Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 114 in total

  1. Crowther ER
    J Can Chiropr Assoc, 2014 Mar;58(1):24-38.
    PMID: 24587494
    INTRODUCTION: Improving the quality of healthcare is a common goal of consumers, providers, payer groups, and governments. There is evidence that patient satisfaction influences the perceptions of the quality of care received.
    METHODS: This exploratory, qualitative study described and analyzed, the similarities and differences in satisfaction and dissatisfaction experiences of patients attending physicians (social justice) and chiropractors (market justice) for healthcare services in Niagara Region, Ontario. Using inductive content analysis the satisfaction and dissatisfaction experiences were themed to develop groups, categories, and sub-categories of quality judgments of care experiences.
    RESULTS: Study participants experienced both satisfying and dissatisfying critical incidents in the areas of standards of practice, professional and practice attributes, time management, and treatment outcomes. Cost was not a marked source of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
    CONCLUSION: Patients may be more capable of generating quality judgments on the technical aspects of medical and chiropractic care, particularly treatment outcomes and standards of practice, than previously thought.
    KEYWORDS: chiropractic care; quality; satisfaction
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  2. Taylor JR
    Can Med Assoc J, 1977 Nov 19;117(10):1128-31.
    PMID: 603835
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  3. Sharif A, Afshan S, Qureshi MA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Apr;26(11):11191-11211.
    PMID: 30796670 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-04351-7
    Globalization persists the tendency to alter numerous aspects of today's world including religion, transport, language, living styles, and international relations; however, its potential to influence quality of environment is the prime concern for trade and environmental policies guidelines (Audi and Ali 2018). In response to the growing interest for identifying the dynamic relationship between globalization and environmental performance, the present study seeks to investigate the critical link between globalization and ecological footprints in top 15 globalized countries between 1970 and 2016. Applying the novel methods of quantile-on-quantile regression (QQ) and Granger causality in quantiles, the findings examine the manners in which quantiles of globalization affect the quantiles of ecological footprints and vice versa. The empirical results suggest that globalization has a long-term positive effect on ecological footprint and vice versa in case of Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Canada, and Portugal. On the other hand, the estimated results indicate a negative effect between globalization and ecological footprint in the case of France, Germany, the UK, and Hungary. These results extend the recent findings on the globalization-environment nexus implying that the magnitude of relationship among both variables varies with countries demanding individual focus and cautions for postulating environmental and trade policies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  4. Aluh DO, Aigbogun O, Anyachebelu OC
    J Immigr Minor Health, 2023 Apr;25(2):315-323.
    PMID: 36271302 DOI: 10.1007/s10903-022-01404-x
    Immigrant status, especially a few years post arrival, is a major risk factor for depression in populations that have been adequately studied. While information on depression among Asian migrants, including those from India, China and Philippines, in Canada have been reported in previous studies, there is inadequate information about depression among Nigerian immigrants who make up the largest percentage of African migrants and black population residing in Canada. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 187 Nigerian immigrants in Canada. Participants completed the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Descriptive and multivariate logistic regression analyses were carried out using IBM SPPS. About half (51.7%, n = 91) of the participants screened positive to the PHQ-9. Being female, unmarried, not being at all satisfied with the decision to migrate, and having stayed for more than 10 years in Canada significantly increased the risk of screening positive to depression. More than half of the participants screened positive for depression, suggesting an important mental health concern and the potential need for intervention. This population differed from other immigrant populations from previous studies because the absence of social support, satisfaction with employment status, and perceived discrimination did not significantly predict a positive screen for depression in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada/epidemiology
  5. Liu S, Claude H, Yong SJ, Chen D
    Sci Rep, 2023 May 09;13(1):7540.
    PMID: 37161036 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-34090-2
    Gastroschisis has increased globally over recent decades, and this increase has not been explained by identified risk factors. We conducted a population-based study of infants born in Canada, 2004-2020. We used "winter" months (i.e., September through June) and northern areas of residence as indicators of less sunlight/less active lifestyle, while "summer" (i.e., July and August) and southern areas were considered as reference. Rate of gastroschisis for infants conceived in winter (3.4 per 10,000) was higher than for infants conceived in summer (2.2 per 10,000; p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada/epidemiology
  6. Zyoud SH, Al-Jabi SW, Sweileh WM, Awang R, Waring WS
    J Occup Med Toxicol, 2015;10:17.
    PMID: 25949270 DOI: 10.1186/s12995-015-0062-9
    BACKGROUND: Methanol poisoning is on the rise and has been associated with high morbidity and mortality; it has resulted in growing research in the field of toxicology. The aim of this study was to reveal underlying patterns in scientific outputs related to methanol poisoning at the global level by evaluating different bibliometric indices.

    METHODS: We searched for publications that contained specific words regarding methanol poisoning in Scopus database.

    RESULTS: A total of 912 articles, with 8,317 citations and with an average of 9.1 citations per document, were retrieved on methanol poisoning, and the bulk of the articles were published from the USA (20.9%), followed by Spain (4.4%), Canada (4.3%), India (3.1%), and France (3.0%). The articles were published belonging to 57 countries. No data related to methanol poisoning were published from 155 (73.1%) out of 212 countries. Twenty-one documents (2.3%) were published in Clinical Toxicology, whereas 18 (2.0%) were published in The Lancet.

    CONCLUSIONS: Scientific production related to methanol poisoning is increasing. articles have been published in a wide range of journals with a variety of subject areas, most notably clinical toxicology; and the country with the greatest production was the USA.

    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  7. Mohd Ridzwan, J., Rafidah, B.
    Bipolar Mood Disorder (BMD) is one of the most common, severe, and persistent mental illnesses. The Malaysian Consensus Statement for the Treatment of Bipolar Mood Disorder, published in 2007 is still the major reference for managing the condition in this country. However, recently the Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) guidelines was revised and at the moment, this contains the most up-to-date recommendations. This paper reviewed and compared both documents to establish the latest information on managing Bipolar Mood Disorder.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  8. Achike FI, Kwan DCY
    JUMMEC, 1997;2:89-93.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  9. Ali BH, Sulaiman N, Al-Haddad SAR, Atan R, Hassan SLM, Alghrairi M
    Sensors (Basel), 2021 Sep 27;21(19).
    PMID: 34640773 DOI: 10.3390/s21196453
    One of the most dangerous kinds of attacks affecting computers is a distributed denial of services (DDoS) attack. The main goal of this attack is to bring the targeted machine down and make their services unavailable to legal users. This can be accomplished mainly by directing many machines to send a very large number of packets toward the specified machine to consume its resources and stop it from working. We implemented a method using Java based on entropy and sequential probabilities ratio test (ESPRT) methods to identify malicious flows and their switch interfaces that aid them in passing through. Entropy (E) is the first technique, and the sequential probabilities ratio test (SPRT) is the second technique. The entropy method alone compares its results with a certain threshold in order to make a decision. The accuracy and F-scores for entropy results thus changed when the threshold values changed. Using both entropy and SPRT removed the uncertainty associated with the entropy threshold. The false positive rate was also reduced when combining both techniques. Entropy-based detection methods divide incoming traffic into groups of traffic that have the same size. The size of these groups is determined by a parameter called window size. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) 1998, DARPA2000, and Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC-DDoS2019) databases were used to evaluate the implementation of this method. The metric of a confusion matrix was used to compare the ESPRT results with the results of other methods. The accuracy and f-scores for the DARPA 1998 dataset were 0.995 and 0.997, respectively, for the ESPRT method when the window size was set at 50 and 75 packets. The detection rate of ESPRT for the same dataset was 0.995 when the window size was set to 10 packets. The average accuracy for the DARPA 2000 dataset for ESPRT was 0.905, and the detection rate was 0.929. Finally, ESPRT was scalable to a multiple domain topology application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  10. Nguyen HTM, Nilsson S, Mueller AAR, Toms LM, Kennedy C, Langguth D, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2023 Apr 20;870:161749.
    PMID: 36690112 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.161749
    Human biomonitoring programs of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been conducted around the world to assess human exposure and health risk. Inquiry into population PFAS levels in a socioeconomically and geographically unique region such as the Pacific Island Papua New Guinea, may provide new insights into PFAS exposure pathways and sources. This study presented the first indication of PFAS exposure in the Papua New Guinea population. De-identified serum samples were pooled from surplus pathology serum samples collected between 2019 and 2020. A total of 11 PFAS were detected in the serum pools including 10 perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAA) and 9Cl-F53B (a perfluorooctane sulfonic acid - PFOS alternative). The observed PFAA profile was somewhat similar to that observed for general population data of other countries such as Australia, Malaysia, and Canada suggesting similar exposure sources and/or pathways. However, PFAS concentrations were consistently lower than concentrations in the serum measured in pools obtained from Australia. The detection of 9Cl-F53B in all pools was a new finding which might be related to exposure from locally industrial sources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  11. Alper AE, Alper FO, Cil AB, Iscan E, Eren AA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Feb;30(8):22100-22114.
    PMID: 36282394 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-23763-6
    The ecological footprint has currently become a highly popular environmental performance indicator. It provides the basis for setting goals, identifying options for action, and tracking progress toward stated goals. Because the examination of the existence of convergence is important for the climate change protection of the earth, the convergence of ecological footprint and its subcomponents are a major concern for scholars and policymakers. To this end, this study aims to investigate the stochastic convergence of ecological footprint and its subcomponents. We employ the recently developed Hepsag (2021) unit root test that allows nonlinearity and smooth structural change simultaneously to study stochastic convergence in per-capita ecological footprint over the period 1961-2018 for the most polluting countries. The results provide mixed evidence of the presence of stochastic convergence in conventional unit root tests such as ADF, KPSS and Fourier KPSS. According to the Hepsag (2021) unit root test results for all countries, built-up land footprint converges except Australia, Malaysia, Poland, and Turkey. Carbon footprint converges for Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, the UK, and the USA. Cropland footprint converges for Australia, Canada, China, France, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, South Africa, the UK, and Vietnam. Fishing grounds footprint converges in Brazil, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, South Africa, and Vietnam. Forest product footprint converges in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Korea, Mexico, Poland, Turkey, and Vietnam. Grazing land footprint converges in Canada, France, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Poland, South Africa, Thailand, and Vietnam. And lastly, the total ecological footprint converges in Canada, France, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, the UK, and the USA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  12. Lee S, Sbihi H, MacIsaac JL, Balshaw R, Ambalavanan A, Subbarao P, et al.
    Environ Health Perspect, 2024 Apr;132(4):47004.
    PMID: 38573328 DOI: 10.1289/EHP13034
    BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that prenatal air pollution exposure alters DNA methylation (DNAm), which could go on to affect long-term health. It remains unclear whether DNAm alterations present at birth persist through early life. Identifying persistent DNAm changes would provide greater insight into the molecular mechanisms contributing to the association of prenatal air pollution exposure with atopic diseases.

    OBJECTIVES: This study investigated DNAm differences associated with prenatal nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exposure (a surrogate measure of traffic-related air pollution) at birth and 1 y of age and examined their role in atopic disease. We focused on regions showing persistent DNAm differences from birth to 1 y of age and regions uniquely associated with postnatal NO2 exposure.

    METHODS: Microarrays measured DNAm at birth and at 1 y of age for an atopy-enriched subset of Canadian Health Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) study participants. Individual and regional DNAm differences associated with prenatal NO2 (n=128) were identified, and their persistence at age 1 y were investigated using linear mixed effects models (n=124). Postnatal-specific DNAm differences (n=125) were isolated, and their association with NO2 in the first year of life was examined. Causal mediation investigated whether DNAm differences mediated associations between NO2 and age 1 y atopy or wheeze. Analyses were repeated using biological sex-stratified data.

    RESULTS: At birth (n=128), 18 regions of DNAm were associated with NO2, with several annotated to HOX genes. Some of these regions were specifically identified in males (n=73), but not females (n=55). The effect of prenatal NO2 across CpGs within altered regions persisted at 1 y of age. No significant mediation effects were identified. Sex-stratified analyses identified postnatal-specific DNAm alterations.

    DISCUSSION: Regional cord blood DNAm differences associated with prenatal NO2 persisted through at least the first year of life in CHILD participants. Some differences may represent sex-specific alterations, but replication in larger cohorts is needed. The early postnatal period remained a sensitive window to DNAm perturbations. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP13034.

    Matched MeSH terms: Canada/epidemiology
  13. Curran DJ, Rubin L, Towler MR
    PMID: 26327784 DOI: 10.4137/CMAMD.S29061
    An off-the-shelf Raman Spectrometer (RS) was used to noninvasively determine the presence of monosodium urate (MSU) crystals on the metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) of a single gout sufferer. The spectrum sourced from the clinically diagnosed gout sufferer was compared to that sourced from an age-matched healthy subject scanned using the same protocol. Minimal signal processing was conducted on both spectra. Peaks characteristic of MSU crystals were evident on the spectrum sourced from the gout sufferer and not on the spectrum from the healthy control.

    Study done in Canada
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  14. Brann J
    Aust Nurses J, 1976 Aug;6(2):31-3.
    PMID: 1051334
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  15. Nurhanim M, Noraini T, Chung R, Nurul-Aini, Ruzi A
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:331-338.
    Kajian anatomi dan mikromorfologi daun telah dijalankan ke atas lima takson dalam genus Schoutenia Korth. (Malvaceae subfam. Brownlowioideae). Lima takson yang dipilih dalam kajian ini ialah S. kunstleri, S. leprosula, S. accrescens subsp. accrescens, S. accrescens subsp. borneensis dan S. accrescens subsp. stellata. Kajian anatomi melibatkan kaedah hirisan dengan mikrotom gelongsor pada bahagian petiol, lamina, tulang daun dan tepi daun, kaedah penjernihan lamina dan kaedah siatan epidermis daun, penjernihan dengan larutan peluntur, pewarnaan dengan Safranin dan Alcian Blue, pelekapan Canada Balsam dan cerapan bawah mikroskop cahaya. Kajian mikromorfologi melibatkan kaedah pendehidratan, titik pengeringan kritikal, saduran emas dan cerapan bawah mikroskop imbasan elektron. Objektif kajian ialah untuk melihat nilai taksonomi ciri anatomi dan mikromorfologi daun dalam genus yang dikaji. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat sembilan ciri sepunya, tujuh ciri variasi yang boleh digunakan untuk pembezaan spesies dan dua ciri diagnostik yang boleh digunakan untuk pengecaman spesies. Ciri tersebut ialah corak hiasan kutikel pada S. kunstleri dan juga kehadiran sel kolenkima lamela pada S. accrescens subsp. stellata. Hasil kajian menunjukkan ciri anatomi serta mikromorfologi daun dalam genus Schoutenia mempunyai nilai taksonomi terutama dalam pembezaan dan pengecaman pada peringkat spesies dan subspesies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  16. Chaudhry SM, Ahmed R, Shafiullah M, Duc Huynh TL
    J Environ Manage, 2020 Jul 01;265:110533.
    PMID: 32421559 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110533
    This paper empirically investigates the effect of carbon emissions on sovereign risk? To answer this question, we use fixed effects model by using annual data from G7 advanced economies, which includes Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and USA, for the period from 1996 to 2014. We employ a novel extreme value theory to measure sovereign risk. The results indicate that climate change (carbon emissions) are likely to increase sovereign risk significantly. We also expand our analysis to some specific sectors, as some of the sectors emit more carbon than others. Specifically, we take top three polluting sectors namely: transportation, electricity and industry and show that they are more likely to increase the sovereign risk. Our results are robust to change in risk measures, estimation in differences and dynamic version of econometric models. Therefore, we have robust consideration that the carbon emissions significantly explain the sovereign risk.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  17. Najmul Hejaz Azmi S, Aqib Nasir Al Rawahi W, Ibrahim Al Yahyai A, Ali Al Qasimi A, Saif Al Fuliti K, Said Al Qalhati O, et al.
    PMID: 38309045 DOI: 10.1016/j.jchromb.2024.124035
    A UV-HPLC method optimized by Box-Behnken design model was developed to determine caffeine in pharmaceutical preparations and urine samples. The chromatographic conditions followed were mobile phase: methanol/water/ citrate buffer (pH 4.6) (40:25:35, v/v/v),AcclaimTMDionex C18 column (ODS 100A˚, 5 µm; 4.6 × 250 mm),flow rate (0.9 mL min-1), column temperature (30 °C) and UV-detection wavelength (204 nm). The chromatographic variables: pH (A), % methanol fraction (B), flow rate(C) and column temperature (D) were optimized at 50 μg mL-1caffeine using BBD model. The chromatogram resulted in the asymmetry factor (1.23), theoretical plate 13,786 and retention time (5.79 min). The proposed HPLC method's greenness point was assessed byAnalytical Eco-scale and found to be 78 (as per guidelines, ranked as excellent). The linearity was ranged from2.0 to 70 µg mL-1 with coefficient of correlation (r = 0.999) and detection limit of 0.19 µg mL-1. The proposedmethod was developed successfully and applied for the assay of active caffeine in pharmaceutical preparations and urine samples. The % recovery obtained by both (proposed and reference) methods ranged from 99.98 to 100.05 % followed the compliance (100 ± 2 %) with Canadian Health Protection regulatory guidelines. The performance of the proposed method was compared with published papers and found to be acceptable and superior. The proposed method was quite effective as the reference method, and hence can be used as an alternative method for the assay of active caffeine in pharmaceutical preparations and urine samples.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  18. Abu Asab S, Noor SN, Khamis MF
    Singapore Dent J, 2011;32(1):19-27.
    PMID: 23739283 DOI: 10.1016/S0377-5291(12)70012-3
    This study is aimed to evaluate the accuracy of Demirjian method in estimating the chronological age of male and female Kelantanese Malay children between 6 and 16 years of age and to establish a new dental age (DA) curve if the Demirjian method was not found to be accurate. About 905 panoramic radiographs of healthy Malay children between 6 and 16 years of age were collected from the radiographic unit in the Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM) and the orthodontic clinic in Hospital Kota Bharu (HKB). Children who had any disease affecting the dental development, or have agenesis in the lower arch and poor quality radiographic images were excluded. The results showed that Demirjian method overestimated the chronological age (CA) by 1.23 years for boys and 1.20 years for girls and it was less accurate for the Kelantanese Malay children. Thus new standard curve were produced and tested on external samples. Results showed that the mean difference between the chronological age and DA is about 0.17 years for boys and 0.11 years for girls. DA was more advanced in the Kelantanese Malay boys and girls as compared to French-Canadian children in all age groups. It is concluded that the Demirjian method tends to be less accurate in estimating the chronological age in Malay children. The new curve that was produced is more applicable to the Kelantanese Malay children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
  19. Dymond CC, Field RD, Roswintiarti O, Guswanto
    Environ Manage, 2005 Apr;35(4):426-40.
    PMID: 15902449
    Vegetation fires have become an increasing problem in tropical environments as a consequence of socioeconomic pressures and subsequent land-use change. In response, fire management systems are being developed. This study set out to determine the relationships between two aspects of the fire problems in western Indonesia and Malaysia, and two components of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. The study resulted in a new method for calibrating components of fire danger rating systems based on satellite fire detection (hotspot) data. Once the climate was accounted for, a problematic number of fires were related to high levels of the Fine Fuel Moisture Code. The relationship between climate, Fine Fuel Moisture Code, and hotspot occurrence was used to calibrate Fire Occurrence Potential classes where low accounted for 3% of the fires from 1994 to 2000, moderate accounted for 25%, high 26%, and extreme 38%. Further problems arise when there are large clusters of fires burning that may consume valuable land or produce local smoke pollution. Once the climate was taken into account, the hotspot load (number and size of clusters of hotspots) was related to the Fire Weather Index. The relationship between climate, Fire Weather Index, and hotspot load was used to calibrate Fire Load Potential classes. Low Fire Load Potential conditions (75% of an average year) corresponded with 24% of the hotspot clusters, which had an average size of 30% of the largest cluster. In contrast, extreme Fire Load Potential conditions (1% of an average year) corresponded with 30% of the hotspot clusters, which had an average size of 58% of the maximum. Both Fire Occurrence Potential and Fire Load Potential calibrations were successfully validated with data from 2001. This study showed that when ground measurements are not available, fire statistics derived from satellite fire detection archives can be reliably used for calibration. More importantly, as a result of this work, Malaysia and Indonesia have two new sources of information to initiate fire prevention and suppression activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Canada
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