Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 763 in total

  1. Khan A, Sapuan SM, Siddiqui VU, Zainudin ES, Zuhri MYM, Harussani MM
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2023 Dec 31;253(Pt 5):127119.
    PMID: 37776930 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.127119
    Kenaf fiber has recently garnered exponential interest as reinforcement in composite materials across diverse industries owing to its superior mechanical attributes, ease of manufacture, and inherent biodegradability. In the discourse of this review, various methods of manufacturing kenaf/Polylactic acid (PLA) composites have been discussed meticulously, as delineated in recently published scientific literatures. This paper delves into the chemical modification of kenaf fiber, examining its consequential impact on tensile strength and thermal stability of the kenaf/PLA composites. Further, this review illuminates the role of innovative 3D printing techniques and fiber orientation in augmenting the mechanical robustness of the kenaf/PLA composites. Simultaneously, recent insightful explorations into the acoustic properties of the kenaf/PLA composites, underscoring their potential as sustainable alternative to conventional materials have been reviewed. Serving as a comprehensive repository of knowledge, this review paper holds immense value for researchers aiming to utilize the capabilities of kenaf fiber reinforced PLA composites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Industry
  2. Ghazli NF, Che Annual N, Abdullah JM
    Malays J Med Sci, 2015 Nov;22(6):1-4.
    PMID: 28223878
    In 1986, the Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences (MJMS) began as the small and newly established journal Diagnosa, established by the Universiti Sains Malaysia School of Medicine. After 28 years in the publishing industry, we have received the honor of a listing as a local journal in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) created by Thomson Reuters (TR) to spotlight emerging high-quality scientific publications. The editorial team of MJMS looks forward to the next step in the march of progress toward the status of an international journal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Industry
  3. Sarwar A
    Iran J Public Health, 2013 Aug;42(8):795-805.
    PMID: 26056632
    Tourism, combined with the phrase medical, seems to be a new form of tourism which has gained huge popularity in recent decades. Though, a number of literatures available with regard to the tourism industry and the competitiveness of the destination, however, the major aspects which determine the satisfaction of medical tourists are hardly focused specifically on Malaysia. There is a lack of empirical evidence in this area of study which needs to be bridged. Hence, this study aimed at investigating the various factors contributing towards the development of medical tourism in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Industry
  4. Cao X, Rasiah R, Furuoka F
    J Environ Public Health, 2022;2022:8914898.
    PMID: 36120149 DOI: 10.1155/2022/8914898
    Following decades of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation industry, most car companies will stop producing petrol cars and promote the development of new energy vehicles in the near future, even in China. This study is based on energy vehicle exports using China's 31 provinces' panel data from 2010 to 2020. Considering that China mainly engages in processing trade, this study analyzes the domestic energy vehicle's export sophistication after deleting intermediate goods, measuring the relationship between export sophistication and industrial upgrading with static and dynamic panel models. Then, heterogeneity tests were deployed to examine the domestic export sophistication of three major economic belts partition. The results revealed that improving export sophistication is conducive to realizing China's industrial upgrading. China's new energy vehicles industry is positively affected by export sophistication, R&D, foreign direct investment, average GDP growth rate, market factors, and human resources over the long run. Regarding regional stratification, domestic export sophistication in the eastern and western regions has more significant effects on promoting industrial upgrading than in the central region. In particular, in western regions, every increase in export sophistication by one unit will bring a significant industrial upgrading effect. Given this, China's new energy vehicles should increase export sophistication to help the country's industrial upgrading.
    Matched MeSH terms: Industry
  5. Huang SL, Yin CY, Yap SY
    J Hazard Mater, 2010 Feb 15;174(1-3):839-42.
    PMID: 19836131 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.09.129
    In this study, the particle size distribution and concentration of metallic elements of solvent- and water-based paint dust from bulk dust collected from dust-collecting hoppers were determined. The mean particle size diameter over a 12-week sampling period was determined using a particle size analyzer. The metals composition and concentration of the dust were determined via acid digestion technique followed by concentration analysis using inductively coupled plasma. The volume weighted mean particle diameters were found to be 0.941+/-0.016 and 8.185+/-0.201 microm for solvent- and water-based paint dust, respectively. The mean concentrations of metals in solvent-based paint dust were found to be 100+/-20.00 microg/g (arsenic), 1550+/-550.00 microg/g (copper), 15,680+/-11,780.00 microg/g (lead) and 30,460+/-10,580.00 microg/g (zinc) while the mean concentrations of metals in water-based paint dust were found to be 20.65+/-6.11 microg/g (arsenic), 9.14+/-14.65 microg/g (copper), 57.46+/-22.42 microg/g (lead) and 1660+/-1260 microg/g (zinc). Both paint dust types could be considered as hazardous since almost all of the dust particles were smaller than 10 microm. Particular emphasis on containment of solvent-based paint dust particles should be given since it was shown that they were very fine in size (<1 microm) and had high lead and zinc concentrations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Industry*
  6. James PF
    Lancet, 1984 Feb 25;1(8374):453.
    PMID: 6142178
    Matched MeSH terms: Drug Industry/standards*
  7. Abu Aisheh YI, Tayeh BA, Alaloul WS, Jouda AF
    PMID: 33805581 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18073553
    Infrastructure projects are the foundation for essential public services and have an influential position in societal development. Although the role of infrastructure projects is substantial, they can involve complexities and safety issues that lead to an unsafe environment, and which impacts the project key stakeholders. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the barriers to implementing occupational safety in infrastructure projects in the Gaza Strip, which cause serious threats and reduce project performance. To evaluate the barriers, 39 items were highlighted and modified as per the construction context and environment, and which later were distributed in the form of a questionnaire, to get feedback from consultants and contractors. The analysis shows that in the safety policy barriers group, consultants and contractors both ranked the item "a contractor committed to an occupational safety program is not rewarded" first. In the management barriers group, consultants and contractors both ranked the item "safety engineer does not have significant powers, such as stopping work when needed" in the first place. In the behavior and culture barriers group, consultants and contractors both ranked the item "workers who are not committed to occupational safety are not excluded" in the first place. Overall, both consultants and contractors shared the same viewpoint in classifying the barriers in the working environment. The outcome of this study is beneficial for Palestinian construction industry policymakers, so they can monitor the highlighted barriers in on-going infrastructure projects and can modify the safety guidelines accordingly.
    Matched MeSH terms: Construction Industry*
  8. Saedi AM, Majid AA, Isa Z
    Int J Occup Saf Ergon, 2021 Sep;27(3):714-727.
    PMID: 31131712 DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2019.1623454
    Introduction. Demographic information is one of the key parameters that organizations utilize to modify their practices in order to respond to the existing risk within work environments. The present article aims to assess the level of safety climate factors as well as to evaluate the influence of personal factors on safety climate in two different-sized industries. Methods. A total of 216 employees in two large and three small and medium-sized chemical manufacturing industries responded to a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics were used to measure the safety climate level; a two-independent-sample Mann-Whitney U test and a Kruskal-Wallis test were run to compare the difference in safety climate scores among different demographic variables. Results. The lower level of safety climate in small and medium-sized industries revealed lower understanding and performance of management and non-management with regard to safety climate compared to the large industries. Additionally, significant mean differences on some safety climate factors among demographic variables were detected in both sizes of industries, emphasizing the important role of the employees' demographic variables on the plants' safety climate. Conclusion. Improving organization-level and group-level safety climates is recommended to improve employees' level of safety climate and control their personal factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Manufacturing Industry*
  9. Tseng ML, Negash YT, Nagypál NC, Iranmanesh M, Tan RR
    J Environ Manage, 2021 Aug 15;292:112735.
    PMID: 33992872 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.112735
    Eco-industrial parks promise to reduce environmental and social impacts and improve the economic performance of industrial parks. However, the transition from industrial parks to eco-industrial parks is still not well understood. This study contributes to developing valid hierarchical eco-industrial park transition attribute sets with qualitative information, as prior studies lack an exploration of the attributes in the transition of eco-industrial parks in Hungary. In nature, eco-industrial park transition attributes have causal and hierarchical interrelationships and are described with qualitative information. The assessment involves an analysis of the industrial symbiosis principles by using linguistic preferences. However, multiple attributes are involved in the assessment; therefore, this study proposes the Delphi method to develop a valid attribute set and applies fuzzy set theory to translate qualitative information into crisp values. The fuzzy decision-making trial evaluation laboratory method is used to visualize the attributes' causal interrelationships under uncertainties. The results indicate that the policy and regulatory framework leads to collaboration among firms in the eco-industrial park transition model. In practice, price reforms, management commitment, strategic planning, cognitive barriers and the integration of external information are the practical criteria for improvement. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Industry*
  10. Yang F, Sun Y, Zhang Y, Wang T
    PMID: 34281094 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18137157
    This study aims to analyze the development trend of the manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (2008-2018). On the basis of synergetics, the order parameter method of factor analysis is used to study these factors. The results show that: (1) There are five slow variable factors, such as intelligent manufacturing industry, technological innovation, scale agglomeration, market demand, and fixed asset investment, which are important power sources of the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry in Greater Bay Area. The development of these factors is relatively mature, and they cooperate with each other. (2) Similar to a fast variable of manufacturing development ecology, green development is an important coordinating factor in removing bottlenecks. Finally, suggestions for the development of the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry are put forward.
    Matched MeSH terms: Manufacturing Industry*
  11. Wai Onn Hong
    Malaysia’s palm oil industry is growing in complexity and successively to succeed on the global level by accounts for about 36% of the word production of palm oil [1]. But, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issues are still problematic areas that need to be addressed by all parties concerned in this industry. In the olden days, unlike construction or manufacturing industry, palm oil industry was green in OHS management system. However, due to stringent in the legislative enforcement in the past few years, it has lead some of the plantation companies to develop OHS management system, which are based on Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS), towards corporate sustainability. Sustainability is not about paying lip-service to the latest corporate buzzword; neither is it about superficially meeting minimum requirements for the sake of compliance. Rather, sustainability is a core value that lies at the heart of the companies’ business conduct. In practical terms, this means strive to operate with due consideration for the interest of all stakeholders by making the health and safety of all workers a priority. This paper describes the certification of OHSAS 18001 and MS 1722 in Genting Plantations Berhad (GENP) prove the commitment to sustainability by forming guiding principle on safety management. Further, this paper also demonstrates that the implementation of safety management can help to reduce the accident rate, especially fatal accident.
    Matched MeSH terms: Industry; Manufacturing Industry
  12. Mohd. Adzahan, N., Benchamaporn, P.
    The application of non-thermal processing technology (NTP) is increasing within the food industry. The absence of heat in this technology offer some advantages such as the sensory and nutritional attributes of the product remaining unaffected, thus yielding products with better quality compared to traditional processing methods. Suitability of technology for a certain application varies according to the nature of the reason and the purpose for processing. Some NTP has long been used in the food industry in Southeast Asia, but most are still at the initial stage of research. Despite several existing challenges, these technologies have the potential to be taken up as an alternative to processing of value-added food products especially now when consumer and trade demands as well as economic strength in the region is changing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food-Processing Industry; Food Industry
  13. Uthyasuriyan, A., Talwar, P., Oon, Y.B., Rusli Ahmad
    The global drop in oil and natural gas industry have had a significant impact on the
    Malaysian market and have potentially redirected Malaysia under a negative global
    spotlight. The layoff rate in oil and natural gas organizations have risen dramatically,
    this situation may affect the satisfaction level among employees and their loyalty in
    the respective oil and natural gas industry. The present study is aimed to determine the
    relationship between employee satisfaction and employee loyalty in Oil and Natural
    Gas Industry. Using simple random sampling technique 100 employees working in Oil
    and Natural Gas Industry were selected as respondents. Questionnaire was used for
    data collection. Results obtained showed that there is positive correlation between different
    components of employee satisfaction and employee loyalty. A notable variable
    that emerged in the analysis was compensation and benefits, while career development
    was least important that predisposed loyalty.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oil and Gas Industry; Industry
  14. Siti Suhaili Shahlan, Mimi H. Hassim, Kamarizan Kidam, Haszlee Mohd Safuan, Norasikin Othman, Adnan Ripin, et al.
    According to annual reports from the Social Security Organization (SOCSO), between years 2009 and 2011,
    metal industry has the highest reported number of accidents compared to the other manufacturing industry in small
    and medium enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the actual causes of problems that
    lead to the accidents involving metal industries within SMEs. In this study, a checklist through site visits was used to
    collect the data. The overall results revealed that the main causes of accidents are; organization failure, human factor,
    machine failure and surrounding environments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Industry; Manufacturing Industry
  15. Umar UA, Shafiq N, Isa MH
    Waste Manag Res, 2018 Dec;36(12):1157-1165.
    PMID: 30114979 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X18790359
    The construction sector is among the fastest growing sectors in Malaysia; it consumes a vast amount of natural resources and produces a massive volume of construction and demolition waste. The waste is collected in a decentralised manner by sub-contracted companies. It is challenging to obtain reliable information on the amount of construction waste generated, because it is hard to determine its exact quantity and composition. Therefore, this study proposes a quantitative construction waste estimation model for residential buildings according to available data collected from the Construction Industry Development Board, Malaysia. In the development of this model, a theoretical investigation of the construction procedure and the construction waste generation process was conducted. The waste generated rate was determined as 25.79 kg m-2 for new residential constructions, which translates into about 553,406 t of anticipated waste annually.
    Matched MeSH terms: Construction Industry*
  16. Garton K, Kraak V, Fanzo J, Sacks G, Vandevijvere S, Haddad L, et al.
    Public Health Nutr, 2022 Sep;25(9):2353-2357.
    PMID: 35570707 DOI: 10.1017/S1368980022001173
    There is widespread agreement among experts that a fundamental reorientation of global, regional, national and local food systems is needed to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals Agenda and address the linked challenges of undernutrition, obesity and climate change described as the Global Syndemic. Recognising the urgency of this imperative, a wide range of global stakeholders - governments, civil society, academia, agri-food industry, business leaders and donors - convened at the September 2021 UN Food Systems Summit to coordinate numerous statements, commitments and declarations for action to transform food systems. As the dust settles, how will they be pieced together, how will governments and food corporations be held to account and by whom? New data, analytical methods and global coalitions have created an opportunity and a need for those working in food systems monitoring to scale up and connect their efforts in order to inform and strengthen accountability actions for food systems. To this end, we present - and encourage stakeholders to join or support - an Accountability Pact to catalyse an evidence-informed transformation of current food systems to promote human and ecological health and wellbeing, social equity and economic prosperity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Food Industry/methods
  17. Kim J, Hwang Y, Yoo M, Chen S, Lee IM
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Nov;24(32):25137-25145.
    PMID: 28924945 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-0152-6
    In this study, the chemical substance flow of hydrogen fluoride (hydrofluoric acid, HF) in domestic chemical industries in 2014 was analyzed in order to provide a basic material and information for the establishment of organized management system to ensure safety during HF applications. A total of 44,751 tons of HF was made by four domestic companies (in 2014); import amount was 95,984 tons in 2014 while 21,579 tons of HF was imported in 2005. The export amount of HF was 2180 tons, of which 2074 ton (China, 1422 tons, U.S. 524 tons, and Malaysia, 128 tons) was exported for the manufacturing of semiconductors. Based on the export and import amounts, it can be inferred that HF was used for manufacturing semiconductors. The industries applications of 161,123 tons of HF were as follows: manufacturing of basic inorganic chemical substance (27,937 tons), manufacturing of other chemical products such as detergents (28,208 tons), manufacturing of flat display (24,896 tons), and manufacturing of glass container package (22,002 tons). In this study, an analysis of the chemical substance flow showed that HF was mainly used in the semiconductor industry as well as glass container manufacturing. Combined with other risk management tools and approaches in the chemical industry, the chemical substance flow analysis (CSFA) can be a useful tool and method for assessment and management. The current CSFA results provide useful information for policy making in the chemical industry and national systems. Graphical abstract Hydrogen fluoride chemical substance flows in 2014 in South Korea.
    Matched MeSH terms: Chemical Industry*
  18. Kelly B, Backholer K, Boyland E, Kent MP, Bragg MA, Karupaiah T, et al.
    Curr Nutr Rep, 2023 Mar;12(1):14-25.
    PMID: 36746878 DOI: 10.1007/s13668-023-00450-7
    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Protecting children from unhealthful food marketing is a global priority policy for improving population diets. Monitoring the nature and extent of children's exposure to this marketing is critical in policy development and implementation. This review summarises contemporary approaches to monitor the nature and extent of food marketing to support policy reform.

    RECENT FINDINGS: Monitoring approaches vary depending on the stage of progress of related policy implementation, with resource implications and opportunity costs. Considerations include priority media/settings. marketing techniques assessed, approach to classifying foods, study design and if exposure assessments are based on media content analyses or are estimated or observed based on children's media use. Current evidence is largely limited to high-income countries and focuses on content analyses of TV advertising. Ongoing efforts are needed to support monitoring in low-resource settings and to progress monitoring to better capture children's actual exposures across media and settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Food Industry*
  19. Ulfat W, Mohyuddin A, Amjad M, Othman MHD, Gikas P, Kurniawan TA
    J Environ Manage, 2023 Dec 01;347:119129.
    PMID: 37778073 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119129
    Buffing dust, generated from tannery industries, is a source of air pollution in Pakistan. Valorization of the waste into another useful material is important to deal with the environmental pollution, while reducing waste disposal costs in landfills. To demonstrate its technological strength, this work fabricates a thermal insulation material made of plaster of Paris and the buffing dust (from tanning waste) in the form of a composite with superior mechanical properties and low thermal conductivity. Buffing dust with concentrations ranging from 5 to 20% (w/w) were loaded in the composite. The samples synthesized were made slurry of plaster of Paris, buffing dust, and water at ambient temperature. The physico-mechanical properties of composite were analyzed. It was found that the composite had better thermal insulation properties than the panels of the plaster of Paris. Its thermal conductivity was reduced to 15% after adding buffing dust (20% w/w). All the materials had physico-chemical properties like tensile strength (0.02 MPa and 0.06 MPa), density (700-400 kg/m3), water absorption (5.2-8.6%) and thermal conductivity (0.17000-0.09218 W/m-K). Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the material was thermally stable at temperatures ranging from 145 to 177 °C, while FT-IR results revealed that the composite contained O-H, N-H, and CO functional groups. SEM analysis displayed that the composite's homogeneity was reduced with low voids due to buffing dust addition, while EDX analysis showed that the composite contained 23.62% of S, 26.76% of Ca, 49.2% of O and 0.42% of C. This implies that buffing dust could be recycled to manufacture heat insulation materials for construction sector to reduce air pollution, while minimizing energy consumption. By integrating the buffing dust from tanning waste and the plaster of Paris as a composite for construction sector, this work promotes the recycling of unused waste, while saving public funds. Instead of paying landfill fees and polluting soil, the waste may be recycled at lower cost, while reducing environmental damage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Construction Industry*
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