Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 232 in total

  1. Ambusam S, Baharudin O, Roslizawati N, Leonard J
    Clin Ter, 2015 Nov-Dec;166(6):256-61.
    PMID: 26794814 DOI: 10.7417/CT.2015.1898
    Document holder is used as a remedy to address occupational neck pain among computer users. An understanding on the effects of the document holder along with other work related risk factors while working in computer workstation requires attention. A comprehensive knowledge on the optimal location of the document holder in computer use and associated work related factors that may contribute to neck pain reviewed in this article. A literature search has been conducted over the past 14 years based on the published articles from January 1990 to January 2014 in both Science Direct and PubMed databases. Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) keywords for search were neck muscle OR head posture OR muscle tension' OR muscle activity OR work related disorders OR neck pain AND/OR document location OR document holder OR source document OR copy screen holder.Document holder placed lateral to the screen was most preferred to reduce neck discomfort among occupational typists. Document without a holder was placed flat on the surface is least preferred. The head posture and muscle activity increases when the document is placed flat on the surface compared to when placed on the document holder. Work related factors such as static posture, repetitive movement, prolong sitting and awkward positions were the risk factors for chronic neck pain. This review highlights the optimal location for document holder for computer users to reduce neck pain. Together, the importance of work related risk factors for to neck pain on occupational typist is emphasized for the clinical management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Neck Muscles
  2. Mayaki AM, Abdul Razak IS, Adzahan NM, Mazlan M, Rasedee A
    J Vet Sci, 2020 Nov;21(6):e82.
    PMID: 33263229 DOI: 10.4142/jvs.2020.21.e82
    BACKGROUND: The clinical presentation of horses with back pain (BP) vary considerably with most horse's willingness to take part in athletic or riding purpose becoming impossible. However, there are some clinical features that are directly responsible for the loss or failure of performance.

    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the clinical features of the thoracolumbar region associated with BP in horses and to use some of the clinical features to classify equine BP.

    METHODS: Twenty-four horses comprised of 14 with BP and 10 apparently healthy horses were assessed for clinical abnormality that best differentiate BP from normal horses. The horses were then graded (0-5) using the degree of pain response, muscular hypertonicity, thoracolumbar joint stiffness and overall physical dysfunction of the horse.

    RESULTS: The common clinical features that significantly differentiate horses with BP from non-BP were longissimus dorsi spasm at palpation (78.6%), paravertebral muscle stiffness (64.3%), resist lateral bending (64.3%), and poor hindlimb impulsion (85.7%). There were significantly (p < 0.05) higher scores for pain response to palpation, muscular hypertonicity, thoracolumbar joint stiffness and physical dysfunction among horses with BP in relation to non-BP. A significant relationship exists between all the graded abnormalities. Based on the cumulative score, horses with BP were categorized into mild, mild-moderate, moderate and severe cases.

    CONCLUSIONS: BP in horse can be differentiated by severity of pain response to back palpation, back muscle hypertonicity, thoracolumbar joint stiffness, physical dysfunctions and their cumulative grading score is useful in the assessment and categorization of BP in horses.

    Matched MeSH terms: Back Muscles
  3. Mohammed A. Jasim, Mohd Sofian-azirun, Yusoff, Motior Rahman M
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:119-127.
    In this paper we have studied the acute toxicity effect of Hg on hybrid tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). For this, the tissues of tilapia have been digested by means of acids in microwave oven and was analyzed by flameless atomic absorption spectrophotometer (FAAS). We have identified that the levels of Hg varied significantly in different tissues and the metal concentration was in the following order: liver > gills > muscles; of which the maximum level recorded for Hg was 0.799 mg/kg. We have also observed the alterations towards histopathological aspects in the gills and liver of treated fishes were studied using light and electron microscopy, subjected to the exposure of Hg for 24 h and furthermore we have also noticed the extent of the increased alterations during the 96 h of exposure to median lethal concentration LC50 (0.3 mg/L) a severe disorganization of epithelial cells and modifications of the structure of the secondary lamellae. Moreover the severity has also found to increase to sub-lethal concentration (0.03 mgHg/L) in 21 days of exposure; Liver was slightly affected by the contamination of Hg. Ultimately, histopathology is considered as a sensitive technique of bioaccumulation and for the observing the potential damage from Hg exposure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  4. Muhammad T, Ismail S, Ikhwanuddin M, Abol-Munafi AB
    Data Brief, 2019 Aug;25:104205.
    PMID: 31338400 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104205
    The data collected in the present work correspond to the behavioral, Hepatosomatic Index (HSI), Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) and total lipid analysis between male and female mud crabs, Scylla olivacea at different water velocities. A total of 56 immature male and female crabs were used in this data article. The important criteria for estimating the selective habitat facing by S. olivacea is a considerate of (1) the behavioral range in response to abiotic factors (and how it adapt ontogenetically) and (2) the movement of the crab under wild velocities situations. This work purposes to recognize the performance, locomotion rate and escaping capability of S. olivacea under stagnant and flowing water situations and to discuss the significance of horizontal walking to habitat choice. The collective outcomes clearly show that the locomotor activities and escaping capabilities of S. olivacea were influenced by water flow in the mangrove habitats. For the HSI data, velocities of 20 cm/s were the highest increased mean HSI percentage and highest mean HSI percentage in males and females was recorded on the end of the experiment. For GSI percentage of male and female crabs, 20 cm/s dominates the highest increases mean GSI, followed by 60, 40 and 0 cm/s. For total lipid percentage, the results showed that, the mean total lipid of hepatopancrease, muscle and gonad were increased at the beginning and decreased at the final in each water velocities except for 20 cm/s over a culture period of 60 days. Velocities of 20 cm/s were the highest increased mean total lipid percentage followed by 40, 60, and lastly 0 cm/s. The high flow velocities inhibit the production of hepatopancrease and gonad, in terms of nutrients from food used to endeavor the stress condition faced.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  5. Md Fuad Bahari, Abdul Rahman Omar1, Darius Gnanaraj Solomon, Nor Hayati Saad, Isa Halim
    Scientific Research Journal, 2006;3(2):31-44.
    Occupational health is considered as a crucial element in almost every Small
    and Medium Industries (SMIs) and it is believed to be one of vital challenges
    that can influence productivity and competitiveness. It has been known that
    the metal stamping industry involved a lot of materials handling tasks such as
    carrying stamped parts from machine to packaging section, transferring moulds
    from tools store to machines, sorting the finished products and others.
    Appropriate materials handling equipments are not often provided in SMIs
    because of the limitation of capital and lack of ergonomics awareness. The
    workers have to handle the materials and goods manually. These practices
    may lead to occupational injuries particularly back pain and musculoskeletal
    injuries. The objectives of the research are to assess and analyze the muscles
    activity of workers in metal stamping industry. Three male workers who
    performed metal stamping process using manual technique were participated
    in the research. Ergonomic assessment associated with Surface
    Electromyography (SEMG) was used to capture and interpret the data related
    to muscles activity at before and after the ergonomic intervention. For the
    purpose of muscle activity assessment, SEMG electrodes were attached to eight
    critical muscles: deltoid muscle-medial part (left), deltoid muscle-medial part
    (right), trapezius muscle (left), trapezius muscle (right), erector spinae muscle
    (left), erector spinae muscle (right), gastrocnemius muscle (left) and
    Matched MeSH terms: Superficial Back Muscles
  6. Fuloria S, Subramaniyan V, Dahiya R, Dahiya S, Sudhakar K, Kumari U, et al.
    Biology (Basel), 2021 Feb 25;10(3).
    PMID: 33668707 DOI: 10.3390/biology10030172
    Evidence suggests that stem cells exert regenerative potential via the release of extracellular vesicles. Mesenchymal stem cell extracellular vesicles (MSCEVs) offer therapeutic benefits for various pathophysiological ailments by restoring tissues. Facts suggest that MSCEV action can be potentiated by modifying the mesenchymal stem cells culturing methodology and bioengineering EVs. Limited clinical trials of MSCEVs have questioned their superiority, culturing quality, production scale-up and isolation, and administration format. Translation of preclinically successful MSCEVs into a clinical platform requires paying attention to several critical matters, such as the production technique, quantification/characterization, pharmacokinetics/targeting/transfer to the target site, and the safety profile. Keeping these issues as a priority, the present review was designed to highlight the challenges in translating preclinical MSCEV research into clinical platforms and provide evidence for the regenerative potential of MSCEVs in various conditions of the liver, kidney, heart, nervous system, bone, muscle, cartilage, and other organs/tissues.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  7. Tabben M, Eirale C, Singh G, Al-Kuwari A, Ekstrand J, Chalabi H, et al.
    Br J Sports Med, 2021 Jan 05.
    PMID: 33402346 DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2020-102945
    BACKGROUND: While football injury and illness epidemiology surveillance at professional club level in Europe is available, epidemiological data from other continents are lacking.

    PURPOSE: Investigating injury and illness epidemiology in professional Asian football.

    STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive prospective study.

    METHODS: Professional teams from the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) league were followed prospectively for three consecutive AFC seasons (2017 through 2019, 13 teams per season, 322 team months). Time-loss injuries and illnesses in addition to individual match and training exposure were recorded using standardised digital tools in accordance with international consensus procedures.

    RESULTS: In total, 232 665 hours of exposure (88.6% training and 11.4% matches) and 1159 injuries were recorded; 496 (42.8%) occurred during matches, 610 (52.6%) during training; 32 (2.8%) were reported as 'not applicable' and for 21 injuries (1.8%) information was missing. Injury incidence was significantly greater during match play (19.2±8.6 injuries per 1000 hours) than training (2.8±1.4, p<0.0001), resulting in a low overall incidence of 5.1±2.2.The injury burden for match injuries was greater than from training injuries (456±336 days per 1000 hours vs 54±34 days, p<0.0001). The two specific injuries causing the greatest burden were complete ACL ruptures (0.14 injuries (95% CI 0.9 to 0.19) and 29.8 days lost (29.1 to 30.5) per 1000 hours) and hamstring strains (0.86 injuries (0.74 to 0.99) and 17.5 days (17.0 to 18.1) lost per 1000 hours).Reinjuries constituted 9.9% of all injuries. Index injuries caused 22.6±40.8 days of absence compared with 25.1±39 for reinjuries (p=0.62). The 175 illnesses recorded resulted in 1.4±2.9 days of time loss per team per month.

    CONCLUSION: Professional Asian football is characterised by an overall injury incidence similar to that reported from Europe, but with a high rate of ACL ruptures and hamstring injury, warranting further investigations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hamstring Muscles
  8. Geh SL, Rowan EG, Harvey AL
    Toxicon, 1992 Sep;30(9):1051-7.
    PMID: 1440642
    Four homologous single chain phospholipases A2 (Pa-1G, Pa-5, Pa-12C and Pa-15) were tested for neuromuscular effects on chick biventer cervicis and mouse hemidiaphragm nerve-muscle preparations. The four isozymes blocked directly elicited (mouse hemidiaphragm) and indirectly elicited (mouse and chick nerve-muscle preparations) twitch responses in concentrations of 1-30 micrograms/ml. The order of potency seen in both types of preparations was Pa-1G = Pa-5 greater than Pa-12C much greater than Pa-15. All four isozymes caused slow-onset, sustained contractures and reduction of muscle membrane potentials. In the chick preparation, responses to acetylcholine, carbachol and KCl were reduced by exposure to the toxins. It is concluded that the toxins act primarily postsynaptically to depress muscle contractility, perhaps by directly damaging muscle fibres. The order of potency agrees with their phospholipase A2 activity. Pa-1G is unusual because it is an acidic molecule, most toxic phospholipases being basic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles/drug effects; Respiratory Muscles/drug effects
  9. Ali Md Nadzalan, Chinnasee, Chamnan, Lee, Jeffrey Low Fook
    Journal of Sports Science and Physical Education 5(2): 15-23, 2016 - This study was
    conducted to determine the relationship between lower body muscle architectures and lunges
    performance. Thirty recreationally active, untrained men (mean age = 22.21 ± 1.59 yrs old)
    were recruited and involved in two testing sessions; i) anthropometrics and muscle
    architecture, and ii) multiple-repetition maximum (RM) lunge test. Muscle thickness,
    pennation angle and fascicle length of vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM), rectus
    femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) were analysed using ultrasonography. Multiple-RM
    lunge testing was used as an estimation of 1RM lunges performance. Correlation analysis was
    used to determine the relationship between lower body muscle architectures and lunges
    performance calculated absolutely and relatively (1RM/body mass). The overall results
    showed that muscle thickness and pennation angle of all muscles were significantly positive
    correlated with lunges performance. However, fascicle length was shown to be negatively
    correlated with lunges performance. Findings of this study suggested the important for having
    thicker, more pennated and shorter fascicle of lower body muscle in enhancing lunges
    performances that is one of the most specific movements in sport.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hamstring Muscles
  10. Ariffin, M. H., Selvyn Lloyd, Rhani, S. A., Kamalnizat, Baharudin, A.
    Malays Orthop J, 2014;8(2):40-42.
    The management of post-radiation wound breakdown over the posterior cervico thoracic region can be a challenging task for a surgeon. The aim of the treatment is to produce a well vascularized and a low tensile flap which will close a large defect. We describe the use of the lower trapezius flap to reconstruct the wound breakdown and to obtain stable tissue coverage in a patient with post- radiation necrosis. This flap minimizes the disruption of the scapula-thoracic function while preserving the range of movement over the shoulder. From the literature review, it was noted that the dorsal scapular artery (DSA) and transverse cervical artery (TCA) aid in the blood supply to the trapezius muscle and prevent local necrosis during rotation of the flap. The trapezius flap is widely accepted because of the minor donor site morbidity, large arc of rotation and adequate blood supply.
    Matched MeSH terms: Superficial Back Muscles
  11. Kiew, P.L., Mat Don, M.
    Extraction of collagen from muscles of cultured catfish (Clarias gariepinus × C. macrocephalus) with the aid of pepsin digestion was investigated using a statistical tool. Fractional factorial design (FFD) was applied to evaluate the effects of eight process parameters: acetic acid concentration, acid extraction time, acid extraction temperature, acetic acid to muscles ratio, NaOH concentration, NaOH to muscles ratio, NaOH treatment time, and stirring speed. Contribution of every parameter in influencing the extraction efficiency was evaluated and factors that significantly affected the extraction were elucidated by employing experimental design and analysis of variance in FFD. The result of first order factorial design showed that acetic acid concentration, acid extraction time, acid to muscles ratio, and stirring speed had significant effect (P < 0.05) to the yield of pepsin soluble collagen (PSC) obtained at the end of the experiment. Effects of these process factors on the efficiency of collagen extraction were investigated, and are discussed in detail. Optimum conditions were found at 0.5 M acetic acid, 16 hr extraction period, solvent to muscles ratio at 25 ml/g, and stirring speed of 400 rpm, resulting in yield of PSC as high as 211.49 ± 15.51 mg/g.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  12. Ismail I, Hwang YH, Bakhsh A, Joo ST
    Asian-Australas J Anim Sci, 2019 Feb;32(2):282-289.
    PMID: 30208691 DOI: 10.5713/ajas.18.0347
    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to elucidate whether innovative sous vide treatment has a significant influence on the beef semitendinosus muscle as compared to common sous vide treatment and traditional cooking.

    METHODS: The innovative sous vide treatments were cooked at 45°C and 65°C for 6 h (SV45-65), common sous vide treatment at 45°C and 65°C for 3 h (SV45 and SV65) and traditional cooking at 75°C for 30 min (CON75). Water loss and cooking loss, as well as the physical properties (color and shear force) and chemical properties (protein and collagen solubility) of the treated meat, were investigated.

    RESULTS: The results obtained indicated that the innovative sous vide with double thermal treatment (SV45-65) and cooked with air presence (CON75) resulted to lower a* and higher b* values, respectively. The water loss and cooking loss increased when temperature increased from 45°C to 65°C, and lower water loss was recorded in SV45 and CON75. These samples presented higher water content and revealed strong correlation to protein solubility. Warner-Bratzler shear force (SF) analysis showed the marked interaction between cooking temperature and time. Sample cooked at a high temperature (CON75) and a long period (SV45-65) showed a significantly lower value of SF than sample SV65 (p<0.05). Interestingly, there was no difference in SF values between SV45-65 and CON75.

    CONCLUSION: The innovative sous vide treatment with double thermal effect appears an attractive cooking method as compared to common sous vide and traditional cooking method, as it has a potential for improving tenderness values of cooked beef semitendinosus muscle.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hamstring Muscles
  13. Mail, M.S.Z., Mohd Azhar, N., Affandi, N.F., Shaharudin, S., Agrawal, S., Chee, L.M.
    JUMMEC, 2019;22(2):43-48.
    Background: Those with increased dynamic knee valgus are vulnerable to increased risk of non-contact knee
    injuries. However, studies on the top down kinetic chain of lower limb mechanics during dynamic motions
    such as single leg squat (SLS) among trained males were scarce.

    Objective: The objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship between isokinetic hip and knee strength
    and frontal plane projection angle (FPPA) of the knee joint during SLS.

    Methods: Thirty-two male junior athletes (twelve cyclists, ten runners and ten squash players) were screened
    for excessive dynamic knee valgus (DKV) prior to participation. Only those within the normal value of DKV were
    included. Their hip and knee isokinetic strength in sagittal plane were evaluated at 60º/s of angular velocity
    for both legs using dynamometer. Two dimensional knee FPPA was evaluated during SLS at 60º of knee flexion.
    Pearson correlation was evaluated between knee FPPA during SLS and isokinetic leg strength.

    Results: Correlations between knee FPPA and hip and knee isokinetic strength were not statistically significant
    except between knee flexion peak torque/body weight (r = -0.35, p = 0.05) and hamstring to quadriceps ratio
    (r = -0.39, p = 0.03) of non-dominant leg.

    Conclusions: Isokinetic hip and knee strength and knee FPPA during SLS was correlated only for non-dominant
    leg during SLS among male junior athletes. DKV during SLS may be reduced through strengthening the muscles
    around hip and knee joints.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hamstring Muscles
  14. Abd Rahman NH, Yamada Y, Amin Nordin MS
    Materials (Basel), 2019 May 19;12(10).
    PMID: 31109128 DOI: 10.3390/ma12101636
    Previous works have shown that wearable antennas can operate ideally in free space; however, degradation in performance, specifically in terms of frequency shifts and efficiency was observed when an antenna structure was in close proximity to the human body. These issues have been highlighted many times yet, systematic and numerical analysis on how the dielectric characteristics may affect the technical behavior of the antenna has not been discussed in detail. In this paper, a wearable antenna, developed from a new electro-textile material has been designed, and the step-by-step manufacturing process is presented. Through analysis of the frequency detuning effect, the on-body behavior of the antenna is evaluated by focusing on quantifying the changes of its input impedance and near-field distribution caused by the presence of lossy dielectric material. When the antenna is attached to the top of the body fat phantom, there is an increase of 17% in impedance, followed by 19% for the muscle phantom and 20% for the blood phantom. These phenomena correlate with the electric field intensities (V/m) observed closely at the antenna through various layers of mediums (z-axis) and along antenna edges (y-axis), which have shown significant increments of 29.7% in fat, 35.3% in muscle and 36.1% in blood as compared to free space. This scenario has consequently shown that a significant amount of energy is absorbed in the phantoms instead of radiated to the air which has caused a substantial drop in efficiency and gain. Performance verification is also demonstrated by using a fabricated human muscle phantom, with a dielectric constant of 48, loss tangent of 0.29 and conductivity of 1.22 S/m.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  15. El Rassi E, Adappa ND, Battaglia P, Castelnuovo P, Dallan I, Freitag SK, et al.
    Int Forum Allergy Rhinol, 2019 07;9(7):804-812.
    PMID: 30809970 DOI: 10.1002/alr.22316
    BACKGROUND: Orbital cavernous hemangiomas (OCH) are the most common adult orbital tumor and represent an ideal index lesion for endonasal orbital tumor surgery. In order to standardize outcomes reporting, an anatomic-based staging system was developed.

    METHODS: An international, multidisciplinary panel of 23 experts in orbital tumor surgery was formed. A modified Delphi method was used to develop the cavernous hemangioma exclusively endonasal resection (CHEER) staging system with a total of 2 rounds being completed.

    RESULTS: Tumors medial to a plane along the long axis of the optic nerve may be considered amenable for an exclusively endonasal resection. In select cases, tumors may extend inferolaterally if the tumor remains below a plane from the contralateral naris through the long axis of the optic nerve (ie, plane of resectability [POR]). This definition reached consensus with 91.3% of panelists in agreement. Five stages were designed based on increasing technical resection difficulty and potential for morbidity. Stages were based on the relationship of the tumor to the extraocular muscles, the inferomedial muscular trunk of the ophthalmic artery (IMT), and orbital foramina. Staging by anatomic location also reached consensus with 87.0% of panelists in agreement. Size was not included in the staging system due to the lack of agreement on the contribution of size to resection difficulty.

    CONCLUSION: Endoscopic orbital tumor surgery is a nascent field with a growing, yet heterogeneous, body of literature. The CHEER staging system is designed to facilitate international, high-quality, standardized studies establishing the safety, efficacy, and outcomes of endonasal resection of OCH.

    Matched MeSH terms: Oculomotor Muscles
  16. Nayak SB, Soumya KV
    Anat Cell Biol, 2020 Mar;53(1):114-116.
    PMID: 32274257 DOI: 10.5115/acb.19.186
    Nerve to mylohyoid is a branch of inferior alveolar nerve. It arises in the infratemporal fossa and runs in the mylohyoid groove of mandible to reach the submandibular region, where it supplies the anterior belly of digastric and mylohyoid muscles. Though sensory distribution of this nerve have been described, it is predominantly a motor nerve. Here, a rare intra-mandibular origin of nerve to mylohyoid has been presented. This nerve arose from the inferior alveolar nerve inside the mandible and came out to the submandibular region by passing through a small foramen present on the medial surface of the body of the mandible. It ended by supplying the anterior belly of digastric and mylohyoid muscles. The knowledge of this variation could be of importance to maxillofacial surgeons and radiologists.
    Matched MeSH terms: Neck Muscles
  17. Palash MAU, Islam MS, Bayero AS, Taqui SN, Koki IB
    Environ Toxicol Pharmacol, 2020 Nov;80:103440.
    PMID: 32585422 DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2020.103440
    This study is focused on the determination of trace metals (Cr, Cu, Zn, As, Pb, and Cd) concentrations of nine different indigenous fish species of Meghna River in Bangladesh to know the possible risk in human consumption. Fishes' wet muscles samples were analyzed to evaluate the level of trace metal concentrations. The concentrations (mg kg-1 w/w) of the six selected trace metals were in the order Zn (1.42 ± 0.12) > Cr (1.31 ± 0.08) > Cu (0.92 ± 0.09) > Pb (0.54 ± 0.07) > Cd (0.51 ± 0.07) > As (0.47 ± 0.02). The results revealed that all the selected trace metals were below the maximum permissible limits recommended by the reference standards. The fish species may pose no risk with respect to the Estimated Daily Intake (EDI). Target hazard quotient (THQ) values for Cr, Cu, Zn, Pb, and Cd in all the fish species were <1.0, except for As which is dominantly organic in fishes. Both adults and children are vulnerable to carcinogenic health threat due to Cd exposure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  18. Ismail SMY, Murray CM, Olusa TAO, Ismail MM, Hailat NQ, Yen HH, et al.
    Anat Histol Embryol, 2022 Jan;51(1):143-152.
    PMID: 34882828 DOI: 10.1111/ahe.12771
    This study was conducted to describe the morphometrics of nuchal ligament and investigate the effects of different neck and body positions on the nuchal ligament in greyhounds. Nine adult greyhounds cadavers without any locomotion abnormalities were dissected through the neck musculature on the left side to expose the nuchal ligament. Three pins were placed to mark regions of interest on the nuchal ligament: at one cm cranial to the site of origin (the most dorsal point of the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra), at the midpoint of the nuchal ligament and one cm caudal to the nuchal ligament site of insertion (close to the caudal aspect of the spinous process of the axis). Each cadaver was positioned on a masonite board and placed on a table on the floor in their lateral recumbency and seven different standardized body positions; P1-P7 were mimicked using goniometers and metal wires. Photographs were taken by positioning and fixing the camera above the nuchal ligament region. The length and widths (W1, W2 and W3) of nuchal ligament were measured using Image Pro software (Image-Pro Express version 5.0) on standardized photographs of each of seven different body and neck positions. The length of nuchal ligament in relation to the neutral position (P1) was less (- 7%, p > 0·05) in P6 (neck elevated) and increased in all other positions (+1%, p > 0·05 for P2, +19%, p  0·05 for P5, +40%, p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Neck Muscles
  19. Noor NM, Mustaffa Z, Nizam A, Mohd Zim MA, Ng LWC, Mirza FT
    BMJ Open, 2023 Jul 18;13(7):e068776.
    PMID: 37463801 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-068776
    INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been on the rise, with acute exacerbation of COPD associated with the highest burden and multiple pulmonary and systemic consequences. People with COPD have been found to have an abnormal response of systemic inflammation. To date, although limited, there are studies that suggest negative associations between inflammatory markers and important clinical outcomes such as exercise capacity and muscle force. This protocol aims to systematically review the evidence for (i) the associations between inflammatory markers and lung function, muscle force and exercise capacity and (ii) the influence of other factors (eg, hospitalisation, exercise programme) on the level of inflammatory markers in people with COPD.

    METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Scopus, PubMed, Cochrane, Web of Science and ProQuest will be searched from database inception to February 2023 using PEO search strategy (Population: adults with COPD; Exposure: inflammatory markers; Outcomes: lung function, muscle force and exercise capacity). Four reviewers working in pairs will independently screen articles for eligibility and extract data that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Depending on the design of the included studies, either Cochrane risk-of-bias version 2 or the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale tools will be used to rate the methodological quality of the included studies. Effect sizes reported in each individual study will be standardised to Cohen's d and a random effects model will be used to calculate the pooled effect size for the association.

    ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethical approval is unnecessary as this study will only use publicly available data. The findings will be disseminated through publication in peer-reviewed journals and conferences.


    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  20. Rahman NIA, Lam CL, Sulaiman N, Abdullah NAH, Nordin F, Ariffin SHZ, et al.
    Int J Mol Sci, 2023 Aug 22;24(17).
    PMID: 37685856 DOI: 10.3390/ijms241713051
    Muscular dystrophy is a heterogenous group of hereditary muscle disorders caused by mutations in the genes responsible for muscle development, and is generally defined by a disastrous progression of muscle wasting and massive loss in muscle regeneration. Pax7 is closely associated with myogenesis, which is governed by various signaling pathways throughout a lifetime and is frequently used as an indicator in muscle research. In this review, an extensive literature search adhering to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines was performed to identify research that examined signaling pathways in living models, while quantifying Pax7 expression in myogenesis. A total of 247 articles were retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS), PubMed and Scopus databases and were thoroughly examined and evaluated, resulting in 19 articles which met the inclusion criteria. Admittedly, we were only able to discuss the quantification of Pax7 carried out in research affecting various type of genes and signaling pathways, rather than the expression of Pax7 itself, due to the massive differences in approach, factor molecules and signaling pathways analyzed across the research. However, we highlighted the thorough evidence for the alteration of the muscle stem cell precursor Pax7 in multiple signaling pathways described in different living models, with an emphasis on the novel approach that could be taken in manipulating Pax7 expression itself in dystrophic muscle, towards the discovery of an effective treatment for muscular dystrophy. Therefore, we believe that this could be applied to the potential gap in muscle research that could be filled by tuning the well-established marker expression to improve dystrophic muscle.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
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