METHODS: A hybrid prediction model DeepS3VM is designed by integrating a Semi-supervised support vector machine (S3VM) model with a recurrent neural network (RNN) to capture sequential patterns in student dropout prediction. In addition, a personalized recommendation system (PRS) is developed to recommend personalized learning paths for students who are at risk of dropping out. The potential of the DeepS3VM is evaluated with respect to various evaluation metrics and the results are compared with various existing models such as Random Forest (RF), decision tree (DT), XGBoost, artificial neural network (ANN) and convolutional neural network (CNN).
RESULTS: The DeepS3VM model demonstrates outstanding accuracy at 92.54%, surpassing other current models. This confirms the model's effectiveness in precisely identifying the risk of student dropout. The dataset used for this analysis was obtained from the student management system of a private university in Vietnam and generated from an initial 243 records to a total of one hundred thousand records.
ISSUES: Moreover, the classifiers face catastrophic forgetting problems, which maximizes computation complexity and reduce prediction accuracy. The forgetting problem can be resolved using the freezing mechanism; however, the mechanism can cause prediction errors.
METHOD: Therefore, this research proposes an optimized Bi-directional Encoder Representation from Transformation (BERT) by applying the Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (ABC) and Fine-Tuned Model (ABC-BERT-FTM) to solve the forgetting problem, which leads to higher prediction accuracy. Therefore, the ABC algorithm reduces the forgetting problem by selecting optimized network parameters.
RESULTS: Two AES datasets, ASAP and ETS, were used to evaluate the performance of the optimized BERT of the AES system, and a high accuracy of up to 98.5% was achieved. Thus, based on the result, we can conclude that optimizing the BERT with a suitable meta-heuristic algorithm, such as the ABC algorithm, can resolve the forgetting problem, eventually increasing the AES system's prediction accuracy.