Displaying publications 1421 - 1440 of 1529 in total

  1. Ram, S.P., Zabidi Azhar M Hussin
    Two active interventions were carried out in order to encourage breast feeding of low birth weight (LBW) neonates who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), Universiti Sains Malaysia. These were the establishment of (a) an effective transport system for conveying expressed breast milk (EBM) from the motherk home to the neonatal intensive care unit and (b) providing rooming-infacilities in the neonatal ward. The EBM was transported by a male health assistant, by the parents themselves or by the local bus company. A total of 473 babies were admitted from April 1994 to September 1995. Thirty-three babies weighed between 540-1000g and 440 were between 1001-2000g. A total of 226 (47.8%) babies were given mixed formula (less than 20% of daily needs) and EBM feeds (Group A) and 247 (52.2%) were given only formula feeds (Group B). A total of 79 babies died of which 5 were in Group A and 74 were in group B. (P value is 0.00). In Group A, 45 babies had clinical sepsis, 9 of whom were blood culture positive. Four of these babies died. In group B, out of 108 babies with clinical sepsis 36 were blood culture positive. 29 died because of the sepsis This study shows that by providing an effective transport system for breast milk expressed at home and the availability of roomingfacilities in the neonatal ward a significant number of LBW babies admitted to the NICU continue to receive their mothers' milk. The incidence of nosocomial sepsis and the over all mortality due to sepsis was significantly higher in those on full formulafeeding compared to those given mixed formula and expressed breast milk.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  2. Latifah Saiful Yazan, Faujan Ahmad, Ooi, Choong Li, Raha Abdul Rahim, Hisyam Abdul Hamid, Lee, Pei Sze
    Betulinic acid (BA) is a pentacyclic triterpene found in several botanical sources that has been shown to cause apoptosis in a number of cell lines. This study was undertaken to determine the in vitro cytotoxic properties of BA towards the human mammary carcinoma cell line MDA-MB-231 and the human promyelocytic leukaemia cell line HL-60 and the mode of the induced cell death. The cytotoxicity and mode of cell death of BA were determined using the MTT assay and DNA fragmentation analysis, respectively. In our study, the compound was found to be cytotoxic to MDA-MB-231 and HL-60 cells with IC50 values of 58 μg/mL and 134 μg/mL, respectively. Cells treated with high concentrations of BA exhibited features characteristic of apoptosis such as blebbing, shrinking and a number of small cytoplasm body masses when viewed under an inverted light microscope after 24h. The incidence of apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 was further confirmed by the DNA fragmentation analysis, with the formation of DNA fragments of oligonucleosomal size (180-200 base pairs), giving a ladder-like pattern on agarose gel electrophoresis. BA was more cytotoxic towards MDA-MB-231 than HL-60 cells, and induced apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 cells.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms
  3. Nazatul, S.B., Ruby, H.
    JUMMEC, 2009;12(2):70-73.
    The exclusive breastfeeding rate in Malaysia is very low. However in recent years the awareness of breastfeeding among mothers has increased. A preliminary qualitative research was carried out on these motivated mothers. The objective of this study was to understand the challenges encountered by breastfeeding mothers and to explore the support and motivation received by them. Information from the motivated mothers was obtained from focus group discussion. Some obstacles faced by the mothers were lack of knowledge on breastfeeding and lack of support from health professionals, parents and siblings. Facilities to express breast milk while at work were not readily available. The main motivation to breastfeed came from the mother herself and support from the husband. A holistic approach must be used to help mothers to continue breastfeeding. This includes breastfeeding promotion and education, setting up more Baby Friendly Hospitals, availability of breastfeeding support groups and provision of enough breastfeeding facilities at work and public places.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  4. Noor Hassim Ismail, Rosnah Ismail, Rampal, K.G.
    Aims : The review was to determine the prevalence of needlestick injury especially among health care personnel and to determine the score of knowledge and compliance to the Standard Universal Precaution.
    Method : Twelve theses were reviewed from year 1996 to 2007 of Master in Community Health Science, Master in Community Health and Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health of Community Health Department Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center involving of 1645 respondents of health care personnel, support staff and student of nursing and medical. Eleven studies were cross sectional design and only one study was retrospective.
    Results : Respondents were dominated by female (74.6%) and Malay ethnicity (65%), as young as 19 years old to 56 years old of age. Majority had received Hepatitis B vaccination (79.4%) but only 37.1% had completed the 3 doses regime. The incidence of episodes of needle stick injury among health care personnel was double (53.7%) compared to final year medical students (20.9%). Needle stick injuries did not occur at random as there were a few health care personnel injured repeatedly. Those who had higher mean or median score for compliance to Standard Universal Precaution were non case of needlestick injury. Work practices had been highlighted in few studies of being risk factors for needlestick injury such as blood withdrawing related activities. Other risk factors were job category, predictive factor for compliance to Standard Universal Precaution, risk perception and training.
    Conclusion : Even though the review could not extrapolated to general population of healthcare personnel but it gave some illustrated pictures to what had happened in small clustered locations. Episodes of needle stick injury was 53.7% for past 12 years, it was double in comparison to final year medical students in year 2001. 13.2% were injured repeatedly. The score of knowledge was more the 50% of range but compliance to Standard Precaution made differences in being cases or non cases among respondents. The seroconversion status till date was unknown.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  5. Norhaini, M., Norazlanshah, H., Khairil Anuar, M.I., Fazlyla Nadya, M.F., Mashita, M., Mohamad, G.M.
    Students in tertiary level education are mostly young adults that are transiting from the teenage years to adulthood. Since there is less restriction as compared to their teenage years, university and college students might involve in risky behaviours that may affect their health, social and academic performance. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate and identify the differences of health risk factors and health promoting behaviour that have been practiced by students in Malaysia. A cross sectional study was conducted using closed-ended questionnaires distributed to university and college students via emails. The results showed that 77.0% students claimed they have no health problem. However 49.0% of the non-medical students did not know whether they have normal BMI. Among the medical students, 62.0% rarely do physical exercise even though most are seriously concern about their fat consumption (95.0%). Only 30.0% of the total students have awareness of wearing seat belt. For health promoting behaviour, 33.0% of female students have never perform breast self examination (BSE), while 65.0% of male students have never perform testicular self examination (TSE). These findings confirmed that there are differences in health risk factors and health promoting behaviour that have been practiced by the students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Self-Examination
  6. Tikaram A, Chew YK, Zulkiflee AB, Chong AW, Prepageran N
    Introduction: The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of otitis media with effusion (OME) in Malaysian children between three months to twelve years of age and to identify the risk factors associated with it.
    Materials and methods: This is a cross-sectional study consists of 153 children selected by stratified random sampling method. Parents of these children were interviewed with a structured questionnaire. Clinical examination, including otoscopic examination and tympanometry was performed for each child.
    Results: The prevalence of OME was 18.3%. There was no statistical significant relationship between OME and gender, race, household size, attendance to daycare center, breast feeding, and exposure to passive smoking, allergy, and asthma.
    Conclusion: The prevalence of OME is 18.3% in Malaysian children between three months to twelve years of age. Frequency of AOM is a statistically significant factor to the development of OME later in life. The different risk factors associated with OME are still controversial.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  7. Choo, C.M., Quah, B.S., Rostenberghe, H.V., Choo, K.E.
    A case control study was conducted to identify the risk factors for acute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRI) in hospitalised children in Kelantan. One hun-dred and twenty children aged one month to five years hospitalised for ALRI were matched by age with 120 children as controls. Data on demography and expo-sure to putative risk factors were collected by interview-ing parents or caretakers. Anthropometric measure-ments were also carried out to assess the nutritional sta-tus of the children. For each risk factor studied, the odds ratios for exposure and disease were calculated by using univariate analysis followed by multiple logistic regression analysis to determine those factors which remained significant.
    The presence of sibling(s) who coughed at home (OR 12.1, 95% CI 5.2-28.1), crowding in bedroom (OR 4.4, 95% CI 2.1-9.0), weight-for-age < 3rd percentile (OR 9.0, 95% CI 3.1-25.8), lack of breast feeding (OR 9.4, 95% CI 2.3-38.4) and incomplete immunisation (OR 4.5, 95% CI 1.7-12.1) were significant indepen-dent risk factors for ALRI. Other factors like poverty, maternal education level, male sex, low birth weight, history of atopy, family history of asthma and indoor air pollution were not associated with an increased risk of ALRI.
    This study showed that poor nutritional status, inap-propriate child care practices and poor living conditions, particularly those related to crowding, predispose to ALRI in Kelantanese children necessitating hospital admission. A change in these factors may reduce the morbidity and mortality of childhood ALRI in Kelantan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  8. Raja, Lexshimi R.G., Oranye, N.O., Ho, S.E., Zuraida, J., Zulkifli, S.Z.
    The Use of Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a common phenomenon among women with breast cancer in Malaysia. This study examines the prevalence, types, influencing factors and source of information regarding CAM among women with breast cancer, using a cross sectional research design. A purposive sampling was used to recruit 103 women with breast cancer who were attending follow up care at the Radiotherapy and Oncology unit of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre. Data was gathered through the use of self–administered questionnaires. Ninety one women identified themselves as CAM users while twelve were non users. Among the CAM users, 57(62.6%) were Malays, 27(29.7%) Chinese and 7(7.7%) Indians. The common types of CAM used were vitamins, nutritional supplements and traditional medicines (TM). CAM was used more frequently upon diagnosis (63.7%) and after completion of conventional treatment (97.8%). With regard to decision-making, most of the women (62.6%) did not make the decision to use CAM and were mostly influenced by their husband and mother (67%). Mother (71.4%), husband (67%), and relatives (56%) were the main sources of information and all values showed significant association with CAM use (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms
  9. Lim JF
    Workers in the health care industry and related occupations are at risk of occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and other potentially infectious agents. The primary route of occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens is accidental percutaneous (through the skin) injury. Health care workers handle sharp devices and equipment such as hypodermic and suture needles, intravenous blood collection devices, phlebotomy devices, and scalpels. Health care workers with the most involvement in direct patient care e.g., nursing staff, sustain the highest proportion of reported NSIs (needle stick injuries).
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  10. Ay, Eeng Tan, Wai, Kwong Choong, Pooi, Yan Leong, Wei, Mui Ng, Soon, Leong Yong
    Medicine & Health, 2008;3(1):30-37.
    This is a cross-sectional study on 218 pregnant mothers in an urban government Hospital.The study aimed to assess knowledge, attitudes and sources of information on breastfeeding. The results could be utilised to promote breastfeeding. Almost all the respondents (96.8%) intended to breastfeed their newborns. Most of them (74.8%) were knowledgeable about breastfeeding i.e. colostrum and breast milk was the best food, good for resistance against disease and allergy, filling up stomach easily, helpful in teeth development and maternal recovery after birth, increased bonding, was easy and economical. The two main misconceptions were mothers would stop breastfeeding when infant or mother was sick, and giving clear fluid to the exclusively breastfed infants to prevent dehydration. Most mothers (83.9%) responded positively towards breastfeeding i.e. it was easier than infant formula, had no negative effect on marital relationship or family care, would commence breastfeeding straight after delivery, agreeable to the banning of bottles and teats in hospital and they would not stop breastfeeding even if husband discouraged them. Only 56.9% of the mothers believed they could breastfeed their babies with modesty anywhere. The main sources of information were attained from the mass media (34.9%), antenatal class (32.1%) and other mothers with breastfeeding experiences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  11. Shahidan, H., Mahani, Y., Noriah, B., Haw, A.B.
    A diarrhoea outbreak had occurred among neonates delivered in a private hospital in Kedah from 15 August to 8 September 2002 involving 27 (55.1%) cases out of a total of 49 deliveries. Thirteen of them (48.1%) were admitted to either government or private hospitals for treatnzent while fourteen of them (51.9%) were managed at home. The main presenting feature was frequent yellowish to greenish watery stool not associated with vomitting. Investigations include active case finding, environmental inspection, sampling of stool specimens, identifying causative agents and identuying human carriers. All the diarrhoea eases (100%) were noted to have received infant formula feeding while in the private hospital. Staphylococcus aureus was isolated hom the milk scoop which was used for milk preparation. Nasal swabs of four (50%) nursing personnel were also positive for Staphylococcus aureus. One of them was positive for methycilline resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The milk and water samples showed no signuicant bacterial contamination. Stool samples of these cases were negative for Rotavirus, Vibrio sp., Salmonella sp., Shigella sp. and Entamoeba coli. This outbreak of diarrhoea was noted to have a strong association with infant formula feeding in the hospital. Breastfeeding should be continuously promoted. Baby friendly hospital initiatives in private hospital settings need to be initiated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  12. Engku Fatimah Syairah Engku Safruddin, Wan Zainira Wan Zain, Bhavaraju, Venkata Murali Krishna, Kannan, Thirumulu Ponnuraj
    Given that the germline mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2 confer genetic susceptibility to cancer, the
    genetic variations, polymorphisms or mutations are widely analyzed in Western countries. However, in Asian
    population, the prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 polymorphisms is very limited. In Asia, breast cancer occurs in
    women early with an age of onset under 50 years. This review comprises the incidence of BRCA1 and BRCA2
    polymorphisms in the Japanese, Korean and Malaysian population. Founder mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2
    were also compared to mark the genetic difference in these populations. The mutational analysis performed to
    analyze the entire coding region of BRCA1 and BRCA2 include the next generation sequencing and full
    sequencing of all exons and intron-exon junctions. From the diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC)
    patients, TNBC is associated with the lack of tailored therapies and the treatment option available for TNBC
    patients is mainly chemotherapy. The poor prognosis of TNBC leads to determine the predictive biomarkers in
    order to develop treatment efficacy. This review will address the current clinical therapies available to treat TNBC
    Matched MeSH terms: Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms
  13. Khurana RK, Kumar R, Gaspar BL, Welsby G, Welsby P, Kesharwani P, et al.
    Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 2018 Oct 01;91:645-658.
    PMID: 30033299 DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2018.05.010
    The current studies envisage unravelling the underlying cellular internalisation mechanism of the systematically developed docetaxel (DTH) polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) enriched self-nanoemulsifying lipidic micellar systems (SNELS). The concentration-, time- and cytotoxicity-related effects of DTH-SNELS on triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) MDA-MB-231 and non-TNBC MCF-7 cell lines were assessed through Presto-blue assay. Subsequently, rhodamine-123 (Rh-123) loaded SNELS were employed for evaluating their internalisation through flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy, establishing it to be "clathrin-mediated" endocytic pathway. Apoptosis assay (65% cell death) and cell cycle distribution (47% inhibition at G2/M phase) further corroborated the cytotoxicity of DTH-SNELS towards cancerous cells. Biodistribution, histopathology and haematology studies indicated insignificant toxicity of the optimized formulation on vital organs. Preclinical anticancer efficacy studies using 7,12-dimethylbenzantracene (DMBA)-induced model construed significant reduction in breast tumor-volume. Overall, extensive in vitro and in vivo studies indicated the intracellular localization and cytotoxicity, suggesting DTH-SNELS as promising delivery systems for breast tumor therapeutics including TNBC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms
  14. Kirubakaran R, Chee Jia T, Mahamad Aris N
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2017 01 01;18(1):115-120.
    PMID: 28240018
    Background: Breast cancer is the commonest cancer among women worldwide. About one in nineteen women in
    Malaysia are at risk, compared to one in eight in Europe and the United States. The objectives of this study were: (1) to
    assess patients’ knowledge on risk factors, symptoms and methods of screening of breast cancer; and (2) to determine
    their perceptions towards the disease treatment outcomes. Methods: A cross-sectional survey using a validated selfadministered
    questionnaire was conducted among 119 consecutive surgical female patients admitted from 1st of
    September to 8th of October 2015 in Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Kedah. Data were analyzed using General linear
    regression and Spearman’s correlation with Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. Results: Mean (SD)
    age was 40.6 (15.1) years and majority of the patients were Malay (106, 89.1%). Mean scores for general knowledge,
    risk factors and symptoms of breast cancer were 50.2 (24.0%), 43.0 (22.9%) and 64.4 (28.4%) respectively. Mean
    total knowledge score was 52.1(19.7%). 80 (67.2%) and 55 (46.2%) patients were aware of breast self-examination
    and clinical breast examination recommendations, respectively. Generally, patients had positive perceptions towards
    breast cancer treatment outcomes. However, majority (59.7%) considered that it would be a long and painful process.
    Knowledge was significantly better among married women with spouses (p=0.046), those with personal history of
    breast cancer (p=0.022) and with monthly personal income (p=0.001) with the coefficient of determination, R2=0.16.
    Spearman’s correlation test showed a significant positive relationship between monthly personal income and breast
    cancer awareness (r = 0.343, p <0.001). Conclusion: Awareness on breast cancer among our patients was average. Thus,
    there is a need for more awareness programs to educate women about breast cancer and promote its early detection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Self-Examination
  15. Alnakshabandi K, Fiester A
    Paediatr Int Child Health, 2016 Feb;36(1):4-6.
    PMID: 26750779 DOI: 10.1080/20469047.2015.1110336
    Human milk banks are vital for providing donor milk to infants for whom there are maternal or postnatal barriers to the mother's own milk. Although more than 35 countries have active milk banks, not one of those is a Muslim country.(1) Despite widespread support for breastfeeding across the Muslim world, religious constraints surrounding milk-sharing have created challenging barriers to the creation of milk banks. The religious objection centres around the Islamic tenet that consuming human milk builds a kinship bond between individuals who have consumed the same woman's milk which prohibits future marriage between the 'milk-brothers and sisters.' While a small-scale, experimental 'milk exchange' programme has been attempted in two Muslim countries (Kuwait and Malaysia), the only proposed milk bank in the Muslim world was a pilot programme in Turkey that was halted because of religious concerns. The problem with milk banking is the step in the process during which the milk from individual donors is pooled and de-identified, making it impossible to trace its origins and acknowledge the newly formed kinship relationship. To meet the need for Muslim children to be able to access human milk while remaining compliant with the prevalent understanding of Islamic doctrine on milk-sharing, we propose a new approach to milk banking that we term the Conditional Identified Milk Banking System (CIMBS). In this new system, both the donor's and recipient's identities are accessible to all parties through a voluntary registry, and the milk-pooling is limited to three milk donors. Based on recent survey data, we believe that there would be receptivity among practicing Muslims and religious leaders to this alternative approach.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  16. Vandenplas Y, Latiff AHA, Fleischer DM, Gutiérrez-Castrellón P, Miqdady MS, Smith PK, et al.
    Nutrition, 2019 01;57:268-274.
    PMID: 30223233 DOI: 10.1016/j.nut.2018.05.018
    OBJECTIVES: Guidance and evidence supporting routine use of partially hydrolyzed formula (pHF) versus intact cows' milk protein (CMP) formula are limited in non-exclusively breastfed infants. The aim of this review was to better clarify issues of routine use of pHF in non-exclusively breastfed infants who are not at risk for allergic disease by using a systematic review and Delphi Panel consensus.

    METHODS: A systematic review and Delphi consensus panel (consisting of eight8 international pediatric allergists and gastroenterologists) was conducted to evaluate evidence supporting growth, tolerability, and effectiveness of pHF in non-exclusively breastfed infants.

    RESULTS: None of the studies reviewed identified potential harm of pHF use compared with CMP in non-exclusively breastfed infants. There was an expert consensus that pHF use is likely as safe as intact CMP formula, given studies suggesting these have comparable nutritional parameters. No high-quality studies were identified evaluating the use of pHF to prevent allergic disease in non-exclusively breastfed infants who are not at risk for allergic disease (e.g., lacking a parental history of allergy). Limited data suggest that pHF use in non-exclusively breastfed infants may be associated with improved gastric emptying, decreased colic incidence, and other common functional gastrointestinal symptoms compared with CMP. However, because the data are of insufficient quality, the findings from these studies have to be taken with caution. No studies were identified that directly compared the different types of pHF, but there was an expert consensus that growth, allergenicity, tolerability, effectiveness, and clinical role among such pHF products may differ.

    CONCLUSIONS: Limited data exist evaluating routine use of pHFs in non-exclusively breastfed infants, with no contraindications identified in the systematic review. An expert consensus considers pHFs for which data were available to be as safe as CMP formula as growth is normal. The preventive effect on allergy of pHF in infants who are not at risk for allergic disease has been poorly studied. Cost of pHF versus starter formula with intact protein differs from country to country. However, further studies in larger populations are needed to clinically confirm the benefits of routine use of pHF in non-exclusively breastfed infants. These studies should also address potential consumer preference bias.

    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  17. Arendt M, Allain A
    J Hum Lact, 2019 Feb;35(1):15-20.
    PMID: 30517831 DOI: 10.1177/0890334418812075
    Annelies Allain has been at the forefront of global efforts to support and promote breastfeeding for more than 30 years. Her accomplishments continue to affect all of us who work with breastfeeding families. Born in the Netherlands in 1945, Annelies Allain-van Elk received a scholarship and completed a BA from the University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA. Back in Europe, she obtained a BA in French language and literature (University of Geneva, Switzerland) as well as a translator's diploma. After 4 years working in West Africa and visits to South America, she returned to Geneva to obtain an MA in development studies. She is fluent in English, French, and Dutch and has working knowledge of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and German. Ms. Allain was a co-founder of IBFAN (1979) and the coordinator of IBFAN Europe (1980-1984). In 1984, she moved to Penang, Malaysia, and IBFAN work soon took over as a full-time job. She was instrumental in developing the Code Documentation Centre (1985) and by 1991 it became a foundation (ICDC) registered in the Netherlands. Subsequently, the Centre has trained over 2,000 officials from 148 countries about the International Code, making it the world's top International Code implementation institution. Among her many other education and advocacy activities, Ms. Allain was a co-founder of WABA (1990) and for many years has been a consultant with UNICEF and WHO's Western Pacific Regional Office on International Code implementation and monitoring. In this interview she provides a firsthand account of how most of the major global breastfeeding protection efforts influencing our current situation came into being. (This is a verbatim interview: MA = Maryse Arendt; AA = Annelies Allain.).
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  18. Kakkar S, Kumar S, Lim SM, Ramasamy K, Mani V, Shah SAA, et al.
    Chem Cent J, 2018 Dec 04;12(1):130.
    PMID: 30515643 DOI: 10.1186/s13065-018-0499-x
    BACKGROUND: In view of wide range of biological activities of oxazole, a new series of oxazole analogues was synthesized and its chemical structures were confirmed by spectral data (Proton/Carbon-NMR, IR, MS etc.). The synthesized oxazole derivatives were screened for their antimicrobial and antiproliferative activities.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The antimicrobial activity was performed against selected fungal and bacterial strains using tube dilution method. The antiproliferative potential was evaluated against human colorectal carcinoma (HCT116) and oestrogen- positive human breast carcinoma (MCF7) cancer cell lines using Sulforhodamine B assay and, results were compared to standard drugs, 5-fluorouracil and tamoxifen, respectively.

    CONCLUSION: The performed antimicrobial activity indicated that compounds 3, 5, 6, 8 and 14 showed promising activity against selected microbial species. Antiproliferative screening found compound 14 to be the most potent compound against HCT116 (IC50 = 71.8 µM), whereas Compound 6 was the most potent against MCF7 (IC50 = 74.1 µM). Further, the molecular docking study has been carried to find out the interaction between active oxazole compounds with CDK8 (HCT116) and ER-α (MCF7) proteins indicated that compound 14 and 6 showed good dock score with better potency within the ATP binding pocket and may be used as a lead for rational drug designing of the anticancer molecule.

    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms
  19. Hamat, N.N., Yusof, N.N., Ramli, N.I., Zubir, N.Z., Wahairi, N., Jusoh, N., et al.
    JUMMEC, 2019;22(2):39-42.
    Background: Most postpartum women are prescribed at least one medication; so the safety of the medication
    is a major concern. In 2017, 11% of 815 questions received by the Pharmacy Drug Information Services at seven
    clinics in Dungun is related to medication use in breastfeeding. Thus, this study was carried out to evaluate
    the attitudes of healthcare providers (HCPs) and to investigate the effect of knowledge about medication use
    in breastfeeding among HCPs; pre- and post-educational intervention.

    Methods: An interventional study was carried out among medical officers, assistant medical officers,
    pharmacists and pharmacist assistants from seven clinics in the district of Dungun, Malaysia. The questionnaires
    were distributed during pre- and post-intervention period. The interventions in this study included continuous
    medical education (CME) and the use of a booklet regarding medication use for breastfeeding women. The
    data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Studies (SPSS) and presented as frequencies,
    means, and standard deviations.

    Results: Fifty HCPs were enrolled in this study and over 20% of them advised mothers to discontinue
    breastfeeding whenever they are prescribed any medication. The knowledge of HCPs about medication use in
    breastfeeding women was significantly improved (Z= -5.917, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Feeding
  20. Yap Wei Boon, Shaktypreya Nadarajah, Nadiah Shidik, Noorjahan Banu Mohammed Alitheen
    Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2018;16(101):15-22.
    Breast cancer is one of the commonest cancers among women. Conventional therapies cause adverse side effects in patients. Cytokine immunotherapy such as interleukin-27 (IL-27) has been sought as an alternative cancer treatment in recent years. IL-27 has been shown to improve anticancer immunity and anti-angiogenesis in cancers, however, its effect on apoptotic and anti-apoptotic gene expression especially in breast cancers is yet to be explored. Cytotoxicity of IL-27 in non-cancerous (184b5) and cancerous (MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231) breast cell lines was first determined for 24-72 h in this study. The results indicated that IL-27 treatment did not retard 184b5 cell growth, however, did inhibit MCF-7 (48 h) and MDA-MB-231 (72 h) cell growth with IC50 at 442 and 457 ng/ml, respectively. Apoptotic (TRAIL, FADD, FAS, caspase-3 and caspase-8) and anti-apoptotic (BCL-2, AKT, and COX-2) genes were then amplified from untreated (control) and treated breast cancer cells and studied. TRAIL, caspase-3, caspase-8 gene expression was significantly (p < 0.05) upregulated in treated MCF-7 (442 ng/ml) and MDA-MB-231 (457 ng/ml) cells. Expression of FADD and FAS genes was not detected in both control and treated MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cells. COX-2 gene was also not expressed by MCF-7 cells, but reduced significantly (p < 0.05) in treated MDA-MB-231 cells. In MDA-MB-231 cells, IL-27 treatment seemed to slightly enhance the expression of AKT and BCL-2 genes which, on the other hand, was downregulated in treated MCF-7 cells. Conclusively, IL-27 is able to inhibit breast cancer cell growth and regulate apoptotic and anti-apoptotic gene expression in breast cancer cells.
    Matched MeSH terms: Breast Neoplasms
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