Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 196 in total

  1. Lanyau, Tonny, Mohd Fazli Zakaria, Zaredah Hashim, Mohd Fairus Abdul Farid, Mohammad Suhaimi Kassim
    PUSPATI TRIGA Reactor (RTP) is the only nuclear research reactor in Malaysia. It has been safely operated and maintained since 28 June 1982. Over 28 years of operation, some of the reactor systems have been upgraded or replaced to ensure the functionality and safety of the reactor. One of the major reactor systems which is primary cooling system is used to remove heat generated in the reactor core. The former primary cooling system consisting of single unit of shell-and-tube heat exchanger, three centrifugal pumps and piping system was replaced with a new system due to decreasing of the cooling performance. The new primary cooling system, consisting of two units of the 1.5-MW plate-type heat exchangers, new three primary pumps and new piping system was installed in accordance to the specified AELB requirements and guidelines of Nuclear Malaysia Safety, Health and Environment Committee (JKSHE). This paper summarises the replacement process of the former RTP primary cooling system. The activities involved preparation before and during construction and installation phases as well as safety consideration based on International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) requirements and Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 514) were discussed and evaluated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  2. Anuar, I., Zahedi, F., Kadir, A., Mokhtar, A.B.
    Background : The implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) requires a level of measurement. The effectiveness of OSHMS implementation was influenced by inhibiting and supporting factors. The objective of this study was to determine the inhibiting and supporting factors towards the implementation of OSHMS in medical laboratories.
    Methodology : The implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) requires a level of measurement. The effectiveness of OSHMS implementation was influenced by inhibiting and supporting factors. The objective of this study was to determine the inhibiting and supporting factors towards the implementation of OSHMS in medical laboratories.
    Result : This study showed the level of compliance to the OSHMS MS1722 guideline among medical laboratories who are MS ISO 15189 accredited & have a higher scores in overall measurement indicators OSHMS compared to those do not have SAMM accreditation. Private medical laboratories services have higher scores in overall measurement indicators OSHMS, compared to government medical laboratories. However, there was no significant difference (p>0.05) between medical laboratories which have ISO 9000 quality management system certification, compared to level of compliance to the OSHMS MS 1722 guideline among medical laboratories. There was also no significant difference (p>0.05) between the laboratories who had been operating for more than 10 years compared to those with less than 10 years, towards implementing the OSHMS. Results showed that majority of medical laboratories management perceived that difficulty and complexities of OSH legislation are the most important factor that prevent them from implementing OSHMS in their organization. The most important supporting factor, that medical laboratories management perceived as the most important to comply to the OSHMS were their moral responsibilities towards the community.
    Conclusion : In conclusion, the study shows there were many inhibiting and supporting factors that contribute towards effective implementation of OSHMS elements in workplace.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  3. Ahmad Sayuti Zainal Abidin, Leman, A.M., Nor Mohd Razif Noraini
    This study intended to investigate the level on airborne microbe in indoor air for new constructed building. It was divided by three different phase of building commissioning in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. The first phase of the sampling was carried out after the building fully handed over from the main contractor to the building owner. Second phase of the sampling take place after the building is equipped with furniture. Phase three sampling is conducted after one month of building occupancy. Airborne microbes’ concentrations were determined by using a single stage impactor (Biosampler) as per requirement of National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) method, NIOSH Manual Analytical Method MAM 0800. The total concentration of airborne bacteria and fungi were average to 641 and 38 CFU/m³ in the first phase, 133 and 117 CFU/m³ in the second phase, and 389 and 52 CFU/m³ in the third phase. These findings indicate that although a new constructed building should be having a significant background level of airborne microbe (total bacteria and total fungi). The building owner should be aware to their indoor air status to protect the occupant from the safety and health problem (risk) especially for ventilated building.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  4. Tam, Jenn Zhueng, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Noor Hassim Ismail
    Chronic low back pain is a common preventable occupational health illness affecting most workers. Large amount of financial and benefit cost had been spent by the developed countries to prevent, treat and rehabilitate a large number of workers who are exposed to hazards that are attributed to low back pain. Efforts on primary prevention of low back pain had been challenging due to difficulties in affirming work- relatedness of chronic back pain among workers. As such, efforts have to be focused on existing literatures to propose acceptable variables to develop the definition of workrelatedness specific to chronic low back pain. Such identified variables or factors could be used to develop a set of criteria in defining work- related chronic back pain. Literature search using specific work- related and chronic low back pain key words were used. Comparable articles were judged and a summarized result was obtained. These variables could be grouped into individual characteristics, health behaviours, physical conditions at work, work organizations and ergonomic factors. With proper methodology and statistical analysis, tools could be developed to aid physicians in determining work- related chronic low back pain among employees.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  5. Firdaus Abd Latib, Haziq Zul Asyraf Zahari, Abdul Rahim Abdul Hamid, Kevin Chester Wong How Yee
    The probability of the construction accident to happen is high due the nature of
    Construction work that involves complex activities, methods, machineries, materials
    and hazards. The occupational safety and health (OSH) law and regulations are
    mandatory for every construction project to uphold. Responsibilities to ensure the
    safety and health at the workplace lies with those who create the risk and with those
    who work with the risk. The owner or client of the construction project has the upper
    hand in determining the standard of OSH implementation in their project through
    contract documents. If the contract documents comprehensively spell out OSH
    requirements and cover all OSH cost, then the issues of contractor not implementing
    OSH measures could be minimized. The objective of this study is to identify
    Occupational Safety and Health requirements (OSH) in the contract document of
    selected construction projects. To achieve this objective, a total of seven contract
    document was collected from several construction companies. The qualitative analysis
    was performed to identify the extent of OSH requirements and costs are being
    mentioned in the contract documents. The finding shows that most of the contract
    document contains very little emphasis on OSH requirements and budgeting. Only one
    contract contains, an appendix that spell out about the safe work practices for
    construction works. The visible allocated budget for OSH requirements for all seven
    contracts is very minute range from 0.21% to 1.99% of contract value. In order to
    ensure that occupational safety and health is properly implemented, safety needs must
    be included in the budget because implementation it is not free, this can be achieved
    by making it a permanent feature in all bills of quantity of the project.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  6. Kamarizan Kidam, Zainazrin Zainal Abidin, Mimi Haryani Hashim, Adnan Ripin, Mohammed Wijayanuddin Ali, Hazlee M. Safuan, et al.
    In general, the industrial accident rate in Malaysia is decreasing. However, statistically it is still relatively high
    if compared with that of other developing nations. One of the reasons why accidents keep on happening is poor
    learning from accidents. This paper discusses the level of accident learning, based on accident reports submitted to the
    Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Malaysia and the Society Security Organization (SOCSO)
    Malaysia involving a total of 1,291 accident cases. Based on the quality and completeness of accident reports, the
    levels of learning were classified into five accident causation levels which are no, limited, fair, good and excellent
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  7. Tengku Hizir Tengku Abdul Rashid, Mohd Esa Baruji, Shahronizam Noordin, Mohd Kashfullah Razali
    There were a number of accidents reported throughout the implementation of the National Services Training
    Programme (NSTP) since 2004 until 2012. The National Services Training Department (NSTD) is responsible for
    the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) aspects in the NSTP camps. The study was conducted with its objective
    to compare the levels of OSH audit compliance at NSTP between 2011 and 2012. A cross sectional method was
    used, involving a total of 67 randomly selected NSTP camps. The data analysis was conducted on two types of
    audit checklists using SPSS version 2.1. The r-value of 0.197 obtained indicates a weak relationship between the
    document review and physical training element. The p-value of 0.118, meanwhile, shows that there is no statistically
    significant correlation between the results of document review and physical training element. Most of the elements
    show an increased percentage of compliance as a result of initiatives taken by the Camp Training Management and
    the Camp Operator. Despite an improved compliance level seen from 2011 to 2012, NSTD should look into certain
    critical elements considered high risk by the regulatory requirements. NSTD should also continue with its initiatives
    to enhance safety and health aspects in NSTP camps not only for the benefit of the trainees but also for themselves.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  8. Shahronizam Noordin, Yuzainie Yusoff, Noorhasimah Awang, Siti Nurani Haji Hassan, Zulfadhli Suhaili, Samuri Mohd Mussim, et al.
    Licensed person is a third party who was awarded a license to perform statutory inspection for certificated
    machinery under the provision of section 40 (1A), Factories and Machinery Act (Amendment) (FMA) 2006. The
    objectives of the study is to identify issues related to statutory inspection in Malaysia and to make comparisons with
    respect to the statutory inspection by Licensed Person adopted by other countries. The enforcement of Licensed
    Person in Malaysia is still in not yet implemented although Section 40 (1A) in FMA (Revision) 2006 regulating on
    Licensed Person had been introduced on 2006 and compared with other countries especially our neighboring country
    Singapore. Based on the DOSH inspection data analysis, the main issues relating to statutory inspection in Malaysia
    is the increment in backlog cases due to lack of number officers compare to the number of registered certificated
    machineries in Malaysia. As a conclusion, the implementation of Licensed Person is crucial in Malaysia to reduce the
    work and financial burden of Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) officer in enforcing FMA 1967
    and also to improve the quality of statutory inspection for the safety in workplace.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  9. Raemy Md. Zein, Noorul Azreen Azis, Isa Halim, Adi Saptari, Seri Rahayu Kamat
    Working in a safe working posture is a necessity to enhance occupational health of industrial workers. Poor
    working posture may lead to injuries, discomfort and fatigue to the workers. The objective of this study is to survey the
    postures practised by the Malaysian industrial workers. A questionnaire survey was performed among 282 Malaysian
    industrial workers in 10 different industries. From the answered questionnaire, it was observed that shoulder at chest
    level (30.1%), back in a bent forward (33.3%) and lifting heavy load (44.7%) are the major work postures practised by
    most of industrial workers. This survey identifies that working with shoulder and hand at chest level and back region
    moderately bent forward is the main working posture practice by worker. Workers also reported lifting load below 5 kg
    at the workstation. This survey recommended for industrial workers to be aware of the comfortable working posture
    to avoid injury.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  10. Sukadarin, E.H., Qian, F.S., Zakaria, J., Deros, B.M., Nawi, N.S.M.
    Prolonged sitting is one of the factors for back discomfort. Sitting in the same position for long periods of time is worse.
    This experimental based study was conducted to achieve three objectives. There were to 1) identify whether is there any
    differences between perceived body discomfort among respondents before and after upright sitting, 2) identify whether
    is there any differences between perceived body discomfort among respondents before and after slump sitting and 3)
    compare the level of perceived body discomfort among respondents after two sitting postures. Thirty young and healthy
    adults were recruited as study respondents. Each respondent was asked to sit in a posture either upright or slump for 30
    minutes. Respondents were then rated their body discomfort using Borg CR-10 scale before and after sitting. Another
    sitting posture was carried out after one day interval. There is a significant difference between perceived body
    discomfort among respondents before and after upright and slump sitting. Body discomfort of upright sitting was shown
    significantly greater than slump sitting. Although, slump sitting caused less discomfort than upright, but it proven by
    previous studies did not provide benefit to occupational safety and health practice in preventing occupational health
    related disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  11. Sharifah Norkhadijah Syed Ismail, Josfirin Uding Rangga, Irniza Rasdi, Umi Raihana Abd Rahman, Mohd Armi Abu Samah
    Introduction: The application of M-learning or mobile application (app) as a tool to disseminate occupational safety and health (OSH) information among students and staff in the university, to replace the use of conventional noticeboard was assessed in this study. Materials and Methods: Study was conducted between February to March 2016 and involved 124 respondents from health sciences program in Universiti Putra Malaysia. OSH information was incorporated into a mobile-app using online software and respondents were requested to use the app for fourteen days. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice of respondents before and after using the app. Results: The mobile app has significantly increased the knowledge score among respondents (z = -7.331, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  12. Ahmed I, Shaukat MZ, Usman A, Nawaz MM, Nazir MS
    Int J Occup Saf Ergon, 2018 Jun;24(2):240-250.
    PMID: 28795938 DOI: 10.1080/10803548.2017.1366145
    This research covers the current status of occupational health and safety (OHS)-related practices in the informal construction segment of Pakistan. Data were collected, through interviews, from 316 construction sites employing 3577 workers. The results of the study reveal that both employers and workers lack knowledge of OHS laws/standards and no practices of this nature are enacted at these construction sites. Alarmingly, work-related accidents, whenever they happen, are not given due attention and there is no formal injury-report system. The informal construction industry employs a huge portion of the informal workforce, and lack of OHS happens at tremendous human cost. These research findings may thus play their role in strengthening the case for reforms in the sector. This study, if properly utilized, may also enable employers of the sector by increasing their knowledge about OHS practices and, as a result, trying to offer safer environments for their workers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health/legislation & jurisprudence; Occupational Health/standards; Occupational Health/statistics & numerical data*
  13. Lugah V, Ganesh B, Darus A, Retneswari M, Rosnawati MR, Sujatha D
    Singapore Med J, 2010 Jul;51(7):586-92.
    PMID: 20730400
    Awareness of occupational safety and health (OSH) plays an important role in the prevention of occupational injuries and diseases. Following the enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) in 1994, various programmes have been implemented by different agencies to increase awareness and knowledge of OSH in the workplace, including among healthcare workers. The objective of this study was to determine the level of OSH awareness and knowledge among healthcare professionals in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health Services/organization & administration; Occupational Health*
  14. Sanaz A, Syaqirah A, Khadijah S
    Malays J Med Sci, 2014 Jan;21(1):50-7.
    PMID: 24639612 MyJurnal
    BACKGROUND: Work-family conflict has received increasing attention in recent decades in the area of workplace stressors, which can affect employees' health. However, the dimensionality of the work-family conflict construct among the Malay-speaking population has not been clarified. In order to do so, it is crucial to use an instrument that is appropriate and valid for the Malay-speaking population. As such, the goal of this study was to validate and test the dimensionality of the Malay version of the Work-Family Conflict Questionnaire.
    METHODS: The present study conducted exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, discriminant validity, convergent validity, and internal consistency, using Cronbach's alpha, of the work-family conflict construct among 332 working women in Malaysia.
    RESULTS: The results supported the existence of four dimensions in the Work-Family Conflict Questionnaire that distinguish between time based and strain-based work-family conflict and family-work conflict. The discriminant validity, convergent validity, and internal consistency of this construct are adequately supported.
    CONCLUSION: The findings of this study supported the existence of discriminant and convergent validity, as well as adequate reliability, for the construct. Thus, the Work-Family Conflict Questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument among Malay-speaking working women.
    KEYWORDS: factor analysis; professional-family relation; validity and reliability; working women
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  15. Aazami S, Shamsuddin K, Akmal S, Azami G
    Malays J Med Sci, 2015 Jul-Aug;22(4):40-6.
    PMID: 26715907 MyJurnal
    The workplace environment has a great influence on employees' health. Job dissatisfaction has been widely recognised as a workplace stressor that can influence employees' psychological and physical health statuses. However, job satisfaction is a multi-dimensional concept, and it is necessary to investigate its different facets and their unique consequences. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the nine facets of job satisfaction and psychological health and somatic complaints (i.e., sleep disorders, headache, gastro-intestinal and respiratory problems).
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  16. Safitri Zen I, Ahamad R, Gopal Rampal K, Omar W
    Int J Occup Environ Health, 2013 Jul-Sep;19(3):169-78.
    PMID: 23885771 DOI: 10.1179/2049396713Y.0000000028
    Malaysia has partially banned the use of asbestos. The prohibition of asbestos building materials in schools, clinics, and hospitals built by government started in 1999. Since 2005, prohibition has also been applied to all government buildings. However, asbestos construction materials such as roof and ceiling tiles are still sold in the market. There are no acts or regulations prohibiting the use of asbestos in private buildings in Malaysia. Asbestos was first used for industrial purposes in Malaysia in the 1960s and the first regulations related to asbestos have been around since the 1980s. Non-governmental organizations have been pushing the government to impose a total ban since the 1980s. Asbestos is still used in the manufacturing sector under the "control use" concept. The study found difficulties in established and validated medical record data on asbestos-related diseases. This paper reviews existing asbestos-related regulations and guidelines in Malaysia and discusses the urgency for a total ban in the use of asbestos in building materials in the country. In the meanwhile, stricter enforcement of occupational safety and health regulations related to the use and exposure of asbestos among workers in the manufacturing, construction, maintenance, and demolition sectors has been in place.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health/legislation & jurisprudence*; Occupational Health/standards
  17. Auyong HN, Zailani S, Surienty L
    Work, 2016 Mar 09;53(4):729-35.
    PMID: 26967037 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-162272
    BACKGROUND: Malaysia's progress on logistics has been slowed to keep pace with its growth in trade. The Government has been pressing companies to improve the safety of their activities in order to reduce society's loss due to occupational accidents and illnesses. Occupational safety and health is a crucial part of a workplace because every worker has to take care of his/her own safety and health. The main occupational safety and health (OSH) national policy in Malaysia is the enactment of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994. Only those companies which have excellent health and safety care have good quality and productive employees. This study investigated safety management practices in the logistics sector.

    OBJECTIVES: The present study is concerned with the human factors to safety in the logistics industry. The authors examined the perceived safety management practices of workers in the logistics sector. The purpose was to identify the perception of safety management practices of Malaysian logistics personnel.

    METHODS: Survey questionnaires were distributed to assess logistics personnel about management commitment. The quantitative method using the availability sampling method was applied. The data gathered from the survey were analysed using SPSS software. The responses to the survey were rated according to the Likert scale type, with '1' indicating strongly disagree and '5' indicating strongly agree. One hundred and three employees of logistics functions completed the survey.

    RESULTS: The highest mean scores were found for fire apparatus, prioritisation of safety, and safety policy.

    CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study also emphasise the importance of the management's commitment in enhancing workplace safety. Specifically, companies should maintain good relations between the employer and the employee to help reduce workplace injuries.

    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health/manpower; Occupational Health/standards
  18. Lim HH
    Med J Malaysia, 1982 Mar;37(1):90-5.
    PMID: 7121357
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health Services
  19. Rafizah Musa, Mohamad Syazli Fathib
    Industries in Malaysia are entering a period of major disruption caused by new technologies such as Artificial Intelligent, Robotics, Blockchain, Nanotechnology as well as Building Information Modelling (BIM) and the Internet of Things (IoT). In this fourth industrial revolution where information is generated and exchanged at a rapid and huge scale, its reliability is of paramount importance. The success of Occupational Safety & Health Management System (OSHMS) is highly dependent on the reliability of the information gathered and used, where a large number of intermediaries authenticate the information to establish trust between the stakeholders. Blockchain technology is able to do verification by virtue of secured distributed storage brings about a paradigm shift in the way we establish trust. This paper gives an overview of the potential use of Blockchain technology for Occupational Safety & Health Management System. The discussions focused on the benefits and challenges of implementing the Blockchain technology in OSHMS. The conclusion is drawn based on the strength in the characteristics provided by the Blockchain technology itself.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
  20. Md Fuad Bahari, Abdul Rahman Omar1, Darius Gnanaraj Solomon, Nor Hayati Saad, Isa Halim
    Scientific Research Journal, 2006;3(2):31-44.
    Occupational health is considered as a crucial element in almost every Small
    and Medium Industries (SMIs) and it is believed to be one of vital challenges
    that can influence productivity and competitiveness. It has been known that
    the metal stamping industry involved a lot of materials handling tasks such as
    carrying stamped parts from machine to packaging section, transferring moulds
    from tools store to machines, sorting the finished products and others.
    Appropriate materials handling equipments are not often provided in SMIs
    because of the limitation of capital and lack of ergonomics awareness. The
    workers have to handle the materials and goods manually. These practices
    may lead to occupational injuries particularly back pain and musculoskeletal
    injuries. The objectives of the research are to assess and analyze the muscles
    activity of workers in metal stamping industry. Three male workers who
    performed metal stamping process using manual technique were participated
    in the research. Ergonomic assessment associated with Surface
    Electromyography (SEMG) was used to capture and interpret the data related
    to muscles activity at before and after the ergonomic intervention. For the
    purpose of muscle activity assessment, SEMG electrodes were attached to eight
    critical muscles: deltoid muscle-medial part (left), deltoid muscle-medial part
    (right), trapezius muscle (left), trapezius muscle (right), erector spinae muscle
    (left), erector spinae muscle (right), gastrocnemius muscle (left) and
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health
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