RESULTS: In this study, pro-inflammatory macrophage was selected as the target cell due to its major roles in numerous inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. We aimed to construct macrophage-targeted recombinant immunotoxins by combining HALT-1 with anti-CD64-scFv in two orientations, and to assess whether their cytotoxic activity and binding capability could be preserved upon molecular fusion. The recombinant immunotoxins, HALT-1-scFv and scFv-HALT-1, were successfully constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli). Our data showed that HALT-1 still exhibited significant cytotoxicity against CD64+ and CD64- cell lines upon fusion with anti-CD64 scFv, although it had half cytotoxic activity as compared to HALT-1 alone. As positioning HALT-1 at N- or C-terminus did not affect its potency, the two constructs demonstrated comparable cytotoxic activities with IC50 lower in CD64+ cell line than in CD64- cell line. In contrast, the location of targeting moieties anti-CD64 scFv at C-terminal end was crucial in maintaining the scFv binding capability.
CONCLUSIONS: HALT-1 could be fused with anti-CD64-scFv via a fsexible polypeptide linker. Upon the successful production of this recombinant HALT-1 scFv fusion protein, HALT-1 was proven effective for killing two human cell lines. Hence, this preliminary study strongly suggested that HALT-1 holds potential as the toxin moiety in therapeutic cell targeting.
RESULTS: The depletion of IgM+ cells and infiltration of macrophages were observed to be higher in bursa infected with AF2240 as compared to IBS002. In line with the increment of the macrophage population, higher nitric oxide (NO) and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents which indicated higher oxidative stress were also detected in bursa infected with NDV AF2240. In addition, higher pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokine gene expression such as chicken CXCLi2, IL-18 and IFN-γ were observed in AF2240 infected bursa. Depletion of IgM+ cells was further confirmed with increased cell death and apoptosis of the cells in AF2240 infected bursa as compared to IBS002. However, it was found that the viral load for NDV strain IBS002 was comparatively higher than AF2240 although the magnitude of the pro- inflammatory cytokines expression and cell apoptosis was lower than AF2240.
CONCLUSION: The results of our study demonstrated that infection of NDV strains AF2240 and IBS002 caused apoptosis in bursa IgM+ cells and its severity was associated with increased expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines/chemokine, macrophage infiltration and oxidative stress as the infection duration was prolonged. However, of the two viruses, we observed that NDV AF2240 induced a greater magnitude of apoptosis in chicken bursa IgM+ cells in comparison to IBS002. This might be due to the high level of oxidative stress and inflammatory cytokines/chemokine as well as lower IL10 expression which subsequently led to a high rate of apoptosis in the chicken bursa of Fabricius although the detected viral load of AF2240 was lower than IBS002.
METHODS: An open web server PharmMapper was used to identify the possible target of the developed compounds through reverse pharmacophore mapping. The results were analyzed and validated through docking with Schrodinger v9.6 using 10 protein GTPase HRas selected as possible target. The docking studies with Schrödinger validated the binding behavior of bis-pyrimidine compounds within GTP binding pocket. MTT and sulforhodamine assay were used as antiproliferative activity.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The protein was found one of the top scored targets of the compound 18, hence, the GTPase HRas protein was found crucial to be targeted for competing cancer. Toxicity study demonstrated the significant selectivity of most active compounds, 12, 16 and 18 showed negligible cell toxicity at their IC50 concentration.
CONCLUSION: From the results, we may conclude that GTPase HRas as a possible target of studied bis-pyrimidine derivatives where the retrieved information may be quite useful for rational drug designing.
METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was performed on GCA temporal artery biopsy specimens (n = 12) and aortas (n = 10) for detection of YKL-40, its receptor interleukin-13 receptor α2 (IL-13Rα2), macrophage markers PU.1 and CD206, and the tissue-destructive protein matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9). Ten noninflamed temporal artery biopsy specimens served as controls. In vitro experiments with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)- or macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF)-skewed monocyte-derived macrophages were conducted to study the dynamics of YKL-40 production. Next, small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of YKL-40 in GM-CSF-skewed macrophages was performed to study its effect on MMP-9 production. Finally, the angiogenic potential of YKL-40 was investigated by tube formation experiments using human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVECs).
RESULTS: YKL-40 was abundantly expressed by a CD206+MMP-9+ macrophage subset in inflamed temporal arteries and aortas. GM-CSF-skewed macrophages from GCA patients, but not healthy controls, released significantly higher levels of YKL-40 compared to M-CSF-skewed macrophages (P = 0.039). In inflamed temporal arteries, IL-13Rα2 was expressed by macrophages and endothelial cells. Functionally, knockdown of YKL-40 led to a 10-50% reduction in MMP-9 production by macrophages, whereas exposure of HMVECS to YKL-40 led to significantly increased tube formation.
CONCLUSION: In GCA, a GM-CSF-skewed, CD206+MMP-9+ macrophage subset expresses high levels of YKL-40 which may stimulate tissue destruction and angiogenesis through IL-13Rα2 signaling. Targeting YKL-40 or GM-CSF may inhibit macrophages that are currently insufficiently suppressed by glucocorticoids.