Displaying publications 261 - 280 of 3549 in total

  1. Zakaria Z, Ghani ARI, Idris Z, Fitzrol DN, Ang SY, Abdullah JM
    Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown), 2021 08 16;21(3):E221-E223.
    PMID: 34114025 DOI: 10.1093/ons/opab190
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  2. Lua, G.W., Moy, F.M., Atiya, A.S.
    A cross sectional survey on the assessment of coronary heart disease risks was conducted on a group of security guards in a public university. The objectives were to assess the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) among the security staff and to provide advice on CHD prevention and practice of a healthy lifestyle. A face»t0»face questionnaire was used to conduct the survey. The main outcome measure was the coronary heart disease (CHD) risk score estimates. The handings showed that 61 participants ( 5 3 .0%) have very high CHD risk factors, while the rest, 38.3% and 8.7% have moderate and low CHD risk factors respectively. With increasing age, there is an increase in total risk score among the target groups. The percentage increases almost 2-fold between the 21-30 and the 31-40 age groups. Majority of the security staff had high CHD risk factors and more efforts and preventive measures must be taken to overcome this situation. Personalised advice was given to participants based on their CHD risks estimates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  3. Pau, Allan Kah-Heng
    Oral health diseases are common in all regions of the world and their impact on anatomical
    and social functioning is widely acknowledged.Their distributions are unequal between and within countries, with the greatest burden falling on disadvantaged and socially marginalized populations. The risk factors and social determinants for oral diseases have been comprehensively documented, and the evidence base for their prevention is growing. However, decisions on health care are still often made without a solid grounding in research evidence. Translation of research into policy and practice should be a priority for all. Both community and individual interventions need tailoring to achieve a more equal and person-centered preventive focus and reduce any social gradient in health. The major challenges of the future will be to translate knowledge and experiences in oral disease prevention
    and health promotion into action programmes.The international oral health research community needs to engage further in research capacity building and in strengthening the work so that research is recognized as the foundation of oral health policy at global level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  4. Ramadas, A., Kandiah, M., Jabbar, F., Zarida, H.
    At least 6 million deaths occurred worldwide are due to cancer and this figure is expected to rise to
    15 millions by the year 2020. Colorectal cancer is among the most commonly occurring cancers
    both globally and in Malaysia. Numerous studies have shown significant relationships between
    various dietary components and the risks for colorectal cancer. Meanwhile, several theories have
    been suggested as etiological explanations, one of which is the influence of dietary factors on the
    cell proliferation rate. A higher cell proliferation rate is statistically associated with increased risk
    of colorectal cancer. However, evidence of a significant relationship between diet and colorectal
    adenomas, a potential precursor for colorectal cancer, remains insufficient. Colorectal adenomas or
    polyps are vital in their relationship with colorectal cancers as almost 70% of all colorectal cancers
    are developed from these polyps. Studying the modifiable risk factors related to polyps will provide
    an opportunity for the prevention of colorectal cancer even before it develops. This paper reviews
    the available evidence linking dietary factors with the risk for colorectal adenomas. As the numbers
    of published studies are limited, of which most are concentrated in Western countries, there is a
    need for epidemiological studies in Malaysia to strengthen the evidence of a relationship between
    diet and colorectal adenomas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  5. Hoo FK, Foo YL, Lim SM, Ching SM, Boo YL
    Pak J Med Sci, 2016 Jul-Aug;32(4):841-845.
    PMID: 27648025
    Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is one of the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It is relatively uncommon in young adults as compared to the older population. Our objective was to assess the prevalence, demographic distribution, and risk factors for acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in patients less than 45 years of age admitted to a Malaysian tertiary care centre.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  6. Sharanjeet-Kaur, Arifah Nur Yahya, Che Muhaya Mohamad, McCarty, C.A.
    The purpose of this study was to identify the most common forms of age-related cataracts and to estimate possible risk factors for age-related cataracts in a sample of cataract patients at the National University of Malaysia Hospital. Thirty five patients (17 males and 18 female) with cataracts were recruited from the ophthalmology ward and clinic at the hospital. The age range of the patients was between 39 to 93 years (mean 64.9 11.5 years). The Lens Opacities Classification System (Locs) III was used to grade nuclear, cortical and posterior subcapsular lens opacities. Grading of the cataract was carried out and the following information was collected: initial visual acuity and best-corrected visual acuity, demographic details, health history, dietary intake of antioxidants and lifetime ocular ultraviolet B exposure. Analyses were conducted using a standard case-control design. T-tests were used to assess the significance of continuous variables and chi-squared tests were used for categorical variables. The overall prevalence of cortical cataract was 34.4% (12 patients), nuclear cataract was 60.0% (21 patients), and posterior subcapsular cataract was 57.1% (20 patients). No significant potential risk factor was found for nuclear cataracts. In the case of posterior subcapsular cataract, hypertension was the only potential significant risk factor (x2 = 4.38, p = 0.036), and in the case of cortical cataract, cigarette smoking was the only significant risk factor. Although lifetime effective ocular UV-B exposure was found to be not a significant potential risk factor, but it was seen that for cortical cataracts, the mean difference of lifetime effective ocular UV-B exposure between those with cortical and those without cortical cataracts was larger compared to others with nuclear and posterior subcapsular cataracts. Hypertension was found to be a potential significant risk factor for posterior subcapsular cataract whereas cigarette smoking was a potentially significant risk factor for cortical cataract. Although not statistically significant, lifetime effective ocular UV-B exposure maybe a potential risk factor for cortical cataract.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  7. Davendralingam Sinniah, Thiruselvi Subramaniam, Myint Myint Soe-Hsiao
    Shock is a clinical challenge to neonatal intensivists and pediatricians alike. It occurs in critically ill babies for many reasons, but the main cause is sepsis that kills more than a million newborn globally every year. This article is designed to help young doctors and trainees have a better understanding of shock in the neonatal period and its management. The paper reviews the basic pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical investigation, management, supportive care, and complications in the common types of shock seen in neonates. Treatment is governed largely by the underlying cause, with the ultimate goal of achieving adequate tissue perfusion with delivery of oxygen and substrates to the cells, and removal of toxic metabolic waste products. Intervention needs to be anticipatory and urgent to prevent progression to uncompensated and irreversible shock respectively. Early recognition and urgent effective management are crucial to successful outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  8. Lili Asma Ismail, Lekhraj Rampal, Hejar Abdul Rahman, Nazri Omar, Habshah Midi, Azrin Esmady Ariffin
    Microbial keratitis is one of the most challenging complications of contact lens (CL) wear. Proper CL practice plays an important role to reduce the risk for contact lens related microbial keratitis (CLRMK). Methods: This multi-centre case-control study was conducted from January 2008 until June 2009 to determine the risk factors associated with CLRMK. Cases were defined as respondents who were treated for CLRMK, whilst controls were respondents who were contact lens wearers without microbial keratitis. Ninety four cases were compared to 94 controls to determine the risk factors for
    CLRMK. Results: The predictors for CLRMK were: Not washing hands with soap before handling CL (aOR 2.979, CI 1.020, 8.701 p=0.046), not performing rubbing technique whilst cleaning the CL (aOR 3.006, CI 1.198, 7.538 p=0.019) and, not cleaning the lens case with multipurpose solution daily (aOR 3.242 CI 1.463, 7.186 p=0.004). Sleeping overnight with the CL in the eye (aOR 2.864, CI 0.978, 8.386 p=0.049) and overall non-compliance with lens care procedures (aOR 2.590, CI 1.003, 6.689 p=0.049) contributed significantly to CLRMK. Conclusion: Health education and promotion in contact lens care are important and should be conducted by eye care practitioners to reduce the occurrence of CLRMK.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  9. Zainuddin N, Mohd Kornain NK
    Malays Fam Physician, 2016;11(2-3):35-37.
    PMID: 28461858 MyJurnal
    The onset of carcinoma of the larynx, especially of the glottis, is heralded mainly by a change of voice. It has a male preponderance and is almost exclusively common to smokers and patients with heavy alcohol consumption. We report a case of glottic carcinoma in a non-smoker female patient. The only possible risk factor for her is a history of laryngopharyngeal reflux.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  10. Lim KG, Cheah WK
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 06;71(Suppl 1):20-28.
    PMID: 27801385 MyJurnal
    Seventy-three articles related to metabolic syndrome were found in a search through databases dedicated to indexing all literature with original data involving the Malaysian population between years 2000 and 2015. Metabolic syndrome affects 25 to 40% of adult population of Malaysia with the risk increasing with age. Obese children are also at risk. Indian ethnicity has the highest rates, followed by Malay and chinese. It was found that socioeconomics determinants such as living in urban areas, unemployment, lower income, lower education level and shift workers had higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is associated with other medical conditions like cardiovascular diseases, psychiatric disorders, erectile dysfunction, polycystic ovarian syndrome and colorectal cancer. Several biomarkers have been determined to be relevant to our local population but their usage in clinical setting needs further research. Literature into effectiveness of management of metabolic syndrome in Malaysia is lacking and the results were only modest. there are several diagnostic criteria available for metabolic syndrome internationally and their individual significant to our local population is not clear. It also makes it difficult to compare results between studies using different criteria. Finally, we could not identify any local study to look at the health economic burden of metabolic syndrome locally.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  11. Kabilmiharbi, N, Selamat, F.E
    Manual workers in plastics industry are often exposed to work related discomfort and pain while performing their daily
    task. These exposure leads to common occupational diseases such as Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder (WMSD) or
    low back pain (LBP) which in turn will affect their working performance. The main objective for this study is to
    analyse the working posture of a manual worker that works in a polypropylene fibrillated yarn industry using RULA
    assessment in CATIA P3 V5R14 software. The subject were selected from the packaging area as the manual handling
    work are only present in that area. Based on the RULA analysis done by constructing the worker posture in the
    software, several awkward postures were identified to be high in risk factors. The postures that is high in risk is
    postures 3 which is due to lifting heavy loads and twisting or turning of the trunk. The postures obtained the final
    RULA analysis score of 7 and this indicates that changes must be done immediately. It is recommended that the
    company should increase the ergonomic awareness among the manual workers especially while performing their work
    and to redesign the working posture for the manual workers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  12. Deros, B.M., Daruis, D.D.I., Ghani, J.A., Saleh, C., Wazir, R.M., Yasim, M.K., et al.
    This An Ergonomic hazard often exists in any industry. However, majority of the employees are not aware of practicing good body posture until the MSDs symptoms become permanent and chronic. The main objective of this study is to determine the manual handling problems among workers at an electronic component manufacturing company. The scope of this study focused on the study entire body disorders among workers on electronic manufacturing company using the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). A cross sectional study involving observation of the workplace, the work task and the working environment, photographs and videos taken during the observation. Later, a survey questionnaire was given to the respondents to obtain their socio-demography information, work activity and health problems. Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) was conducted on all respondents to determined REBA scores in different work positions. The study was conducted at an electronic component manufacturing company located in Klang Valley, Selangor. A total of 124 workers were surveyed and REBA assessment was performed on 20 workers at Company X production area. It includes 5 categories of position at Company X, such as:loading steel bar into casing; pushing the steel bar, turning movement while adjusting the steel bar, adjusting steel bar into the loading area, unloading steel bar from casing into the machine. The study found that turning section has the highest MSDs problems regarding manual handling because majority of the respondents in the turning department felt the pain while performing their work. This is due to their job demand, which they need to handle with tools weighing from 200 to 400 kg. The REBA scores showed that17 out of 20 respondents performing turning operations, moving and pushing the steel bar recorded the highest score of 11 or more which are categorize in the very high risk group. The position of pushing and turning steel bar while moving the steel bar has higher risk that contributed to the ergonomics risk factor, which in-turn can contribute to Muscular Skeletal Disorders (MSDs). More detailed investigation and remedial measures should be taken immediately, especially for the workers performing the manual handlings activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  13. Koh, O.H., Azreen Hashim, N., Gill, J.S., Pillai, S.K.
    It has been long known that affective disorders as a result of organic brain diseases are not uncommon. Neurological disorders seem to be significant as risk factors for newly diagnosed mania in the elderly. It has been theorized that lesions in the right cerebral hemisphere and limbic structures may produce symptoms suggestive of mania. Even though specific areas of involvement had not been determined, this case discussed below clearly reports a right sided lesion. One of the reasons why not much is known yet about this clinical entity is the rarity of this occurrence. In fact, in one large scale study, only 2 patients out of 700 were identified with mania.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  14. Rafiz Abdul Rani, Rosdinom Razali
    Neurology Asia, 2014;19(2):129-136.
    Background and Objective: Epilepsy and depression are interlinked and lead to an increased risk of suicidal ideation and suicide. Although depression is a significant risk factor for suicidal ideation in epilepsy patients, epilepsy itself is independently associated with suicidal ideation. There are various other factors related to epilepsy that further increase this risk. Methods: We conducted a study of suicidal-ideation amongst epilepsy patients in our centre. Demographic data and clinical history were obtained while suicidal ideation was determined using the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS). Beck’s Depression Inventory–II (BDI-II) was used to identify presence of depression. Results: We recruited 80 patients with epilepsy and an equal number of controls. Epilepsy patients were more likely to be depressed with a mean BDI-II score of 9.09 ±6.48 compared to controls who has a mean score of 5.56 ±4.56. The proportion of epilepsy patients with suicidal ideation was 33.75% vs. 5.00% in the control group (p 3 anti-epileptic drugs or prior head surgery. Our findings suggest that assessment of suicidal ideation is pertinent in high-risk epilepsy patients and should be routinely carried out in the clinical setting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  15. Kumar SKS, Zain RB
    Ann Dent, 2004;11(1):41-50.
    Oral cancer is the sixth most common malignancy in the world. Despite recent advances in cancer diagnoses and therapies, the five-year survival rate of oral cancer patients has remained at a dismal 50% in the last few decades. Oral cancer is of major concern in Southeast Asia primarily because of the prevalent oral habits namely betel quid chewing, smoking and alcohol consumption. This paper provides a brief overview on the various aetiological agents and risk factors implicated in the development of oral cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  16. Salina, M., Ng, C.G., Gill, J.S., Chin, J.M., Chin, C.J., Yap, W.F.
    Objective: To study the prevalence of social anxiety problem and potential risk factors that may be associated with social anxiety among medical students. Methods: Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) and a questionnaire assessing gender, religion, number of siblings, type of school and partner status were given to 167 final year medical students. Results: There were 101 respondents of which 56% of the medical students scored > 19 in the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) suggesting that they were having social anxiety problem. None of the variables analysed were significantly associated with social anxiety. Conclusion: More than half of the medical students have significant social anxiety symptoms. No specific variables were found to be significantly associated with those at risk of developing social anxiety disorder.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  17. Zhe, Kang Law, Wan Nur Nafisah, Saathevan, Ramesh, Jee, Yong Hing, Mohd Firdaus Zakaria, Nurul Munirah Mohd Shuhairi, et al.
    Neurology Asia, 2015;20(2):121-127.
    Background & Objectives: The burden of stroke is increasing, in part due to increasing prevalence of diabetes mellitus. Given the high prevalence of diabetes in the Malaysian population (22.6%), we aimed to determine the prevalence of diabetes in our stroke population. We also aimed to study the stroke subtype associated with diabetes. We hypothesized that lacunar infarction would be more prevalent in diabetics. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed data of consecutive patients with acute ischaemic stroke admitted from October 2004 to December 2010 from our stroke registry. Demographic data, risk factors profile and stroke subtypes were reviewed and analyzed. Results: Eight hundred and fifty eight patients were identified from the registry. As high as 59.3% (n=509) of our patients were diabetics, of which 49.2% (n=422) had pre-existing diabetes and 10.1% (n=87) were newly diagnosed. Lacunar infarction was the commonest stroke subtype, comprising 60.6% (n=519) of all strokes. Diabetes was significantly associated with lacunar infarction (OR 1.5, CI 95% 1.16-2.01, p=0.003), particularly in those aged ≤ 55 years (OR 2.29, 95% CI 1.12-4.67) and HbA1C ≥ 6.5% (χ2=8.77, p=0.003). Conclusions: The prevalence of diabetes in our stroke patients is amongst the highest reported. Diabetes mellitus, particularly those with poor glycaemic control is strongly associated with lacunar infarction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  18. Zulkefli, A., Adrian, Y.H.L., Zairul, A.K.B., Ramanathan, R.
    Malays Orthop J, 2009;3(2):40-43.
    Objectives: To study the prevalence and the risk factors for surgical site infection in patients who underwent posterior instrumented surgery for thoracolumbar burst fractures. Methodology: Retrospective review of cases operated between year 2006 and 2007. The final end point is the detection of surgical site infection within one year. Results: A total of 38 cases were reviewed. Surgical site infection occurred in 5 cases. Only one had deep infection. The onset of infection occurred within one month in all cases. The risk factors studied were smoking, timing of surgery, duration of surgery, neurological deficit, associated injuries and high dose methylprednisolone administration. None of them were statistically significant as risk factors for surgical site infection. Conclusion: The prevalence of surgical site infection in patients who underwent posterior instrumented surgery for thoracolumbar burst fractures was 13%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  19. Ahmad Syazrin Muhamad
    Sound is one of the source of energy generated by vibration and is carried through the air in a form of pressure waves (Frederick, 1975). This pressure waves consist of pulsation or vibration of molecules of an elastic medium such as gas, liquid and even solid (Gerber, 1974). Due to its nature, sound can be irritating when it is excessive. The excessive amount of sound is called noise. Exposure to noise is common to the workers working at the industry. This can lead to hearing loss. Hearing loss is one of the most common health problems in the industrialized world. Working activities have been related to noise exposure due to increase use of machine that generates sounds. Many workers throughout the world experience hazardous noise exposure which is ≥ 85 decibels (dB) (Seter, 1998). Based on the previous study in the European region, most of the employers had difficulties to compensate workers diagnosed with hearing loss or hearing impairment cause by the working nature. (Rachiotis et al., 2006). According to European Survey on Working Conditions, about 7% of the workers considered that their work affects their health in the form of hearing disorders. Occupational risk factors for hearing loss include occupational noise, whole body vibration, work-related diseases and exposure to chemical. In this report, we specified in the noise exposure level of the workers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  20. Wai, Nyunt, Thing, Sze Wei, Liing, Ting Ngiik
    Morning surge in blood pressure is an independent cardiovascular risk factor in the middleaged and the elderly. Whether such a surge occurs in young subjects is not known. Eighty normotensive subjects (age: 21.8 ± 1.3 yr) measured their own blood pressure (BP) using an automatic device (Omron HEM-7080,) on going to bed and on waking up, for 2 consecutive days. In contrast to large morning BP surges reported for older age groups, there was much smaller but significant (P
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
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