Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 1069 in total

  1. Mohd Fozi NF, Mazlan M, Shuid AN, Isa Naina M
    Curr Drug Targets, 2013 Dec;14(14):1659-66.
    PMID: 24093748
    Osteoporosis is a progressive disease of the skeleton characterised by bone fragility due to a reduction in bone mass and possibly to alteration in bone architecture that lead to a propensity to fracture with minimum trauma. Most osteoporotic fractures occur at locations rich in trabecular or cancellous bone and usually related to post menopausal women. Recently, silymarin received attention due to its alternative beneficial effect on bone formation. It is a mixture of flavonoids with powerful antioxidant properties. This review focuses on the use of milk thistle or silymarin for the treatment of osteoporosis that may be related to fracture bone. Silymarin shows potent antioxidant herb that may modulate multiple genes in favour of helping to build bone and prevent bone loss. In the mouse fracture healing model, silymarin supplementation improved tibial healing with elevated BMD and serum levels of ALP and osteocalcin. Silymarin also demonstrated clear estrogenic antiosteoporotic effects in bone structure. Silymarin appears to play a crucial role to prevent bone loss and might regulate osteogenesis and may be beneficial for fracture healing. If silymarin is considered for the use of post menopausal women, it may be used for the treatment of osteoporosis. It would be of great benefit to postmenopausal women to develop an oestrogen antagonist that is as potent and efficacious as oestrogen in preventing bone loss without the major side effect associated with HRT.
  2. Saifuddeen SM, Rahman NN, Isa NM, Baharuddin A
    Sci Eng Ethics, 2014 Jun;20(2):317-27.
    PMID: 23836155 DOI: 10.1007/s11948-013-9457-0
    With the rapid advancements made in biotechnology, bioethical discourse has become increasingly important. Bioethics is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary field that goes beyond the realm of natural sciences, and has involved fields in the domain of the social sciences. One of the important areas in bioethical discourse is religion. In a country like Malaysia, where Muslims make up the majority of the population, Islam plays a crucial role in providing the essential guidelines on the permissibility and acceptability of biotechnological applications in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, and food processing. This article looks at the framework of a complementary model of bioethics derived from the perspective of Islam. The framework is based on 'maqasid al-shariah' (purposes or objectives of Islamic law) which aims to protect and preserve mankind's faith, life, intellect, progeny, and property. It is proposed that 'maqasid al-shariah' be used as a pragmatic checklist that can be utilized in tackling bioethical issues and dilemmas.
  3. Jie Y, Isa ZM, Jie X, Ju ZL, Ismail NH
    PMID: 23625129 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6898-1_2
    In this review, our aim was to examine the influence of geographic variations on asthma prevalence and morbidity among adults, which is important for improving our understanding, identifying the burden, and for developing and implementing interventions aimed at reducing asthma morbidity. Asthma is a complex inflammatory disease of multifactorial origin, and is influenced by both environmental and genetic factors. The disparities in asthma prevalence and morbidity among the world's geographic locations are more likely to be associated with environmental exposures than genetic differences. In writing this article, we found that the indoor factors most consistently associated with asthma and asthma-related symptoms in adults included fuel combustion, mold growth, and environmental tobacco smoke in both urban and rural areas. Asthma and asthma-related symptoms occurred more frequently in urban than in rural areas, and that difference correlated with environmental risk exposures, SES, and healthcare access. Environmental risk factors to which urban adults were more frequently exposed than rural adults were dust mites,high levels of vehicle emissions, and a westernized lifestyle.Exposure to indoor biological contaminants in the urban environment is common.The main risk factors for developing asthma in urban areas are atopy and allergy to house dust mites, followed by allergens from animal dander. House dust mite exposure may potentially explain differences in diagnosis of asthma prevalence and morbidity among adults in urban vs. rural areas. In addition, the prevalence of asthma morbidity increases with urbanization. High levels of vehicle emissions,Western lifestyles and degree of urbanization itself, may affect outdoor and thereby indoor air quality. In urban areas, biomass fuels have been widely replaced by cleaner energy sources at home, such as gas and electricity, but in most developing countries, coal is still a major source of fuel for cooking and heating, particularly in winter. Moreover, exposure to ETS is common at home or at work in urban areas.There is evidence that asthma prevalence and morbidity is less common in rural than in urban areas. The possible reasons are that rural residents are exposed early in life to stables and to farm milk production, and such exposures are protective against developing asthma morbidity. Even so, asthma morbidity is disproportionately high among poor inner-city residents and in rural populations. A higher proportion of adult residents of nonmetropolitan areas were characterized as follows:aged 55 years or older, no previous college admission, low household income, no health insurance coverage, and could not see a doctor due to healthcare service availability, etc. In rural areas, biomass fuels meet more than 70% of the rural energy needs. Progress in adopting modern energy sources in rural areas has been slow. The most direct health impact comes from household energy use among the poor, who depend almost entirely on burning biomass fuels in simple cooking devices that are placed in inadequately ventilated spaces. Prospective studies are needed to assess the long-term effects of biomass smoke on lung health among adults in rural areas.Geographic differences in asthma susceptibility exist around the world. The reason for the differences in asthma prevalence in rural and urban areas may be due to the fact that populations have different lifestyles and cultures, as well as different environmental exposures and different genetic backgrounds. Identifying geographic disparities in asthma hospitalizations is critical to implementing prevention strategies,reducing morbidity, and improving healthcare financing for clinical asthma treatment. Although evidence shows that differences in the prevalence of asthma do exist between urban and rural dwellers in many parts of the world, including in developed countries, data are inadequate to evaluate the extent to which different pollutant exposures contribute to asthma morbidity and severity of asthma between urban and rural areas.
  4. Nadia ME, Nazrun AS, Norazlina M, Isa NM, Norliza M, Ima Nirwana S
    Adv Pharmacol Sci, 2012;2012:706905.
    PMID: 22611381 DOI: 10.1155/2012/706905
    Osteoporosis is characterized by skeletal degeneration with low bone mass and destruction of microarchitecture of bone tissue which is attributed to various factors including inflammation. Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men due to reduction in estrogen during menopause which leads to decline in bone-formation and increase in bone-resorption activity. Estrogen is able to suppress production of proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, IL-7, and TNF-α. This is why these cytokines are elevated in postmenopausal women. Studies have shown that estrogen reduction is able to stimulate focal inflammation in bone. Labisia pumila (LP) which is known to exert phytoestrogenic effect can be used as an alternative to ERT which can produce positive effects on bone without causing side effects. LP contains antioxidant as well as exerting anti-inflammatory effect which can act as free radical scavenger, thus inhibiting TNF-α production and COX-2 expression which leads to decline in RANKL expression, resulting in reduction in osteoclast activity which consequently reduces bone loss. Hence, it is the phytoestrogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidative properties that make LP an effective agent against osteoporosis.
  5. Isa NM, Aris AZ, Sulaiman WN
    Sci Total Environ, 2012 Nov 1;438:414-25.
    PMID: 23022725 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.08.069
    Small islands are susceptible to anthropogenic and natural activities, especially in respect of their freshwater supply. The freshwater supply in small islands may be threatened by the encroachment of seawater into freshwater aquifers, usually caused by over pumping. This study focused on the hydrochemistry of the Kapas Island aquifer, which controls the groundwater composition. Groundwater samples were taken from six constructed boreholes for the analysis and measurement of its in-situ and major ions. The experimental results show a positive and significant correlation between Na-Cl (r=0.907; p<0.01), which can be defined as the effect of salinization. The mechanisms involved in groundwater chemistry changes were ion exchange and mineralization. These processes can be demonstrated using Piper's diagram in which the water type has shifted into a Na-HCO(3) water type from a Ca-HCO(3) water type. Saturation indices have been calculated in order to determine the saturation condition related to dissolution or the precipitation state of the aquifer bedrock. About 76% of collected data (n=108) were found to be in the dissolution process of carbonate minerals. Moreover, the correlation between total CEC and Ca shows a positive and strong relationship (r=0.995; p<0.01). This indicates that the major mineral component in Kapas Island is Ca ion, which contributes to the groundwater chemical composition. The output of this research explains the chemical mechanism attributed to the groundwater condition of the Kapas Island aquifer.
  6. Zainuddin LR, Isa N, Muda WM, Mohamed HJ
    Int J Prev Med, 2011 Oct;2(4):229-37.
    PMID: 22174962
    OBJECTIVES: Metabolic syndrome can be diagnosed according to several different criteria such as the latest International Diabetes Federation (IDF), National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Program III (NCEP ATPIII), and World Health Organization (WHO). The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and the concordance between the above mentioned definition, and hypertriglyceridemic-waist criteria.
    METHODS: This cross sectional study was done in Bachok, Malaysia and involved 298 respondents aged between 18 to 70 years. Multistage random sampling method was used to identify study locations while convenient random sampling method was applied to select individuals. Hypertriglyceridemic waist was defined from an internationally acceptable cut-off criterion. Kappa statistic (κ test) was used to determine the concordance between various definitions and hypertriglyceridemic-waist.
    RESULTS: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome based on different definitions was 32.2% (IDF), 28.5% (NCEP ATP III) and 12.4% (modified WHO). The prevalence of hypertriglyceridemic-waist was 19.7% and based on the IDF criteria a total of 97.5% participants with hypertriglyceridemic-waist had metabolic syndrome. The IDF criteria showed the highest concordance with NCEP ATPIII criteria (κ = 0.63), followed by hypertriglyceridemic-waist criteria (κ = 0.62) and WHO criteria (κ = 0.26).
    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was highest using the IDF criteria compared to NCEP ATPIII, modified WHO and hypertriglyceridemic-waist. There was a good concordance of IDF criteria with NCEP ATP III and hypertriglyceridemic-waist criteria.
    KEYWORDS: Hypertriglyceridemic-waist; Malaysia; Metabolic syndrome
  7. Isa IM, Mustafar S, Ahmad M, Hashim N, Ghani SA
    Talanta, 2011 Dec 15;87:230-4.
    PMID: 22099672 DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2011.10.002
    A new cobalt(II) ion selective electrode based on palladium(II) dichloro acetylthiophene fenchone azine(I) has been developed. The best membrane composition is found to be 10:60:10:21.1 (I)/PVC/NaTPB/DOP (w/w). The electrode exhibits a Nerstian response in the range of 1.0 × 10(-1)-1.0 × 10(-6)M with a detection limit and slope of 8.0 × 10(-7)M and 29.6 ± 0.2 mV per decade respectively. The response time is within the range of 20-25s and can be used for a period of up to 4 months. The electrode developed reveals good selectivity for cobalt(II) and could be used in pH range of 3-7. The electrode has been successfully used in the determination of cobalt(II) in water samples.
  8. Jie Y, Ismail NH, Jie X, Isa ZM
    J Formos Med Assoc, 2011 Sep;110(9):555-63.
    PMID: 21930065 DOI: 10.1016/j.jfma.2011.07.003
    This review summarizes the results of epidemiological studies focusing on the detrimental effects of home environmental factors on asthma morbidity in adults. We reviewed the literature on indoor air quality (IAQ), physical and sociodemographic factors, and asthma morbidity in homes, and identified commonly reported asthma, allergic, and respiratory symptoms involving the home environment. Reported IAQ and asthma morbidity data strongly indicated positive associations between indoor air pollution and adverse health effects in most studies. Indoor factors most consistently associated with asthma and asthma-related symptoms in adults included fuel combustion, mold growth, and environmental tobacco smoke. Environmental exposure may increase an adult's risk of developing asthma and also may increase the risk of asthma exacerbations. Evaluation of present IAQ levels, exposure characteristics, and the role of exposure to these factors in relation to asthma morbidity is important for improving our understanding, identifying the burden, and for developing and implementing interventions aimed at reducing asthma morbidity.
  9. Al-Naggar RA, Low WY, Isa ZM
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2010;11(4):867-73.
    PMID: 21133593
    OBJECTIVES: This study examined the level of knowledge and barriers towards cervical cancer screening of female university students.

    METHODOLOGY: A cross-sectional design was used for 287 female students at a tertiary institution located in Selangor, Malaysia. A name list of all students in the all faculties were obtained from each faculty's registrar and the ethics committee of the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, approved the study. Respondents completed a consent form before they were given the questionnaire consisting of four sections: socio-demographic characteristics (six questions); risk factor of cervical cancer (six); knowledge about cervical cancer and the Pap smear test (ten); and finally barriers to Pap screening (eleven). Data were analyzed using SPSS version 13.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of ever having had a Pap test was 6%. Majority of the participants had adequate knowledge about risk factors of cervical cancer. The highest knowledge about cervical cancer risk factor reported by the respondents was having more than one sex partner (77.5%), whereas the lowest was the relationship between HPV and cervical cancer (51.2%). Age, marital status, ethnicity, monthly family income and faculty were significantly associated with knowledge of cervical cancer screening (p=0.003; p=0.001; p=0.002; p=0.002; p=0.001 and p=0.002; respectively). The most common barriers of cervical cancer screening were the Pap smear test will make them worry (95.8%) whereas the least common barrier reported among participants was no encouragement from the partner (8.8%).

    CONCLUSION: Some misconceptions and barriers in uptaking Pap smear test are still serious problems among young women. Although knowledge about cervical cancer screening is adequate they have a very poor practice of Pap smear test. The introduction of reproductive health subjects is warranted for all university students.
  10. Mohajeri L, Aziz HA, Isa MH, Zahed MA, Mohajeri S
    Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2010 Jul;85(1):54-8.
    PMID: 20577869 DOI: 10.1007/s00128-010-0058-1
    Weathered crude oil (WCO) removals in shoreline sediment samples were monitored for 60 days in bioremediation experimentation. Experimental modeling was carried out using statistical design of experiments. At optimum conditions maximum of 83.13, 78.06 and 69.92% WCO removals were observed for 2, 16 and 30 g/kg initial oil concentrations, respectively. Significant variations in the crude oil degradation pattern were observed with respect to oil, nutrient and microorganism contents. Crude oil bioremediation were successfully described by a first-order kinetic model. The study indicated that the rate of hydrocarbon biodegradation increased with decrease of crude oil concentrations.
  11. Zahed MA, Aziz HA, Isa MH, Mohajeri L, Mohajeri S
    Bioresour Technol, 2010 Dec;101(24):9455-60.
    PMID: 20705460 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2010.07.077
    To determine the influence of nutrients on the rate of biodegradation, a five-level, three-factor central composite design (CCD) was employed for bioremediation of seawater artificially contaminated with crude oil. Removal of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) was the dependent variable. Samples were extracted and analyzed according to US-EPA protocols. A significant (R(2)=0.9645, P<0.0001) quadratic polynomial mathematical model was generated. Removal from samples not subjected to optimization and removal by natural attenuation were 53.3% and 22.6%, respectively. Numerical optimization was carried out based on desirability functions for maximum TPH removal. For an initial crude oil concentration of 1g/L supplemented with 190.21 mg/L nitrogen and 12.71 mg/L phosphorus, the Design-Expert software predicted 60.9% hydrocarbon removal; 58.6% removal was observed in a 28-day experiment.
  12. Osman H, Rahim AA, Isa NM, Bakhir NM
    Molecules, 2009;14(3):970-8.
    PMID: 19305354 DOI: 10.3390/molecules14030970
    The antioxidant activity of fresh and dried plant extracts of Paederia foetida and Syzygium aqueum were studied using beta-carotene bleaching and the 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethyl-benzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical cation assay. The percentage of antioxidant activity for all extract samples using both assays was between 58 and 80%. The fresh samples of both plants had higher antioxidant activity than the dried samples. The results of the beta-carotene bleaching assay were correlated (R(2) = 0.9849) with those of the ABTS assay.
  13. Zahed MA, Aziz HA, Isa MH, Mohajeri L
    Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2010 Apr;84(4):438-42.
    PMID: 20224975 DOI: 10.1007/s00128-010-9954-7
    The effects of initial oil concentration and the Corexit 9500 dispersant on the rate of bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbons were investigated with a series of ex-situ seawater samples. With initial oil concentrations of 100, 500, 1,000 and 2,000 mg/L, removal of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) with dispersant were 67.3%, 62.5%, 56.5% and 44.7%, respectively, and were 64.2%, 55.7%, 48.8% and 37.6% without dispersant. The results clearly indicate that the presence of dispersant enhanced crude oil biodegradation. Lower concentrations of crude oil demonstrated more efficient hydrocarbon removal. Based on these findings, bioremediation is not recommended for crude oil concentrations of 2,000 mg/L or higher.
  14. Mohajeri L, Aziz HA, Isa MH, Zahed MA
    Bioresour Technol, 2010 Feb;101(3):893-900.
    PMID: 19773160 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2009.09.013
    This work studied the bioremediation of weathered crude oil (WCO) in coastal sediment samples using central composite face centered design (CCFD) under response surface methodology (RSM). Initial oil concentration, biomass, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were used as independent variables (factors) and oil removal as dependent variable (response) in a 60 days trial. A statistically significant model for WCO removal was obtained. The coefficient of determination (R(2)=0.9732) and probability value (P<0.0001) demonstrated significance for the regression model. Numerical optimization based on desirability function were carried out for initial oil concentration of 2, 16 and 30 g per kg sediment and 83.13, 78.06 and 69.92 per cent removal were observed respectively, compare to 77.13, 74.17 and 69.87 per cent removal for un-optimized results.
  15. Rahmat MF, Isa MD, Rahim RA, Hussin TA
    Sensors (Basel), 2009;9(12):10291-308.
    PMID: 22303174 DOI: 10.3390/s91210291
    Electrical charge tomography (EChT) is a non-invasive imaging technique that is aimed to reconstruct the image of materials being conveyed based on data measured by an electrodynamics sensor installed around the pipe. Image reconstruction in electrical charge tomography is vital and has not been widely studied before. Three methods have been introduced before, namely the linear back projection method, the filtered back projection method and the least square method. These methods normally face ill-posed problems and their solutions are unstable and inaccurate. In order to ensure the stability and accuracy, a special solution should be applied to obtain a meaningful image reconstruction result. In this paper, a new image reconstruction method - Least squares with regularization (LSR) will be introduced to reconstruct the image of material in a gravity mode conveyor pipeline for electrical charge tomography. Numerical analysis results based on simulation data indicated that this algorithm efficiently overcomes the numerical instability. The results show that the accuracy of the reconstruction images obtained using the proposed algorithm was enhanced and similar to the image captured by a CCD Camera. As a result, an efficient method for electrical charge tomography image reconstruction has been introduced.
  16. Wong M, Isa SH, Kamaruddin NA, Khalid BA
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Jun;62(2):168-70.
    PMID: 18705457
    We report a case of a 45 year-old man who presented initially with a non-functioning pituitary macroadenoma. A routine chest radiography done preoperatively revealed a right lung nodule which was confirmed by computed tomography (CT) of the thorax. Transfrontal hypophysectomy was performed while a conservative approach was taken for the lung nodule. Four years later, he presented acutely with adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) dependent Cushing's syndrome which resolved following a right lobectomy. Histological examination revealed an atypical carcinoid. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of an ectopic ACTH secreting pulmonary carcinoid found in association with a non-functioning pituitary macroadenoma.
  17. Ghafari S, Aziz HA, Isa MH, Zinatizadeh AA
    J Hazard Mater, 2009 Apr 30;163(2-3):650-6.
    PMID: 18771848 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2008.07.090
    Coagulation-flocculation is a relatively simple physical-chemical technique in treatment of old and stabilized leachate which has been practiced using a variety of conventional coagulants. Polymeric forms of metal coagulants which are increasingly applied in water treatment are not well documented in leachate treatment. In this research, capability of poly-aluminum chloride (PAC) in the treatment of stabilized leachate from Pulau Burung Landfill Site (PBLS), Penang, Malaysia was studied. The removal efficiencies for chemical oxygen demand (COD), turbidity, color and total suspended solid (TSS) obtained using PAC were compared with those obtained using alum as a conventional coagulant. Central composite design (CCD) and response surface method (RSM) were applied to optimize the operating variables viz. coagulant dosage and pH. Quadratic models developed for the four responses (COD, turbidity, color and TSS) studied indicated the optimum conditions to be PAC dosage of 2g/L at pH 7.5 and alum dosage of 9.5 g/L at pH 7. The experimental data and model predictions agreed well. COD, turbidity, color and TSS removal efficiencies of 43.1, 94.0, 90.7, and 92.2% for PAC, and 62.8, 88.4, 86.4, and 90.1% for alum were demonstrated.
  18. Mat-Isa NA, Mashor MY, Othman NH
    Artif Intell Med, 2008 Jan;42(1):1-11.
    PMID: 17996432
    This paper proposes to develop an automated diagnostic system for cervical pre-cancerous. METHODS AND DATA SAMPLES: The proposed automated diagnostic system consists of two parts; an automatic feature extraction and an intelligent diagnostic. In the automatic feature extraction, the system automatically extracts four cervical cells features (i.e. nucleus size, nucleus grey level, cytoplasm size and cytoplasm grey level). A new features extraction algorithm called region-growing-based features extraction (RGBFE) is proposed to extract the cervical cells features. The extracted features will then be fed as input data to the intelligent diagnostic part. A new artificial neural network (ANN) architecture called hierarchical hybrid multilayered perceptron (H(2)MLP) network is proposed to predict the cervical pre-cancerous stage into three classes, namely normal, low grade intra-epithelial squamous lesion (LSIL) and high grade intra-epithelial squamous lesion (HSIL). We empirically assess the capability of the proposed diagnostic system using 550 reported cases (211 normal cases, 143 LSIL cases and 196 HSIL cases).
  19. Abdullah JM, Zainuddin N, Sulong S, Jaafar H, Isa MN
    Neurosurg Focus, 2003 Apr 15;14(4):e6.
    PMID: 15679305
    Several genes have been shown to carry mutations in human malignant gliomas, including the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) deleted on chromosome 10 and p16 tumor suppressor genes. Alterations of this gene located on chromosome 10 q23 and 9p21, respectively, may contribute to gliomagenesis. In this study, the authors analyzed 20 cases of malignant gliomas obtained in patients living on the east coast of Malaysia to investigate the possibilities of involvement of the PTEN and p16 genes.
  20. Tan GC, Isa MR, Ng SP, Jamil YM
    J Obstet Gynaecol Res, 2004 Oct;30(5):363-7.
    PMID: 15327449
    Microinvasive squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix is a recognized entity and is defined as carcinoma with invasion of less than 5 mm penetration of the stroma and seldom metastasized. Our patient was a 70-year-old, multiparous woman who had a microinvasive, cervical, squamous cell carcinoma. The tumor had spread superficially into the entire endometrial cavity up to the fundus, totally replacing the columnar epithelium. This is an extremely rare phenomenon, with fewer than 20 cases reported so far in the literature.
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