Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 3118 in total

  1. Asma, A.A.A.
    Discrepancies between tooth sizes can cause orthodontic problems such as crowding and improper occlusion. By identifying these problems, better orthodontic treatment outcome can be achieved. The aim of this study is to identify anterior tooth size discrepancies among 4 different types of malocclusion i.e. Class I; Class II division 1 (II/1); Class II division 2 (II/2); and Class III. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out using 200 orthodontic study models where 50 study models were taken for each of the 4 malocclusion groups. The samples were selected using random sampling technique based on the orthodontic waiting list in the Orthodontic Department, Dental Faculty, UKM. All anterior teeth were measured by the same examiner at the largest mesio-distal dimension, using a digital caliper recorded up to 0.01 mm. Comparison between the 4 groups of malocclusion were made intra-arch using individual tooth size measurement and inter-arch using Anterior Bolton Index (ABI). Results: For the intra-arch assessment, Class II/1 had significantly the largest upper and lower anterior tooth size except for its upper canine and lower central incisor. Class III group had insignificantly the smallest mandibular anterior teeth compared to other malocclusion groups. For inter-arch assessment, Anterior Bolton Index (ABI) of all samples was 79.2 ± 3.94%. The highest ABI was noted in Class II / 2 of 80.3 ± 4.71%. However, no significant differences were found among the 4 malocclusion groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: Most of the anterior teeth in Class II division 1 were the largest of all. No significant difference in the inter-arch tooth size discrepancies were detected among all malocclusion
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  2. Mohd Zaki F, Ng KL, Te BC, Azman MH, Nur Aifaa L, Mohd Razali N, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Jun;71(3):122-5.
    PMID: 27495885 MyJurnal
    Detection of neuraxial abnormality in neurologically asymptomatic adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is crucial prior to surgery. It can only be detected on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which was not routinely done in this group of patient. On the other hand, whole spine radiographs for measurement of Cobb angle have been routinely included during clinic follow-up. This study aimed to determine the correlation between Cobb angle progression and neuraxial abnormality finding on MRI in asymptomatic AIS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  3. Tan YL, Suharjono H, Lau NL, Voon HY
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Jun;71(3):111-6.
    PMID: 27495883
    The contemporary obstetrician is increasingly put to the test by rising numbers of pregnancies with morbidly adherent placenta. This study illustrates our experience with prophylactic bilateral internal iliac artery occlusion as part of its management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  4. Ewe, T.W., Chee, E.K., Chooi, Y.S., Ng, W.M.
    Malays Orthop J, 2010;4(1):8-11.
    This retrospective radiographic analysis of 57 patients (62 knees) examined two possible factors involved in pin tract fractures of the femur due to navigated total knee arthroplasty (TKA): the angle of the tracker pin with respect to the lateral femoral cortex, and the distance between the tracker pin and the lateral joint line. Our findings demonstrate a relationship between postoperative pin tract induced stress fractures (3 patients), with pin tract angles exceeding 15°. Pin placement at a site more than 10cm from the lateral joint line, did not show any significant association with risk of fracture. These findings lead to enhanced understanding of the causative factors underlying pin track femoral fractures in TKAs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  5. Gunalan R, Mazelan A, Lee Y, Saw A
    Malays Orthop J, 2016 Nov;10(3):21-25.
    PMID: 28553443 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1611.009
    Introduction: Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV) is a common congenital foot deformity that is associated with long term disability. Treatment with Ponseti method has been successful especially for children who present early. We conducted this study to investigate the age of presentation of children and report the early outcome. Materials: This is a retrospective study from a single institution. We included 31 patients with 45 idiopathic clubfeet and investigated problems and success rate at the end of serial casting. Results: Mean age at presentation was 4.9 months. The mean number of casting was 6 and mean duration of casting was 2.7 months. The initial success rate of 91.1%, with four feet (8.8%) diagnosed as resistant clubfoot and eventually required soft tissue surgery. With mean follow up of 14.1 months, four other feet (8.8%) developed relapse but were treated with repeat Ponseti method. Conclusion: Many CTEV patients present late for treatment. However, the Ponseti method remained effective with high initial success rate of 91.1%. Relapsed CTEV can still be treated successfully with repeat casting using the Ponseti method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  6. Adlina, S., Ambigga, D., Narimah, A.H.H., Ridha, A.Z.
    Home phototherapy treatment has been available in the Klang Valley (comprising Petaling ]aya, Kuala Lumpur; Shah Alam and Klang) since 2003. This study was conducted to create awareness of the existence of home phototherapy and its usage in Malaysia. This was a retrospective study using 1297 informed consent forms that parents had to read and sign prior to the commencement of home phototherapy. lt was found that the majority ofthe babies was males (41.2%), at or over 36 weelds gestation (97.2%), from areas in Selangor (57.4%), fully breastfed (53 %) and referred by doctors (98%). The mean age of the babies at initiation of lwme phototherapy was 6. 7 days. The mean bilirubin level at the start of home phototherapy was 243.8 umoVL and the mean bilirubin level at the end of home phototherapy 5 was 139.3 umoVL. The mean decrease in bilirubin level was 103.12 umoVL and the mean number of days of usage was 3.5 days which is a daily decrement of about 29 umoVL (29.46 + 13.8). Home phototherapy remains a viable clinical option for full term babies with physiological jaundice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  7. Khoo, C. C. H., Amber Haseeb, Vivek Ajit Singh
    Malays Orthop J, 2014;8(2):14-21.
    Cannulated screw fixation is a widely accepted surgical method for management of fractures of the neck of femur especially in patients with poor premorbid conditions, minimally displaced fractures and those from a younger age group. A five year retrospective study was carried out in 53 consecutive patients between 2006 to 2010 to determine the pattern of injuries, management, outcomes and the associated predictive factors.All the patients underwent cannulated screw fixation, with 37 (69.8%) having had surgery within 24 hours and the remaining 16 (30.2%) 24 hours after the initial injury. All patients were followed up to union of fractures and complications thereafter if any. Good outcome was observed in 43 (81.1%) patients leaving only 10 (18.9%) patients with a poor outcome, of whom nine developed avascular necrosis (90%) and one non-union (10%). We found no significant relationship between the incidence of avascular necrosis and age of patient, fracture displacement, numbers of cannulated screws used, fracture reduction acceptability and anatomical location of the fracture. The time interval from injury to surgery and the presence of posterior comminution did seem to influence the rate of avascular necrosis but due to the small number of patients, was not statistically significant.We conclude that cannulated screw fixation is a viable option of treatment for fractures of the neck of femur.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  8. Luvan M, Kanthan SR, Roshan G, Saw A
    Malays Orthop J, 2015 Nov;9(3):35-39.
    PMID: 28611907 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1511.005
    Corticotomy is an essential procedure for deformity correction and there are many techniques described. However there is no proper classification of the fracture pattern resulting from corticotomies to enable any studies to be conducted. We performed a retrospective study of corticotomy fracture patterns in 44 patients (34 tibias and 10 femurs) performed for various indications. We identified four distinct fracture patterns, Type I through IV classification based on the fracture propagation following percutaneous corticotomy. Type I transverse fracture, Type II transverse fracture with a winglet, Type III presence of butterfly fragment and Type IV fracture propagation to a fixation point. No significant correlation was noted between the fracture pattern and the underlying pathology or region of corticotomy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  9. Rusinahayati, M., Sivanesaratnam, V., Jayalashmi, Noraihan, M. N.
    Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical behaviour, pathological findings, survival and prognostic factors in young women in comparison to menopausal women with epithelial ovarian malignancy. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 141 patients (67 for age below 40 years and 74 menopausal) treated between 1980 and 2000 was conducted. Results: Irrespective of the stage, the most common clinical presentation was abdominal distension in both young (78%) and menopausal women (66%). In young women, 52% presented at an early stage of the disease and in menopausal women this was seen in 22% (p-value
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  10. Tan, Angelina Li San, Low, Jeffrey Fook Lee
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2014;3(1):27-37.
    The purpose of the study was to examine the developmental pathways of elite youth swimmers. Swim-related developmental activities of elite and sub-elite youth swimmers were examined. Fifteen elite (8 males; 7 females) and 15 subelite (5 males; 10 females) youth swimmers were recruited for the study. A semistructured questionnaire was used to record retrospectively the hours engaged in swim-related activities (i.e., structured and unstructured activities) from beginning of career. No significant differences were found for swim-related developmental milestones for both elite and sub-elite swimmers. Overall, the elite swimmers accumulated more hours in swim-related activities than the sub-elites between 6-15 years of age. Although the former accumulated more hours in both structured and unstructured swimming activities between 6-12 years of age, no significant differences were found between the groups. However, the elite swimmers accumulated significantly more hours in structured swimming activities between 13-15 years of age. Both groups had analogous developmental pathways during childhood but the onset of adolescence led to different outcomes. The increased hours in structured practice during adolescence is suggested to have influenced the level of attainment in swimmers. Incremental amount of training at certain age period is critical in developing optimum performance in sports.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  11. Effiong CE, Laditan AA, Aimakhu VE, Ayeni O
    Niger Med J, 1976 Jan;6(1):63-8.
    PMID: 16295069
    A retrospective study of birthweights, the incidence, and possible aetiology of low birthweight in 31,490 Nigerian children, delivered in two hospitals at Ibadan, is reported. The important findings were: (a) mean birthweights for males (3,000 gm), and for females (2,880 gm) in a non-teaching hospital were significantly higher than 2,980 gm and 2,860 gm for males and females respectively in the teaching hospital; (b) the mean birthweights for boys were significantly higher than those for girls in both hospitals; (c) these mean birthweights, though generally higher than previous reports from Nigeria, were significantly lower than those for North American Caucasian and Negro babies, and of babies of three different racial groups in Malaysia. Other interesting, though expected findings were: (a) a high incidence of low birthweight (15.5 per cent) and (b) a high incidence of small for dates babies (60 per cent). It is suggested that since birthweights, the incidence of low birthweight and its aetiology are vital in the planning of health care in any country, a prospective study involving many urban and rural areas of the country and including factors known to influence birthweight should be undertaken.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  12. Yap, Yee Wooi, Azillah Mohd Al, Nur’Adilah Ahmad Othman, Siti Norhazlin Mohd Said
    Intraoral periapical radiographic film is essential and aids in diagnosis, treatment
    planning, monitoring treatment and monitoring lesion development. A poor image quality of
    radiographic film and poor record keeping of these radiographs can affect the clinician's decision
    making. This first audit was to evaluate the quality of radiographic images and the compliance in
    following the standard of recording and labeling of radiographic films. The objectives of this audit
    were; firstly to highlight any potential problems involving quality of radiographic films within the
    department. Second, to assess the compliance of record keeping and labeling of intraoral
    radiographs. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in a retrospective manner in the
    year 2017 with a sample of 100 intraoral periapical radiographic films from the year 2015 to 2016 in
    Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah. Results: This first audit cycle demonstrated: Good quality of
    radiographic films: 13% (n= 13/100), Good compliance of record keeping and labeling of radiograph: 32% (n= 32/100).
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  13. Khan, A., Mohd Noor, N.S., Sukumaran, P., Sheikh Aladin, S.H.A., Wai Ying, Y.
    Ann Dent, 2016;22(2):1-8.
    This clinical audit is aimed to provide an insight into the performance of dental technicians in rendering
    fixed prosthodontics services at Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya. A retrospective audit was
    carried out between 1st of November 2014 and 31st January 2015 using data derived from records and
    monthly returns of the technicians, which are kept at the ceramic laboratory. Retrospective data on
    cases of diagnostic wax-ups, full metal crowns, metal ceramic crowns, all ceramic crowns and bridges
    that were sent to ceramic laboratory for fabrication from 1st of September 2013 to 31st of August 2014
    was systematically extracted from the record and tabulated categorically in SPSS version 22.0. The
    turnaround time in workings day for diagnostic wax-ups and the prostheses was calculated by deducting
    exit date from entry date. Subsequently, the turnaround time and the complexity of cases were categorized
    accordingly. The association of turnaround time and the complexity of the cases was analysed using
    Fisher Exact test with p value < 0.05. Within this time frame, a total of 102 cases of diagnostic waxups,
    36 cases of crown and 18 cases of bridges were fabricated. 57.8% of diagnostic wax-ups were
    completed within 3 days. 100% of 1 unit crown were completed within 7 days and 94.4% of bridges were
    completed within 14 days. There was a significant association of turnaround time and the complexity of
    the cases for diagnostic wax-ups and crowns with p value
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  14. Nik Muhamad NA, Kwong LJ
    Medicine & Health, 2016;11(1):22-28.
    The objectives were to identify factors associated with early revisit of adult patients with acute asthma exarcebation discharged from the Emergency Department (ED). It was a retrospective cohort study with patients aged 12 years or more within a period of 1 month and who were treated for acute asthma and discharged from the ED of Sarawak General Hospital. A total of 397 patients fulfilled sampling criteria and out of this number, 13.9% had revisit to the ED within 2 weeks. In all of these revisit cases, 9.1% were actually admitted. Prescription rate of oral corticosteroid was found to be low (24.9%) and abscond rate was high (25.1%). Patients who absconded from the ED and their concurrent infection were associated with early ED revisit.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  15. Loh BC, Wah KF, Teo CA, Khairuddin NM, Fairuz FB, Liew JE
    Pharm Pract (Granada), 2017 Jan-Mar;15(1):846.
    PMID: 28503218 DOI: 10.18549/PharmPract.2017.01.846
    BACKGROUND: Value added services (VAS) are an innovative dispensing system created to provide an alternative means of collecting partial drug supply from our hospital. This in turn was projected to reduce the necessity for patient to visit pharmacy counter and thus reduce the burden of prescription handling.

    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of increased VAS uptake following promotional campaign towards patient waiting time and to explore factors that may affect patient waiting time at the Ambulatory Pharmacy, Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

    METHODS: A quasi experimental study design was conducted from September 2014 till June 2015 at the Ambulatory Pharmacy. During pre-intervention phase, baseline parameters were collected retrospectively. Then, VAS promotional campaign was carried out for six months and whilst this was done, the primary outcome of patient waiting time was measured by percentage of prescription served less than 30 minutes. A linear regression analysis was used to determine the impact of increased VAS uptake towards patient waiting time.

    RESULTS: An increased in percentage of VAS registration (20.9% vs 35.7%, p<0.001) was observed after the promotional campaign. The mean percentage of prescription served less than 30 minutes increased from 83.2% SD=15.9 to 90.3% SD=11.5, p=0.001. After controlling for covariates, it was found that patient waiting time was affected by number of pharmacy technicians (b=-0.0349, 95%CI-0.0548 : -0.0150, p=0.001), number of pharmacy counters (b=0.1125, 95%CI 0.0631 : 0.1620, p<0.001), number of prescriptions (b=0.0008, 95%CI 0.0004 : 0.0011, p<0.001), and number of refill prescriptions (b=0.0004, 95%CI 0.0002 : 0.0007, p<0.001). The increased in percentage of VAS registration was associated with reduction in number of refill prescription (b=-2.9838, 95%CI -4.2289 : -1.7388, p<0.001).

    CONCLUSIONS: Patient waiting time at the Ambulatory Pharmacy improved with the increased in VAS registration. The impact of increased VAS uptake on patient waiting time resulted from reduction in refill prescriptions. Patient waiting time is influenced by number of pharmacy technicians, number of pharmacy counters, number of prescriptions and number of refill prescriptions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  16. Ismail, N., Mohd Ali, S. S., Swaminathan, D.
    Ann Dent, 2013;20(1):8-12.
    A preliminary investigation to assess the relationship
    in the severity of periodontal disease in diabetics when
    compared with non-diabetic subjects. Materials and
    Methods: A retrospective, comparative study using
    periodontal case notes of 40 subjects (20 Type 2 diabetics,
    20 non-diabetics) who were selected based on the
    inclusion and exclusion criteria. Severity of periodontal
    disease was assessed through number of periodontal
    pocket ≥5mm. The results were compared between
    subjects whose age, gender and plaque scores are matched
    with the test group. Data obtained was then analyzed by
    SPSS Version 12. Results: When comparisons were made
    between test (Type 2 diabetic) and control (non-diabetic)
    groups, there were no significant difference (p>0.05) in
    the severity of periodontal disease. However, there was
    a clinically mean difference between the two groups.
    Conclusions: This preliminary investigation indicated
    that the severity of chronic periodontitis, as indicated in
    periodontal pocketing, increased in diabetic patients when
    compared to non-diabetics clinically, although it was not
    statistically significant. The finding of this investigation
    was thus not conclusive as it was only a retrospective
    study using patients’ case notes. However, the results
    are now being further investigated with a proper clinical
    trial which examines periodontal parameters and diabetic
    status (HbA1c) of the subjects to determine the association
    between periodontal disease and diabetes mellitus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  17. Hanipah ZN, Punchai S, McCullough A, Dasarathy S, Brethauer SA, Aminian A, et al.
    Obes Surg, 2018 11;28(11):3431-3438.
    PMID: 30109667 DOI: 10.1007/s11695-018-3372-z
    INTRODUCTION: Studies on bariatric patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension are limited. The aim of this study was to review our experience in cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension who had bariatric surgery.

    METHOD: All cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension who underwent laparoscopic bariatric surgery, from 2007 to 2017, were retrospectively reviewed.

    RESULTS: Thirteen patients were included; eight (62%) were female. The median age was 54 years (interquartile range, IQR 49-60) and median BMI was 48 kg/m2 (IQR 43-55). Portal hypertension was diagnosed based on endoscopy (n = 5), imaging studies (n = 3), intraoperative increased collateral circulation (n = 2), and endoscopy and imaging studies (n = 3). The bariatric procedures included sleeve gastrectomy (n = 10, 77%) and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (n = 3, 23%). The median length of hospital stay was 3 days (IQR 2-4). Three 30-day complications occurred including wound infection (n = 1), intra-abdominal hematoma (n = 1), and subcutaneous hematoma (n = 1). No intraoperative or 30-day mortalities. There were 11 patients (85%) at 1-year follow-up and 9 patients (69%) at 2-year follow-up. At 2 years, the median percentage of excess weight loss (EWL) and total weight loss (TWL) were 49 and 25%, respectively. There was significant improvement in diabetes (100%), dyslipidemia (100%), and hypertension (50%) at 2 years after surgery.

    CONCLUSION: Bariatric surgery in selected cirrhotic patients with portal hypertension is relatively safe and effective.

    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  18. Tan SK, Tang ATH, Leung WK, Zwahlen RA
    J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2018 Dec;119(6):461-468.
    PMID: 30099221 DOI: 10.1016/j.jormas.2018.07.004
    PURPOSE: To investigate short- and long-term post-surgical three-dimensional changes of pharyngeal airway morphology and hyoid bone position in dento-skeletal class II deformity patients after two-jaw surgery with segmentation.

    METHODS: Relations between skeletal movement, hyoid bone position and three-dimensional pharyngeal airway changes were retrospectively analyzed on pre- and post-surgical CBCTs in dento-skeletal class II patients who underwent orthognathic two-jaw surgery with segmentation.

    RESULTS: While long-term significant reductions in length (P= 0.003), surface area (P= 0.042) and volume (P= 0.004) were found in the nasopharynx, the highly significant increases in oropharyngeal airway length, surface area, volume and the minimal cross-sectional area (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  19. Mohidin N, Abd Wahab N
    Sains Malaysiana, 2010;39(2):333-336.
    A retrospective study was carried out to determine the distribution of intraocular pressure in normal patients who came for vision problems at the Optometry Clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Kuala Lumpur Campus, and to determine the differences in intraocular pressure with respect to age, gender and race. The cohort consisted of 148 subjects divided into five groups with age ranged from 10 to 59 years. The inclusion criteria were, subjects had no sistemic or ocular disease, subjects were not taking any medication, visual acuity was 6/6 or better, refractive errors < ±6.00D, astigmatism < 2.00D, anisometropia <2.00D, and mean intraocular pressure measured using the X-PERT tonometer and taken between 9 am to 2 pm. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed the mean intraocular pressure without consideration for age, race or gender was 12.6 mmHg (SD ±2.5). There was no significant differences in intraocular pressure between right and left eyes, between different age groups and between different genders. However, the intraocular pressuse for the Chinese was found to be significantly higher than the Malays. It was found that the intraocular pressure of patients who came for vision problems at the Optometry Clinic UKM follows a normal distribution and there was no significant diference found between right and left eyes, between different age groups and genders. Race seemed to contribute to the differences in intraocular pressure. Keywords: Age; clinic population; genders; pressure; intraocular pressure; race
    Study site: Optometry clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
  20. Rajandram R, Nabil S, Shareif M, Ishak I, Marhazlinda J, Nordin R, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:39-43.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between partially erupted impacted mandibular third and the risk for angle of mandible fracture. We designed a retrospective cohort study composed of patients who presented with mandible fractures. The predictor variables were the presence and angulation of the partially erupted impacted mandibular third molar and the distance between the apices of the mandibular third molar and the inferior border of the mandible. The outcome variable was the presence or absence of an angle fracture. Patients with a partially erupted impacted mandibular third molars had a 3.3 times greater chance of an angle fracture than patients without mandibular third molars (p<001). No significant association was found between the distance of the apices and angulation of the mandibular third molars to the inferior border of the mandible with angle of mandible fractures. Our findings highlight the need for enforcement of proper protective gear in young individuals who are at high risk for facial trauma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Retrospective Studies
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