powerful nature, all the
    LADM packages has time (Temporal) components. LADM completely bolster forming
    (historical information) as all classes inherit from VersionObject, and all LA_RRR
    object have the quality TimeSpace. 2D/3D space and time incorporation is not
    profoundly integrated into a 3D/4D spatiotemporal portrayal. The preparatory test
    case in this study affirmed the conceivable outcomes of having a move or
    development (with time) of characteristic limits from their underlying positions. Thus,
    the dynamic idea of the land in connection to man, the benefits of this model to the
    land proprietors, land merchants, and the administration can't be over stressed. This
    study tries to clarify the current 2D/3D approach and broke down preparatory
    requirements for 4D with a specific end goal to see the estimation of the approach.
    The primary future research exertion focuses on melding on the most proficient
    method to coordinate the model completely into Country profile in the study area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  15. Gunasekaran, S.S., Ahmad, M.S., Mostafa, S.A.
    The collaborative and competitive nature of multi-agent systems (MAS) is visible through the simple social mode of communication that emerges between human-agent interactions or agent-to-agent interactions. A simple mode of communication involves the fundamental actions carried out by individual agents in achieving their desired goal. The sum of these achievements contribute to the overall group goal. Comparatively, the collective intelligence (CI) of a MAS simply means that these agents should work together to produce better solutions than those made possible when using the traditional approach. In designing MAS with CI properties, formalisation of a higher level deliberation process is essential. A high level deliberation process refers to the judgement comprehension of tasks, reasoning and problem solving and planning. In this paper, we propose our Collective Intelligence Model, CIM, which has the potential to control and coordinate a high-level deliberation process of a MAS. CIM is inspired by the emerging processes of controlled discussion, argumentation and negotiation between two or more intelligent human agents. These processes screen and validate the deliberation process through a crossfertilisation approach. The emergent property of the cross-fertilised ideas results in an intelligent solution that solves optimisation-related tasks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  16. Brodie JF, Mohd-Azlan J, Schnell JK
    Ecology, 2016 Jul;97(7):1658-1667.
    PMID: 27859156 DOI: 10.1890/15-1613.1
    Elucidating how dispersal and landscape connectivity influence metacommunity stability will shed light on natural processes structuring ecosystems and help prioritize conservation actions in an increasingly fragmented world. Much of the theoretical and mathematical development of the metacommunity concept has been based on simplified experimental systems or simulated data. We still have limited understanding of how variation in the habitat matrix and species-specific differences in dispersal ability contribute to metacommunity dynamics in heterogeneous landscapes. We model a metacommunity of rainforest mammals in Borneo, a tropical biodiversity hotspot, where protected areas are increasingly isolated by ongoing habitat disturbance and loss. We employ a combination of hierarchical models of local abundance, circuit-theory-based dispersal analysis, and metapopulation models. Our goal was to understand which landscape links were the most important to metapopulation persistence and metacommunity stability. Links were particularly important if they were short and connected two large patches. This was partly because only the very shortest links could be traversed by poorly dispersing species, including small herbivores such as chevrotains (Tragulus spp.) and porcupines. Links that join large patches into a "super-patch" may also promote island-mainland rather than Levins-type metapopulation dynamics for good dispersers, particularly large carnivores such as clouded leopards (Neofelis diardi) and sun bears (Helarctos malayanus), reducing metapopulation extinction risk and thereby enhancing metacommunity stability. Link importance to metacommunity stability was highly correlated between heterogeneous and homogeneous landscapes. But link importance to metapopulation capacity varied strongly across species, and the correlation between heterogeneous and homogeneous landscape matrix scenarios was low for poorly dispersing taxa. This suggests that the environmental conditions in the area between habitat patches, the landscape matrix, is important for assessing certain individual species but less so for understanding the stability of the entire metacommunity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  17. Norizah K, Mohd. Hasmadi I
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:1177-1185.
    In hilly forest area, aligning forest roads is the key towards an effective and sustainable forest management. Constraints in forest road planning are mainly due to environmental factors and topographical conditions. Selecting the criteria for planning forest road and setting the priorities, ranking them for environmental sustainability and reduce cost in road construction is important. Different criteria are required at different forest area since the quantifiable relationship between cause and effect to meet the goal are not comprehensively prioritized. In order to solve the problem, the relative importance factor from multi criteria basis, namely Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was applied. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop priorities and rank a selected criterion for planning forest road in hilly area using AHP approach. Four criteria had been identified to meet the goal of suitable forest road allocation namely slope, river crossing, elevation and existing forest road. The suitable criteria selected were sorted with weight in ranking order to minimize the impact of timber harvesting. Our results showed that the priorities and ranking were as follows; slope (w = 0.558), followed by river crossing (w = 0.303), elevation (w = 0.095) and lastly existing forest road (w = 0.044), respectively. Therefore, the relative preference factor developed in this study can be used by the Forestry Department for formulating suitable forest road allocation in hilly area simultaneously to be integrated with geographic information system technology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  18. Che Musa MF, Bernabé E, Gallagher JE
    Int Dent J, 2020 Oct;70(5):360-373.
    PMID: 32476143 DOI: 10.1111/idj.12575
    OBJECTIVE: The dental workforce is facing unprecedented change globally as a result of multiple influences. There is a need for research informed action to map possible drivers for change at the national level and examine their potential implications in order to shape the dental workforce to serve population needs. The objective of this study was to explore key stakeholders' views on the drivers for change for the Malaysian dental workforce and their potential implications.

    METHOD: Stakeholders from key dental organisations/professions in Malaysia were purposively sampled and invited to participate in a semi-structured interview (n = 20) using a pre-tested topic guide. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using Framework Analysis.

    RESULTS: Drivers for workforce were identified across four main domains: policy-politics; trends in demography; social and economic; and, technology-scientific development. The pace of change and possible interplay between drivers, most notably government policy, liberalisation of education and health services and challenges of workforce governance, followed by Malaysian demography and health trends. Implications for the future, including possible uncertainties, particularly in relation to specialisation and privatisation were identified, together in balancing and meeting public health needs/demands with professional career expectations.

    CONCLUSION: Stakeholders' views on the high-level drivers for change broadly mirror those of high-income countries; however, specific challenges for Malaysia relate to rapid expansion of dental education and a young workforce with significant career aspirations, together with imbalances in the health care system. The impact of these drivers was perceived as leading to greatest uncertainty around specialisation and privatisation of the future workforce.

    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  19. Shahiduzzaman M, Fukaya S, Muslih EY, Wang L, Nakano M, Akhtaruzzaman M, et al.
    Materials (Basel), 2020 May 11;13(9).
    PMID: 32403454 DOI: 10.3390/ma13092207
    Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have appeared as a promising design for next-generation thin-film photovoltaics because of their cost-efficient fabrication processes and excellent optoelectronic properties. However, PSCs containing a metal oxide compact layer (CL) suffer from poor long-term stability and performance. The quality of the underlying substrate strongly influences the growth of the perovskite layer. In turn, the perovskite film quality directly affects the efficiency and stability of the resultant PSCs. Thus, substrate modification with metal oxide CLs to produce highly efficient and stable PSCs has drawn attention. In this review, metal oxide-based electron transport layers (ETLs) used in PSCs and their systemic modification are reviewed. The roles of ETLs in the design and fabrication of efficient and stable PSCs are also discussed. This review will guide the further development of perovskite films with larger grains, higher crystallinity, and more homogeneous morphology, which correlate to higher stable PSC performance. The challenges and future research directions for PSCs containing compact ETLs are also described with the goal of improving their sustainability to reach new heights of clean energy production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
  20. Imad M. Al-Ani, Ahmed N. Abired, Basma E. Mustafa, Emad N. Abdel Wahab, Marwan S. Azzubaidi
    Diabetes mellitus has become a serious warning to mankind health all over the world. The management goal of diabetes is to keep blood glucose levels as close as possible to healthy individuals. Medications used to treat diabetes are usually associated with complications and may cause different side effects. Many traditional anti-diabetic plants have become popular in the management of diabetes mellitus. Flaxseed has been used as traditional medicine for centuries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Goals
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