Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 1239 in total

  1. Chen PCY
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 1987;1(1):34-7.
    PMID: 3452377 DOI: 10.1177/101053958700100109
    Unlike much of Peninsular Malaysia, the Baram District of Sarawak remains sparsely populated and underserved, one of the most underserved peoples being the nomadic and semi-nomadic Penans of the Baram. Until quite recently these Penans lived as small nomadic bands of hunter-gatherers. More recently, they have begun to settle in longhouses. However, lacking the necessary skills to live a settled mode of life, these Penans suffer a great deal of hunger, malnutrition, disease and death. Primary health care with its emphasis on the seven essential elements, including food production and nutrition, environmental sanitation, good maternal and child health, knowledge of disease and how it can be prevented as well as the treatment and control of locally endemic diseases, is of critical value in the survival of the semi-nomadic Penans. The specially designed primary health care programme for the Penans of the Baram is outlined briefly in this paper.
    Keyword: Baram, Penans, Primary Health Care, Sarawak, Village Health Promoter.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups*
  2. NurWaliyuddin HZ, Edinur HA, Norazmi MN, Sundararajulu P, Chambers GK, Zafarina Z
    Int J Immunogenet, 2014 Dec;41(6):472-9.
    PMID: 25367623 DOI: 10.1111/iji.12161
    The KIR system shows variation at both gene content and allelic level across individual genome and populations. This variation reflects its role in immunity and has become a significant tool for population comparisons. In this study, we investigate KIR gene content in 120 unrelated individuals from the four Malay subethnic groups (Kelantan, Jawa, Banjar and Pattani Malays). Genotyping using commercial polymerase chain reaction-sequence-specific primer (PCR-SSP) kits revealed a total of 34 different KIR genotypes; 17 for Kelantan, 15 for Banjar, 14 for Jawa and 13 for Pattani Malays. Two new variants observed in Banjar Malays have not previously been reported. Genotype AA and haplotype A were the most common in Jawa (0.47 and 0.65, respectively), Banjar (0.37 and 0.52, respectively) and Pattani (0.40 and 0.60, respectively) Malays. In contrast, Kelantan Malays were observed to have slightly higher frequency (0.43) of genotype BB as compared with the others. Based on the KIR genes distribution, Jawa, Pattani and Banjar subethnic groups showed greater similarity and are discrete from Kelantan Malays. A principal component plot carried out using KIR gene carrier frequency shows that the four Malay subethnic groups are clustered together with other South-East Asian populations. Overall, our observation on prevalence of KIR gene content demonstrates genetic affinities between the four Malay subethnic groups and supports the common origins of the Austronesian-speaking people.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups/genetics*
  3. Tuan Abdul Aziz TA, Teh LK, Md Idris MH, Bannur Z, Ashari LS, Ismail AI, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2016;16(1):284.
    PMID: 27009064 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-2848-9
    Despite the strategic development plan by the authorities for the Orang Asli, there are six subtribes of which their population numbers are small (less than 700). These minorities were not included in most of the health related studies published thus far. A comprehensive physiological and biomedical updates on these small subtribes in comparison to the larger subtribes and the urban Malay population is timely and important to help provide appropriate measures to prevent further reduction in the numbers of the Orang Asli.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  4. Chen PCY
    World Health Forum, 1988;9(3):323-6.
    PMID: 3252811
    A study in Sarawak, Malaysia, revealed diverse opinions, prejudices and degrees of knowledge about leprosy among various ethnic groups. The information gathered was used as the base on which a health education package relating to the disease was established. It is intended that this will lead to the early detection and treatment of a higher proportion of cases than has previosly been possible
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  5. Asit Sena, Saidatul Norbaya Buang, Mohd Shahriel Md Daud, Soh Chin Li, Zaleha Sulaiman, Kaharnisah Mat Noor, et al.
    Introduction: Thalassaemia is an autosomal recessive disorder affecting 5 percent of the Malaysian population. The state of Sabah has the highest number of transfusion dependent thalassaemia and β-thalassaemia carrier in Malay-sia. For Malaysia to be successful in the prevention of thalassaemia, Sabah needs to be focused on the preventive activities in areas with high prevalence of β-thalassaemia carriers. Thus, identifying the mapping of β-thalassaemia is crucial for planning for prevention activities. The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of β-thalas-saemia by districts and ethnic groups in Sabah. Methods: This study used data from Form 4 Thalassaemia Screening Records in 2017. The data were cleaned and analysed using Excel spreadsheet to calculate for the national and state specific prevalence of β-thalassaemia carrier. Subsequently, the data was used for mapping of high-risk districts and ethnic groups in Sabah. Results: A total of 31,655 Form 4 students from 242 secondary schools were screened in Sa-bah in 2017 and 1150 (3.6%) were diagnosed as β-thalassemia carrier. The prevalence of β thalassaemia carrier was higher in the West Coast of Sabah which include Kota Marudi District (11.1%), Nabawan (9.0%), Tambunan (8%), Tongod (7.5%), Ranau (7.0%), Kota Belud (5.0%), Kudat (4.6%), Tenom (4.1%) and Tuaran (4.0%). In the East Coast of Sabah, there was only the Beluran District (5.0%) had prevalence that higher than the state average. β-thalassae-mia carriers were more likely to be of Dusun, Kadazan Dusun followed by Bajau, Murut and Rungus ethnic group. Conclusion: The distribution of β-thalassaemia carrier in Sabah was concentrated in the West Coast of Sabah and more common among the Dusun, Kadazan Dusun followed by Bajau, Murut and Rungus ethnic group. Thus, the thalassaemia prevention activities should be focuses in these areas and ethnic groups.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  6. Siti Aishah Md Halim, Noor Ezailina Badarudin, Hasbullah Mohamad
    Al Quran and Al Hadith are not book of sciences, but books of Divine guidance which can be referred to inspire in understanding things including the scientific nature of creation. This study was performed to compile the Quranic verses (Juz 16-30) and Hadith of Sahih Muslim which are related to visual function with scientifically proven facts. Five keywords were chosen based on the process of seeing which were “light”, “eye/eyes” and “sight” and the synonyms of sight which were “vision” and “see”. Search engine, Search Truth was used to help gather the verses and hadiths comprising the keywords. Cross reference with the original copy of the Holy Quran and book of Sahih Muslim was done to ensure the authenticity of the Quranic verses and hadiths. Existing scientific facts regarding the revelation were then gathered to support the findings.There were 377 Quranic verses (Juz 16-30) containing the words “light”, “eye/eyes” and “sight” (and its synonyms). Out of this, only 6 Quranic verses have relation to visual function and have been scientifically proven. For hadith of Sahih Muslim, there were 1285 hadiths containing the words “light”, “eye/eyes” and “sight” (and its synonyms). Out of 1285 hadiths only 8 hadiths of Sahih Muslim found to have relation to visual function and has scientifically proven facts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  7. Noorazmil Bin Noorta, Maureen De Silva
    Darwinisme sosial merupakan sebuah teori yang diagungkan oleh kuasa Barat bagi mewujudkan jurang perbezaan manusia dalam pelbagai aspek dengan mengangkat status mereka sebagai bangsa ‘superior’, manakala bangsa kulit hitam dan berwarna pula dikategorikan sebagai ‘inferior’ atau “lesser breed’’ pada abad ke-19. Justeru kajian ini akan memberi tumpuan kepada analisis bagaimana kuasa barat cuba untuk mengimplementasikan teori ini kepada penduduk di Borneo Utara dengan menggunakan dan menerapkan sistem sosial serta budaya mereka sebagai acuan bagi membentuk masyarakat yang mempunyai ketamadunan moden seperti yang mereka percayai bahawa itu merupakan tanggungjawab mereka menerusi slogan “white man burden”. Bagi mencapai objektif ini, kaedah kajian secara kualitatif telah digunakan dengan merujuk kepada sumber primer dan sekunder sebagai sumber utama. Sumber-sumber tersebut merupakan bahan yang dapat diakses di Arkib Negeri dan perpustakaan, serta terdiri daripada buku dan artikel yang terdapat dalam jurnal. Selain itu, sumber daripada laman sesawang yang releven juga digunakan bagi mengukuhkan hujah dan perbincangannya. Dapatan utama kajian ini mendapati bahawa penjajahan kuasa barat khususnya British dalam menguasai Borneo Utara bukan hanya bermatlamatkan pengeksploitasian ekonomi sahaja, namun mereka juga bertujuan untuk mengubah kehidupan tradisional penduduk tempatan memandangkan mereka beranggapan bahawa itu adalah suatu tanggungjawab yang mereka pikul dalam mendidik bangsa yang lebih rendah dari mereka, banyak berkait rapat dengan status dan maruah mereka sebagai kuasa imperialis yang mempromosikan ketamadunan. Maka, demi mencapai matlamat tersebut, pelbagai transformasi dan perubahan yang telah dilakukan oleh British dalam pelbagai aspek bagi mengubah taraf hidup penduduk tempatan khususnya dalam aspek ekonomi, politik dan sosial. Oleh itu, penulis akan membincangkan secara lebih mendalam mengenai justifikasi teori tersebut, serta dengan lebih lanjut bagi membincangkan apakah aspek dan pendekatan yang digunakan oleh Barat dalam mentamadunkan penduduk di Borneo Utara seperti apa yang mereka percayai menurut Darwinisme Sosial.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
    The use of proverbs in Iban community illustrates that the community exercise language politeness in giving reproach, advice or insinuation to others. The elements used in the proverbs also reflect and describe the culture of this community by applying their experiences and observations to the environment. This study is conducted to analyze the natural elements in Ibans’ proverbs using inquisitive semantic analysis. This research is based on two objectives, namely listing and identifying Ibans’ proverbs (jaku' sempama) which contain elements of nature in the creation and to analyzing the mind and philosophy of Iban community in the creation of proverbs (jaku' sempama) by using inquisitive semantics as the theoretical framework. The natural elements identified are divided into 4 domains, namely animals, plants, resources or energy, and the universe. This is a qualitative research. Corpus data is gathered and two informants were interviewed. The meanings of the proverbs, the cognitive and the philosophy behind the creation of the proverbs plus the intellects of the Iban community are incorporated to reveal the Iban ingenuity behind the creation of a particular proverb. This study also incorporated knowledge from other areas in giving answers on the use of the natural elements identified in the Iban proverbs. Findings show that there are hidden philosophy behind the creations of the proverbs and this philosophy can be attributed to the culture of the community that behold the proverbs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  9. Muhammad Dzulhelmi Muhammad Nasir, Mohd Tajuddin Abdullah
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2010;21(2):-.
    There is not much information available on the distribution of the Sunda colugo (Galeopterus variegates) in Malaysia, despite it being one of only two known species in the order Dermoptera. Data on the presence of the Sunda colugo and the vernacular names used by various ethnic groups throughout Malaysia were collected and compiled from various primary and secondary sources. There were 27 locations from Peninsular, 11
    locations from Sabah and 34 locations from Sarawak that reported the presence of the Sunda colugo throughout Malaysia. The various ethnic groups of Malaysia adopted 37 different vernacular names to describe the Sunda colugo. This baseline data can be useful for the management authorities in conducting periodic monitoring and will enhance our knowledge of the population dynamics of the Sunda colugo in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  10. Othman SA, Majawit LP, Wan Hassan WN, Wey MC, Mohd Razi R
    PLoS One, 2016;11(10):e0164180.
    PMID: 27706220 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164180
    To establish the three-dimensional (3D) facial soft tissue morphology of adult Malaysian subjects of the Malay ethnic group; and to determine the morphological differences between the genders, using a non-invasive stereo-photogrammetry 3D camera.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  11. Blackwell RQ, Lie-Injo LE, Weng MI
    Trop Geogr Med, 1971 Sep;23(3):294-5.
    PMID: 5099000
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  12. Noor Alaudin Abdul Wahab, Norashikin Chahed
    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data normatif timpanometri di kalangan kanak-kanak Melayu prasekolah dan membandingkannya menurut jantina. Ini kerana faktor bukan patologi seperti umur, jantina dan bangsa mempengaruhi data normatif timpanometri. Sehubungan itu, garis panduan saringan telinga tengah oleh American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) yang menggunakan data normatif timpanometri kanak-kanak Kaukasian mungkin tidak sesuai untuk populasi kanak-kanak Melayu. Parameter timpanometri yang diukur ialah puncak statik admitan akustik dikompensasi (puncak Ytm), isipadu salur telinga luar (Vea) dan kelebaran timpanogram (TW). Seramai 161 orang kanak-kanak Melayu (80 orang kanak-kanak lelaki dan 81 orang kanak-kanak perempuan) berumur antara 4 hingga 6 tahun terlibat di dalam kajian ini. Bagaimanapun, hanya seramai 45 orang kanak-kanak lelaki dan 46 orang kanak-kanak perempuan (163 dari keseluruhan 182 telinga) memenuhi kriteria inklusi iaitu lulus pemeriksaan otoskopi dan saringan pendengaran serta menunjukkan refleks akustik ipsilateral pada 1000 Hz. Ujian ANOVA Campuran dua-hala untuk membandingkan min parameter timpanometri kanak-kanak lelaki dan perempuan menunjukkan tiada perbezaan yang signifikan; min puncak Ytm (p > 0.05), min Vea (p > 0.05), dan min TW (p > 0.05). Oleh itu, data kedua-dua kumpulan ini digabungkan. Secara keseluruhan, nilai min puncak Ytm ialah 0.55 ± 0.28mmhos, min Vea ialah 0.90 ± 0.39 cm3, dan min TW ialah 104.68 ± 32.08 daPa. Julat normal persentil ke-90 bagi puncak Ytm ialah antara 0.27 hingga 1.18 mmhos, Vea antara 0.45 hingga 1.65 cm3 dan TW antara 59.60 hingga 149.80 daPa. Hasil kajian mencadangkan data normatif timpanometri ini sesuai digunakan ke atas kanak-kanak Melayu prasekolah namun ianya tidak perlu dibezakan mengikut jantina. Sekiranya setiap satu nilai TW > 200 daPa dan Vea > 1.0 cm3 oleh ASHA diaplikasi ke atas kanak-kanak Melayu prasekolah, maka masing-masing akan menyebabkan kadar rujukan yang rendah dan kadar rujukan yang berlebihan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  13. Suleiman AB
    The International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur (IMU) has just completed 20 years of success and had a series of events to celebrate its 20th anniversary as well as its achievements in 2012. As part of the 20th anniversary celebrations, IMU successfully co-hosted the Ottawa conference with the European Medical Education Association in Kuala Lumpur. This was the first time this conference was hosted in Asia and it was one of the biggest and most successful of the Ottawa Conference series ever held. This conference focuses on medical education with the major emphasis on assessment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  14. Nik Hussien, N.N., Majid, Z.A., Mutalib, K.A., Abdullah, F., Abang, A., Wan, M.N.
    Ann Dent, 1999;6(1):-.
    The prevalence of developmental defects of enamel was assessed in 4805 16-year-old schoolchildren in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas in Malaysia. In this sample, the mouth prevalence was 56.0%; tooth prevalence was 21.8%. There were significant differences between children in fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas, urban and rural areas as well as between the ethnic groups. However, there was no significant gender difference. Prevalences were lower than those reported in most other Asiancountries. However, direct comparisons could not be madedue to differences in indices and methodology used.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  15. Levin, K.B, Das, S.
    In this article, we speculate the reasons behind the death of Achilles during the Trojan war. Roots of Medicine can be traced to ancient Greek history. From the Hippocrates Oath to the Achilles tendon, it all has a long story to tell. In the history of ancient Greece, Gods played an important role in their lives and the immortals existed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  16. Shareif Alan, Mohammed Subhi
    The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of torus palatinus and torus
    mandibularis in Malaysians. The objectives are to evaluate the incidence of tori according to
    ethnicity, to assess the incidence of tori according to gender and to determine the incidence of
    torus palatinus vs torus mandibularis. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  17. Asmuje NF, Mat S, Myint PK, Tan MP
    Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord, 2022;51(5):396-404.
    PMID: 36446343 DOI: 10.1159/000526904
    INTRODUCTION: Despite cognitive impairment being a major health issue within the older population, limited information is available on factors associated with cognitive function among Asian ethnic groups. The objective of this study was to identify ethnic-specific sociodemographic risk factors which are associated with cognitive performance.

    METHODS: Cross-sectional analysis of the Malaysian Elders Longitudinal Research (MELoR) study involving community-dwelling individuals aged >55 years was conducted. Information on sociodemographic factors, medical history, and lifestyle were obtained by computer-assisted interviews in participants' homes. Cognitive performance was assessed with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) tool during subsequent hospital-based health checks. Hierarchical multiple linear regression analyses were conducted with continuous MoCA scores as the dependent variable.

    RESULTS: Data were available for 1,140 participants, mean (standard deviation [SD]) = 68.48 (7.23) years, comprising 377 (33.1%) ethnic Malays, 414 (36.3%) Chinese, and 349 (30.6%) Indians. Mean (SD) MoCA scores were 20.44 (4.92), 23.97 (4.03), and 22.04 (4.83) for Malays, Chinese, and Indians, respectively (p = 0.01). Age >75 years, <12 years of education, and low functional ability were common risk factors for low cognitive performance across all three ethnic groups. Cognitive performance was positively associated with social engagement among the ethnic Chinese (β [95% CI] = 0.06 [0.01, 0.11]) and Indians (β [95% CI] = 0.16 [0.09, 0.23]) and with lower depression scores (β [(95% CI] = -0.08 [-0.15, -0.01]) among the ethnic Indians.

    CONCLUSION: Common factors associated with cognitive performance include age, education, and functional ability, and ethnic-specific factors were social engagement and depression. Interethnic comparisons of risk factors may form the basis for identification of ethnic-specific modifiable risk factors for cognitive decline and provision of culturally acceptable prevention measures.

    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  18. Jayaraj VJ, Chong DW, Wan KS, Hairi NN, Bhoo-Pathy N, Rampal S, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2023 Jan 03;13(1):86.
    PMID: 36596828 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26927-z
    Excess mortalities are a more accurate indicator of true COVID-19 disease burden. This study aims to investigate levels of excess all-cause mortality and their geographic, age and sex distributions between January 2020-September 2021. National mortality data between January 2016 and September 2021 from the Department of Statistics Malaysia was utilised. Baseline mortality was estimated using the Farrington algorithm and data between 1 January 2016 and 31 December 2019. The occurrence of excess all-cause mortality by geographic-, age- and sex-stratum was examined from 1 January 2020 to 30 September 2021. A sub-analysis was also conducted for road-traffic accidents, ethnicity and nationality. Malaysia had a 5.5-23.7% reduction in all-cause mortality across 2020. A reversal is observed in 2021, with an excess of 13.0-24.0%. Excess mortality density is highest between July and September 2021. All states and sexes reported excess trends consistent with the national trends. There were reductions in all all-cause mortalities in individuals under the age of 15 (0.4-8.1%) and road traffic accident-related mortalities (36.6-80.5%). These reductions were higher during the first Movement Control Order in 2020. Overall, there appears to be a reduction in all-cause mortality for Malaysia in 2020. This trend is reversed in 2021, with excess mortalities being observed. Surveillance of excess mortalities can allow expedient detection of aberrant events allowing timely health system and public health responses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
  19. Najm AA, Salih SA, Fazry S, Law D
    PLoS One, 2024;19(3):e0300376.
    PMID: 38512877 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0300376
    The trends for sustainable lifestyle and marketing motivated natural product consumption, such as natural skin care products (NSCPs). Different personal, environmental, and sociocultural factors influence purchase intention (PI) for NSCPs. However, there is a lack of evidence on the role of consumers' ethnicity in the PI model. The present study investigated the moderated mediation role of ethnicity in the relationship between related factors, including environmental concern, subjective norms, health factor, Halal certificate, packaging design, past experience factor, price factor, and PI mediated by personal attitude. A web-based survey was utilized to capture quantitative data from a random sample of 330 multicultural consumer group participants. The results of the study indicated that consumers' ethnicity substantially moderated the mediation effect of personal attitude in the relationships between subjective norms, health factor, Halal certificate, packaging design, past experience factor, price factor, and PI in the model. The findings contributed to understanding of the factors that influenced the PI of consumers from diverse sociocultural contexts in the market for natural products. It contributed directly to natural product marketing and industry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ethnic Groups
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