Displaying publications 581 - 600 of 927 in total

  1. Hashim OH, Hassan H
    Immunology, 1991 Jun;73(2):235-8.
    PMID: 2071167
    Three bacterial species of Clostridium (septicum, tertium and sporogenes) were identified to produce extracellular proteases cleaving IgA to Fab and Fc fragments, as demonstrated by SDS-PAGE and immunoelectrophoretic procedures. These enzymes acted on monometric IgA1 paraproteins and normal serum IgA1 but had no activity on IgA2 paraproteins and intact secretory IgA1 from human colostrum. Their action on polyclonal serum IgA1 suggested the absence of neutralizing anti-clostridial IgA protease activity. Although the enzymes were shown not to act on secretory IgA1, they were, however, able to digest free alpha-heavy chains of the dimeric IgA molecules. Susceptibility of the alpha-heavy chain to the proteases was more likely due to the change to a more accessible conformation than because of the absence of neutralizing anti-enzymic activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  2. Tan NH, Saifuddin MN
    PMID: 1982873
    1. The edema-inducing activity of 24 venoms from snakes of the subfamilies of Elapinae, Hydrophiini, Crotalinae and Viperinae was determined. 2. All snake venoms tested are very potent edema inducers. The minimum edema doses of the venoms ranged from 0.16 to 3.41 micrograms per mouse paw. 3. The venoms induced a rapid onset edema which peaked within 1 h of injection and declined thereafter; at low dose, however, some venoms induced a rapid onset edema that sustained over a longer duration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  3. Ismail BS, Kalithasan K
    J Environ Sci Health B, 2004 May;39(3):419-29.
    PMID: 15186031
    The adsorption, desorption, and mobility of permethrin in six tropical soils was determined under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. The six soils were selected from vegetable growing areas in Malaysia. Soil organic matter (OM) was positively correlated (r2 = 0.97) with the adsorption of permethrin. The two soils, namely, Teringkap 1 and Lating series with the highest OM (3.2 and 2.9%) released 32.5 and 30.8% of the adsorbed permethrin after four consecutive repetitions of the desorption process, respectively, compared to approximately 75.4% of the Gunung Berinchang soil with the lowest OM (1.0%) under the same conditions. The mobility of permethrin down the soil column was inversely correlated to the organic matter content of the soil. Permethrin residue penetrated only to the 10-15 cm zone in the Teringkap 1 soil with 3.2% OM but penetrated to a depth of more than 20 cm in the other soils. The Berinchang series soil with the lowest OM (1.0%) yielded leachate with 14.8% permethrin, the highest level in leachates from all the soils tested. Therefore, the possibility for permethrin to contaminate underground water may be greater in the presence of low organic matter content, which subsequently allows a higher percentage of permethrin to move downwards through the soil column.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  4. Awang R, Basri M, Ahmad S, Salleh AB
    Biotechnol Lett, 2004 Jan;26(1):11-4.
    PMID: 15005144
    The esterification of palm-based 9,10-dihydroxystearic acid (DHSA) and 1-octanol in hexane as catalyzed by lipase from Rhizomucor meihei (Lipozyme IM) followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The esterification reaction follows a Ping-Pong, Bi-Bi mechanism. The maximum rate was estimated to be 1 micromol min(-1) mg(-1) catalyst in hexane at 50 degrees C, and the Michaelis-Menten constants for DHSA and 1-octanol were 1.3 M and 0.7 M, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  5. Shehu D, Alias Z
    Protein J, 2018 06;37(3):261-269.
    PMID: 29779193 DOI: 10.1007/s10930-018-9774-x
    Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are a family of enzymes that function in the detoxification of variety of electrophilic substrates. In the present work, we report a novel zeta-like GST (designated as KKSG9) from the biphenyl/polychlorobiphenyl degrading organism Acidovorax sp. KKS102. KKSG9 possessed low sequence similarity but similar biochemical properties to zeta class GSTs. Functional analysis showed that the enzyme exhibits wider substrate specificity compared to most zeta class GSTs by reacting with 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB), p-nitrobenzyl chloride (NBC), ethacrynic acid (EA), hydrogen peroxide, and cumene hydroperoxide. The enzyme also displayed dehalogenation function against dichloroacetate, permethrin, and dieldrin. The functional role of Tyr12 was also investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutant (Y12C) displayed low catalytic activity and dehalogenation function against all the substrates when compared with the wild type. Kinetic analysis using NBC and GSH as substrates showed that the mutant (Y12C) displayed a higher affinity for NBC when compared with the wild type, however, no significant change in GSH affinity was observed. These findings suggest that the presence of tyrosine residue in the motif might represent an evolutionary trend toward improving the catalytic activity of the enzyme. The enzyme as well could be useful in the bioremediation of various types of organochlorine pollutants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  6. Tan IK, Ho CC
    Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 1991 Nov;36(2):163-6.
    PMID: 1368105
    The utilisation of palm oil and its fractions by Penicillium chrysogenum for growth and penicillin production is strain-dependent. Strain H1107 could utilise crude palm oil, its liquid (palm olein) and solid (palm stearin) fractions and its component fatty acids (oleic, palmitic, stearic and myristic) as the main carbon source; strain M223 could not. Cell-bound lipase activity was higher in H1107 than in M223.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  7. Nagarajan J, Krishnamurthy NP, Nagasundara Ramanan R, Raghunandan ME, Galanakis CM, Ooi CW
    Food Chem, 2019 Oct 30;296:47-55.
    PMID: 31202305 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.05.135
    The redfleshed pulp discarded from pink guava puree industry is a rich source of lycopene and pectin. In this study, we developed a facile extraction process employing water as the primary extraction medium to isolate the lycopene and pectin from pink guava decanter. When the decanter was suspended in water, the complexation of lycopene and pectin formed the cloudy solution, where the colloidal complexes were recovered through centrifugation. The presence of lycopene and pectin in the complex was confirmed by the spectroscopic, microscopic and chromatographic analyses. The lycopene fractionated from the complexes had a purity level of 99% and was in all-trans configuration. The colloidal complexes yielding the highest concentration of lycopene was obtained at pH 7, 1% (w/v) solid loading and 25 °C. The experimental data of time-course extraction of lycopene-pectin complex were best fitted with two-site kinetic model, hinting the fast- and slow-release phases in the extraction process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  8. Pandey P, Chellappan DK, Tambuwala MM, Bakshi HA, Dua K, Dureja H
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2019 Dec 01;141:596-610.
    PMID: 31494160 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.09.023
    The most common cause of deaths due to cancers nowadays is lung cancer. The objective of this study was to prepare erlotinib loaded chitosan nanoparticles for their anticancer potential. To study the effect of formulation variables on prepared nanoparticles using central composite design. Erlotinib loaded chitosan nanoparticles were prepared by ionic gelation method using probe sonication technique. It was found that batch NP-7 has a maximum loading capacity and entrapment efficiency with a particle size (138.5 nm) which is ideal for targeting solid tumors. Analysis of variance was applied to the particle size, entrapment efficiency and percent cumulative drug release to study the fitting and the significance of the model. The batch NP-7 showed 91.57% and 39.78% drug release after 24 h in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid and Phosphate Buffer (PB) pH 6.8, respectively. The IC50 value of NP-7 evaluated on A549 Lung cancer cells was found to be 6.36 μM. The XRD of NP-7 displayed the existence of erlotinib in the amorphous pattern. The optimized batch released erlotinib slowly in comparison to the marketed tablet formulation. Erlotinib loaded chitosan nanoparticles were prepared successfully using sonication technique with suitable particle size, entrapment efficiency and drug release. The formulated nanoparticles can be utilized for the treatment of lung cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  9. Samah NA, Sánchez-Martín MJ, Sebastián RM, Valiente M, López-Mesas M
    Sci Total Environ, 2018 Aug 01;631-632:1534-1543.
    PMID: 29727977 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.087
    Contaminants of Emerging Concerns (CECs) have been introduced as one type of recalcitrant pollutant sources in water. In this study, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac (DCF) has been removed from water solutions using Molecularly Imprinted Polymer (MIP), synthetized via bulk polymerization with allylthiourea (AT) as the functional monomer and using DCF as template (MIP-DCF). DCF detection has been performed by UV spectrophotometer. From the kinetic study in batch mode, approximately 100% of removal is observed by using 10mg of MIP-DCF, with an initial concentration of 5mg/L of DCF at pH7, within 3min and agitated at 25°C. In continuous flow mode study, using a cartridge pre-packed with 10mg of MIP-DCF, a high adsorption capacity of 160mgDCF/g MIP was obtained. To study the porosity of MIPs, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has been used. In order to characterize the chemical interaction between monomer and template, the pre-polymerization mixture for MIP and DCF has also been studied by 1H NMR. One of the chemical shift observed has been related to the formation of a complex between amine protons of thiourea group of AT with carboxylic acid on DCF. In conclusion, the developed MIP works as a good adsorbent for DCF removal, and is selective to DCF in the presence of indomethacin and ibuprofen.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  10. Rafique R, Khan KM, Arshia, Kanwal, Chigurupati S, Wadood A, et al.
    Bioorg Chem, 2020 01;94:103195.
    PMID: 31451297 DOI: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.103195
    The current study describes the discovery of novel inhibitors of α-glucosidase and α-amylase enzymes. For that purpose, new hybrid analogs of N-hydrazinecarbothioamide substituted indazoles 4-18 were synthesized and fully characterized by EI-MS, FAB-MS, HRFAB-MS, 1H-, and 13C NMR spectroscopic techniques. Stereochemistry of the imine double bond was established by NOESY measurements. All derivatives 4-18 with their intermediates 1-3, were evaluated for in vitro α-glucosidase and α-amylase enzyme inhibition. It is worth mentioning that all synthetic compounds showed good inhibition potential in the range of 1.54 ± 0.02-4.89 ± 0.02 µM for α-glucosidase and for α-amylase 1.42 ± 0.04-4.5 ± 0.18 µM in comparison with the standard acarbose (IC50 value of 1.36 ± 0.01 µM). In silico studies were carried out to rationalize the mode of binding interaction of ligands with the active site of enzymes. Moreover, enzyme inhibitory kinetic characterization was also performed to understand the mechanism of enzyme inhibition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  11. Ahmad NA, Jumbri K, Ramli A, Abd Ghani N, Ahmad H, Lim JW
    Molecules, 2018 Dec 05;23(12).
    PMID: 30563037 DOI: 10.3390/molecules23123201
    The antiradical efficiency (AE) and kinetic behavior of a new ferulate-based protic ionic liquids (PILs) were described using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical assay. The reduction of the DPPH free radical (DPPH•) was investigated by measuring the decrease in absorbance at 517 nm. The time to reach steady state for the reaction of parent acid (ferulic acid) and synthesized PILs with DPPH• was continuously recorded for 1 h. Results revealed that the AE of 2-butylaminoethanol ferulate (2BAEF), 3-dimethylaminopropanol ferulate (3DMAPF) and 3-diethylaminopropanol ferulate (3DEAPF) PILs have improved compared to ferulic acid (FA) as the reaction class changes from low to medium. This attributed to the strong hydrogen abstraction occurred in the PILs. Furthermore, these PILs were found to have a good kinetic behavior compared to FA due to the high rate constant (k₂) (164.17, 242.84 and 244.73 M-1 s-1, respectively). The alkyl chain length and more alkyl substituents on the nitrogen atom of cation were believed to reduce the cation-anion interaction and speed up the hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) and electron transfer (ET) mechanisms; hence, increased rate constant was observed leading to a strong antioxidant activity of the synthesized PILs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  12. Kusrini E, Usman A, Sani FA, Wilson LD, Abdullah MAA
    Environ Monit Assess, 2019 Jul 10;191(8):488.
    PMID: 31292792 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-019-7634-6
    This paper presents the adsorption capacity of a biosorbent derived from the inner part of durian (Durio zibethinus) rinds, which are a low-cost and abundant agro-waste material. The durian rind sorbent has been successfully utilized to remove lanthanum (La) and yttrium (Y) ions from their binary aqueous solution. The effects of several adsorption parameters including contact time, pH, concentrations of La and Y, and temperature on the removal of La and Y ions were investigated. The adsorption isotherm and kinetics of the metal ions were also evaluated in detail. Both La and Y ions were efficiently adsorbed by the biosorbent with optimum adsorption capacity as high as 71 mg La and 35 mg Y per gram biosorbent, respectively. The simultaneous adsorption of La and Y ions follows Langmuir isotherm model, due to the favorable chelation and strong chemical interactions between the functional groups on the surface of the biosorbent and the metal ions. The addition of oxygen content after adsorption offers an interpretation that the rare-earth metal ions are chelated and incorporated most probably in the form of metal oxides. With such high adsorption capacity of La and Y ions, the durian rind sorbent could potentially be used to treat contaminated wastewater containing La and Y metal ions, as well as for separating and extracting rare-earth metal ions from crude minerals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  13. Al-Ahdal SA, Ahmad Kayani AB, Md Ali MA, Chan JY, Ali T, Adnan N, et al.
    Int J Mol Sci, 2019 Jul 23;20(14).
    PMID: 31340481 DOI: 10.3390/ijms20143595
    We employed dielectrophoresis to a yeast cell suspension containing amyloid-beta proteins (Aβ) in a microfluidic environment. The Aβ was separated from the cells and characterized using the gradual dissolution of Aβ as a function of the applied dielectrophoretic parameters. We established the gradual dissolution of Aβ under specific dielectrophoretic parameters. Further, Aβ in the fibril form at the tip of the electrode dissolved at high frequency. This was perhaps due to the conductivity of the suspending medium changing according to the frequency, which resulted in a higher temperature at the tips of the electrodes, and consequently in the breakdown of the hydrogen bonds. However, those shaped as spheroidal monomers experienced a delay in the Aβ fibril transformation process. Yeast cells exposed to relatively low temperatures at the base of the electrode did not experience a positive or negative change in viability. The DEP microfluidic platform incorporating the integrated microtip electrode array was able to selectively manipulate the yeast cells and dissolve the Aβ to a controlled extent. We demonstrate suitable dielectrophoretic parameters to induce such manipulation, which is highly relevant for Aβ-related colloidal microfluidic research and could be applied to Alzheimer's research in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  14. Hassan MN, Fauzi HM, Husin A, Mustaffa R, Hassan R, Ibrahim MI, et al.
    Oman Med J, 2019 Jan;34(1):34-43.
    PMID: 30671182 DOI: 10.5001/omj.2019.06
    Objectives: Autologous peripheral blood stem cells transplantation (APBSCT) is a therapeutic option which can be used in various hematological, neoplastic disorders including lymphoproliferative disease (LPD). Differences in patient populations and treatment modalities in different transplant centers mean it is important to improve the knowledge of the different factors affecting engraftment after APBSCT for the success of this procedure. We sought to determine the factors influencing neutrophil and platelet engraftment after APBSCT in patients with LPD.

    Methods: We conducted a retrospective review of 70 patients with LPD (35 with lymphoma and 35 with multiple myeloma) who had undergone APBSCT between January 2008 and December 2016. Data obtained included disease type, treatment, and stem cell characteristics. Kaplan-Meier analysis was performed for probabilities of neutrophil and platelet engraftment occurred and was compared by the log-rank test. The multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression model was used for the analysis of potential independent factors influencing engraftment. A p-value < 0.050 was considered statistically significant.

    Results: Most patients were ethnic Malay, the median age at transplantation was 49.5 years. Neutrophil and platelet engraftment occurred in a median time of 18 (range 4-65) and 17 (range 6-66) days, respectively. The majority of patients showed engraftment with 65 (92.9%) and 63 (90.0%) showing neutrophil and platelet engraftment, respectively. We observed significant differences between neutrophil engraftment and patient's weight (< 60/≥ 60 kg), stage of disease at diagnosis, number of previous chemotherapy cycles (< 8/≥ 8), and pre-transplant radiotherapy. While for platelet engraftment, we found significant differences with gender, patient's weight (< 60/≥ 60 kg), pre-transplant radiotherapy, and CD34+ dosage (< 5.0/≥ 5.0 × 106/kg and < 7.0/≥ 7.0 × 106/kg). The stage of disease at diagnosis (p = 0.012) and pre-transplant radiotherapy (p = 0.025) were found to be independent factors for neutrophil engraftment whereas patient's weight (< 60/≥ 60 kg, p = 0.017), age at transplantation (< 50/≥ 50 years, p = 0.038), and CD34+ dosage (< 7.0/≥ 7.0 × 106/kg, p = 0.002) were found to be independent factors for platelet engraftment.

    Conclusions: Patients with LPD who presented at an early stage and with no history of radiotherapy had faster neutrophil engraftment after APBSCT, while a younger age at transplantation with a higher dose of CD34+ cells may predict faster platelet engraftment. However, additional studies are necessary for better understanding of engraftment kinetics to improve the success of APBSCT.

    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  15. Khan T, Binti Abd Manan TS, Isa MH, Ghanim AAJ, Beddu S, Jusoh H, et al.
    Molecules, 2020 Jul 17;25(14).
    PMID: 32708928 DOI: 10.3390/molecules25143263
    This research optimized the adsorption performance of rice husk char (RHC4) for copper (Cu(II)) from an aqueous solution. Various physicochemical analyses such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur (CHNS) analysis, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area analysis, bulk density (g/mL), ash content (%), pH, and pHZPC were performed to determine the characteristics of RHC4. The effects of operating variables such as the influences of aqueous pH, contact time, Cu(II) concentration, and doses of RHC4 on adsorption were studied. The maximum adsorption was achieved at 120 min of contact time, pH 6, and at 8 g/L of RHC4 dose. The prediction of percentage Cu(II) adsorption was investigated via an artificial neural network (ANN). The Fletcher-Reeves conjugate gradient backpropagation (BP) algorithm was the best fit among all of the tested algorithms (mean squared error (MSE) of 3.84 and R2 of 0.989). The pseudo-second-order kinetic model fitted well with the experimental data, thus indicating chemical adsorption. The intraparticle analysis showed that the adsorption process proceeded by boundary layer adsorption initially and by intraparticle diffusion at the later stage. The Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models interpreted well the adsorption capacity and intensity. The thermodynamic parameters indicated that the adsorption of Cu(II) by RHC4 was spontaneous. The RHC4 adsorption capacity is comparable to other agricultural material-based adsorbents, making RHC4 competent for Cu(II) removal from wastewater.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  16. Nordin NA, Abdul Rahman N, Abdullah AH
    Molecules, 2020 Jul 06;25(13).
    PMID: 32640766 DOI: 10.3390/molecules25133081
    Heavy metal pollution, such as lead, can cause contamination of water resources and harm human life. Many techniques have been explored and utilized to overcome this problem, with adsorption technology being the most common strategies for water treatment. In this study, carbon nanofibers, polyacrylonitrile (PAN)/sago lignin (SL) carbon nanofibers (PAN/SL CNF) and PAN/SL activated carbon nanofibers (PAN/SL ACNF), with a diameter approximately 300 nm, were produced by electrospinning blends of polyacrylonitrile and sago lignin followed by thermal and acid treatments and used as adsorbents for the removal of Pb(II) ions from aqueous solutions. The incorporation of biodegradable and renewable SL in PAN/SL blends fibers produces the CNF with a smaller diameter than PAN only but preserves the structure of CNF. The adsorption of Pb(II) ions on PAN/SL ACNF was three times higher than that of PAN/SL CNF. The enhanced removal was due to the nitric acid treatment that resulted in the formation of surface oxygenated functional groups that promoted the Pb(II) ions adsorption. The best-suited adsorption conditions that gave the highest percentage removal of 67%, with an adsorption capacity of 524 mg/g, were 40 mg of adsorbent dosage, 125 ppm of Pb(II) solution, pH 5, and a contact time of 240 min. The adsorption data fitted the Langmuir isotherm and the pseudo-second-order kinetic models, indicating that the adsorption is a monolayer, and is governed by the availability of the adsorption sites. With the adsorption capacity of 588 mg/g, determined via the Langmuir isotherm model, the study demonstrated the potential of PAN/SL ACNFs as the adsorbent for the removal of Pb(II) ions from aqueous solution.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  17. Babatunde O, Hameed S, Salar U, Chigurupati S, Wadood A, Rehman AU, et al.
    Mol Divers, 2021 Mar 01.
    PMID: 33650031 DOI: 10.1007/s11030-021-10196-5
    A variety of dihydroquinazolin-4(1H)-one derivatives (1-37) were synthesized via "one-pot" three-component reaction scheme by treating aniline and different aromatic aldehydes with isatoic anhydride in the presence of acetic acid. Chemical structures of compounds were deduced by different spectroscopic techniques including EI-MS, HREI-MS, 1H-, and 13C-NMR. Compounds were subjected to α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities. A number of derivatives exhibited significant to moderate inhibition potential against α-amylase (IC50 = 23.33 ± 0.02-88.65 ± 0.23 μM) and α-glucosidase (IC50 = 25.01 ± 0.12-89.99 ± 0.09 μM) enzymes, respectively. Results were compared with the standard acarbose (IC50 = 17.08 ± 0.07 μM for α-amylase and IC50 = 17.67 ± 0.09 μM for α-glucosidase). Structure-activity relationship (SAR) was rationalized by analyzing the substituents effects on inhibitory potential. Kinetic studies were implemented to find the mode of inhibition by compounds which revealed competitive inhibition for α-amylase and non-competitive inhibition for α-glucosidase. However, in silico study identified several important binding interactions of ligands (synthetic analogues) with the active site of both enzymes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  18. Abdullah R, Alhusainy W, Woutersen J, Rietjens IM, Punt A
    Food Chem Toxicol, 2016 Jun;92:104-16.
    PMID: 27016491 DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2016.03.017
    Aristolochic acids are naturally occurring nephrotoxins. This study aims to investigate whether physiologically based kinetic (PBK) model-based reverse dosimetry could convert in vitro concentration-response curves of aristolochic acid I (AAI) to in vivo dose response-curves for nephrotoxicity in rat, mouse and human. To achieve this extrapolation, PBK models were developed for AAI in these different species. Subsequently, concentration-response curves obtained from in vitro cytotoxicity models were translated to in vivo dose-response curves using PBK model-based reverse dosimetry. From the predicted in vivo dose-response curves, points of departure (PODs) for risk assessment could be derived. The PBK models elucidated species differences in the kinetics of AAI with the overall catalytic efficiency for metabolic conversion of AAI to aristolochic acid Ia (AAIa) being 2-fold higher for rat and 64-fold higher for mouse than human. Results show that the predicted PODs generally fall within the range of PODs derived from the available in vivo studies. This study provides proof of principle for a new method to predict a POD for in vivo nephrotoxicity by integrating in vitro toxicity testing with in silico PBK model-based reverse dosimetry.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  19. Yusof NH, Foo KY, Hameed BH, Hussin MH, Lee HK, Sabar S
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2020 Aug 15;157:648-658.
    PMID: 31790734 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.11.218
    Chitosan-polyethyleneimine with calcium chloride as ionic cross-linker (CsPC) was synthesized as a new kind of adsorbent using a simple, green and cost-effective technique. The adsorption properties of the adsorbent for Acid Red 88 (AR88) dye, as a model analyte, were investigated in a batch system as the function of solution pH (pH 3-12), initial AR88 concentration (50-500 mg L-1), contact time (0-24 h), and temperature (30-50 °C). Results showed that the adsorption process obeyed the pseudo-first order kinetic model and the adsorption rate was governed by both intra-particle and liquid-film mechanism. Equilibrium data were well correlated with the Freundlich isotherm model, with the calculated maximum adsorption capacity (qm) of 1000 mg g-1 at 30 °C. The findings underlined CsPC to be an effective and efficient adsorbent, which can be easily synthesized via one-step process with promising prospects for the removal of AR88 or any other similar dyes from the aqueous solutions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
  20. Chaibakhsh N, Abdul Rahman MB, Abd-Aziz S, Basri M, Salleh AB, Abdul Rahman RN
    J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol, 2009 Sep;36(9):1149-55.
    PMID: 19479288 DOI: 10.1007/s10295-009-0596-x
    Immobilized Candida antarctica lipase-catalyzed esterification of adipic acid and oleyl alcohol was investigated in a solvent-free system (SFS). Optimum conditions for adipate ester synthesis in a stirred-tank reactor were determined by the response surface methodology (RSM) approach with respect to important reaction parameters including time, temperature, agitation speed, and amount of enzyme. A high conversion yield was achieved using low enzyme amounts of 2.5% w/w at 60 degrees C, reaction time of 438 min, and agitation speed of 500 rpm. The good correlation between predicted value (96.0%) and actual value (95.5%) implies that the model derived from RSM allows better understanding of the effect of important reaction parameters on the lipase-catalyzed synthesis of adipate ester in an organic solvent-free system. Higher volumetric productivity compared to a solvent-based system was also offered by SFS. The results demonstrate that the solvent-free system is efficient for enzymatic synthesis of adipate ester.
    Matched MeSH terms: Kinetics
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