METHODS: Reasons for EN FI identified from extensive literature review were prospectively collected in adult mechanically ventilated critically ill patients. Results were reported by descriptive statistics. Baseline and nutritional characteristics between patients who died and those alive at day 60 were compared.
RESULTS: A total of 148 patients receiving ≥1 day of EN for the full 12-day observational period were included in the analysis. About 332 episodes of EN FI were recorded and contributed to 12.8% (4190 hours) of the total 1367 evaluable nutrition days. For each patient, FI occurred for a median of 3 days and the total duration of FI for the entire ICU stay was 24.5 hours. Median energy and protein deficits per patient due to FI for the entire ICU stay were -1780.23 kcal and -100.58 g, respectively. Duration of FI, days with FI, and the amount of energy and protein deficits due to FI were not different between patients who had died and those who were still alive at day 60 (all P > 0.05). About 72% of the total duration of EN FI was due to procedural-related and potentially avoidable causes (primarily human factors), while only about 20% was due to feeding intolerances.
CONCLUSIONS: EN FI occurred primarily due to human factors, which may be minimized by adherence to an evidence-based feeding protocol as determined by a nutrition support team.
METHODS: Hospital Sultanah Aminah, Johor Bahru, is the only public hospital in Johor with a Gastroenterology service. Data on all existing and new IBD patients managed by the Gastroenterology Unit in 2016 were collected. Incidence and prevalence of IBD in 2016 were then calculated based on the estimated population of Johor and Johor Bahru.
RESULTS: Twenty-five new cases of IBD were diagnosed in 2016. Among the 25 cases, 13 cases were Crohn's disease (CD), 10 were ulcerative colitis (UC) and two were IBD Unclassified (IBDU). The crude incidence of IBD, CD, UC and IBDU were 0.68, 0.36, 0.27, and 0.05 per 100,000 population respectively. Ethnic Indians had the highest incidence of IBD at 4.21 followed by Malays and Chinese at 0.56 and 0.18 per 100,000 population respectively. A total of 156 IBD cases were captured. Amongst them, 85 cases were UC, 68 cases were CD and three cases were IBDU, hence the prevalence of IBD, UC, CD and IBDU were 4.27, 2.33, 1.86 and 0.08 per 100,000 population respectively. Similarly, Indians had the highest prevalence at 16.84, followed by Chinese at 4.06 and Malays at 3.44 per 100,000 population.
CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of IBD in Johor is comparable to that of a previous study in northern Peninsular Malaysia. The ethnicity preponderance is similar to the previous studies conducted in Malaysia.
AIM: To evaluate resting tongue position in recently extracted and long term completely edentulous patients, and to evaluate the efficacy of achieving retracted tongue position by simple modification in complete denture along with certain tongue exercises.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 62 study subjects were classified into two groups based on duration of edentulousness. Group A: Recently extracted completely edentulous subjects (<1 year), Group B: Long term completely edentulous subjects (>1-10 year). The patients with retracted tongue position were subjected to a simple modification in complete denture along with inclusion of certain tongue exercises. After eight months patients were recalled and evaluated. The data was analysed using SPSS statistical tests like mean, standard deviation, proportion, Chi square test and McNemar Test.
RESULTS: Among the study subjects, 54.9% had retracted tongue position. Group B showed high proportion of retracted tongue position (68.8%) as compared to Group A. After the intervention, 42.8% study subjects gained normal resting tongue position.
CONCLUSION: Long term completely edentulous subjects presented retracted tongue position in higher percentage when compared to the recently extracted group. The interventional method employed for the subjects with retracted tongue position, played a significant role to assume normal resting tongue position and showed improvement in denture stability and retention.