METHODS: This was a retrospective cross-sectional study of malignant odontogenic tumours diagnosed at the Institute for Medical Research, Malaysia, from 2009 to 2019. All cases were independently reviewed and reclassified following the criteria set out in the latest edition of the World Health Organization 2017 reference text. Demographic and clinico-pathological data were recorded for each case.
RESULTS: Twenty-four cases of malignant odontogenic tumours were identified. The patients' age ranged from 16 to 79 years with the mean age at diagnosis being 50.8 years (SD = 16.18). There was a male predominance (66.7%) in this cohort of patients. The ethnic distribution appeared to reflect the Malaysian population with most cases seen amongst the Malay ethnic group (66.7%). Ameloblastic carcinoma was the most frequently diagnosed malignant odontogenic tumour (45.8%) and was also predominantly seen in males (90.9%). All patients with clear cell odontogenic carcinoma were females. There was no obvious sex predilection in primary odontogenic carcinoma not otherwise specified (NOS). The mandible (79.2%) was more frequently involved compared to the maxilla.
CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosis and management of malignant odontogenic tumours are challenging due to the rarity of these tumours. Our study has elucidated the clinico-pathological features of malignant odontogenic tumours seen in a multi-ethnic Asian population.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to identify the postoperative ISIC changes relative to preoperative ISIC after OHS, and determine their predictors, including patient characteristics factors and IS performance parameters such as inspiration volumes (ISv) and frequencies (ISf).
METHODS: This is a prospective study with blinding procedures involving 95 OHS patients, aged 52.8±11.5 years, whose ISIC was measured preoperatively (PreopISIC) until fifth postoperative day (POD), while ISv and ISf monitored with an electronic device from POD1-POD4. Regression models were used to identify predictors of POD1 ISIC, POD2- POD5 ISIC increments, and the odds of attaining PreopISIC by POD5.
RESULTS: The ISIC reduced to 41% on POD1, increasing thereafter to 57%, 75%, 91%, and 106% from POD2-POD5 respectively. Higher PreopISIC (B=-0.01) significantly predicted lower POD1 ISIC, and, together with hyperlipedemia (B=11.52), which significantly predicted higher POD1 ISIC, explained 13% of variance. ISv at relative percentages of PreopISIC from POD1-POD4 (BPOD1=0.60, BPOD2=0.56, BPOD3=0.49, BPOD4=0.50) significantly predicted ISIC of subsequent PODs with variances at 23%, 24%, 17% and 25% respectively, but no association was elicited for ISf. IS performance findings facilitated proposal of a postoperative IS therapy target guideline. Higher ISv (B=0.05) also increased odds of patients recovering to preoperative ISIC on POD5 while higher PreopISIC (B=- 0.002), pain (B=-0.72) and being of Indian race (B=-1.73) decreased its odds.
CONCLUSION: ISv appears integral to IS therapy efficacy after OHS and the proposed therapy targets need further verification through randomized controlled trials.
METHODS: We retro-spectively reviewed all TP nephrectomies performed in the Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah Alor Setar, Kedah between January 2016 and July 2017.
RESULTS: A total of 36 eligible cases were identified, 10 of which were for renal tumours and the others for nonfunctioning kidneys. There were no statistically significant differ-ences between the two groups in terms of demographics and comorbidities. We also did not identify any sta-tistically significant differences between the two groups in terms of operating time, blood loss, need for transfusion, septic complications and postoperative recovery. The only significant difference between the groups was the postoperative rise in serum creatinine, which was higher in the tumour disease group (mean rise 23.4 vs 5.35µmol/l; p = 0.012).
CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that laparoscopic nephrectomy is both feasible and safe for the treatment of tumour and non-tumour renal disease with low complication rates in both groups.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted at the University of Jordan Hospital in Amman, Jordan. During the study period, a convenience sample of patients admitted to the internal medicine and surgical wards were approached to take part in this study. Following patients' recruitments, patients were interviewed and their medical files were reviewed to obtain demographic and clinical information regarding their medical conditions and their regular use of medicines. Then, the prevelence of patients with polypharmacy were identified, and factors predicting polypharmacy among them were determined.
RESULTS: Among the 300 participants who agreed to participate in this study, females represented 45.3% of the recruited sample (n = 139), and around 48.0% (n = 144) of the study sample were elderly people (≥65 years old). Most of the recruited patients (n = 248, 82.7%) were found to use polypharmacy (≥ 5 medications). Hypertension was the most frequent medical condition among study participants (n = 240, 80.0%) followed by diabetes (n = 185, 61.7%). Results of logistic regression analysis showed that polypharmacy was only significantly affected by patients' age (OR = 2.149, P-value = .024) and monthly income (OR = 0.336, P-value = .009), while other factors were not associated with polypharmacy. Elderly patients (≥65 years) were found to have polypharmacy more significantly than non-elderly patients. Also, those with lower monthly income (<500 JD) were found to use lower polypharmacy compared with those with higher monthly income (>500 JD).
CONCLUSION: The present study showed that polypharmacy is prevalent among patients in Jordan. While polypharmacy was not affected by smoking status, gender, BMI and educational level, it was significantly affected by monthly income and age. Further plans should be put in place to reduce polypharmacy, starting with effective pharmaceutical care services leading to treatment optimisation and ensuring desired treatment outcomes.
METHOD: Thirty patients with single or multiple fractures were selected purposively for descriptive survey study between January 2018 to December 2018. Their ages varied from 41 to 80 years. There were 26 female and four males. 24 patients have single fracture and six had multiple fractures following low impact trauma. The demographic parameters were studied by structured interview schedule, and the research variable, the risk factors were studied by interview, biophysical assessment and records of BMD value through DEXA and serum level of vitamin D. Socio-demographic variables like age, sex, body weight, Body mass index (BMI), etc. were selected and their relationship were assessed to find out the risk factors of fragility fractures in society by research variables like risk factors of osteoporotic fractures. For statistical analysis of determination of association between such factors and fragility fractures, non-parametric Fisher exact test and Odds ratio was used.
RESULTS: In our study, osteoporotic fractures occurred majority (86.66%) among female maximally among 60-69 years age group. Whereas in relatively younger age (40-60 years), abnormal BMI (low or high) is responsible for fragility fracture as 46.6% of such fractures occurred in this group as 20% fracture are associated with underweight and 40.66% with overweight BMI. Tobacco smoking increases the risk of fragility fractures twice (as relative risk ratio 2) and rheumatoid arthritis increases the six-fold (as relative risk ratio 6). All 100% had history of fall. Level of serum vitamin D, low DEXA scan value (less than -2.5) and fall on ground resulting in low impact injuries shows strong association between those and fragility fractures. On the other hand, all the risk factors remain same for the recent and old fractures.
CONCLUSION: Several risk factors need to be addressed properly apart from medical managements to reduce the risk of occurrence of osteoporotic fractures.
METHODS: A mixed methods study was conducted at 20 participating EnPHC clinics in Johor and Selangor, two months after the intervention was initiated. Data collected from self-reported forms and a structured observation checklist were descriptively analysed. In-depth interviews were also conducted with 20 participants across the clinics selected to clarify any information gaps observed in each clinic, and data were thematically analysed.
RESULTS: Evaluation showed that all components of EnPHC intervention had been successfully implemented except for the primary triage counter and visit checklist. The challenges were mainly discovered in terms of human resource and physical structure. Although human resource was a common implementation challenge across all interventions, clinic-specific issues could still be identified. Among the adaptive measures taken were task sharing among staff and workflow modification to match the clinic's capacity. Despite the challenges, early benefits of implementation were highlighted especially in terms of service outcomes.
CONCLUSIONS: The evaluation study disclosed issues of human resource and physical infrastructure when a supplementary intervention is implemented. To successfully achieve a scaled-up PHC service delivery model based on comprehensive management of NCDs patient-centred care, the adaptive measures in local clinic context highlight the importance of collaboration between good organisational process and good clinical practice and process.
Method: This investigation comprises a cross-sectional descriptive study of all patients visiting two primary care clinics aged 18 years and above. Patients presenting with joint pain answered a questionnaire assessing demographic data, disabilities (measured by the Stanford HAQ-DI), and treatment options.
Results: Of 1,074 patients surveyed, 202 (18.8%) had MSK complaints. The mean age of those with MSK pain was 56.1 years. Incidence increased with age, reaching 78.8% of those over 48 years of age. The knee was the most common site of MSK pain (52.2%), with 20.3% requiring referral for specialist assessment. The median HAQ score was 0.375 and 89.6% of those surveyed had mild disability.
Conclusion: MSK pain is a common problem among patients visiting primary care clinics. The most common site of MSK pain was the knee. On formal assessment, the majority of these patients exhibited mild disability. A significant proportion of patients still required specialist referral. This finding would suggest a need for further training on the management of MSK disease at the primary care level to avoid over-burdening the secondary care services.
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 7329 colonoscopy procedures performed by 12 endoscopists between January 2012 and February 2014. The PDR, actual ADR, and estimated ADR of the entire, proximal, and distal colon, and within each colonic segment, in two patient age groups: <50 and ≥50 years, were calculated for each endoscopist.
Results: The overall polyp and adenoma prevalence rates were 19.1 and 9.3%, respectively. The average age of adenoma-positive patients was significantly higher than that of adenoma-negative patients (54 ± 12.6 years vs 42.9 ± 13.2 years, respectively). A total of 1739 polyps were removed, among which 826 were adenomas. More adenomatous polyps were found in the proximal colon (60.4%, 341/565) than in the distal colon (40.9%, 472/1154). Overall, both actual and estimated ADR correlated strongly at the entire colon level and within most colonic segments, except for the cecum and rectum. In both age groups, these parameters correlated strongly within the traverse colon and descending colon.
Conclusion: Caution should be exercised when predicting ADR within the sigmoid colon and rectum.