Displaying publications 441 - 460 of 496 in total

  1. Balasundaram R, Reddy SC
    Malays Fam Physician, 2006;1(2):52-53.
    PMID: 27570586 MyJurnal
    A survey of colour vision deficiency among 1427 medical students and healthcare personnel in Seremban revealed a prevalence of 3.2% with a marked male predominance (males 6.7%, females 0.4%). In view of the potential difficulties faced by such personnel in clinical works, early detection of this deficiency allowed appropriate counselling.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color Vision Defects
  2. Tan, B.H., Azhar, M.E.
    Channa striatus (“haruan”) fish destined for fillet preparation was subjected to two freezing treatments, freezing with distilled water (FW) or freezing directly without distilled water (DF). Fish that was freshly processed without freezing served as control (C). Fillet yield (%) was in the range 33.8% to 35.3% and the highest yield was recorded in FW samples. Whole Fillet Powder (WFP) was prepared from the fillets through low temperature vacuum oven drying (50°C) and its composition and physicochemical properties were assessed. There was no significant difference in moisture and protein contents of all samples (p > 0.05). All WFP were generally dark in colour with whiteness indices ranging from 55.23 - 63.98. The redness (a*) values were 4.33, 11.12, 8.83 whilst the yellowness (b*) were 19.31, 23.04, 21.20 for C, WFP-FW and WFP-DF respectively. WFPs were generally high in histidine, arginine, threonine and tyrosine when compared to egg whites and these (except histidine) and other amino acids (serine, glycine, methionine and phenylalanine) were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in WFP-FW compared to other samples. Overall, freezing treatments affected the composition and physicochemical properties of WFPs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  3. Khoo, Gideon, Lim, Tit Meng, Phang, Violet Pan Eng
    Since the early 1950’s, Singapore is internationally known as the guppy-breeding centre. At least 40 different colour varieties of guppies are cultured in Singapore, with each farm specialising in 10 to 15 varieties. These fancy varieties have been developed by skilful farmers through intensive and continual selective breeding. Genes controlling background body pigmentation such as albino (a), blond (b), gold (g) and blue (r) are autosomally inherited and recessive to their wild-type alleles which produce drab olive-brown background coloration. Colour patterns which are superimposed onto wild-type background coloration are due to genes located on the sex chromosomes. These
    sex-linked colour genes are dominant and sex-limited to males as their expression requires male hormones. Y-linked colour pattern genes carried by males are inherited only along the paternal line while X-linked genes are present in both sexes. Among the guppy varieties produced locally, only two Y-linked genes, Ssb and Sst, that control snakeskin tail and body patterns, respectively, have been found in varieties with snakeskin-like reticulations. Single colour genes that are both X- and Y-linked produce red (Rdt), blue (Blt), green (Grt), black (Bt) and variegated (Var) patterns
    on the caudal fin. The black caudal-peduncle of the Tuxedo variety is the result of Bcp, a gene that is both X- and Ylinked. Different combinations of colour pattern genes and background pigmentation genes as well as interactions among them give rise to various colour phenotypes. For
    instance, the inclusion of Bcp in Snakeskin varieties causes black reticulations on the tail fin to be replaced by large, coarse black spots. Neon coloration is produced by interactions between the Ln (light turquoise) gene with Blt, Rdt and Bcp.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  4. Stephen Ambu, Stacey Foong Yee Yong, Yvonne Ai Lian Lim, Mak Joon Wah, Donald Koh Fook Chen, Soo Shen Ooi, et al.
    Background: The public health issue of consuming groundwater is a major concern because people often extract groundwater directly from the aquifers either through wells or boreholes without treating it with any form of filtration system or chlorine disinfection. Based on the Malaysian National Drinking Water guidelines the current study was designed to provide a better understanding on the variable factors that are influencing the quality of well-water in an urbanised village in Malaysia. Well water quality assessment of heavy metals, chemicals, microbial and physical parameters were carried out for Sungai Buloh Village in the Klang Valley to ensure it was safe for human consumption.

    Materials and Methods: Water samples were collected from wells at four sites (Sites A,B,C,D), a river and a tap inside a house in Sungai Buloh village. Soil was sampled from the riverbed and area surrounding the wells. Samples were collected every two months over a one year duration from all sites. The water samples were processed and examined for viruses, coliforms and protozoa as well as for heavy metal contaminants.

    Results: The turbidity and colour ranged in the average of 0.57-0.13 Nephelometric Turbidity (NTU) and 4.16-5.00 Total Conjunctive Use (TCU) respectively for all sites except Site C. At Site C the turbidity level was 2.56 ± 1.38 NTU. The well-water was polluted with coliforms (1.2 to 2.4 x 103 CFU/100 ml) in all sites, E. coli (0.12 - 4 x 102 CFU/100 ml CFU/ 100 ml) and Cryptosporidium oocysts (0.4 cysts/100 ml). All the heavy metals and chemical parameters were within the Malaysian Guidelines’ limits except manganese. The average pH ranged from 5.44 - 6.62 and the temperature was 28 ºC.

    Conclusion: In summary, the well water at Sungai Buloh is considered unsafe for consumption due to pollution. Therefore the major thrust will be to provide better quality of drinking water to the residents of the village.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  5. El-Garhi HM, El-Aidie SA, Rashid NA, Hayee ZA
    Food Sci Technol Int, 2018 Sep;24(6):465-475.
    PMID: 29600878 DOI: 10.1177/1082013218766979
    This study was undertaken to evaluate the feasibility of using commercial starter cultures for quality improvement of spreadable processed cheese manufactured from ultrafiltered milk retentates. Compared to control, six samples of ultrafiltered milk retentate were incubated at 25 ℃ with starter cultures CHN-22, FRC-60, and ABT-8. Three samples were incubated for 24 h and the others were incubated for 72 h. Physicochemical, microbiological, and organoleptic characteristics in all treatments during the 90-day cold storage (6 ± 2 ℃) period were determined. The results showed that protein content of all treatments was significantly lower than the control. Utilization of starter cultures in ultrafiltered processed cheese production increased titratable acidity, where titratable acidity of the treatments (PC22-3, PC60-3, and PC8-3) was significantly higher than the other treatments and the control. PC8-1, PC60-1, and PC22-1 treatments were the highest penetrometer readings and with low firmness. All treatments had higher water soluble nitrogen/total nitrogen%, total bacterial viable and lactic acid bacterial counts especially PC22-3, PC60-3, and PC8-3 compared to the control. The results revealed that PC60-1 and PC22-3 treatments gained the highest acceptability scores than PC60-3, PC22-1, and the control.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  6. Li KS, Ali MA, Muhammad II, Othman NH, Noor AM
    J Oleo Sci, 2018 May 01;67(5):497-505.
    PMID: 29628486 DOI: 10.5650/jos.ess17203
    The impact of microwave roasting on the thermooxidative degradation of perah seed oil (PSO) was evaluated during heating at a frying temperature (170°C). The roasting resulted significantly lower increment of the values of oxidative indices such as free acidity, peroxide value, p-anisidine, total oxidation (TOTOX), specific extinctions and thiobarbituric acid in oils during heating. The colour L* (lightness) value dropped gradually as the heating time increased up to 12 h, whereas a*(redness) and b* (yellowness) tended to increase. The viscosity and total polar compound in roasted PSO was lower as compared to that in unroasted one at each heating times. The tocol retention was also high in roasted samples throughout the heating period. The relative contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were decreased to 94.42% and saturated fatty acids (SFAs) were increased to 110.20% in unroasted sample, after 12 h of heating. On the other hand, in 3 min roasted samples, the relative contents of PUFAs were decreased to 98.08% and of SFAs were increased to 103.41% after 12 h of heating. Outcome from analyses showed that microwave roasting reduced the oxidative deteriorations of PSO during heating.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  7. Amanina Amani Kamarul Zaman, Rosnah Shamsuddin, Noranizan Mohd Adzahan, Alifdalino Sulaiman
    This intended paper was done to give an early overview of the expected quality attributes of pineapple-mango juice blend treated with ultraviolet irradiation (UV-C) and thermal pasteurisation. Josapine pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) and Chokanan mango (Mangifera indica L.) is the popular tropical fruits in Malaysia with unique taste and constant availability. The blend of pineapple-mango juice predicted to have good overall quality attributes as proved by prior studies on orange-pineapple, lemon-melon, pineapple-carrot-orange and carrot-apple-banana juice blends. Conventional thermal pasteurisation widely implemented in juice industry but resulted in massive quality degradation. Thus, research on the non-thermal technology of UV-C widely studied to overcome such drawbacks of thermal pasteurisation. Effect of UV-C and thermal pasteurisation on pineapple-mango juice blend will be evaluated in terms of physicochemical (pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, turbidity and colour), antioxidant (ascorbic acid, total phenolics content and total antioxidant DPPH assay) and microbiological properties. UV-C treated pineapple-mango juice blend believed to have better retention of heat sensitive ascorbic acid and other quality compared heat pasteurised juice with minimal distinctive characteristic compared to fresh juice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  8. Juhari NH, Bredie WLP, Toldam-Andersen TB, Petersen MA
    Food Res Int, 2018 10;112:378-389.
    PMID: 30131149 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2018.06.049
    Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) is considered an underexploited food crop with nutritional and large scale processing potential. Roselle can be utilized as a functional food, mainly due to being rich in vitamin C, anthocyanins, other phytochemicals, and natural color. Although Roselle has been widely planted and consumed, little is known about the composition of aroma profiles. In this study, seventeen samples of dried Roselle calyx were collected from eight countries and the aroma profiles were determined by dynamic headspace sampling and GC-MS and GC-olfactometry. Furthermore, total soluble solids, pH, and color L* a* b* were determined, and sugars and acids were measured using ion chromatography. There were significant (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  9. Ahmad NA, Yook Heng L, Salam F, Mat Zaid MH, Abu Hanifah S
    Sensors (Basel), 2019 Nov 05;19(21).
    PMID: 31694284 DOI: 10.3390/s19214813
    A developed colorimetric pH sensor film based on edible materials for real-time monitoring of food freshness is described. The mixed natural dyes from edible plants Clitoria sp and Brassica sp were extracted and incorporated into ι-carrageenan film as a colorimetric pH sensor film for monitoring food spoilage and its freshness. The color changes of the developed colorimetric sensor film were measured with chromametry and UV-vis spectroscopy, respectively. Experimental results show that colorimetric pH sensor film demonstrated statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between CIE-L*a*b* coordinates color system indicated that the developed colorimetric sensor film was able to give a gradual change in color over a wide pH range. The color of the colorimetric sensor film also changes discretely and linearly with factors that contribute to food spoilage using shrimp and durian samples. Moreover, the developed colorimetric pH sensor film has the potential to be used as a safe, non-destructive testing and also a flexibly visual method for direct assessment of food freshness indicator during storage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color; Colorimetry/instrumentation*; Coloring Agents/chemistry
  10. Sim BI, Khor YP, Lai OM, Yeoh CB, Wang Y, Liu Y, et al.
    Food Chem, 2020 Oct 30;328:127147.
    PMID: 32497897 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127147
    The reduction of the 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol esters (3-MCPDE) and glycidyl esters (GE) was successfully achieved by the optimization of four processing parameters: phosphoric acid dosage, degumming temperature, bleaching earth dosage, and deodorization temperature by response surface methodology without the need for additional processing steps. The optimized processing conditions were 0.31% phosphoric acid dosage, 50 °C degumming temperature, 3% bleaching earth dosage, and 240 °C deodorization temperature. The optimization resulted in more than 80% and 65% reduction of 3-MCPDE and GE levels, respectively with color and FFA contents maintained in the acceptable range specified by Palm Oil Refiners Association of Malaysia. The optimized refining condition was transferred to macro scale refining units of 1 kg and 3 kg capacities to investigate its successful application during scale-up process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  11. Mallick Z, Siddiquee AN, Haleem A
    J Hum Ergol (Tokyo), 2008 Dec;37(2):57-66.
    PMID: 19227193 DOI: 10.11183/jhe1972.37.57
    The last 20 years have seen a tremendous growth in the field of computing with special reference to mobile computing. Ergonomic issues pertaining to this theme remains unexplored. With special reference to readability in mobile computing, an experimental research was conducted to study the gender effect on human performance under the impact of vibration in a human computer interaction environment. Fourteen subjects (7 males and 7 females) participated in the study. Three independent variables, namely gender, level of vibration and screen text/background colour, were selected for the experimental investigation while the dependent variable was the number of characters read per minute. The data collected were analyzed statistically through an experimental design for repeated measures. Results indicated that gender as an organismic variable, the level of vibration and screen text/background colour revealed statistically significant differences. However, the second order interaction was found to be statistically non-significant. These findings are discussed in light of the previous studies undertaken on the topic.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  12. Rosli Y, Carle CF, Ho Y, James AC, Kolic M, Rohan EMF, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2018 02 14;8(1):2991.
    PMID: 29445236 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-21196-1
    Multifocal pupillographic objective perimetry (mfPOP) has recently been shown to be able to measure cortical function. Here we assessed 44 regions of the central 60 degrees of the visual fields of each eye concurrently in 7 minutes/test. We examined how foveally- and peripherally-directed attention changed response sensitivity and delay across the 44 visual field locations/eye. Four experiments were completed comparing white, yellow and blue stimulus arrays. Experiments 1 to 4 tested 16, 23, 9 and 6 subjects, 49/54 being unique. Experiment 1, Experiments 2 and 3, and Experiment 4 used three variants of the mfPOP method that provided increasingly improved signal quality. Experiments 1 to 3 examined centrally directed attention, and Experiment 4 compared effects of attention directed to different peripheral targets. Attention reduced the sensitivity of the peripheral locations in Experiment 1, but only for the white stimuli not yellow. Experiment 2 confirmed that result. Experiment 3 showed that blue stimuli behaved like white. Peripheral attention showed increased sensitivity around the attentional targets. The results are discussed in terms of the cortical inputs to the pupillary system. The results agree with those from multifocal and other fMRI and VEP studies. mfPOP may be a useful adjunct to those methods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color Perception
  13. Chong KY, Chin NL, Yusof YA
    Food Sci Technol Int, 2017 Oct;23(7):608-622.
    PMID: 28614964 DOI: 10.1177/1082013217713331
    The effects of thermosonication on the quality of a stingless bee honey, the Kelulut, were studied using processing temperature from 45 to 90 ℃ and processing time from 30 to 120 minutes. Physicochemical properties including water activity, moisture content, color intensity, viscosity, hydroxymethylfurfural content, total phenolic content, and radical scavenging activity were determined. Thermosonication reduced the water activity and moisture content by 7.9% and 16.6%, respectively, compared to 3.5% and 6.9% for conventional heating. For thermosonicated honey, color intensity increased by 68.2%, viscosity increased by 275.0%, total phenolic content increased by 58.1%, and radical scavenging activity increased by 63.0% when compared to its raw form. The increase of hydroxymethylfurfural to 62.46 mg/kg was still within the limits of international standards. Optimized thermosonication conditions using response surface methodology were predicted at 90 ℃ for 111 minutes. Thermosonication was revealed as an effective alternative technique for honey processing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  14. Sing NN, Husaini A, Zulkharnain A, Roslan HA
    Biomed Res Int, 2017;2017:1325754.
    PMID: 28168194 DOI: 10.1155/2017/1325754
    Marasmius cladophyllus was examined for its ability to degradatively decolourise the recalcitrant dye Remazol Brilliant Blue R (RBBR) and screened for the production of ligninolytic enzymes using specific substrates. Monitoring dye decolourisation by the decrease in absorbance ratio of A592/A500 shows that the decolourisation of RBBR dye was associated with the dye degradation. Marasmius cladophyllus produces laccase and lignin peroxidase in glucose minimal liquid medium containing RBBR. Both enzyme activities were increased, with laccase activity recorded 70 times higher reaching up to 390 U L-1 on day 12. Further in vitro RBBR dye decolourisation using the culture medium shows that laccase activity was correlated with the dye decolourisation. Fresh RBBR dye continuously supplemented into the decolourised culture medium was further decolourised much faster in the subsequent round of the RBBR dye decolourisation. In vitro dye decolourisation using the crude laccase not only decolourised 76% of RBBR dye in just 19 hours but also decolourised 54% of Orange G and 33% of Congo red at the same period of time without the use of any exogenous mediator. This rapid dye decolourisation ability of the enzymes produced by M. cladophyllus thus suggested its possible application in the bioremediation of dye containing wastewater.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color; Coloring Agents/metabolism*
  15. Othman R, Hasni SI, Baharuddin ZM, Hashim KSH, Mahamod LH
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Oct;24(29):22861-22872.
    PMID: 28721625 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9715-9
    Slope failure has become a major concern in Malaysia due to the rapid development and urbanisation in the country. It poses severe threats to any highway construction industry, residential areas, natural resources and tourism activities. The extent of damages that resulted from this catastrophe can be lessened if a long-term early warning system to predict landslide prone areas is implemented. Thus, this study aims to characterise the relationship between Oxisols properties and soil colour variables to be manipulated as key indicators to forecast shallow slope failure. The concentration of each soil property in slope soil was evaluated from two different localities that consist of 120 soil samples from stable and unstable slopes located along the North-South Highway (PLUS) and East-West Highway (LPT). Analysis of variance established highly significant difference (P 
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  16. Neoh CH, Lam CY, Lim CK, Yahya A, Bay HH, Ibrahim Z, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2015 Aug;22(15):11669-78.
    PMID: 25850745 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-4436-4
    Extensive use of recalcitrant azo dyes in textile and paper industries poses a direct threat to the environment due to the carcinogenicity of their degradation products. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of Curvularia clavata NZ2 in decolorization of azo dyes. The ability of the fungus to decolorize azo dyes can be evaluated as an important outcome as existing effluent treatment is unable to remove the dyes effectively. C. clavata has the ability to decolorize Reactive Black 5 (RB5), Acid Orange 7 (AO7), and Congo Red azo dyes, utilizing these as sole sources of carbon and nitrogen. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy and Fourier infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis of the extracted RB5's metabolites along with desorption tests confirmed that the decolorization process occurred due to degradation and not merely by adsorption. Enzyme activities of extracellular enzymes such as carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase), xylanase, laccase, and manganese peroxidase (MnP) were also detected during the decolorization process. Toxicity expressed as inhibition of germination was reduced significantly in fungal-treated azo dye solution when compared with the control. The cultivation of C. clavata under sequential batch system also recorded a decolorization efficiency of above 90%. The crude enzyme secreted by C. clavata also showed excellent ability to decolorize RB5 solutions with concentrations of 100 ppm (88-92%) and 1000 ppm (70-77%) without redox mediator. This proved that extracellular enzymes produced by C. clavata played a major role in decolorization of RB5.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  17. Wahi R, Bidin ER, Mohamed Asif NM, Nor Hamizat NA, Ngaini Z, Omar R, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Aug;26(22):22246-22253.
    PMID: 31152421 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-05548-6
    Sago bark (SB) and empty fruit bunch (EFB) are available abundantly as agricultural waste in Sarawak. This study was conducted to investigate the physicochemical characteristics of SB and EFB as composting materials and used as a plant growth medium. The SB and EFB composts were prepared in a separate container by mixing chicken manure as compost accelerator and wood chips as a bulking agent in dry weight equivalent ratio (1:1:1). The maturity and stability of compost in 60-day composting periods were evaluated via physicochemical characterization of the composts in terms of pH, elemental content, total ash content, moisture content and nutrient analyses. The effect of the compost usage as growth medium was assessed towards water spinach and green mustard via seed germination and pot study. After 2 months, the colour of both composts was dark brown with an earthy smell. The acidic pH of the initial composting stage has changed into alkaline pH after 60 days of composting. Total NPK present in the SB and EFB composts were 0.96% and 1.21%, respectively. The germination index (GI) for the studied vegetables was above 100%, while the pot study showed that vegetables in compost media has higher growth compared to the control, after 14 days. SB and EFB are renewable waste which can be used as an excellent compost and able to improve the quality of the soil.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  18. Cai Z, Petersen B, Sahana G, Madsen LB, Larsen K, Thomsen B, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2017 Nov 06;7(1):14564.
    PMID: 29109430 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-15169-z
    The American mink (Neovison vison) is a semiaquatic species of mustelid native to North America. It's an important animal for the fur industry. Many efforts have been made to locate genes influencing fur quality and color, but this search has been impeded by the lack of a reference genome. Here we present the first draft genome of mink. In our study, two mink individuals were sequenced by Illumina sequencing with 797 Gb sequence generated. Assembly yielded 7,175 scaffolds with an N50 of 6.3 Mb and length of 2.4 Gb including gaps. Repeat sequences constitute around 31% of the genome, which is lower than for dog and cat genomes. The alignments of mink, ferret and dog genomes help to illustrate the chromosomes rearrangement. Gene annotation identified 21,053 protein-coding sequences present in mink genome. The reference genome's structure is consistent with the microsatellite-based genetic map. Mapping of well-studied genes known to be involved in coat quality and coat color, and previously located fur quality QTL provide new knowledge about putative candidate genes for fur traits. The draft genome shows great potential to facilitate genomic research towards improved breeding for high fur quality animals and strengthen our understanding on evolution of Carnivora.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  19. Muhammad KB, Abas WA, Kim KH, Pingguan-Murphy B, Zain NM, Akram H
    Clinics (Sao Paulo), 2012;67(6):629-38.
    PMID: 22760903
    OBJECTIVE: Dark poly(caprolactone) trifumarate is a successful candidate for use as a bone tissue engineering scaffold. Recently, a white polymeric scaffold was developed that shows a shorter synthesis time and is more convenient for tissue-staining work. This is an in vitro comparative study of both the white and dark scaffolds.

    METHODS: Both white and dark poly(caprolactone) trifumarate macromers were characterized via Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy before being chemically cross-linked and molded into disc-shaped scaffolds. Biodegradability was assessed by percentage weight loss on days 7, 14, 28, 42 and 56 (n = 5) after immersion in 10% serum-supplemented medium or distilled water. Static cell seeding was employed in which isolated and characterized rat bone marrow stromal cells were seeded directly onto the scaffold surface. Seeded scaffolds were subjected to a series of biochemical assays and scanning electron microscopy at specified time intervals for up to 28 days of incubation.

    RESULTS: The degradation of the white scaffold was significantly lower compared with the dark scaffold but was within the acceptable time range for bone-healing processes. The deoxyribonucleic acid and collagen contents increased up to day 28 with no significant difference between the two scaffolds, but the glycosaminoglycan content was slightly higher in the white scaffold throughout 14 days of incubation. Scanning electron microscopy at day 1 [corrected] revealed cellular growth and attachment.

    CONCLUSIONS: There was no cell growth advantage between the two forms, but the white scaffold had a slower biodegradability rate, suggesting that the newly synthesized poly(caprolactone) trifumarate is more suitable for use as a bone tissue engineering scaffold.

    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  20. Basri DF, Tan LS, Shafiei Z, Zin NM
    PMID: 22203875 DOI: 10.1155/2012/632796
    The galls of Quercus infectoria are commonly used in Malay traditional medicine to treat wound infections after childbirth. In India, they are employed traditionally as dental applications such as that in treatment of toothache and gingivitis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the antibacterial activity of galls of Quercus infectoria Olivier against oral bacteria which are known to cause dental caries and periodontitis. Methanol and acetone extracts were screened against two Gram-positive bacteria (Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 and Streptococcus salivarius ATCC 13419) and two Gram-negative bacteria (Porphyromonas gingivalis ATCC 33277 and Fusobacterium nucleatum ATCC 25586). The screening test of antibacterial activity was performed using agar-well diffusion method. Subsequently, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by using twofold serial microdilution method at a concentration ranging between 0.01 mg/mL and 5 mg/mL. Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) was obtained by subculturing microtiter wells which showed no changes in colour of the indicator after incubation. Both extracts showed inhibition zones which did not differ significantly (P < 0.05) against each tested bacteria. Among all tested bacteria, S. salivarius was the most susceptible. The MIC ranges for methanol and acetone extracts were the same, between 0.16 and 0.63 mg/mL. The MBC value, for methanol and acetone extracts, was in the ranges 0.31-1.25 mg/mL and 0.31-2.50 mg/mL, respectively. Both extracts of Q. infectoria galls exhibited similar antibacterial activity against oral pathogens. Thus, the galls may be considered as effective phytotherapeutic agents for the prevention of oral pathogens.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
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