Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 500 in total

  1. Nurul Shazana Abdul Hamid, Viksuthorn Ai Wen, Nur Izzati Mohd Rosli, Akimasa Yoshikawa, Akimasa Yoshikawa
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:1923-1929.
    Sistem arus di ionosfera khatulistiwa terdiri daripada elektrojet khatulistiwa (EEJ) dan suria senyap (Sq). Arus EEJ merupakan satu jalur arus yang mengalir ke arah timur sepanjang kawasan dip khatulistiwa. Arus Sq pula adalah gegelung arus yang mengalir di hemisfera utara dan selatan bumi pada arah yang bertentangan. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesan aktiviti matahari terhadap profil latitud sistem arus, khususnya di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Data yang digunakan dalam kajian ini merangkumi data geomagnet daripada lima stesen magnetometer dalam rangkaian MAGDAS iaitu stesen Muntinlupa (MUT), Cebu (CEB), Davao (DAV), Manado (MND) dan Pare Pare (PRP). Keamatan arus EEJ yang paling tinggi adalah pada waktu tengah hari sekitar 1000 dan 1100 LT semasa solar minimum dan kajian ini telah menganalisis sistem arus daripada 1000 hingga 1400 LT. Analisis menunjukkan bahawa ribut geomagnet yang berlaku pada 23 April 2008 adalah disebabkan oleh letusan jirim korona (CME) yang memberikan peningkatan kepada nilai arus pada hari tersebut. Peningkatan yang ketara dapat dilihat pada arus di stesen hemisfera selatan, iaitu stesen MND dan PRP. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, ia turut mendapati bahawa ribut geomagnet memberikan peningkatan kepada nilai arus walaupun di luar waktu puncak. Selain itu, profil arus ini turut dibandingkan dengan profil arus pada hari senyap iaitu pada 21 April 2008.
  2. Gan, Ying Shen, Akmal Sabarudin, Hamzaini Abdul Hamid, Mazli Mohd Zain, Muhammad Khalis Abdul Karim
    This study was carried out to compare the effective dose, size specific dose estimation (SSDE) and scan length between genders and between CT scanner with different slice number. A total of 245 set data of radiation dose and scan length for CT scanning procedure involving thorax, abdomen and pelvis regions were obtained retrospectively for comparisons. 111 patients (60 males and 51 females) were scanned using 160-slices CT scanner while 134 patients (71 males and 63 females) were scanned using 640-slices CT scanner. Generally, there were no significant differences in the radiation dose and scan length among genders. However, differences for SSDE in CT thorax and CT thorax-abdomen-pelvis (TAP) protocols exist whereby in CT thorax protocol, 640-slices CT scanner had a significantly higher value of SSDE (9.06±2.67 mGy) than that in 160-slices CT scanner (7.82±1.33 mGy). Similarly to the CT TAP protocol, whereby 640-slices CT scanner had a significantly lower value in SSDE (9.17±1.59 mGy) than that in 160-slices CT scanner (10.76±3.72 mGy). In conclusion, there was no significant difference in the radiation dose and scan length between genders but significant difference was only observed in SSDE due to the presence of body size variation among the study population especially in different CT scanners.

  3. Kevin Chester, Wong How Yee, Abdul Rahim Abdul Hamid, Haziq Zul Asyraf Zahari
    The fragmented and unstable nature of the construction industry associated with
    unpleasant working environment caused the diminishing preference of potential
    manpower to participate in the construction industry. An increasing number of
    construction firms are experiencing severe outflow of the workforce, not limited to loss
    of manpower, but contemporaneously, expertise and valuable experiences too. The
    construction industry is conservative and particularly resistant to synchronise with
    hectic and rapid changes to content and accommodate current demands.
    Accumulation of a few causes such as the refusal of locals to involve, unsatisfied
    working conditions, labour-intensive trades, etc had caused workforce scarcity as the
    supplies unable to overcome and cope in-parallel with the demands. The objective of
    this study was to identify labour composition (profiles) at construction sites. The
    method used to fulfil the objective was face to face questionnaire survey to the
    targeted respondents. The questionnaire consisted two (2) sections; details of the
    construction project and details of construction labours such as background, education
    and training level, working experiences, general welfare and working hours and wages.
    The collected data were analysed using percentage distribution methods and
    presented in the tables and charts for easy understanding. From the result gathered,
    the respondents’ education level is low and most of them are from the Philippines and
    Indonesia. Most of them acquire the construction skills through site experience and no
    formal training. The majority of them stayed off-site comfortably with their family and
    being paid according to their skills.
  4. Mohd-Zaki AH, Brett J, Ismail E, L'Azou M
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2014;8(11):e3159.
    PMID: 25375211 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003159
    A literature survey and analysis was conducted to describe the epidemiology of dengue disease in Malaysia between 2000 and 2012. Published literature was searched for epidemiological studies of dengue disease, using specific search strategies for each electronic database; 237 relevant data sources were identified, 28 of which fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The epidemiology of dengue disease in Malaysia was characterized by a non-linear increase in the number of reported cases from 7,103 in 2000 to 46,171 in 2010, and a shift in the age range predominance from children toward adults. The overall increase in dengue disease was accompanied by a rise in the number, but not the proportion, of severe cases. The dominant circulating dengue virus serotypes changed continually over the decade and differed between states. Several gaps in epidemiological knowledge were identified; in particular, studies of regional differences, age-stratified seroprevalence, and hospital admissions.


  5. Mohamed Saini S, Muhamad Radzi A, Abdul Rahman AH
    Asia Pac Psychiatry, 2012 Jun;4(2):126-30.
    PMID: 26767356 DOI: 10.1111/j.1758-5872.2012.00190.x
    The serotonin transporter promoter (5-HTTLPR) is a potential susceptibility locus in the pathogenesis of major depressive disorder. However, data from Malaysia is lacking. The present study aimed to determine the association between the homozygous short variant of the serotonin transporter promoter gene (5-HTTLPR) with major depressive disorder.
  6. Hema CR, Paulraj MP, Yaacob S, Adom AH, Nagarajan R
    Adv Exp Med Biol, 2011;696:565-72.
    PMID: 21431597 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7046-6_57
    A brain machine interface (BMI) design for controlling the navigation of a power wheelchair is proposed. Real-time experiments with four able bodied subjects are carried out using the BMI-controlled wheelchair. The BMI is based on only two electrodes and operated by motor imagery of four states. A recurrent neural classifier is proposed for the classification of the four mental states. The real-time experiment results of four subjects are reported and problems emerging from asynchronous control are discussed.
  7. Hidayat W, Shakaff AY, Ahmad MN, Adom AH
    Sensors (Basel), 2010;10(5):4675-85.
    PMID: 22399899 DOI: 10.3390/s100504675
    Presently, the quality assurance of agarwood oil is performed by sensory panels which has significant drawbacks in terms of objectivity and repeatability. In this paper, it is shown how an electronic nose (e-nose) may be successfully utilised for the classification of agarwood oil. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), were used to classify different types of oil. The HCA produced a dendrogram showing the separation of e-nose data into three different groups of oils. The PCA scatter plot revealed a distinct separation between the three groups. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was used for a better prediction of unknown samples.
  8. Pak-Dek MS, Abdul-Hamid A, Osman A, Soh CS
    J Food Sci, 2008 Oct;73(8):C595-8.
    PMID: 19019102 DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2008.00929.x
    Efficacy of Morinda citrifolia L. leaf (MLE) and fruit extracts (MFE) in inhibiting lipoprotein lipase (LPL) was determined in vitro. The result of the study showed that the highest inhibition on the LPL activity was exhibited by MLE (66%+/- 2.1%), which is significantly higher than that demonstrated by MFE (54.5%+/- 2.5%), green tea extract (GTE) (54.5%+/- 2.6%), and catechin (43.6%+/- 6.1%). Percent of LPL inhibition increase with concentration of the extracts. Quantitative analysis of the extracts revealed the presence of high levels of (+)-catechin at 63.5 +/- 17 and 53.7 +/- 5.7 mg/g in MLE and MFE, respectively, although not as high as that found in GTE (530.6 +/- 42 mg/g). Appreciable amount of epicatechin was found in all extracts tested, while rutin was only found in MLE and MFE. The study suggested that both leaf and fruit of M. citrifolia may be used as antiobesity agents in body weight management.
  9. Begum RA, Siwar C, Pereira JJ, Jaafar AH
    Waste Manag, 2007;27(12):1902-9.
    PMID: 17110094
    Malaysia is facing an increase in the generation of waste and of accompanying problems with the disposal of this waste. In the last two decades, extensive building and infrastructure development projects have led to an increase in the generation of construction waste material. The construction industry has a substantial impact on the environment, and its environmental effects are in direct relation to the quality and quantity of the waste it generates. This paper discusses general characteristics of the construction contractors, the contractors' willingness to pay (WTP) for improved construction waste management, determining factors which affect the amount of their willingness to pay, and suggestions and policy implications in the perspective of construction waste management in Malaysia. The data in this study is based on contractors registered with the construction industry development board (CIDB) of Malaysia. Employing the open ended contingent valuation method, the study assessed the contractors' average maximum WTP for improved construction waste management to be RM69.88 (1US$=3.6 RM) per tonne of waste. The result shows that the average maximum WTP is higher for large contractors than for medium and small contractors. The highest average maximum WTP value is RM88.00 for Group A (large contractors) RM78.25 for Group B (medium-size contractors) and RM55.80 for Group C (small contractors). One of the contributions of this study is to highlight the difference of CIDB registration grade in the WTP for improved construction waste management. It is found that contractors' WTP for improved waste collection and disposal services increases with the increase in contractors' current paid up capital. The identified factors and determinants of the WTP will assist the formulation of appropriate policies in addressing the construction waste problem in Malaysia and indirectly improve the quality of construction in the country.
  10. Abdullah KH, Saini SM, Sharip S, Rahman AH
    BMJ Case Rep, 2015 Apr 02;2015.
    PMID: 25837653 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2014-208954
    Complications of stroke can include neuropsychiatric symptoms. However, post-stroke psychosis is rare. We report a case where an acute presentation of psychosis, depression and fluctuating cognitive impairment in a middle-aged man turned out to be related to a silent brain infarction. The patient had a background of poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus with glycated haemoglobin level of 9.0-11.0%, hypertension and ischaemic heart disease. His CT brain results showed multifocal infarct with hypodensities at bilateral lentiform nucleus and bilateral corona radiata. His strong genetic predisposition of psychosis and a history of brief psychotic disorder with complete remission 3 years prior to the current presentation might possibly contribute to his post-stroke atypical neuropsychiatric presentation, and posed diagnostic challenges. He showed marked improvement with risperidone 6 mg nocte, chlorpromazine 50 mg nocte and fluvoxamine of 200 mg nocte. The need of comprehensive treatments to modify his stroke risk factors was addressed.
  11. Nakabayashi M, Inoue Y, Ahmad AH, Izawa M
    PLoS One, 2019;14(6):e0217590.
    PMID: 31194749 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0217590
    Ficus species are keystone plants in tropical rainforests, and hemi-epiphytic figs play a notably important role in forest ecosystems. Because hemi-epiphytic figs have strict germination requirements, germination and establishment stages regulate their populations. Despite the ecological importance of hemi-epiphytic figs in the rainforests, seed dispersal systems by fig-eating animals under natural conditions remain unknown because of the difficulty in tracing the destiny of dispersed seeds in the canopy. Therefore, seed dispersal effectiveness (SDE) has never been evaluated for hemi-epiphytic figs. We evaluated the SDE of hemi-epiphytic figs using qualitative and quantitative components by three relatively large-sized (> 3 kg) arboreal and volant animals in Bornean rainforests that largely depend on fig fruits in their diets: binturongs Arctictis binturong, Mueller's gibbons Hylobates muelleri, and helmeted hornbills Rhinoplax vigil. The SDE values of binturongs was by far the highest among the three study animals. Meanwhile, successful seed dispersal of hemi-epiphytic figs by gibbons and helmeted hornbills is aleatory and rare. Given that seed deposition determines the fate of hemi-epiphytic figs, the defecatory habits of binturongs, depositing feces on specific microsites in the canopy, is the most reliable dispersal method, compared to scattering feces from the air or upper canopy. We showed that reliable directed dispersal of hemi-epiphytic figs occurs in high and uneven canopy of Bornean rainforests. This type of dispersal is limited to specific animal species, and therefore it may become one of the main factors regulating low-success hemi-epiphytic fig recruitment in Bornean rainforests.
  12. Nataraj SK, Paulraj MP, Yaacob SB, Adom AHB
    J Med Signals Sens, 2020 11 11;10(4):228-238.
    PMID: 33575195 DOI: 10.4103/jmss.JMSS_52_19
    Background: A simple data collection approach based on electroencephalogram (EEG) measurements has been proposed in this study to implement a brain-computer interface, i.e., thought-controlled wheelchair navigation system with communication assistance.

    Method: The EEG signals are recorded for seven simple tasks using the designed data acquisition procedure. These seven tasks are conceivably used to control wheelchair movement and interact with others using any odd-ball paradigm. The proposed system records EEG signals from 10 individuals at eight-channel locations, during which the individual executes seven different mental tasks. The acquired brainwave patterns have been processed to eliminate noise, including artifacts and powerline noise, and are then partitioned into six different frequency bands. The proposed cross-correlation procedure then employs the segmented frequency bands from each channel to extract features. The cross-correlation procedure was used to obtain the coefficients in the frequency domain from consecutive frame samples. Then, the statistical measures ("minimum," "mean," "maximum," and "standard deviation") were derived from the cross-correlated signals. Finally, the extracted feature sets were validated through online sequential-extreme learning machine algorithm.

    Results and Conclusion: The results of the classification networks were compared with each set of features, and the results indicated that μ (r) feature set based on cross-correlation signals had the best performance with a recognition rate of 91.93%.

  13. Khazaei S, Abdul Hamid R, Mohd Esa N, Ramachandran V, Aalam GT, Etemad A, et al.
    BMC Complement Altern Med, 2017 Feb 10;17(1):104.
    PMID: 28187719 DOI: 10.1186/s12906-017-1594-6
    BACKGROUND: Liver cancer is a high incidence and fatal disease, the fifth most frequent cancer worldwide that is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage. The number of deaths from liver cancer has not declined even following various therapies. Plant secondary metabolites and their semi-synthetic derivatives play a principal role in anti-cancer drug therapy, since they are effective in the treatment of specific characteristics while also reducing side effects. Allium atroviolaceum, a plant of the genus Allium has been used in folk medicine to protect against several diseases. However, cytotoxicity and the anti-proliferative effect of Allium atroviolaceum remain unclear. This work aims to investigate the anticancer properties of Allium atroviolaceum and the mechanism of action.

    METHODS: To evaluate the in vitro cytotoxicity of flower of Allium atroviolaceum, methanol extract at a dose range from 100 to 3.12 μg/ml was assessed against the HepG2 hepatocarcinoma cell line, and also on normal 3T3 cells, by monitoring proliferation using the MTT assay method. A microscopy study was undertaken to observe morphological changes of HepG2 cells after treatment and cell cycle arrest and apoptosis were studied using flow cytometry. The apoptosis mechanism of action was assessed by the level of caspase-3 activity and expression of apoptosis related genes, Bcl-2, Cdk1 and p53. The combination effect of the methanolic extract with doxorubicin was also investigated by determination of a combination index.

    RESULTS: The results demonstrated growth inhibition of cells in both dose- and time-dependent manners, while no cytotoxic effect on normal cell 3T3 was found. The results revealed the occurrence of apoptosis, illustrated by sub-G0 cell cycle arrest, the change in morphological feature and annexin-V and propidium iodide staining, which is correlated with Bcl-2 downregulation and caspase-3 activity, but p53-independent. In addition, a combination of Allium atroviolaceum and doxorubicin led to a significant synergistic effect.

    CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that Allium atroviolaceum flower extract has potential as a potent cytotoxic agent against HepG2 cell lines, as it has commendable anti-proliferative activities against human hepatocarcinoma and it can be considered as an effective adjuvant therapeutic agent after the clinical trials.

  14. Jamal F, George J, Aziz AA, Ahmad D
    Family Practitioner, 1986;9(1):38-39.
    Pharyngeal carriage of group A streptococcus was determined in 432 primary school children between the ages of 6 and 8 years. Beta-haemolytic streptococci were isolated from throat swab culture of 71 pupils, with a carrier rate of 16.4% (71/432) of which 9.4% (39/432) belonged to Lancefield's group A. Serogrouping of the isolates was determined by the coagglutination method and Lancefield's hot acid extraction method. 54.9% (39/71) of the total beta-hemolytic streptococci isolated belonged to group A , 25.3% (18/71) to group G, 15.4% (11/71) to group C and 1.4%(1/71) to group F. T typing pattern of group A streptococcus was determined by the standard agglutination method. Sensitivity to antibiotics was determined by the disc diffusion technique (comparative method). All group A streptococcal isolates were sensitive to penicillin and erythromycin, 6 strains (15.4%) were resistant to tetracycline and 1 strain (2.5%) was resistant to cephaloridine.
  15. Kamisah Y, Zuhair JSF, Juliana AH, Jaarin K
    Biomed Pharmacother, 2017 Dec;96:291-298.
    PMID: 28992471 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopha.2017.09.095
    Parkia speciosa Hassk is a plant found abundantly in Southeast Asia region. Its seeds with or without pods and roots have been used in traditional medicine in this region to treat hypertension. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the potential effect of the plant empty pod extract on hypertension development and changes in heart induced by N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) administration in rats. Twenty-four male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into four groups. Groups 1 to 3 were given l-NAME (25mg/kg, intraperitoneally) for 8 weeks. Groups 2 and 3 were also given Parkia speciosa empty pods methanolic extract (800mg/kg, orally) and nicardipine (3mg/kg, orally), concurrently with l-NAME. The last group served as the control. l-NAME reduced plasma nitric oxide level and therefore, increased systolic blood pressure, angiotensin-converting enzyme and NADPH oxidase activities as well as lipid peroxidation in the heart. Parkia speciosa extract and nicardipine treatments had significantly prevented the elevations of blood pressure, angiotensin-converting enzyme, NADPH oxidase activities and lipid peroxidation in the heart induced by the l-NAME. Parkia speciosa extract but not nicardipine prevented the reduction in plasma nitric oxide level caused by l-NAME. In conclusion, Parkia speciosa empty pods methanolic extract has a potential to prevent the development of hypertension possibly by preventing the loss of plasma nitric oxide, as well as has cardioprotective effects by reducing angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and oxidative stress in the heart in rats administered l-NAME.
  16. Clink DJ, Groves T, Ahmad AH, Klinck H
    PLoS One, 2021;16(2):e0246564.
    PMID: 33592004 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246564
    Great argus pheasants are known for their elaborate visual mating displays, but relatively little is known about their general ecology. The use of passive acoustic monitoring-which relies on long-term autonomous recorders-can provide insight into the behavior of visually cryptic, yet vocal species such as the great argus. Here we report the results of an analysis of vocal behavior of the Bornean great argus (Argusianus argus grayi) in Sabah, Malaysia, using data collected with 11 autonomous recording units. Great argus regularly emitted two call types, the long call and the short call, and we found that although both call types were emitted throughout the day, the short calls were more likely to occur during the morning hours (06:00-12:00LT). Great argus were less likely to call if there was rain, irrespective of the time of day. A substantial portion of calls at our site (~20%) were emitted between the hours of 18:00-06:00LT. We found that for nighttime calls, calling activity increased during new moon periods and decreased during periods of rain. We attribute the negative influence of rain on calling to increased energetic costs of thermoregulation during wet periods, and propose that the influence of the lunar cycle may be related to increased predation risk during periods with high levels of moonlight. Little is known about the behavioral ecology of great argus on Borneo, so it is difficult to know if the results we report are typical, or if we would see differences in calling activity patterns depending on breeding season or changes in food availability. We advocate for future studies of great argus pheasant populations using paired camera and acoustic recorders, which can provide further insight into the behavior of this cryptic species.
  17. Ramli Hamid MT, Ab Mumin N, Abdul Hamid S, Ahmad Saman MS, Rahmat K
    Clin Radiol, 2024 Apr;79(4):e524-e531.
    PMID: 38267349 DOI: 10.1016/j.crad.2023.12.016
    AIM: To compare the diagnostic performance of abbreviated breast magnetic resonance (AB-MR) imaging (MRI) and digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) for breast cancer detection in Malaysian women with dense breasts, using histopathology as the reference standard.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a single-centre cross-sectional study of 115 women with American College of Radiology (ACR) Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BIRADS) breast density C and D on DBT with breast lesions who underwent AB-MR from June 2018 to December 2021. AB-MR was performed on a 3 T MRI system with an imaging protocol consisting of three sequences: axial T1 fat-saturated unenhanced; axial first contrast-enhanced; and subtracted first contrast-enhanced with maximum intensity projection (MIP). DBT and AB-MR images were evaluated by two radiologists blinded to the histopathology and patient outcomes. Diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value [PPV] and negative predictive value [NPV]) was assessed.

    RESULT: Of the 115 women, the mean age was 50.6 years. There were 48 (41.7%) Malay, 54 (47%) Chinese, and 12 (10.4%) Indian women. The majority (n=87, 75.7%) were from the diagnostic population. Sixty-one (53.1%) were premenopausal and 54 (46.9%) postmenopausal. Seventy-eight (72.4%) had an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Ninety-one (79.1%) women had density C and 24 (20.9%) had density D. There were 164 histopathology-proven lesions; 69 (42.1%) were malignant and 95 (57.9%) were benign. There were 62.8% (n=103/164) lesions detected at DBT. All the malignant lesions 100% (n=69) and 35.7% (n=34) of benign lesions were detected. Of the 61 lesions that were not detected, 46 (75.4%) were in density C, and 15 (24.6%) were in density D. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV for DBT were 98.5%, 34.6%, 66.3%, and 94.7%, respectively. There were 65.2% (n=107/164) lesions detected on AB-MR, with 98.6% (n=68) malignant and 41.1% (39) benign lesions detected. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV for AB-MR were 98.5%, 43.9%, 67.2%, and 96.2%, respectively. One malignant lesion (0.6%), which was a low-grade ductal carcinoma in-situ (DCIS), was missed on AB-MR.

    CONCLUSION: The present findings suggest that both DBT and AB-MR have comparable effectiveness as an imaging method for detecting breast cancer and have high NPV for low-risk lesions in women with dense breasts.

  18. Edhuan Ismail, Mohd Shukri Sirat, Abd. Malek Abdul Hamid, Raihan Othman, Mohd Mohd Hanafi Ani, Asyadi Azam Mohd Abid
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:1011-1016.
    Various production methods have been developed for graphene production, but each of them falls short in either the economic or quality aspect. In this paper, we present the flame deposition method, a modified chemical vapor deposition (CVD) that uses an open-flame. In this method, resulting carbon deposits were found to be graphitic in nature, thereby suggesting multilayer graphene growth in a very short reaction time of 5 min. Furthermore, the deposits were transferred onto a cyanoacrylate plastic substrate and its sheet resistance was measured to be 81 ohm/square. The results showed that open-flame deposition exhibits high potential for low-cost, low-energy and high-quality production of graphene.
  19. Nik Aloesnisa Nik Mohd Alwi, Zaiton Zakaria, Nor Anita Megat Mohd Nordin, Azizah Ugusman, Aminuddin Abdul Hamid Karim
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:2421-2428.
    Hypertension is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and has been associated with about 13% of global deaths
    worldwide. Oxidative stress and reduced nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability contribute to the development of endothelial
    dysfunction and subsequently hypertension. Nɷ-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride (L-NAME) inhibits NO synthesis;
    leading to hypertension. Piper sarmentosum (PS) is an herb with antioxidant, antiatherosclerosis and antiinflammation
    properties. PS also stimulated NO production by endothelial cells. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of
    aqueous extract of Piper sarmentosum (AEPS) on blood pressure, oxidative stress and the level of nitric oxide in L-NAMEinduced hypertensive rats. Hypertension was induced by oral administration of L-NAME (100 mg/L) in drinking water for
    four weeks. The rats were concurrently treated with AEPS by oral gavage in serial doses (125, 250 and 500 mg/kg/day).
    Blood pressure was measured using non-invasive tail-cuff method at baseline and fortnightly thereafter. Serum level of
    NO and an oxidative stress marker, malondialdehyde (MDA) were measured at baseline and at the end of treatment. The
    results showed that treatment with three different doses of AEPS successfully reduced systolic blood pressure (p<0.001),
    diastolic blood pressure (p<0.05) and mean arterial pressure (p<0.05) in L-NAME-induced hypertensive rats. Treatment
    with AEPS also reduced MDA level (p<0.001) and increased serum NO (p<0.001) in L-NAME-induced hypertensive rats.
    The findings showed that AEPS decreased blood pressure by protecting against oxidative stress and increasing NO in
    L-NAME-induced hypertensive rats.
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