Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 7036 in total

  1. Nik Azlan, N.M., Muhammad Yusri, Y.
    Medicine & Health, 2019;14(1):44-52.
    Door to needle (DTN) time for thrombolysis in the Emergency Department, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (ED, UKMMC) is an indicator that can reduce mortality and morbidity of patients with ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI). This study was conducted to determine factors that influence DTN time for acute ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) and whether it has achieved the recommended time of 30 minutes. A cross-sectional study was conducted among patients diagnosed with acute STEMI and thrombolysed in ED, UKMMC from June 2016 until March 2017. A data collection sheet was used to collect patient’s demographic data and clinical data which included time of arrival to ED, time of initial electrocardiogram (ECG), time of drug preparation and time of thrombolytic delivery to the patient. A total of 98 patients were included in this study. Majority of patients (77.6%) were thrombolysed more than 30 minutes following ED arrival. Mean DTN in ED, UKKMC was 59.28 + 36.01 minutes. The mean door to ECG time was 7.19 + 8.08 minutes and the mean drug preparation time was 9.86 + 7.51 minutes. Out of 76 (77.6%) patients that were thrombolysed after 30 minutes of ED arrival, 59.2% (n=45) were due to multiple disciplinary referral. Other factors were delay in performing initial ECG 19.8% (n=15), incorrect initial ECG interpretation 9.2% (n=7) and unavoidable need for prior resuscitation 9.2% (n=7). As a conclusion this study showed that there was an unacceptable delay in hospital thrombolysis for acute STEMI.
    Industrial development plays the most important role inthe degradationof the global environment. In line with this issue, most universities in the world have introduced environmentalmanagement to increase awarenessamong young generation towards the environment. Therefore, this study is employed to examine the influences of hygiene practices, awareness and involvement levels towards environmentalhygiene among UMT students. The design of this study is quantitative using cross-sectionaldata collectedfrom students at residential colleges in Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. A total of 120 respondents participatedbut only data from 100 students could be used for further analysis after the datascreening process. The result of this study showed that the level of awareness of UMT students on environmental issues could be categorized as moderate. Besides that, this study found that the level of awareness had significant positive influences on environmentalhygiene. Meanwhile, hygiene practices and the level of involvement did not have significant influences on environmentalhygiene. In addition, using the findings of this study, we suggest that the stakeholders of UMT increase the hygiene practice and involvement among young generation to increase the level of awareness regarding environmental hygiene.
    Parser is aprocess of classifying sentence structuresof a language. Parser receives a sentence and breaks it up into correct phrases. The purpose of this research is to develop a Malay single sentence parser that can help primary school studentsto learn Malay language according to the correct phrases. Thisis because research in Malay sentenceparsinghasnot gottenenough attention from researchers tothe extent ofbuildingparserprototypes. This research used top-down parsing technique,and grammar chosen was context-free grammar (CFG) for Malay language. However, to parse a sentence with correct phrase was a difficult task due to lack of resourcesfor obtainingMalay lexicon. Malay lexicon is a database that storesthousands of words with their correct phrases. Therefore, this research developeda Malay lexicon based on an articlefrom Dewan Masyarakatmagazine. In conclusion, this research can providehelpto the primaryschoolstudentsto organize correct Malay single sentences.
  4. Zuroni Md Jusoh, Muhammad Mustaqim Abdul Malek
    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi amalan pengambilan makanan lestari dalam kalangan isi rumah di Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Sebanyak 200 orang responden telah dipilih secara pensampelan rawak mudah dan maklumat dikumpul dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik. Hasil analisis regresi linear pelbagai menunjukkan pengaruh faktor-faktor peramal bagi amalan pengambilan makanan lestari ialah sebanyak 33.8%. Kesimpulannya, faktor-faktor peramal yang mempengaruhi amalan pengambilan makanan lestari ialah kesedaran dan sikap. Oleh itu, kajian ini berpotensi sebagai sumber maklumat kepada pengeluar, pasaraya, media dan pengusaha makanan domestik berhubung kepentingan makanan lestari dalam pembangunan produk dan pengedaran bahan pengiklanan, justeru dapat menyediakan menu yang berkhasiat, sihat dan seimbang kepada masyarakat.
  5. Zubir MHM, Zaini MAA
    Sci Rep, 2020 08 20;10(1):14050.
    PMID: 32820209 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-71034-6
    This work is aimed at evaluating the conversion of Pterocarpus indicus twigs into activated carbon via composite chemical activation for methylene blue and congo red dyes adsorption. The activated carbons were prepared by single-step chemical activation using zinc chloride and/or phosphoric acid at different mass impregnation ratios at 600 °C for 90 min. The activated carbons were characterized for textural properties and surface chemistry. The batch adsorption was investigated at different concentrations (5-1,000 mg/L), contact times (2-540 min) and temperatures (30-60 °C). Phosphoric acid-activated twigs carbon showed a high surface area of 1,445 m2/g with maximum methylene blue adsorption capacity of 438 mg/g. On the other hand, a composite-activated carbon yields a 217 mg/g of congo red removal. The adsorption data for both dyes fitted well with Langmuir and pseudo-second-order kinetics models, indicating the predominance of chemical adsorption through monolayer coverage of dye molecules on the homogenous surface of activated carbon. The thermodynamics properties of dye adsorption onto twigs-derived activated carbons indicated that the process is endothermic, spontaneous and favourable at high temperature. Overall, activated carbons derived from Pterocarpus indicus twigs could be effectively used for dye wastewater treatment.
  6. Muhammad Raqib Mohd Sofian, Azman Azwan Azmawati
    Malaysia has previously experienced various incidents and issues involving race and religion and it has caused problems in terms of relations between races and religions. Issues involving religion and race often involve Islam, which is also the official religion of Malaysia. Islam is often a sensitive subject because it is often used as a tool to maintain the hegemony and status quo by the government in the context of Malaysia. In 2013, a non-governmental organization known as " COMANGO" submitted several demands involving human rights in Malaysia to the United Nations (UN) at the Universal Periodic Assessment (UPR). COMANGO was said to have made several demands that challenged the position of Islam and Malays in Malaysia and also promoting free sex. This issue has received widespread coverage in the Malaysian press; especially the mainstream press and it is seen as an issue that can benefit the government to strengthen their power by playing this issue to the general public. Therefore, this article aims to examine the messages delivered by the mainstream press on this issue, specifically Utusan Malaysia and The Star. The findings of the study show that the two newspapers provide almost the same coverage with little differences. Utusan Malaysia is seen as strongly opposing to COMANGO demands and elevates the UMNO party as a party that really fight for Islam while The Star, although seen as giving COMANGO more opportunities to express their stance, is seen to be cautious in their reporting on the issue
  7. Ghauri HN, Ijaz M, Ahmed A, Muhammad Naveed MUA, Nawab Y, Javed MU, et al.
    J Parasitol, 2021 03 01;107(2):295-303.
    PMID: 33844841 DOI: 10.1645/20-50
    Anaplasmosis is a widespread vector-borne disease affecting dogs, and Anaplasma platys is the major etiological agent of the disease. The study examines anaplasmosis molecular prevalence, related risk factors, and alteration of hematological variables in Anaplasma-affected dogs. A total of 150 blood samples were collected from dogs in the district of Lahore, Pakistan. The samples were screened with PCR targeting the 16S rRNA gene of Anaplasma. Sequencing of samples that were found positive after performing PCR was conducted. A questionnaire was developed to collect epidemiological data on subject dogs, and the information was analyzed with a logistic regression model using SPSS. The current study revealed an 11.34% (17/150) prevalence of anaplasmosis in dogs based on PCR detection. Tick infestation, previous tick history, house hygiene, and tick control status were major risk factors linked with disease occurrence. Red blood cell count, packed cell volume, hemoglobin, and platelet count were decreased significantly (P < 0.05) in Anaplasma-infected dogs. Phylogenetically, the 2 isolates of the current study clustered together, and that cluster was very similar to A. platys isolates from India, Malaysia, and Thailand.
  8. Muhammad Iqbal, S., Bahman, J., Aslinda, C.M.
    Medicine & Health, 2020;15(1):18-33.
    Kejatuhan adalah isu kesihatan yang sering dikaitkan dengan warga emas di seluruh dunia. Kejatuhan boleh menyebabkan kesan negatif pada individu dan juga menyebabkan kematian dalam kes tertentu. Kajian semasa kejatuhan adalah amat terhad di Malaysia. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk merumuskan kajian semasa yang dijalankan di Malaysia yang mengenai prevalens dan ciri-cirinya. Artikel telah dikenalpasti melalui menggunakan pangkalan data elektronik berikut: EBSCOhost, ClinicalKey, ScienceDirect, Wiley Online Library, SpringerLink dan Google Scholar. Pemilihan artikel adalah terhad kepada artikel bahasa Inggeris yang diterbitkan antara tahun 2013 hingga 2019. Kajian ini menilai golongan warga emas yang berumur 60 tahun ke atas; sama ada di kediaman, komuniti atau institut perubatan. Sembilan artikel yang berkaitan telah dikenalpasti dan disiasat. Hasil kajian menunjukkan variasi yang ketara dengan julat 4-74 % dalam prevalens kejatuhan di kalangan warga emas di Malaysia. Salah satu kajian yang dijalankan dalam komuniti menunjukkan prevalens kejatuhan yang lebih rendah. Majoriti peristiwa kejatuhan berlaku pada waktu pagi seperti yang dilaporkan oleh tiga kajian iaitu sebanyak 49%-64.7%. Kejatuhan dalam kawasan bangunan adalah jumlah tertinggi lokasi jatuh dengan 50-87% manakala di luar bangunan adalah 13-49.3%. Lokasi di bilik mandi / tandas mempunyai peratusan kejatuhan tertinggi dalam bangunan. Kejatuhan yang menyebabkan kecederaan adalah antara 47% -82%. Perubahan pada prevalens kejatuhan dalam warga emas ditentukan oleh faktor-faktor seperti lokasi dan keadaan kesihatan. Maklumat yang dikumpulkan dalam kajian ini menunjukkan terdapat kekurangan alat ukur piawai bagi mengkaji ciri-ciri kejatuhan di Malaysia. Kajian prospektif diperlukan untuk menubuhkan prevalens dan hubungan faktor-kesan kejatuhan di Malaysia.
  9. Muhammad Fauzinizam Razali, Abdus Samad Mahmud
    Introduction: Most patients with malocclusion are given orthodontic leveling therapy with the aim of reducing the vertical discrepancy between teeth. This computational study aims to evaluate the degree of deformation of su- perelastic NiTi arch wire upon bending at different deflections in a bracket system. Methods: A three-dimensional finite-element model of a wire-bracket system was developed to simulate the bending behavior of superelastic NiTi arch wire in three-brackets configuration. A superelastic subroutine was integrated in the model to anticipate the superelastic behavior of the arch wire. The mid span of the arch wire was loaded to different extent of deflections, ranging from 1.0 to 4.0 mm. The mechanical deformation of the arch wires was accessed from three parameters, in specific the unloading force, the bending stress and the martensite fraction. Results: The superelastic wire deflected at 4.0 mm yielded smaller unloading force than the wire bent at 1.0 mm. The bending stress was highly localized at the wire curvature, with the stress magnitude increased from 465 MPa at 1.0 mm to 951 MPa at 4.0 mm deflection. The martensite volume consistently increased throughout the bending, with a fully transformed martensite was ob- served as early as 2.0 mm of deflection. The magnitude of bending stress and the volume of fully transformed mar- tensite increased gradually in relation to the wire deflection. Conclusion: The wire-bracket system induced localize wire deformation, hindering complete utilization of superelasticity during orthodontic treatment.
  10. Muhammad Najib Mohamad Alwi, Rafidah Bahari
    Introduction: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition which develops following exposure to life-threatening events. This cross-sectional study was conducted among adult patients from all walks of life who had injuries related to motor vehicle accidents to determine the cut-off point of the Malay Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist For DSM-5 (MPCLC-5) for its use as a screening tool for PTSD in the Malaysian population. Methods: Using convenient sampling method, 204 subjects who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were recruited and they were given the 17 item self-rated MPCLC-5 to fill up. Subsequently, trained personnel administered the gold standard Clinician Administered PTSD Scale for DSM 5 (CAPS-5). ROC curve analysis was done to determine appropriate cut-off point for the MPCLC-5. Results: Cut off point of 42/43 would yield the most preferable sensitivity and specificity for MPCLC-5 when compared to CAPS-5 (Sensitivity: 67.56% (95%CI 55.68% to 78.00%); Specificity : 80% (95% CI 72.08% to 86.50%) ). Conclusion: The easy to administer MPCLC-5 is suitable for screening of PTSD among local patients with a proposed cut off point of 42/43.
    This study examines the impact of tax on consumption behaviour by focusing on selected countries from Asia. The study adopts panel fixed effect and random estimators to gauge the influence of tax on consumption expenditures. Findings of the study support negative influence of tax on household consumption. The finding is parallel with the absolute income hypothesis that high volume of tax collected from the public results in falling households’ disposable incomes, hence downwardly affecting households’ consumption levels. The study’s finding implies the importance of carefully observing appropriate tax policy that suit the country’s level of development in promoting high rates of economic growth and consumption.
  12. Edre MA, Muhammad Adil ZA, Jamalludin AR
    Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a novel pandemic that affects every other country in the world. Various countries have adopted control measures involving restriction of movement. Several studies have used mathematical modelling to predict the dynamic of this pandemic. Forecasting techniques can be used to predict the incidence cases for the short term. The study aims to forecast the COVID-19 incidence using the Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) method. MATERIALS AND METHODS:Using publicly available data, we performed a forecast of Malaysia COVID-19 new cases using Expert Modeler Method in SPSS and ARIMA model in R to predict COVID-19 cases in Malaysia. We compare 3 different time frames based on different Movement Control Order (MCO) period. We compare the model fit and prediction across models.RESULTS:All models show static cases for each MCO 7-day prediction. For prediction until 12 May, the third MCO time frame shows the best model fit for both techniques. Both software shows a stationary trend of cases of below 100. CONCLUSION:These MCO models have shown to stabilize the rate of new cases. Further sub analysis and quality of data is needed to improve the accuracy of the model.
  13. Norlaili, A.H., Roselina, K., Muhammad, T.S.
    Malays J Nutr, 2014;20(3):403-415.
    Introduction: Cosmos caudatus (Ulam Raja) is rich in phytochemicals and can be utilised in diet diversification strategies to improve the health of individuals. lbis study was designed to incorporate dry and aqueous extracts of C. caudatus for the preparation of herbal noodles. Methods: For this purpose, different proportions of dry extract (2, 4 and 6% dry extract) and aqueous extract (5, 10 and 15% aqueous extract) of C. caudatus were used. The physicochemical properties of noodles evaluated were pH, cooking time, cooking loss, texture and colour. Total polyphenol contents (TPq and 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay were carried out to assess the antioxidant potential. Lastly, sensory appraisal of functional noodles was carried out to assess consumer acceptance and marketability. Results: The results on physicochemical properties indicated that the pH value of noodles varied from 8.66 to 10.47. In terms of textural analysis and colour properties, firmness and greenness (a*) were higher in dry extract noodles. TPC varied between 115to149 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE/lOOg) whilst the highest DPPH free radical inhibition was exhibited in herbal noodles prepared using 4% dry extract (92.8%). In contrast, in terms of sensory appraisal, herbal noodles prepared with aqueous extract were more acceptable than dry extract noodles. Conclusion: C. caudatus can be utilised to prepare herbal noodles thus enhancing the dietary intake of phytochemicals especially antioxidants. Such functional foods can improve the health of consumers and offer the potential of protection against various ailments.
  14. Muhammad Hamdan, Raja Mohammed Firhad Raja Azidin
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2020;9(1):77-88.
    This case study aims to discuss a proposal for identifying anterior cruciate ligament injury (ACL) risk by observing the variability of side cutting kinematics with respect to the development of fatigue. One participant (n=1) sustained an ACL injury while performing a side-cutting task during the latter stages of a soccer match a few months after a recorded laboratory session. Data from his laboratory session were then compared to matched samples of seventeen healthy, uninjured participants (n=17). The injured participant was found to have performed his side-cutting task with a lower deviation than mean variability before the later stages of the second half of simulated soccer match-play. Over time, the participant performed sidecutting tasks with increasing variability in sagittal plane kinematics, suggesting that compensatory actions may have been implemented to facilitate the task execution. This elevated variability may be indicative of an increased risk of ACL injury. Further prospective investigation is warranted to gain a deeper understanding of how variabilities may play a role in task execution performance with respect to injury mechanisms.
  15. Rafidah Bahari, Muhammad Najib Mohamed Alwi
    Objective: The aim of this paper is to examine medical students’ views on the usefulness of a community project as a venue to train professionalism. Methods:Medical students at Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) were surveyed following psychiatry community projects organized during year 4 undergraduate attachments in psychiatry. Results: A total of 176 students returned the survey forms. A majority of medical students thought that the psychiatry community project promotes teamwork and leadership skills. About a quarter thought that it helped foster their communication ability and encouraged them to be more reflective in their daily lives. These findings were translated into the potential of the community project to train “collaborative” and “managerial” affective domain learning outcomes of the university. Conclusions: The findings indicate that psychiatry community project or similar programmes may be useful tools to train several elements of medical professionalism. Future research however should utilise specific measurements to confirm this finding.
  16. Kamran Ali, Ashfaq Akram, Muhammad Usman Akhtar
    Osteomyelitis of the mandible, a serious complication of untreated odontogenic infection has been reported. This case report describes an interesting presentation of chronic suppurative osteomyelitis (CSO) of the mandible in a 13 years old anaemic male patient. Investigations revealed inversion of his permanent teeth leading to trans-cutaneous extra-oral eruption along with marked destruction of mandible on the affected side. The treatment included a pre surgical course of antibiotics followed by the removal of the retained second premolar tooth, surgical debridement of the affected bone, and resection of the cutaneous sinus tract. The post-operative healing was uneventful. A combination of antibiotic therapy and surgical debridement were effective in the treatment of chronic suppurative osteomyelitis.
  17. Muhammad Hibatullah Roml, Farahiyah Wan Yunus
    Introduction: Investigation on spiritual issue in healthcare practice received less attention. Muslims valued pray activity or known as salat as one of the important daily activity. However, negligible study is available on salat as the end goal of occupational therapy intervention. This study aims to investigate the awareness and the impact of Muslim-culture on occupational therapists in Malaysia. Methods: A cross-sectional survey study was conducted via internet-based and manual paper-and-pencil survey throughout occupational therapists in Malaysia. Descriptive and inferential statistics using percentage, Cronbach’s alpha and Chi-square was implemented on the findings. Results: In total, 119 occupational therapists responded. The questionnaire has overall internal consistency ofα = 0.74. Occupational therapists have positive perceptions on spiritual activity but poorly translated into service implementation and faced challenges. Factors such as level of education, years of experience, religion, working location and work setting were significant on the awareness, perception, practice and challenges. Cultural-based practice is challenging for occupational therapy even in the majority-practice context. Occupational therapists should differentiate between belief and activity in spiritual issue to provide a better assistance for the clients. Conclusion: This study showed continuing education is desired to drive the occupational therapy profession for a better cultural-sensitivity service delivery.
  18. Hussain MA, Ashraf MU, Muhammad G, Tahir MN, Bukhari SNA
    Curr Pharm Des, 2017;23(16):2377-2388.
    PMID: 27779081 DOI: 10.2174/1381612822666160928143328
    The therapy of various diseases by the drugs entrapped in calixarene derivatives is gaining attraction of researchers nowadays. Calixarenes are macrocyclic nano-baskets which belong to cavitands class of host-guest chemistry. They are the marvelous hosts with distinct hydrophobic three dimensional cavities to entrap and encapsulate biologically active guest drugs. Calixarene and its derivatives develop inclusion complexes with various types of drugs and vitamins for their sustained/targeted release. Calixarene and its derivatives are used as carriers for anti-cancer, anti-convulsant, anti-hypertensive, anthelmentic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipsychotic drugs. They are the important biocompatible receptors to improve solubility, chemical reactivity and decrease cytotoxicity of poorly soluble drugs in supramolecular chemistry. This review focuses on the calixarene and its derivatives as the state-of-the-art in host-guest interactions for important drugs. We have also critically evaluated calixarenes for the development of prodrugs.
  19. Hussain Imam Muhammad Ismail, Azizi Omar
    Familial Paroxysmal Rhabdomyolysis of the non-exertional variety is a rare but treatable disorder previously not described in Malaysia. We report 3 Malay siblings of a consanguinous marriage who developed myoglobulinuria during a febrile illness. The first 2 died without being investigated, but the last had creatinine kinase levels of 24,800 UIL suggesting acute rhabdomyolysis. Fasting appears to be a major precipitating factor, and glucose infusions combined with alkaline diuresis may be life-saving.
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