Displaying publications 1201 - 1220 of 6762 in total

  1. Agarwal A, Singh S, Agarwal S, Gupta S
    Malays Orthop J, 2018 Nov;12(3):31-37.
    PMID: 30555644 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1811.007
    Introduction: Early diagnosis of osteoarticular tuberculosis (OATB) is essential to prevent significant functional disability. There is no single test for diagnosis. Despite an array of investigations available, definitive diagnosis at early stage before starting antitubercular drugs is still a challenge. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out between February 2016 and October 2017. All children less than 18 years of age with suspected osteoarticular tuberculosis were included. The cases were subjected to simple needle aspiration from whichever site was accessible. Multiple sample aspirations were done at site of involvement. Smears were prepared from the aspirated material. Results: Ziehl-Neelsen staining for Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB) showed deep pink red rods under light microscopy. Features suggestive of tuberculosis can be seen by May-Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining. Auramine-O staining method of detecting AFB under fluorescent microscope shows the bacilli as greenish yellow slender curved rods in dark background. Fluorescent microscopy has higher sensitivity and comparable specificity. In our study, microbiological confirmation of OATB could be done in 100% cases where the lesion could be accessed for aspiration. The molecular techniques are relatively more expensive and not available everywhere. Conclusion: Meticulous search for AFB in a well stained smear using three different staining methods provides a direct evidence of infection over costly imaging especially in poor patients seen in resource limited settings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  2. Mohamed Elias Z, Batumalai UM, Azmi ANH
    Appl Ergon, 2019 Nov;81:102879.
    PMID: 31422241 DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2019.102879
    Increasing popularity of virtual reality (VR) gaming is causing increased concern, as prolonged use induces visual adaptation effects which disturbs normal vision. Effects of VR gaming on accommodation and convergence of young adults by measuring accommodative response and phoria before and after experiencing virtual reality were measured. An increase in accommodative response and a decrease in convergence was observed after immersion in VR games. It was found that visual symptoms were apparent among the subjects post VR exposure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  3. Nalliah S, Thavarashah AS
    Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 1989 Jul;29(3):249-51.
    PMID: 2569423
    Transient blindness associated with pregnancy induced hypertension without neurological symptoms is a rare phenomenon. The blindness in these cases is postulated to be of "cortical blindness". Two such cases occurring immediately after childbirth are presented. The ophthalmic manifestations of this complication of pregnancy induced hypertension and the importance of an urgent evaluation are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  4. Abdul Rahim MF, Shaharudin S
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Dec;13(6):572-575.
    PMID: 31435380 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2018.08.001
    Objectives: This study aimed to determine isokinetic profiles of rotator cuff muscle strength and power in adolescent state-level weightlifters.

    Methods: Nineteen young state-level weightlifters performed concentric strength tests of the upper limbs using an isokinetic dynamometer. Peak torque/body weight was measured for each weightlifter in dominant and non-dominant limbs.

    Results: Peak torque/body weight was significantly different in external rotation (p  0.05). Time to peak torque in external rotation was less in the dominant than in the non-dominant limb. However, opposite results were obtained in external rotation, whereby time to peak torque was longer in the dominant limb compared to the non-dominant limb. Similarly, no significant difference was found between dominant and non-dominant limbs in terms of average power (p > 0.05).

    Conclusions: The findings of this study may help in establishing potential imbalance in variables of muscular contractions between dominant and non-dominant limbs of weightlifters. This may help to maximise performance and minimise potential shoulder injury.

    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  5. Latiff AA, Muhamad J, Rahman RA
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Feb;13(1):34-41.
    PMID: 31435300 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2017.07.003
    Objectives: Awareness of body image perception among children and adolescents has been rising during recent years. The objectives of this study were to identify body image dissatisfaction and its associated factors among primary-school students.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in seven randomly selected primary schools, involving students aged 11 to 12. A guided self-administered questionnaire, which included sociodemographic data, body mass index (BMI) parameters, and body image perception (Childress Contour Drawing Rating Scale), was used.

    Results: This study involved 776 primary-school students. Approximately 60.1% of students had body image dissatisfaction, which was significantly (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  6. Amyra Natasha A, Ahmad Syukri A, Siti Nor Diana MK, Ima-Nirwana S, Chin KY
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Apr;13(2):205-209.
    PMID: 31435325 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2017.06.005
    Background: Individuals aged 30-60 years have a high possibility of experiencing low back pain. However, children and adolescents are not exempted from this problem. This study aimed to determine the relationship between backpack usage and the frequency of low back pain in pre-university students.

    Methods: A total of 101 currently enrolled pre-university students were recruited for this cross-sectional study. They answered a questionnaire about their demographic details and their frequency of backpack usage. Their backpacks were weighed for four consecutive school days. The Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire and Body Discomfort Chart were used to rate discomfort levels.

    Results: The use and weight of a backpack were not significantly associated with low back pain, as indicated by the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire and Body Discomfort Chart (p > 0.05).

    Conclusion: This study did not find an association between the use of a backpack and low back pain in Malaysian pre-university students.

    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  7. Quadras DD, Nayak USK, Kumari NS, Priyadarshini HR, Gowda S, Fernandes B
    Dent Res J (Isfahan), 2019 7 16;16(4):209-215.
    PMID: 31303873
    Background: Fixed orthodontic appliances can release metal ions such as nickel, chromium, and zinc into saliva and blood, which can cause contact dermatitis, hypersensitivity, and cytotoxicity. This study was undertaken to assess the release of nickel, chromium, and zinc in saliva and serum of patients undergoing fixed orthodontic treatment.

    Materials and Methods: This in vivo study was conducted on 80 participants with an age range of 15-40 years. Thirty were included as controls and 50 participants were treated with fixed orthodontic appliances. Saliva and blood samples were collected at five different periods, before insertion of fixed orthodontic appliance and at 1 week, 3 months, 1 year, and 1.5 years after insertion of appliance, respectively. The metal ion content in the samples were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Mean levels of nickel, chromium, and zinc in saliva and serum were compared between groups using independent sample t-test and before and after results using paired t-test. P < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.

    Results: At the end of 1.5 years, the mean salivary levels of nickel, chromium, and zinc in controls were 5.02 ppb, 1.27 ppb, and 10.24 ppb, respectively, as compared to 67 ppb, 30.8 ppb, and 164.7 ppb at the end of 1.5 years. This was statistically significant with P < 0.001. A significant increase in the metal ion levels were seen in participants with before and after insertion of appliance (P < 0.001).

    Conclusion: Orthodontic appliances do release considerable amounts of metal ions such as nickel, chromium, and zinc in saliva and serum. However, it was within permissible levels and did not reach toxic levels.

    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  8. Ang CS, Teo KM, Ong YL, Siak SL
    Addict Health, 2019 Jan;11(1):1-10.
    PMID: 31308904 DOI: 10.22122/ahj.v11i1.539
    Background: The exponential growth of smartphones has afforded many users with ubiquitous access to socialization as seen in the various mobile apps used to communicate and connect with others. The present study employed mixed-method approaches to analyse the impact of phubbing on social connectedness among adolescents in Malaysia.

    Methods: A total of 568 adolescents were participated in quantitative surveys, and of these participating adolescents, 6 were further invited to join focus group interviews.

    Findings: Quantitative findings supported the mediating role of communication disturbance in the relationships between phone obsession and familial connectedness, school connectedness, and self-connectedness, but not for friendship connectedness. Qualitative findings further elucidated the detrimental effect of phone obsession on their sense of belonging from the perspectives of adolescents.

    Conclusion: This study reaffirms that phubbing behaviour is predictive of social disconnectedness. Therefore, preventive and treatment interventions should be developed to avoid and control a potential risk of social disconnectedness epidemics attribute to phubbing.

    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  9. Sulaiman W, Abdullah AC, Chung SF, Karim N, Tang JJ
    Oman Med J, 2019 Jul;34(4):345-349.
    PMID: 31360325 DOI: 10.5001/omj.2019.67
    Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly known as Churg-Strauss syndrome) is a rare vasculitis in children. It commonly presents with respiratory symptoms, especially asthma, allergic rhinitis, and peripheral eosinophilia. Involvement of other systems, such as renal and cardiac, may carry a poor prognosis. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies have been found less frequently in children with this condition. We report a case of a 15-year-old male who presented with indurated and pruritic papules on both legs and peripheral eosinophilia without other system involvement. Histopathological findings from a skin biopsy were suggestive of eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies were negative.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  10. Ludin SM, Rashid NA
    Enferm Clin, 2019 09;29 Suppl 2:674-680.
    PMID: 31311746 DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.04.103
    OBJECTIVE: Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivors show physical and functional improvement but remain with the cognitive and psycho-social problem through our recovery. This study aims to measure the health-related quality of life of TBI survivors within 6 months post-injury.

    METHOD: A cohort study was conducted where 33 severe TBI survivors recruited at two tertiary hospitals. The health-related quality of life was measured using the Quality of Life after Brain Injury (QOLIBRI) tool.

    RESULTS: Participants mean age was 31.79 years old. The impaired range of health-related quality of life on 6 months post-injury seen, but an improvement occurs within 3-6 months post-injury.

    CONCLUSIONS: Age and ventilation duration showed a moderate negative correlation in all domains and length of hospital stay showed a moderate negative correlation to social, daily life and self-domains. Nevertheless, small sample size and time constraint were the limitations of this study.

    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  11. Kwan MK, Chiu CK, Goh SH, Ng SJ, Tan PH, Chian XH, et al.
    Clin Spine Surg, 2019 Jul;32(6):256-262.
    PMID: 30640749 DOI: 10.1097/BSD.0000000000000769
    STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective study.

    OBJECTIVE: This study looked into whether crossbar can reliably measure Upper Instrumend Vertebra (UIV) tilt angle intraoperatively and accurately predict the UIV tilt angle postoperatively and at final follow-up.

    SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Postoperative shoulder imbalance is a common cause of poor cosmetic appearance leading to patient dissatisfaction. There were no reports describing the technique or method in measuring the UIV tilt angle intraoperatively. Therefore, this study was designed to look into the reliability and accuracy of the usage of intraoperative crossbar in measuring the UIV tilt angle intraoperatively.

    METHODS: Lenke 1 and 2 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis patients who underwent instrumented Posterior Spinal Fusion using pedicle screw constructs with minimum follow-up of 24 months were recruited for this study. After surgical correction, intraoperative UIV tilt angle was measured using a crossbar. Immediate postoperative and final follow up UIV tilt angle was measured on the standing anteroposterior radiographs.

    RESULTS: A total of 100 patients were included into this study. The reliability of the intraoperative crossbar to measure the optimal UIV tilt angle intraoperatively was determined by repeated measurements by assessors and measurement by different assessors. We found that the intra observer and inter observer reliability was very good with intraclass correlation coefficient values of >0.9. The accuracy of the intraoperative crossbar to measure the optimal UIV tilt angle intraoperatively was determined by comparing this measurement with the postoperative UIV tilt angle. We found that there was no significant difference (P>0.05) between intraoperative, immediate postoperative, and follow-up UIV tilt angle.

    CONCLUSIONS: The crossbar can be used to measure the intraoperative UIV tilt angle consistently and was able to predict the postoperative UIV tilt angle. It was a cheap, simple, reliable, and accurate instrument to measure the intraoperative UIV tilt angle.

    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  12. Mohd Nor H, Harun NA
    Case Rep Dent, 2018;2018:3230983.
    PMID: 30647975 DOI: 10.1155/2018/3230983
    The prevalence of dental erosion among children and adolescents is trending higher in recent decades and is becoming a major concern. Dental erosion can be caused by either extrinsic or intrinsic acids or both. One of the established aetiological factors for dental erosion by intrinsic acid is the gastrooesophageal reflux disease. The degree of dental erosions may be influenced by any medical conditions that cause a reduction in salivary flow such as the salivary gland excision, autoimmune disease, radiation to the head and neck regions, and medications. If left untreated, the dental erosion can cause dentine hypersensitivity, loss of occlusal vertical height, and aesthetic problems. For effective management of dental erosion, the aetiology of each case must be determined, and its detection at an early stage is of prime importance. This case report illustrates the conservative management of dental erosion in two adolescent patients presented with their medical conditions and behaviour issues. The aim of the treatments was to preserve the vitality of the affected teeth. The treatments were successfully completed using a conservative approach, with the patients' medical conditions taken into consideration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  13. Leong KF, Sato R, Oh GGK, Surana U, Pramono ZAD
    Indian J Dermatol, 2019 9 24;64(5):400-403.
    PMID: 31543536 DOI: 10.4103/ijd.IJD_44_18
    Blau syndrome (BS) is a very rare autosomal dominant juvenile inflammatory disorder caused by mutation in nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing 2 (NOD2). Usually, dermatitis is the first symptom that appears in the 1st year of life. About 220 BS cases with confirmed NOD2 mutation have been reported. However, the rarity and lack of awareness of the disease, especially in the regions where genetic tests are very limited, often result in late diagnosis and misdiagnosis. Here, we report a de novo BS case from Malaysia, which may be the first report from southeast Asia. PCR and DNA sequencing of peripheral blood mononuclear cells were performed to screen the entire coding region of NOD2 gene. A heterozygous c.1000C>T transition in exon 4, p. R334W, of the NOD2 gene was identified in the patient. This report further reaffirms the ubiquitousness of the disease and recurrency of p. R334W mutation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  14. Sprong S, Jetten J, Wang Z, Peters K, Mols F, Verkuyten M, et al.
    Psychol Sci, 2019 11;30(11):1625-1637.
    PMID: 31566081 DOI: 10.1177/0956797619875472
    Societal inequality has been found to harm the mental and physical health of its members and undermine overall social cohesion. Here, we tested the hypothesis that economic inequality is associated with a wish for a strong leader in a study involving 28 countries from five continents (Study 1, N = 6,112), a study involving an Australian community sample (Study 2, N = 515), and two experiments (Study 3a, N = 96; Study 3b, N = 296). We found correlational (Studies 1 and 2) and experimental (Studies 3a and 3b) evidence for our prediction that higher inequality enhances the wish for a strong leader. We also found that this relationship is mediated by perceptions of anomie, except in the case of objective inequality in Study 1. This suggests that societal inequality enhances the perception that society is breaking down (anomie) and that a strong leader is needed to restore order (even when that leader is willing to challenge democratic values).
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  15. Sharif Ishak SIZ, Chin YS, Mohd Taib MN, Chan YM, Mohd Shariff Z
    BMC Pediatr, 2020 03 14;20(1):122.
    PMID: 32171276 DOI: 10.1186/s12887-020-02023-x
    BACKGROUND: The 'Eat Right, Be Positive About Your Body and Live Actively' (EPaL) intervention programme was developed to prevent overweight and disordered eating in Malaysian adolescents. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the EPaL programme on knowledge, attitudes and practices on healthy lifestyle and body composition (body mass index z-score [zBMI], waist circumference [WC] and body fat percentage [BF%]) among adolescents.

    METHODS: All measures were taken at three time points: before intervention (Pre), after intervention (Post I) and 3 months after intervention (Post II). The intervention group (IG) participated in the EPaL programme for 16 weeks, whereas the comparison group (CG) received no intervention. Seventy-six adolescents (IG: n = 34; CG: n = 42) aged 13-14 years were included in the final analysis. Repeated measures analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was used to assess the impact of the EPaL intervention programme on the measures between groups (IG and CG) at Post I and Post II.

    RESULTS: The IG reported significantly higher knowledge scores at both Post I (adjusted mean difference = 3.34; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.99, 5.69; p = 0.006) and Post II (adjusted mean difference = 2.82; 95% CI = 0.86, 4.78; p = 0.005) compared with the CG. No significant differences between the IG and CG were found at either Post I or Post II in attitudes, practices, zBMI, WC and BF%. The proportion of participants who were overweight or obese was consistent from Pre to Post II in the IG (35.3%) and increased from 26.2% at Pre to 28.5% at Post II in the CG, but the difference was not statistically significant. The proportion of participants who had abdominal obesity in the IG decreased from 17.6% at Pre to 14.7% at Post II and increased from 16.7% at Pre to 21.4% at Post II in the CG, but the differences were not statistically significant.

    CONCLUSION: Despite no significant reduction of body composition, this programme shows the positive effect on the adolescents' knowledge regarding healthy lifestyle. This study contributes to the evidence on the effectiveness of school-based health interventions in Malaysian adolescents.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: UMIN Clinical Trial Registration UMIN000024349. Registered 11 October 2016.

    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  16. Navallas M, Inarejos Clemente EJ, Iglesias E, Rebollo-Polo M, Zaki FM, Navarro OM
    Pediatr Radiol, 2020 03;50(3):415-430.
    PMID: 32065272 DOI: 10.1007/s00247-019-04536-9
    Autoinflammatory diseases constitute a family of disorders defined by aberrant stimulation of inflammatory pathways without involving antigen-directed autoimmunity. They may be divided into monogenic and polygenic types. Monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes are those with identified genetic mutations, such as familial Mediterranean fever, tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic fever syndrome (TRAPS), mevalonate kinase deficiency or hyperimmunoglobulin D syndrome, cryopyrin-associated periodic fever syndromes (CAPS), pyogenic arthritis pyoderma gangrenosum and acne (PAPA) syndrome, interleukin-10 and interleukin-10 receptor deficiencies, adenosine deaminase 2 deficiency and pediatric sarcoidosis. Those without an identified genetic mutation are known as polygenic and include systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis, idiopathic recurrent acute pericarditis, Behçet syndrome, chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis and inflammatory bowel disease among others. Autoinflammatory disorders are defined by repeating episodes or persistent fever, rash, serositis, lymphadenopathy, arthritis and increased acute phase reactants, and thus may mimic infections clinically. Most monogenic autoinflammatory syndromes present in childhood. However, because of their infrequency, diverse and nonspecific presentation, and the relatively new genetic recognition, diagnosis is usually delayed. In this article, which is Part 1 of a two-part series, the authors update monogenic autoinflammatory diseases in children with special emphasis on imaging features that may help establish the correct diagnosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  17. Tengku Fazrina Tengku Mohd Arif, Farah Farhana Muhamad Hanafi, Nur Wardah Hanis Abdul Razak, Narissaporn Chaiprakit, Hazmyr Abdul Wahab
    ESTEEM Academic Journal, 2020;16(2):11-20.
    Anthropometric analysis provides the most reliable comparison of the body forms by using specific landmarks determined in respect of anatomical prominences. The knowledge of unique shape, anatomy and dimensions of the nose is very useful for surgeon undertaking its repair and reconstruction. Prosthetic rehabilitation also requires the ability to imagine the position and dimension of the nose within the facial proximity. Therefore, the access to nasal data for each
    population are advantageous. The aims were to measure parameters of external nose of a Malay population and to determine the significant difference in nose value parameters between gender and age group. The direct anthropometric measurements were carried out in 86 Malay subjects within the age range of 18 to 55 years old who attended UiTM dental clinic. Nasal landmarks were
    identified, and the nose parameters were measured using digital calliper. The values were expressed as mean, standard deviation and range. Nasal height, width and length of the nasal bridge were higher in male. The intercanthal width and philtrum length were statistically not significant for both genders. There were significant differences in nasal width, philtrum length, intercanthal width and outer intercommisural mouth width between the three age groups. However, the height of the nose, length of the nasal bridge and nasal index between age group were statistically not significant. The male population and the 41-55 years age group have higher nose value parameters. The most common type of nose was platyrrhine: broad. This study also suggested that Malay population have medium broad nose as the nasal index for both genders was ≤ 84.90.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  18. Ti TK, Yong NK
    Br J Surg, 1976 Dec;63(12):963-5.
    PMID: 1009347
    This is a review of 261 patients operated for 271 instances of mechanical intestinal obstruction over a 5-year period in a developing country in the tropics. The pattern of intestinal obstruction in Chinese is similar to that in Caucasians, where adhesions account for the largest number of cases. The occurrence in Malays, Indians, Pakistanis and Ceylonese is similar to that in other developing communities where external hernia is commonest while adhesive or tumour obstruction is rare; however, these racial groups do not exhibit the high incidence of intussusception and volvulus found in Africa and India. The operative mortality was 13-9 per cent, which is comparable to that in Western series. The major adverse factors in intestinal obstruction, i.e. extremes of age, associated disease, gangrenous bowel, large bowel obstruction and malignancy, were confirmed. Fluid and electrolyte imbalance was frequent, as in other tropical series, but with intensive preoperative correction it was not an important adverse factor.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  19. Cain SW, McGlashan EM, Vidafar P, Mustafovska J, Curran SPN, Wang X, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 11 05;10(1):19110.
    PMID: 33154450 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-75622-4
    The regular rise and fall of the sun resulted in the development of 24-h rhythms in virtually all organisms. In an evolutionary heartbeat, humans have taken control of their light environment with electric light. Humans are highly sensitive to light, yet most people now use light until bedtime. We evaluated the impact of modern home lighting environments in relation to sleep and individual-level light sensitivity using a new wearable spectrophotometer. We found that nearly half of homes had bright enough light to suppress melatonin by 50%, but with a wide range of individual responses (0-87% suppression for the average home). Greater evening light relative to an individual's average was associated with increased wakefulness after bedtime. Homes with energy-efficient lights had nearly double the melanopic illuminance of homes with incandescent lighting. These findings demonstrate that home lighting significantly affects sleep and the circadian system, but the impact of lighting for a specific individual in their home is highly unpredictable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
  20. Mohd Radzi NA, Saub R, Mohd Yusof ZY, Dahlui M, Sujak SL
    Children (Basel), 2021 Feb 14;8(2).
    PMID: 33672960 DOI: 10.3390/children8020144
    The prevalence of concurrent use of combustible and electronic cigarettes (dual-use) is on the rise among Malaysian adolescents. This study compares nicotine dependence among exclusive cigarette users, e-cigarette users, and dual adolescent users. A total of 227 adolescent smokers completed a self-administrated questionnaire with items based on Hooked on Nicotine Checklist (HONC) incorporated. Endorsement of at least one HONC item indicates nicotine dependence. Exhaled carbon monoxide readings and salivary cotinine data were also collected. Over half (52.9%) of the participants were exclusive e-cigarette users (EC). The prevalence of exclusive conventional cigarette smokers (CC) and dual users was 11.9% and 35.2%, respectively. Adolescents who have mothers with secondary school education were more likely to become addicted to nicotine (Adjusted Odd Ratio (aOR) = 2.72; 95% CI = 1.17-6.32). Adolescents' "mother's education" level predicted nicotine dependence. This highlighted the need to target families within the identified demography with a more supportive anti-tobacco program.
    Matched MeSH terms: Adolescent
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