An overview of the Oriental species of Cleruchus Enock (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) is given, and its five newly described species as well as one undescribed species from Malaysia are keyed. The described new taxa are C. funiculatus Manickavasagam Palanivel sp. n., C. indicus Manickavasagam Palanivel sp. n. and C. orientalis Manickavasagam Palanivel sp. n., all from India, C. blimp Triapitsyn sp. n. from Brunei, and C. pmilb Triapitsyn sp. n. from Thailand. Anaphes quinquearticulatus Huber Triapitsyn is newly reported from India.
Seven species of Strongylophthalmyia are described as new species: Strongylophthalmyia armipes n. sp. (Malaysia), S. biloba n. sp. (Indonesia), S. bukittinggiana n. sp. (Indonesia), S. minutissima n. sp. (Thailand), S. prominens n. sp. (Vietnam), S. strigosa n. sp. (China), S. vichrevi n. sp. (Russia). New data on morphology and distribution of S. bifasciata Yang et Wang 1992 and S. malayensis Evenhuis, 2016 are provided.
Bangithrips mei gen. et sp. n. is described from Peninsular Malaysia. The significance is discussed of outstanding structural autapomorphies that are commonly used in classifications of Thysanoptera. Argyrothrips ommatos described recently from northern Australia is recorded from Malaysia.
The selection of curve number to represent watersheds with similar land use and land cover is often subjective and ambiguous. Watershed with several soil groups further complicates curve number selection process while wrong curve number selection often produces unrealistic runoff estimates. The 1954 simplified Soil Conservation Services (SCS) runoff model over-predicted runoff with significant amount and further magnified runoff prediction error toward higher rainfall depths in this study. The model was statistically insignificant with the rejection of two null hypotheses and paved the way for regional model calibration study. This paper proposes a new direct curve number derivation technique from the given rainfall-runoff conditions under the guide of inferential statistics. The technique offers a swift and economical solution to improve the runoff prediction ability of the SCS runoff model with statistically significant results. A new rainfall-runoff model was developed with calibration according to the regional hydrological conditions. It out-performed the runoff prediction of the simplified SCS runoff model and the asymptotic runoff model. The derived curve number = 89 at alpha = 0.01 level. The technique can be adopted to predict flash flood and forecast urban runoff.
We collected two specimens of an undescribed species of Lygosoma from pitfall traps in an urban rainforest in Kuching and from the base of a forested hill in western Sarawak, East Malaysia. The new species is diagnosable from all south-east Asian congeners by morphological characters, and most closely resembles Lygosoma herberti from the Thai-Malay Peninsula. The new species shows substantial molecular divergence from its closest relatives in two protein-coding genes, one mitochondrial (ND1) and one nuclear (R35) that we sequenced for several south-east Asian congeners. We describe the new species on the basis of this distinct morphology and genetic divergence. It is the third species of Lygosoma known from Borneo, and highlights the continuing rise in lizard species diversity on the island. In addition, the discovery of this species from a small urban rainforest underscores the importance of preserving intact rainforest areas of any size in maintaining species diversity.
Two new species, Phlegmariurus iminii Kiew (Lycopodiaceae) from limestone karst and P. monticola Kiew from montane habitats, are described from Peninsular Malaysia and a new combination is made for Phlegmariurus pinifolius (Trevis.) Kiew. Phlegmariurus iminii, known from a single hill threatened by quarrying, is Critically Endangered; while P. monticola and P. pinifolius that are relatively widespread are of Least Concern.
Simulating Lotka-Volterra model using a numerical method requires the researcher to apply tiny mesh sizes to come up with an accurate solution. This approach will increase the complexity and burden of computer memory and consume long computational time. To overcome these issues, a new solver is used that could simulate Lotka-Volterra model using bigger mesh size. In this paper, prey and predator behaviour is simulated via Lotka-Volterra model. We approximate the nonlinear terms in the model via weighted average approach and differential equation via nonstandard denominators. We provide three new schemes for one step method and simulate four sets of parameters to examine the performance of these new schemes. Results show that these new schemes simulate better for large mesh sizes.
The efficacy of a 2.15% imidacloprid gel bait against laboratory strain Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica
was evaluated under laboratory conditions. The susceptibility trend of both species towards imidacloprid was: adult male
< adult female < nymphs. All stages of both species were dead within 10 days in primary poisoning testing. Periplaneta
americana adult male (LT50 = 0.47 h; LT95 = 5.24 h) died fastest, while nymphs of B. germanica took the longest time to
reach 95% mortality (LT95 = 43.84 h). In indirect exposure via secondary poisoning, only adult males of P. americana (LT50
= 100.63 h) and B. germanica (LT50 = 54.66 h) obtained 50% mortality before the testing ended. No complete mortalities
were achieved in any stages of both species within 10 days of secondary poisoning testing. Therefore, imidacloprid gel
bait used in this study was able to cause complete mortalities within less than 2 days of 10-day primary poisoning testing
but less effective in the 10-day secondary poisoning testing.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) possess outstanding properties that could be useful in several technological, drug delivery, and diagnostic applications. However, their unique physical and chemical properties are hindered due to their poor solubility. This article review's the different ways and means of solubility enhancement of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). The advantages of SWNTs over the multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) and the method of non-covalent modification for solubility enhancement has been the key interest in this review. The review also highlights a few examples of dispersant design. The review includes some interesting utility of SWNTs being wrapped with polymer especially in biological media that could mediate proper drug delivery to target cells. Further, the use of wrapped SWNTs with phospholipids, nucleic acid, and amphiphillic polymers as biosensors is of research interest. The review aims at summarizing the developments relating to wrapped SWNTs to generate further research prospects in healthcare.
The genus Molpa Walker was previously considered to be disjunctly distributed in broad-leaf rain forests in India and Malaysia. Here we report one new species Molpa dulongensis sp. nov. from subtropic broad-leaf rain forests in southwestern Yunnan Province in China. This is a part of the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot area. So we can infer that Molpa is continuously distributed in broad-leaf rain forests found in Oriental Region. Redescription of the genus Molpa and description of the new species Molpa dulongensis sp. nov. are provided. The types are deposited in Insect Collection of Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (IZCAS).
Leech infestation in otolaryngology is sporadically seen in
remote area of tropical countries, but the cases are usually not
scientifically reported. We are reporting an unusual case of a
land leech removal from external auditory canal (EAC).
We report here for the first time horsehair worms (Nematomorpha) from Hong Kong (China). Most specimens belong to the genus Chordodes, and can be assigned to C. bipilus, C. caledoniensis and to C. cf. moutoni. Two specimens have a cuticular pattern resembling the South American species C. peraccae or C. bouvieri, but for Southeast Asia this pattern is new. These two specimens are reported here as Chordodes sp. Additionally, Gordionus chinensis was found. One new species, Acutogordius koljai, is described from Malaysia. It has a characteristically-structured region posterior to the postcloacal crescent which sets it apart from previously described species in this genus.
Dengue fever is a common mosquito-borne disease, which is endemic in tropical and subtropical countries. Bilateral optic neuropathy is a relatively unusual dengue-related ocular complication. Here, we present a case of bilateral optic neuritis with maculopathy complicating dengue infection.
A new species of riffle beetle, Vietelmis jablonskii, from Laos and Thailand is described and illustrated. Differences to other Vietelmis species are discussed and an identification key for the Vietelmis is presented. New faunistic records are provided for V. kovaci Kodada & Čiampor, 2000; the genus Vietelmis is newly recorded for Thailand.
A new species of Asian rock gecko, genus Cnemaspis, is described from Padawan, western Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. The new species forms a clade with C. paripari and C. nigridia of the C. nigridia group in a mitochondrial DNA phylogeny and is similar to them morphologically in some characters such as caudal scalation. It differs from the other Asian Cnemaspis species in its unique combination of snout-vent length (up to 62.7 mm), 4-9 precloacal pores in males, keeled subcaudals with an enlarged, smooth, median row, presence of ventrolateral caudal tubercles, and coloration (head and upper flanks dark-yellow; anterior portion of tail black; posterior portion of tail white with black, paravertebral blob). Phylogenetic relationships within the C. nigridia group and the distributional ranges of species within the group suggest allopatric speciation by geographic isolation.
Di Malaysia, timun laut lebih dikenali sebagai Gamat. Di kalangan kaum Melayu,
gamat sering digunakan sebagai ubat tradisional untuk melegakan kesakitan,
merawat luka dan kesan terbakar. Ianya juga digunakan sebagai tonik untuk
memberi sumber tenaga tambahan. Stichopus chloronotus merupakan salah satu
spesies timun laut yang boleh didapati di Malaysia. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk
menentukan dos optimum ekstrak akues Stichopus chloronotus emulsi salap ke
atas luka pada model tikus. Beberapa siri kepekatan iaitu 0.1%, 0.5% dan 1%
ekstrak akues Stichopus chloronotus emulsi salap diberikan ke atas luka eksisi sekali
sehari selama 10 hari. Perubahan pada kawasan luka diukur dengan menggunakan
angkup dan gambar luka diambil pada hari pertama, ke-3, ke-6, ke-8 dan ke-10
selepas pembentukan luka. Keputusan daripada peratusan pengurangan luka dan
pemerhatian makroskopik akan menentukan dos optimum Stichopus chloronotus.
Hasil kajian menunjukkan, kumpulan tikus kajian yang menerima rawatan
Stichopus chloronotus 0.5% mempunyai peratusan pengurangan luka yang lebih
tinggi dan pemerhatian makroskopik yang lebih baik bermula dari hari ke-6 selepas
pembentukan luka berbanding kumpulan yang lain. Kesimpulannya, dos 0.5%
merupakan kepekatan optimum bagi Stichopus chloronotus memberikan kesan
kepada penyembuhan luka dan akan digunakan pada kajian sebenar
An innovative assembly to maintain isoflurane anaesthesia in rats is described. This assembly was used successfully in laboratory rats for dental procedures that may last as long as sixty minutes. Repeated exposures to isoflurane anaesthesia, of up to eight times within a 30-day study period in healthy laboratory rats did not result in any observable adverse-effects.
Multirotor drones have been one of the most important technological advances of the last decade. Their mechanics are simple compared to other types of drones and their possibilities in flight are greater. For example, they can take-off vertically. Their capabilities have therefore brought progress to many professional activities. Moreover, advances in computing and telecommunications have also broadened the range of activities in which drones may be used. Currently, artificial intelligence and information analysis are the main areas of research in the field of computing. The case study presented in this article employed artificial intelligence techniques in the analysis of information captured by drones. More specifically, the camera installed in the drone took images which were later analyzed using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to identify the objects captured in the images. In this research, a CNN was trained to detect cattle, however the same training process could be followed to develop a CNN for the detection of any other object. This article describes the design of the platform for real-time analysis of information and its performance in the detection of cattle.
Accumulation kinetic trends of cesium and cadmium in the Penaeus monodon were studied using Cs-134 and Cd-109 as a tracer. The objective of this study was to quantify the uptake and loss/depuration kinetic of these two radionuclides in the Penaeus monodon. Uptake and loss/depuration kinetic of these two radionuclides in the Penaeus monodon were varied widely, displayed a simple double kinetic model of linear and exponential trend with time unless modified by moulting at the stage in the mount cycle. Therefore, the variation of Cs-134 and Cd-109 bio-concentration factor could be concluded considerably influence by moulting cycle, environmental and biological condition as well as physico-chemical that direct effects on their uptake and loss/depuration kinetic.
Pelvimetry is the measurement of the dimensions of the pelvis, measured internally or externally, and is typically conducted with the aid of a pelvimeter. Intrapelvic dimensions, namely the intrapelvic height and width, are used to calculate pelvic area which has a moderate to high degree of heritability. Pelvic area measurements are associated with calving difficulty and have been used by producers to select for heifers to be included in their breeding herd.