Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 592 in total

  1. Pradhan RP, Arvin MB, Nair MS, Bennett SE
    Eval Program Plann, 2023 Oct;100:102340.
    PMID: 37402334 DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2023.102340
    In this study, we explore the dynamics between innovation, institutional quality, and foreign-aid flows in middle-income countries. Using an appropriate econometric model, we investigate the links between these variables in 79 middle-income countries (MICs) over 2005-2020. The results from our study show that foreign aid, institutional quality, and innovation have strong endogenous relationships. The short-run outcomes show that innovation Granger-causes institutional quality; foreign aid Granger-causes innovation; and quality of institutions Granger-causes foreign aid. The long-run outcomes indicate that institutional quality and innovation significantly affect the flow of foreign aid to the MICs. These results indicate that policy-makers in both foreign aid donor and recipient countries should pursue appropriate policies on foreign aid, quality of institutions, and innovation. For instance, in the short run, planners and evaluators in donor countries can direct their aid to MICs that have persistent challenges in improving their institutions and enhancing their innovative capabilities. In the long run, recipient countries ought to recognize that their institutional quality and innovation have a considerable impact on the inflows of foreign aid to their countries.
  2. M Hizam SM, Al-Dhahebi AM, Mohamed Saheed MS
    Polymers (Basel), 2022 Nov 24;14(23).
    PMID: 36501520 DOI: 10.3390/polym14235125
    The increasing demand to mitigate the alarming effects of the emission of ammonia (NH3) on human health and the environment has highlighted the growing attention to the design of reliable and effective sensing technologies using novel materials and unique nanocomposites with tunable functionalities. Among the state-of-the-art ammonia detection materials, graphene-based polymeric nanocomposites have gained significant attention. Despite the ever-increasing number of publications on graphene-based polymeric nanocomposites for ammonia detection, various understandings and information regarding the process, mechanisms, and new material components have not been fully explored. Therefore, this review summarises the recent progress of graphene-based polymeric nanocomposites for ammonia detection. A comprehensive discussion is provided on the various gas sensor designs, including chemiresistive, Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM), and Field-Effect Transistor (FET), as well as gas sensors utilising the graphene-based polymer nanocomposites, in addition to highlighting the pros and cons of graphene to enhance the performance of gas sensors. Moreover, the various techniques used to fabricate graphene-based nanocomposites and the numerous polymer electrolytes (e.g., conductive polymeric electrolytes), the ion transport models, and the fabrication and detection mechanisms of ammonia are critically addressed. Finally, a brief outlook on the significant progress, future opportunities, and challenges of graphene-based polymer nanocomposites for the application of ammonia detection are presented.
  3. Krishnan S, Blebil AQ, Dujaili JA, Chuang S, Lim A
    PMID: 37361790 DOI: 10.1007/s10639-023-11745-1
    As we enter a world of blended learning in higher education, an increased need for adaptation of teaching strategies to enhance engagement has been recognised to amplify learning outcomes online. Gamification has been identified as a creative tool to engage the current cohort of learners who are also characteristically tech-savvy. To this end, escape room games have gained considerable traction in medical and pharmacy education to promote learning, critical thinking and teamwork. In this pilot study we describe the implementation of a 60-minute, web-based hepatitis-themed escape room game within a Year 3 Pharmacotherapy unit at Monash University. A total of 418 students participated in this activity. Students' knowledge gain on the topic was assessed through a pre- and post-intervention assessment, whereby a statistically significant improvement was seen in the knowledge score following implementation of the gaming activity (58.66% pre-intervention vs. 72.05% post-intervention, p 
  4. Shahidi S, Hashemi-Firouzi N, Afshar S, Asl SS, Komaki A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2019 Mar;26(2):40-51.
    PMID: 31447607 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2019.26.2.5
    INTRODUCTION: Intracerebroventricular administration of streptozotocin (icv-STZ) induced apoptosis changes in neurons similar to Alzheimer's disease. The serotonergic system via its receptor involved in survival of neurons. The present study examined the ability of selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist (NAD-299) and 5-HT2A receptor agonist (TCB-2) to attenuate the apoptosis caused by the icv-STZ in the rat.

    METHODS: The icv-STZ (3 mg/kg, 10 μL, twice) induced neuronal loss in the hippocampus of adult male rats. Animals were divided into naive control, sham-operated, STZ+saline (1 μL, icv), STZ+NAD-299 (5 μg/μL, icv), STZ+TCB-2 (5 μg/μL, icv), and STZ+NAD-299+TCB-2 (5 μg/μL of any agent, icv) groups. Following the 35 days' treatment period, neuronal apoptosis was detected using the Tunnel. Cells with morphological features of apoptotic cell were contended by microscopy.

    RESULTS: TCB-2 and NAD-299 administration decreased number of apoptotic neurons in the treatment group compared with the STZ group. Combined treatment of STZ rat with NAD+TCB more decreased number of apoptotic cells in compare to TCB-2 or NAD-299 treated STZ groups.

    CONCLUSION: Treatment with 5-HT1A receptor antagonist or 5-HT2A receptor agonist diminished apoptosis. The beneficial effect of 5HT1A receptor inhibition was potentiated with activation of 5-HT2A receptor in prevention of apoptosis in hippocampus.

  5. Moradi F, Aryankhesal A, Heidari M, Soroush A, Sadr SR
    Malays J Med Sci, 2019 Sep;26(5):21-37.
    PMID: 31728116 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2019.26.5.3
    Caesarean section without medical indication imposes many problems to families, personnel and medical equipment causing some side effects to pregnant woman and foetus, compared to natural childbirth. The present study aimed to evaluate the interventions in reducing caesarean section in the world. This study was a systematic review using Embase, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, Magiran and SID databases and grey literature. All studies conducted during 2000-2018 were reviewed and finally the studies with inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected. A total of 19 studies were selected among 5,559 studies. The interventions conducted for reducing caesarean section included training the specialists and women by using Six Sigma method, changing the guidelines, reviewing the definition of natural childbirth various stages, encouraging the natural childbirth and expanding painless childbirth. All interventions were divided into educational strategy and managerial strategy. The interventions can be implemented to change the behaviour of physicians and attitude of pregnant women in order to reduce caesarean section. In this regard, the authorities are recommended to make more efforts.
  6. Bhatti SM, Zia Ul Haq M, Kanwal S, Makhbul ZKM
    Data Brief, 2024 Jun;54:110419.
    PMID: 38690320 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110419
    This dataset integrates and helps examine the impact of green intellectual capital (GIC) which comprises of green human capital (GHC), green structural capital (GSC), and green relational capital (GRC) on green organizational culture (GOC). Secondly, it enables the investigation of GOC as a mediation phenomenon between GIC and sustainable business model innovation (SBMI). Moreover, it highlights the moderation of frugal innovation (FGL) on GOC and SBMI relationship. An online survey was designed using Google forms to collect data from 345 middle/ senior management employees working in medium and large manufacturing firms in Pakistan. Unit of analysis is the organization; thus, each response represents one firm. SPSS and Smart PLS 4 were used for data analysis. Dataset demonstrates that GHC, GSC, and GRC positively impact GOC, which subsequently enhances SBMI. Moreover, effective implementation of FGL can bolster the effect of GOC on SBMI. The dataset is valuable as it can be reproduced and reanalyzed. It offers insights for professionals to revolutionize their innovation for environmental initiatives particularly in the manufacturing sector and train their staff to use modern eco-friendly ingenuities leading to enhanced business performance as well as sustainable development goals. Furthermore, the dataset holds significance for policymakers involved in implementing green economic revitalization programs, enabling them to offer incentives or penalties to encourage compliance.
  7. Chan Lai Fong, Nurashikin Ibrahim, Nur Ajjrina Abdul Rahman, Sara Bartlett, Amer Siddiq Amer Nordin, Yin, Ping Ng
    The media can be a double-edged sword in suicide prevention
    with the Werther and Papageno effect as risk and protective factors
    respectively. Objective: This article provides a brief overview of the impact
    of media suicide reporting on suicidal behaviour and suicide prevention.
    Results: In the Malaysian context, current practices of media suicide
    reporting, advocacy strategies for responsible media suicide reporting as
    well as challenges in stakeholder awareness and engagement are highlighted.
    A review of the literature suggested limited implementaton and adherence of
    media guidelines locally. Conclusions: Future research is warranted to
    establish the evidence base for effective strategies to improve stakeholder
    awareness, engagement and implementation of responsible media reporting
    of suicide.
  8. Norhayati Abdullah, Ng, Kwan Hoong, Wong, Jeannie Hsiu Ding, Ngie Min Ung, Taiman Kadni, Siti Sara Deraman
    The objective of this study is to perform a thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) postal dose quality audit for megavoltage X-ray teletherapy units in Malaysia. This audit is essential to be carried out to ensure adequate precision in the dosimetry of clinical beams before being delivered to the patients. Through this work, participating centres were requested to irradiate three capsules of TLD-100 powder with an absorbed dose to water of 2 Gy for 6MV and10MV photon beams. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s Technical Report Series No. 398 is used as a reference standard for TLD irradiation. Atotal of 22photon beamsfrom ten radiotherapy centres comprising onegovernment hospital and nineprivate medical centres were evaluated. The percentage deviation of user’s measured absorbed dose relative to Secondary Standard Dosimetry Laboratory (SSDL) mean absorbed dose was calculated. The results showed that all photon beams are within the IAEA’s acceptance limit of ± 5% except six photon beams. These centres were followed up with a second round of TLD irradiation which resulted in a better compliance.As a conclusion, regular audits should be performed to ensure consistency of radiotherapy treatment unit performances thus maintaining the accuracy of dose delivered to patients inall radiotherapy centres in Malaysia.
  9. See M, Marsham S, Chang CW, Chong VC, Sasekumar A, Dhillon SK, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:735-743.
    Sagittal otolith morphometric measurements from Malaysian Mugilidae species were selected to investigate their possible
    role in species identification, due to the Mugilidae species’ morphological similarities, and age determination. Fish
    standard length (cm), otolith length (μm), width (μm) and mass (g) measurements were taken from eight species: Chelon
    macrolepis, C. melinopterus, C. subviridis, Ellochelon vaigiensis, Moolgarda cunnesius, M. seheli, Mugil cephalus and
    Valamugil engeli. Otolith aspect ratio, OAS (otolith length divided by width), was calculated and compared between
    species. The four homogenous groups based on their OAS were C. melinopterus (mean=1.65) and V. engeli (1.66) and M.
    cunnesius (1.89) and E. vaigiensis (1.89); M. seheli (2.08), C. macrolepis (2.14) and M. cephalus (2.17); and the latter
    two with C. subviridis (2.43). The relationships between fish standard length and otolith length/mass showed positive
    correlations for both, with otolith length providing the stronger correlation (rs
    = 0.897, P < 0.001) than otolith mass (rs
    = 0.795, P < 0.001). It is concluded that the more morphologically similar species have similar otolith aspect ratios,
    related to head shape; however, otolith shape is also affected by a variety of other environmental factors that have to
    be taken account of
  10. Merican AM, Kwan MK, Cheok CY, Wong ELW, Sara TA
    Med J Malaysia, 2005 Jun;60(2):218-21.
    PMID: 16114164
    Near total amputation of the upper limb if unsalvageable would cause severe disability. However, delayed revascularisation can be life threatening. We report two cases of revascularisation of the upper limb following near total amputation that was successful and functional after a warm ischaemic time of ten hours. The first was a traction avulsion injury of the arm leaving major nerves contused but in continuity. The second was a sharp injury through the mid-forearm attached by only a bridge of skin. Attempting revascularisation of a proximal injury beyond 6 hours, in selected cases is worthwhile.
  11. Sirol Aflah Syazatul S, Piciucchi S, Tomassetti S, Ravaglia C, Dubini A, Poletti V
    Sci Rep, 2020 07 02;10(1):10906.
    PMID: 32616807 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-67938-y
    Bronchiolitis manifests as a variety of histological features that explain the complex clinical profiles and imaging aspects. In the period between January 2011 and June 2015, patients with a cryobiopsy diagnosis of bronchiolitis were retrospectively retrieved from the database of our institution. Clinical profiles, imaging features and histologic diagnoses were analysed to identify the role of cryobiopsy in the diagnostic process. Twenty-three patients with a multidisciplinary diagnosis of small airway disease were retrieved (14 females, 9 males; age range 31-74 years old; mean age 54.2 years old). The final MDT diagnoses were post-infectious bronchiolitis (n = 5), constrictive bronchiolitis (n = 3), DIPNECH (n = 1), idiopathic follicular bronchiolitis (n = 3), Sjogren's disease (n = 1), GLILD (n = 1), smoking-related interstitial lung disease (n = 6), sarcoid with granulomatous bronchiolar disorder (n = 1), and subacute hypersensitivity pneumonitis (n = 2). Complications reported after the cryobiopsy procedure consisted of two cases of pneumothorax soon after the biopsy (8.7%), which were successfully managed with the insertion of a chest tube. Transbronchial cryobiopsy represents a robust and mini-invasive method in the characterization of small airway diseases, allowing a low percentage of complications and good diagnostic confidence.
  12. Ahmed N, Abbasi MS, Haider S, Ahmed N, Habib SR, Altamash S, et al.
    Biomed Res Int, 2021;2021:3194433.
    PMID: 34532499 DOI: 10.1155/2021/3194433
    Objective: Analyzing and comparing the fit and accuracy of removable partial denture (RPDs) frameworks fabricated with CAD/CAM and rapid prototyping methods with conventional techniques.

    Materials and Methods: The present systematic review was carried out according to PRISMA guidelines. The search was carried out on PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane collaboration, Science direct, and Scopus scientific engines using selected MeSH keywords. The articles fulfilling the predefined selection criteria based on the fit and accuracy of removable partial denture (RPD) frameworks constructed from digital workflow (CAD/CAM; rapid prototyping) and conventional techniques were included.

    Results: Nine full-text articles comprising 6 in vitro and 3 in vivo studies were included in this review. The digital RPDs were fabricated in all articles by CAD/CAM selective laser sintering and selective laser melting techniques. The articles that have used CAD/CAM and rapid prototyping technique demonstrated better fit and accuracy as compared to the RPDs fabricated through conventional techniques. The least gaps between the framework and cast (41.677 ± 15.546 μm) were found in RPDs constructed through digital CAD/CAM systems.

    Conclusion: A better accuracy was achieved using CAD/CAM and rapid prototyping techniques. The RPD frameworks fabricated by CAD/CAM and rapid prototyping techniques had clinically acceptable fit, superior precision, and better accuracy than conventionally fabricated RPD frameworks.

  13. Dewika M, Markandan K, Irfan NA, Mohd Abdah MAA, Ruwaida JN, Sara YY, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2023 May;324:138270.
    PMID: 36878370 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.138270
    The emergence of microplastics (MPs) pollution as a global environmental concern has attracted significant attention in the last decade. The majority of the human population spends most of their time indoors, leading to increased exposure to MPs contamination through various sources such as settled dust, air, drinking water and food. Although research on indoor MPs has intensified significantly in recent years, comprehensive reviews on this topic remain limited. Therefore, this review comprehensively analyses the occurrence, distribution, human exposure, potential health impact and mitigation strategies of MPs in the indoor air environment. Specifically, we focus on the risks associated with finer MPs that can translocate into the circulatory system and other organs, emphasizing the need for continued research to develop effective strategies to mitigate the risks associated with MPs exposure. Our findings suggest that indoor MPs impose potential risk to human health, and strategies for mitigating exposure should be further explored.
  14. Dewika M, Markandan K, Ruwaida JN, Sara YY, Deb A, Irfan NA, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2024 Dec 01;954:176063.
    PMID: 39245389 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176063
    Microplastic pollution has become a major global environmental issue, negatively impacting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems as well as human health. Tackling this complex problem necessitates a multidisciplinary approach and collaboration among diverse stakeholders. Within this context, the Quintuple Helix framework, which highlights the involvement of academia, government, industry, civil society, and the environment, provides a comprehensive and inclusive perspective for formulating effective policies to manage atmospheric microplastics. This paper discusses each helix's roles, challenges, and opportunities and proposes strategies for collaboration and knowledge exchange among them. Furthermore, the paper highlights the importance of interdisciplinary research, innovative technologies, public awareness campaigns, regulatory frameworks, and corporate responsibility in achieving sustainable and resilient microplastic management policies. The Quintuple Helix approach can mitigate microplastics, safeguard ecosystems, and preserve planetary health by fostering collaboration and coordination among diverse stakeholders.
  15. Leong BD, Naresh G, Hanif H, Lee SK, Zainal AA, Sara CM
    Surg Today, 2013 Aug;43(8):918-22.
    PMID: 22987278 DOI: 10.1007/s00595-012-0330-6
    Open surgical repair of axillosubclavian artery injuries is technically demanding and associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Endovascular intervention has emerged as a valuable alternative to open surgical repair. This report presents three cases with axillosubclavian artery injuries managed with endovascular intervention. All three cases had a pseudoaneurysm of the axillosubclavian artery with one case associated with an arteriovenous fistula. They were successfully treated with endovascular stenting and balloon angioplasty. There were no observed acute complications. No complications or recurrence have occurred, with a mean follow-up of 26 months. Endovascular intervention for axillosubclavian artery injuries is less invasive, safe and effective; however, data concerning the long-term effects and complications associated with this technique are lacking.
  16. Dewika M, Markandan K, Nagaratnam S, Irfan NA, Abdah MAAM, Ruwaida JN, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2025 Jan 10;959:178049.
    PMID: 39729847 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.178049
    This study examines the concentration, distribution, and characteristics of suspended microplastics (MPs) across various indoor environments in Malaysia, including offices, classrooms, landed homes, and apartments. Over a six-week period, MPs were collected using a vacuum pump and analyzed through gravimetric analysis, stereomicroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. The results revealed significant variability in MPs concentrations among different locations, with fibers identified as the predominant morphological type. The average counts of MPs in the respective environments were found to be 599 ± 182 in offices, 399 ± 52 in classrooms, 505.17 ± 203.78 in apartments, and 515 ± 134 in landed homes. Statistical analysis indicated no significant differences in MPs counts across the sampled locations. Fibers were consistently the most prevalent shape, followed by films and foams. The MPs were predominantly transparent, with sizes ranging from 101 to 500 μm. Notably, the estimated daily intake (EDI) of MPs was significantly higher in residential settings compared to offices and classrooms, raising potential health concerns regarding prolonged exposure. These findings underscore the pervasive presence of MPs in the Malaysian indoor environment and emphasize the urgent need for further research to identify their sources, assess health impacts, and develop effective mitigation strategies.
  17. Tahir AM, Chowdhury MEH, Khandakar A, Al-Hamouz S, Abdalla M, Awadallah S, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2020 Feb 11;20(4).
    PMID: 32053914 DOI: 10.3390/s20040957
    Gait analysis is a systematic study of human locomotion, which can be utilized in variousapplications, such as rehabilitation, clinical diagnostics and sports activities. The various limitationssuch as cost, non-portability, long setup time, post-processing time etc., of the current gait analysistechniques have made them unfeasible for individual use. This led to an increase in research interestin developing smart insoles where wearable sensors can be employed to detect vertical groundreaction forces (vGRF) and other gait variables. Smart insoles are flexible, portable and comfortablefor gait analysis, and can monitor plantar pressure frequently through embedded sensors thatconvert the applied pressure to an electrical signal that can be displayed and analyzed further.Several research teams are still working to improve the insoles' features such as size, sensitivity ofinsoles sensors, durability, and the intelligence of insoles to monitor and control subjects' gait bydetecting various complications providing recommendation to enhance walking performance. Eventhough systematic sensor calibration approaches have been followed by different teams to calibrateinsoles' sensor, expensive calibration devices were used for calibration such as universal testingmachines or infrared motion capture cameras equipped in motion analysis labs. This paper providesa systematic design and characterization procedure for three different pressure sensors: forcesensitiveresistors (FSRs), ceramic piezoelectric sensors, and flexible piezoelectric sensors that canbe used for detecting vGRF using a smart insole. A simple calibration method based on a load cellis presented as an alternative to the expensive calibration techniques. In addition, to evaluate theperformance of the different sensors as a component for the smart insole, the acquired vGRF fromdifferent insoles were used to compare them. The results showed that the FSR is the most effectivesensor among the three sensors for smart insole applications, whereas the piezoelectric sensors canbe utilized in detecting the start and end of the gait cycle. This study will be useful for any researchgroup in replicating the design of a customized smart insole for gait analysis.
  18. Badami ZA, Mustafa H, Maqsood A, Aijaz S, Altamash S, Lal A, et al.
    Vaccines (Basel), 2022 Dec 05;10(12).
    PMID: 36560486 DOI: 10.3390/vaccines10122076
    Vaccination plays a crucial role in controlling the rate of coronavirus transmission and infectivity. Healthcare professionals are, in fact, at the greatest risk of contracting coronavirus due to their proximity and prolonged exposure to infected patients; this certitude alone enhances the stress and anxiety among patients and professionals alike. In this study, we aimed to assess the levels of anxiety experienced by healthcare professionals in their practices before and after getting vaccinated. This cross-sectional study was carried out in 2021. An electronic survey was distributed among the non-vaccinated and vaccinated healthcare workers. The survey consisted of the following parts: demographic characteristics, coronavirus-related questions, questions related to the specific field of healthcare professions, general anxiety questions, and working-hour-related questions. The Modified General Anxiety Scale (GAD-7) was used along with the paired t-test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Spearmen's test for comparison. p ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. A total of 798 healthcare professionals participated in the study. In this study, the majority of participants were females, with 598 (74.9%) being between the ages of 21 and 30, and 646 (80.9%) participants were graduates, with the majority being dentists. Non-vaccinated healthcare professionals had severe anxiety (30.9%), whereas, in vaccinated participants, anxiety levels were minimal (56.9%). A statistically significant correlation was discovered when comparing the scores of the vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals as well as when comparing the professions of vaccinated participants, whereas no association was found with the gender and education level of participants. Vaccination is necessary for all entitled individuals to control the spread of coronavirus. It was discovered that there was an increase in anxiety levels before the vaccination was introduced. The anxiousness was greatly lessened following mass immunizations. Our research will help to raise public awareness of stigmatized mental health disorders in the healthcare industry.
  19. Zeimaran E, Pourshahrestani S, Djordjevic I, Pingguan-Murphy B, Kadri NA, Wren AW, et al.
    J Mater Sci Mater Med, 2016 Jan;27(1):18.
    PMID: 26676864 DOI: 10.1007/s10856-015-5620-2
    Bioactive glasses may function as antimicrobial delivery systems through the incorporation and subsequent release of therapeutic ions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial properties of a series of composite scaffolds composed of poly(octanediol citrate) with increased loads of a bioactive glass that releases zinc (Zn(2+)) and gallium (Ga(3+)) ions in a controlled manner. The antibacterial activity of these scaffolds was investigated against both Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative (Escherichia coli) bacteria. The ability of the scaffolds to release ions and the subsequent ingress of these ions into hard tissue was evaluated using a bovine bone model. Scaffolds containing bioactive glass exhibited antibacterial activity and this increased in vitro with higher bioactive glass loads; viable cells decreased to about 20 % for the composite scaffold containing 30 % bioactive glass. The Ga(3+) release rate increased as a function of time and Zn(2+) was shown to incorporate into the surrounding bone.
  20. Mariapun S, Ho WK, Kang PC, Li J, Lindström S, Yip CH, et al.
    Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 2016 Feb;25(2):327-33.
    PMID: 26677210 DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-15-0746
    Mammographic density is an established risk factor for breast cancer and has a strong heritable component. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for mammographic density conducted in women of European descent have identified several genetic associations, but none of the studies have been tested in Asians. We sought to investigate whether these genetic loci, and loci associated with breast cancer risk and breast size, are associated with mammographic density in an Asian cohort.
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