Displaying publications 821 - 840 of 1133 in total

  1. Cazzolla Gatti R, Liang J, Velichevskaya A, Zhou M
    Sci Total Environ, 2019 Feb 20;652:48-51.
    PMID: 30359800 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.222
    The globalization of the palm oil trade poses a menace to the ecosystem integrity of Southeast Asia. In this short communication, we briefly discuss why palm oil certifications may have failed as an effective means to halt forest degradation and biodiversity loss. From a comparison of multiple new datasets, we analysed recent tree loss in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea, and discovered that, from 2001 to 2016, about 40% of the area located in certified concessions suffered from habitat degradation, deforestation, fires, or other tree damages. Certified concessions have been subject to more tree removals than non-certified ones. We also detect significant tree loss before and after the start of certification schemes. Beyond non-governmental organisations' concern that Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG) certifications allow ongoing clearance of any forest not identified as of high conservation values (HCV) or high carbon stock (HCS), we suggest an alarming and previously overlooked situation, such as that current "sustainable palm oil" is often associated with recent habitat degradation and forest loss. In other words, certified palm oil production may not be so sustainable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  2. Ashraf K, Sultan S, Adam A
    J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2018 9 22;10(3):109-118.
    PMID: 30237681 DOI: 10.4103/jpbs.JPBS_253_17
    Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. (Lamiaceae) is a valued medicinal plant in traditional folk medicine. Many pharmacological studies have demonstrated the ability of this plant to exhibit antimicrobial, antioxidant, hepatoprotection, antigenotoxic, antiplasmodial, cytotoxic, cardioactive, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory activies. This review is a comprehensive summary of the presently available chemical, pharmacological investigations as well as the traditional and therapeutic uses of this plant. Important and different experimental data have been addressed along with a review of all phytochemicals identified in this plant, including flavonoids, terpenoids, and essential oils. O. stamineus has wide traditional and pharmacological uses in various pathophysiological conditions. Therefore, it is an attractive subject for further experimental and clinical investigations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils, Volatile
  3. Nadia, Hisamuddin, Nadhirah, Kamarudin, Mohd Roslan, Sulaiman, Wan Mastura, Shaik Mossadeq
    Zingiberaceae is one of the largest plant families consisting of rhizomes that are commonly used as spice in soups and curries as well as alternative medications in folklore medicine. Zingiber officinale or commonly known as ginger is extensively employed in Asian, Ayurvedic, Chinese, and Arabian folklore medicine for the treatment of pain, inflammation and various spasm-associated gastric ailments. The past few decades saw rapid advancements in the extraction process of ginger bioactive constituents and validation of their corresponding pharmacodynamic and pharmacotherapeutic activities, and biological properties in vivo and in vitro. Results reported from several biological studies on ginger showed that extracts and compounds from this tuberous rhizome exhibit antiemetic, anticancer, antipyretic, antispasmogenic and antimicrobial activities. This article reviews the effect of Zingiber officinale and its bioactive constituents on isolated organ preparations from several species of animals in view of its potential use as an alternative treatment for muscle spasms and common gastric ailments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils, Volatile
  4. Mohamad N, Ramli N, Abd-Aziz S, Ibrahim MF
    3 Biotech, 2019 Jun;9(6):234.
    PMID: 31139549 DOI: 10.1007/s13205-019-1767-8
    Pineapple peel is a potential feedstock for the extraction of essential oil due to the presence of aromatic compounds. To extract the essential oil from pineapple peels, three different methods were applied, i.e., (1) hydro-distillation (HD); (2) hydro-distillation with enzyme-assisted (HDEA); and (3) supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). SFE had successfully produced an essential oil with the yield of 0.17% (w/w) together with 0.64% (w/w) of concrete, whereby the HD and HDEA had only produced hydrosols with the yield of 70.65% (w/w) and 80.65% (w/w), respectively. Parameters' optimization for HD (substrate to solvent ratio, temperature, and extraction duration) and HDEA (cellulase loading and incubation duration) significantly affected the hydrosol yield, but did not extract out the essential oil. This is because only SFE had successfully ruptured the oil gland after observed under the scanning electron microscope. The essential oil obtained from SFE composed of mainly propanoic acid ethyl ester (40.25%), lactic acid ethyl ester (19.35%), 2-heptanol (15.02%), propanol (8.18%), 3-hexanone (2.60%), and butanoic acid ethyl ester (1.58%). In overall, it can be concluded that the SFE had successfully extracted the essential oil as compared to the HD and HDEA methods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils, Volatile
  5. Jumat Salimon, Talal Ajmed, Nadia Salih
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1937-1942.
    Fats and oils in human diets are the main sources of essential fatty acids for the body. However, there is a mounting concern about the intake of foods containing trans fatty acids (TFAs) due to their deleterious effects on human. Thus, the accurate detection of fatty acids (FAs) and TFAs is needed to control and correct nutrition labeling in dietary fat samples. Accordingly, a method for the identification and quantification of FAs and TFAs in food fats by gas chromatography (GC) based on the extraction of lipids and derivatization using base catalyzed followed by trimethylsilyl-diazomethane (TMS-DM) was developed. The proposed method was evaluated to standard mixture of oleic acid (OA) (C18:1cis 9) and Elaidic acid (EA) (C18:1 trans 9) and its application to three samples of commercial margarines was demonstrated. Based on the results obtained, recovery values (R) from all the samples were close to 100%. Repeatability (RSD) values ranged between 0.78 and 2.47%, while Reproducibility (RSD) values ranged between 1.14 and 3.65%. Consequently, the proposed method is sensitive, accurate and suitable for FAs and TFAs analysis of food fats and oils and can be applied to nutritional, medicine and food studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  6. Puligundla P, Variyar PS, Ko S, Obulams VSR
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:871-877.
    In recent years, issues regading safety and wellness of dietary oils and fats have received major attention. This is particularly so in the case of structured modified fats, which are being used extensively to meet the product-specific demand primarily in bakery industry as shortenings, cocoa butter substitutes in confectionary industry, and in margarine preparation, as butter substitute. During modification stages, native oils and fats are subjected to different physical and chemical treatments such as fractionation, hydrogenation and interesterification in order to produce fats with desirable
    physical as well as functional properties. Numerous studies have demonstrated the adverse health effects of these modified oils and fats, especially trans fatty acids, using animal models as well as human volunteers. Consequently, the decadesold process of partial hydrogenation of oils has been abandoned in most nations. However, alternative technologies to hydrogenation are on rise, creating new trends in modified oils and fats synthesis to cater food industry needs that may have unforeseeable consequences on human health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  7. Abbas Ali M, Bamalli Nouruddeen Z, Ida I. Muhamad, Abd Latip R, Hidayu Othman N
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1189-1195.
    The aim of this study was to evaluate on how heat treatments by microwave oven may affect the oxidative degradation of sunflower oil (SFO) and its blend with palm olein (Po). The blend was prepared in the volume ratio of 40:60 (Po: SFO, PSF). The samples were exposed to microwave heating at medium power setting, for different periods. In this study, refractive index, free fatty acid content, peroxide value, p-anisidine value, total oxidation (Tomx), specific extinction, viscosity, polymer content, polar compounds and food oil sensor value of the oils all increased, whereas iodine value and C 18:21C16:0 ratio decreased as microwave heating progressed. Microwave heating temperature increased with increasing heating time and longer heating times resulted in a greater degree of oil deterioration. The percentage of linoleic acid tended to decrease, whereas the percentage of palmitic acid increased. The effect of adding PO to SFO on the formation of free fatty acids and conjugated dienes during microwave treatment was not significant (p< 0.05). No significant differences in food oil sensor value was observed between SFO and PSF. Based on the most oxidative stability criteria, it can be concluded that the microwave heating caused the formation of comparatively lower amounts of oxidation products in PSF compared to SFO, indicating a lower extent of oxidative degradation of PSF.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils
  8. Siti Fazlili Abdullah, Shahidan Radiman, Muhammad Azmi Abdul Hamid, Noor Baa’yah Ibrahim
    Sains Malaysiana, 2008;37:233-237.
    Oleic acid (OA) capped wolfram (VI) oxide, WO3 nanoparticles were chemically synthesized and characterized by means of Fourier Transform-Infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The tribological properties of the capped WO3 nanoparticles as an additive in base oils were investigated using a four-ball machine. Results show that OA-capped WO3 nanoparticles are able to prevent water adsorption and capable of being dispersed stable in organic solvents which is base oils. The as-prepared capped WO3 nanoparticles have an average size of 15 nm. In addition, OA-capped WO3 nanoparticles as an additive in base oils perform good anti-wear (AW) and anti-friction (AF) properties owing to the formation of a boundary film.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  9. M. Abbas Ali, Rafiqqah binti Mohamad Sabri, Khu Say Li, Nik Azmi Nik Mahmood
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1159-1166.
    The efficacy of pandan leaf extract (PLE) addition on the oxidative degradation of sunflower oil (SFO) during microwave heating was studied. 80% of methanol extract showed better antioxidant action than the 100% methanol or ethanol extract and the total phenolic contents, DPPH radical scavenging activity and linoleic acid system of PLE were found to be 1845.50 mg GAE/100 g, 60.62-89.87% and 82.21%, respectively. 80% of methanolic extracts at different concentrations (0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 wt. %) were added to SFO. The antioxidant treated and control oil samples were subjected to microwave heating and were analyzed at regular intervals for the extent of oxidative changes following the measurements of peroxide value, p-anisidine value, TOTOX, free fatty acid, specific extinction, iodine value, viscosity, polar compounds and fatty acid composition. The PLE were found to be quite effective towards suppressing the primary and secondary oxidation products in the tested oil. The order of effectiveness (p<0.05) was BHA > 0.4% PLE > 0.2% PLE > 0.1% PLE > control. The present results suggested that antioxidant extract from pandan leaf might be used to protect vegetable oils from oxidation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  10. Azad AK, Al-Mahmood SMA, Chatterjee B, Wan Sulaiman WMA, Elsayed TM, Doolaanea AA
    Pharmaceutics, 2020 Mar 02;12(3).
    PMID: 32131539 DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12030219
    Black seed oil (BSO) has been used for various therapeutic purposes around the world since ancient eras. It is one of the most prominent oils used in nutraceutical formulations and daily consumption for its significant therapeutic value is common phenomena. The main aim of this study was to develop alginate-BSO beads as a controlled release system designed to control drug release in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Electrospray technology facilitates formulation of small and uniform beads with higher diffusion and swelling rates resulting in process performance improvement. The effect of different formulation and process variables was evaluated on the internal and external bead morphology, size, shape, encapsulation efficiency, swelling rate, in vitro drug release, release mechanism, ex vivo mucoadhesive strength and gastrointestinal tract qualitative and quantitative distribution. All the formulated beads showed small sizes of 0.58 ± 0.01 mm (F8) and spherical shape of 0.03 ± 0.00 mm. The coefficient of weight variation (%) ranged from 1.37 (F8) to 3.93 (F5) ng. All formulations (F1-F9) were studied in vitro for release characteristics and swelling behaviour, then the release data were fitted to various equations to determine the exponent (ns), swelling kinetic constant (ks), swelling rate (%/h), correlation coefficient (r2) and release kinetic mechanism. The oil encapsulation efficiency was almost complete at 90.13% ± 0.93% in dried beads. The maximum bead swelling rate showed 982.23 (F8, r2 = 0.996) in pH 6.8 and the drug release exceeded 90% in simulated gastrointestinal fluid (pH 6.8). Moreover, the beads were well distributed throughout various parts of the intestine. This designed formulation could possibly be advantageous in terms of increased bioavailability and targeted drug delivery to the intestine region and thus may find applications in some diseases like irritable bowel syndrome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils
  11. Wan Mansor WN, Abdullah S, Che Wan Othman CWMN, Jarkoni MNK, Chao HR, Lin SL
    Data Brief, 2020 Jun;30:105440.
    PMID: 32300616 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105440
    Energy has a significant influence on Malaysia's industry. It is used in electricity generation, refineries, gas processing plants and end-user applications such as transportation, residential, agriculture and fishing. These burning fossil fuel activities produce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions. This article presents the emissions data of fuel used in power plants in Malaysia during the year of 1990 until 2017. The fuel used in power plants is coal and coke, natural gas, diesel oil and residual fuel oil. The energy data used in power plants were gathered from the Malaysia Energy Information Hub, published by the Malaysian Energy Commission. The GHG emissions data were calculated using the emission factors method. The climate impact of different GHGs in terms of CO2-equivalent (CO2-e) was also calculated using global warming potentials. The article also presents population data in Malaysia during the year. A correlation between the fuels, GHG emission and the population is also investigated using statistical analysis. The data presented here may facilitate the Malaysian government to identify the source of the pollutants and undertake a climate change mitigation plan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fuel Oils
  12. Moo CL, Yang SK, Osman MA, Yuswan MH, Loh JY, Lim WM, et al.
    Pol J Microbiol, 2020;69:1-6.
    PMID: 32162852 DOI: 10.33073/pjm-2020-007
    Natural products such as essential oils (EOs) are secondary metabolites that can be obtained from either plant or animal sources or produced by microorganisms. Much attention has been given to exploring the use of secondary metabolites as natural antibacterial agents. This study investigates the antibacterial activity and mechanism of β-caryophyllene, a compound that can be found in various EOs, against Bacillus cereus. The minimum inhibitory concentration of β-caryophyllene against B. cereus was 2.5% (v/v), whereas killing kinetics of β-caryophyllene at minimum inhibitory concentration recorded complete bactericidal activity within 2 hours. Zeta-potential measurement in the cells treated with half the minimum inhibitory concentration of β-caryophyllene at 1.25% (v/v) showed an increase in the membrane permeability surface charge to -3.98 mV, compared to untreated cells (-5.46 mV). Intracellular contents leakage of UV-absorbing materials was detected in the cells treated with β-caryophyllene. Additionally, β-caryophyllene does not interfere with the efflux activity of B. cereus via the ethidium bromide influx/efflux activity. The results revealed that β-caryophyllene was able to alter membrane permeability and integrity of B. cereus, leading to membrane damage and intracellular content leakage, which eventually caused cell death.

    Natural products such as essential oils (EOs) are secondary metabolites that can be obtained from either plant or animal sources or produced by microorganisms. Much attention has been given to exploring the use of secondary metabolites as natural antibacterial agents. This study investigates the antibacterial activity and mechanism of β-caryophyllene, a compound that can be found in various EOs, against Bacillus cereus. The minimum inhibitory concentration of β-caryophyllene against B. cereus was 2.5% (v/v), whereas killing kinetics of β-caryophyllene at minimum inhibitory concentration recorded complete bactericidal activity within 2 hours. Zeta-potential measurement in the cells treated with half the minimum inhibitory concentration of β-caryophyllene at 1.25% (v/v) showed an increase in the membrane permeability surface charge to –3.98 mV, compared to untreated cells (–5.46 mV). Intracellular contents leakage of UV-absorbing materials was detected in the cells treated with β-caryophyllene. Additionally, β-caryophyllene does not interfere with the efflux activity of B. cereus via the ethidium bromide influx/efflux activity. The results revealed that β-caryophyllene was able to alter membrane permeability and integrity of B. cereus, leading to membrane damage and intracellular content leakage, which eventually caused cell death.

    Matched MeSH terms: Oils, Volatile
  13. Agatonovic-Kustrin S, Chan CKY, Gegechkori V, Morton DW
    J Biomol Struct Dyn, 2020 May;38(8):2402-2411.
    PMID: 31204906 DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2019.1633408
    Aromatherapy with essential oils (EOs) has been linked to improvement of cognitive function in patients with dementia. In order to act systemically, active EO components must be absorbed through the skin, enter the systemic circulation, and cross the blood brain barrier (BBB). Thus, the aim of this work was to develop quantitative structure activity relationships (QSARs), to predict skin and blood barrier penetrative abilities of 119 terpenoids from EOs used in aromatherapy. The first model was based on experimentally measured skin permeability for 162 molecules, and the second model on BBB permeability for 138 molecules. Each molecule was encoded with 63 calculated molecular descriptors and an artificial neural network was used to correlate molecular descriptors to permeabilities. Developed QSAR models confirm that EOs components penetrate through the skin and across the BBB. Some well-known descriptors, such as log P (lipophilicity), molecular size and shape, dominated the QSAR model for BBB permeability. Compounds with the highest predicted BBB penetration were hydrocarbon terpenes with the smallest molecular size and highest lipophilicity. Thus, molecular size is a limiting factor for penetration. Compounds with the highest skin permeability have slightly higher molecular size, high lipophilicity and low polarity. Our work shows that a major disadvantage of novel multitarget compounds developed for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease is the size of molecules, which cause problems in their delivery to the brain. Therefore, there is a need for smaller compounds, which possess more desirable physicochemical properties and pharmacokinetics, in addition to targeted biological effects.Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils, Volatile
  14. Nordin A, Bin Saim A, Ramli R, Abdul Hamid A, Mohd Nasri NW, Bt Hj Idrus R
    Saudi J Biol Sci, 2020 Jul;27(7):1801-1810.
    PMID: 32565699 DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2020.05.020
    Poor oral health has been associated with several chronic and systemic disease. Currently, the most common method of teeth cleaning is the use of a toothbrush together with dentifrices. However, natural chewing stick such as S. persica miswak is still used in many developing countries due to their low cost and availability. The present review aims to summarize the evidences on effectiveness of miswak in promoting oral health. The search was performed using Medline via Ebscohost, Scopus and Google Scholar database to obtain relevant articles published between 2010 to May 2020 using the following set of keywords 1) Miswak OR Salvadora OR persica AND 2) dental OR caries OR plaque OR oral OR orthodontics. Isolated microbial inhibition studies were excluded from the review due to its well-established wealth of literature. Miswak was administered as ten different forms, namely mouthwash, toothpaste, chewing stick, essential oil, aqueous extract, ethanol extract, probiotic spray, dental varnish, dental cement or chewing gum. All studies reported a positive effect of miswak as an anti-plaque, anti-gingivitis, anti-cariogenic, promotion of gingival wound healing, whitening properties, orthodontic chain preservation, and biocompatibility with oral cells. Miswak in its different forms demonstrated positive effect towards oral health maintenance and management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils, Volatile
  15. Awang K, Ibrahim H, Rosmy Syamsir D, Mohtar M, Mat Ali R, Azah Mohamad Ali N
    Chem Biodivers, 2011 Apr;8(4):668-73.
    PMID: 21480512 DOI: 10.1002/cbdv.201000225
    The essential oils from the leaves and rhizomes of Alpinia pahangensis Ridl., collected from Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia, were obtained by hydrodistillation, and their chemical compositions were determined by GC and GC/MS analyses. The major components of the rhizome oil were γ-selinene (11.60%), β-pinene (10.87%), (E,E)-farnesyl acetate (8.65%), and α-terpineol (6.38%), while those of the leaf oil were β-pinene (39.61%), α-pinene (7.55%), and limonene (4.89%). The investigation of the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils using the broth microdilution technique revealed that the rhizome oil of A. pahangensis inhibited five Staphylococcus aureus strains with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values between 0.08 and 0.31 μg/μl, and four selected fungi with MIC values between 1.25 and 2.50 μg/μl.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils, Volatile/isolation & purification; Oils, Volatile/pharmacology*; Oils, Volatile/chemistry*
  16. Karim MR, Hossain MM, Khan MNN, Zain MFM, Jamil M, Lai FC
    Materials (Basel), 2014 Dec 05;7(12):7809-7827.
    PMID: 28788277 DOI: 10.3390/ma7127809
    Recently, as a supplement of cement, the utilization of pozzolanic materials in cement and concrete manufacturing has increased significantly. This study investigates the scope to use pozzolanic wastes (slag, palm oil fuel ash and rice husk ash) as an alkali activated binder (AAB) that can be used as an alternative to cement. To activate these materials, sodium hydroxide solution was used at 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 molar concentration added into the mortar, separately. The required solution was used to maintain the flow of mortar at 110% ± 5%. The consistency and setting time of the AAB-paste were determined. Mortar was tested for its flow, compressive strength, porosity, water absorption and thermal resistance (heating at 700 °C) and investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The experimental results reveal that AAB-mortar exhibits less flow than that of ordinary Portland cement (OPC). Surprisingly, AAB-mortars (with 2.5 molar solution) achieved a compressive strength of 34.3 MPa at 28 days, while OPC shows that of 43.9 MPa under the same conditions. Although water absorption and porosity of the AAB-mortar are slightly high, it shows excellent thermal resistance compared to OPC. Therefore, based on the test results, it can be concluded that in the presence of a chemical activator, the aforementioned pozzolans can be used as an alternative material for cement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fuel Oils
  17. Abbas Ali M, Anowarul Islam M, Othman NH, Noor AM
    J Food Sci Technol, 2017 Dec;54(13):4335-4343.
    PMID: 29184239 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-017-2904-1
    The oxidative stability and fatty acid composition of groundnut seed oil (GSO) exposed to microwaves were evaluated during heating at 170 °C. During heating, the oxidative indices such as free fatty acid, peroxide value, p-anisidine value, TOTOX, thiobarbituric acid value, specific extinctions, and color value were increased. The increments were found to be higher in unroasted seed oils compared to roasted ones indicating lower release of lipid oxidation products in roasted GSO. After 9 h heating, the relative content of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) decreased to 89.53% and that of saturated fatty acid (SFA) increased to 117.46% in unroasted sample. The relative content of PUFA decreased to 92.05% and that of SFA increased to 105.76% in 7.5 min roasted sample after 9 h of heating. However, the roasting process slowed down the oxidative deterioration of PUFA. With increased heating times, an appreciable loss was more apparent in the triacylglycerol species OLL and OOL in unroasted samples compared to roasted ones. In FTIR, the peak intensities in unroasted samples were markedly changed in comparison with roasted samples during heating. The roasting of groundnut seed prior to the oil extraction reduced the oxidative degradation of oil samples; thereby increasing heat stability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Oils
  18. Nyam, K.L., Wong, M.M., Long, K., Tan, C.P.
    With the concern of adverse effects of lipid oxidation on food deterioration and human health, the antioxidant activities of kenaf seed extracts (KSE), roselle seed extracts (RSE) and roselle extracts (RE) were evaluated by comparing its oxidative stability in refined, bleached & deodorised (RBD) sunflower oils with that of in synthetic antioxidant, BHA. Established methods such as peroxide values (PV), p-anisidine values (AV), TOTOX values, free fatty acids (FFA), iodine values (IV), total phenolic contents (TPC), conjugated dienes (CD) and conjugated triene (CT) were employed to assess the extent of oil deterioration. During 24 days storage, consensus was accomplished based on the results assessed by PV, TOTOX, CD, CT, IV and TPC at which the antioxidant activities of KSE, RSE and RE were better than BHA. Surprisingly, the results obtained by AV and FFA assays showed the reversed. Among the extracts, RSE exhibited the best antioxidant activities. These suggest that KSE, RSE and RE may be used as potential source of natural antioxidants in the application of food industry to prevent lipid oxidation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Oils
  19. Chang HW, Tan TB, Tan PY, Abas F, Lai OM, Wang Y, et al.
    Food Res Int, 2018 03;105:482-491.
    PMID: 29433239 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2017.11.034
    Fish oil-in-water emulsions containing fish oil, thiol-modified β-lactoglobulin (β-LG) fibrils, chitosan and maltodextrin were fabricated using a high-energy method. The results showed that chitosan coating induced charge reversal; denoting successful biopolymers complexation. A significantly (p<0.05) larger droplet size and lower polydispersity index value, attributed to the thicker chitosan coating at the oil-water interface, were observed. At high chitosan concentrations, the cationic nature of chitosan strengthened the electrostatic repulsion between the droplets, thus conferring high oxidative stability and low turbidity loss rate to the emulsions. The apparent viscosity of emulsions stabilized using thiol-modified β-LG fibrils-chitosan complex was higher than those stabilized using β-LG fibrils alone, resulting in the former's higher creaming stability. Under thermal treatments (63°C and 100°C), emulsions stabilized using thiol-modified β-LG fibrils-chitosan complex possessed higher heat stability as indicated by the consistent droplet sizes observed. Chitosan provided a thicker protective layer that protected the oil droplets against high temperature. Bridging flocculation occurred at low chitosan concentration (0.1%, w/w), as revealed through microscopic observations which indicated the presence of large flocs. All in all, this work provided us with a better understanding of the application of protein fibrils-polysaccharide complex to produce stable emulsion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fish Oils
  20. Jhatial AA, Goh WI, Mastoi AK, Rahman AF, Kamaruddin S
    PMID: 33745050 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-13435-2
    The production of cement contributes to 10% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) pollution and 74 to 81% towards the total CO2 pollution by concrete. In addition to that, its low strength-to-weight ratio, high density and thermal conductivity are among the few limitations of heavy weight concrete. Therefore, this study was carried out to provide a solution to these limitations by developing innovative eco-friendly lightweight foamed concrete (LFC) of 1800 kg/m3 density incorporating 20-25% palm oil fuel ash (POFA) and 5-15% eggshell powder (ESP) by weight of total binder as supplementary cementitious material (SCM). The influence of combined utilization of POFA and ESP on the fresh state properties of eco-friendly LFC was determined using the J-ring test. To determine the mechanical properties, a total of 48 cubes and 24 cylinders were prepared for compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and modulus of elasticity each. A total of 24 panels were prepared to determine the thermal properties in terms of surface temperature and thermal conductivity. Furthermore, to assess the environmental impact and eco-friendliness of the developed LFC, the embodied carbon and eco-strength efficiency was calculated. It was determined that the utilization of POFA and ESP reduced the workability slightly but enhanced the mechanical properties of LFC (17.05 to 22.60 MPa compressive strength and 1.43 to 2.61 MPa tensile strength), thus satisfies the ACI213R requirements for structural lightweight concrete and that it can be used for structural applications. Additionally, the thermal conductivity reduced ranging from 0.55 to 0.63 W/mK compared to 0.82 W/mK achieved by control sample. Furthermore, the developed LFC showed a 16.96 to 33.55% reduction in embodied carbon and exhibited higher eco-strength efficiency between 47.82 and 76.97%. Overall, the combined utilization of POFA and ESP as SCMs not only enhanced the thermo-mechanical performance, makes the sustainable LFC as structural lightweight concrete, but also has reduced the environmental impacts caused by the disposal of POFA and ESP in landfills as well as reducing the total CO2 emissions during the production of eco-friendly LFC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fuel Oils
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