Demodex sp. merupakan ektoparasit kulit dan dikenali sebagai tungau folikel yang selalu didapati pada manusia pada semua peringkat umur, kaum dan kumpulan geografi. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan prevalens infestasi Demodex sp. di kalangan orang dewasa berumur antara 20 hingga 29 tahun di kawasan Lembah Klang dan menentukan kaitan infestasi ektoparasit ini dengan jantina dan masalah jerawat. Kajian ini merupakan kajian pertama penentuan prevalens infestasi Demodex sp. di Malaysia. Seramai 350 orang subjek telah dikaji yang mana pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara pensampelan rawak berstrata. Pengambilan spesimen dilakukan secara kikisan kulit pada kawasan muka iaitu dahi, hidung, pipi dan dagu. Spesimen dititiskan dengan medium Hoyer dan pemerhatian dijalankan di bawah mikroskop cahaya. Borang soal selidik diedarkan untuk mengetahui kehadiran jerawat pada kulit muka. Hasil kajian mendapati prevalens keseluruhan infestasi Demodex sp. adalah 18.9% dan lelaki menunjukkan infestasi lebih tinggi (25.7%) berbanding perempuan (12.0%) manakala tiada perbezaan bermakna antara masalah jerawat dan infestasi Demodex sp. Kesimpulannya, infestasi Demodex sp. hadir di kalangan satu perlima dari subjek dengan lelaki didapati lebih bermasalah.
Self-injury is a significant predictor of future self-harm and suicide, and is associated with significant psychological morbidity. However, despite an
apparent increase in prevalence, very little research on this behaviour has been conducted within Malaysia. This paper reviews the definitional issues
pertinent to the study of self-injury including the need to adopt a consistent nomenclature for the behaviour, separate self-injury which occurs with and
without suicidal intent, and to address role of culture in defining self-injurious behaviour. A review and critique of research exploring the prevalence, function, aetiology, and correlates of self-injury across both clinical and community samples is provided. Finally, in light of the current international knowledge regarding self-injurious behaviour, recommendations to guide future research in Malaysia are proposed.
The role of science and technology (S&T) in preventing disasters and building resilience to climate change is featured in this paper, drawing primarily on the presentations and discussion of researchers, practitioners and policy makers from 31 institutions in 17 countries during the Workshop on Natural Disasters and Climate Change in Asia, held on 5–7 November 2012 in Bangi, Malaysia. Issues highlighted include advances in climate modelling and weather forecasts, with emphasis on information gaps; hazards and its cascading effects, focusing on current research and approaches; and the potential for land-based mitigation-adaptation strategies. Progress in mobilizing S&T to support disaster prevention and climate resilience is hindered by factors such as absence or lack of research, incomplete and non-existent scientific records, restricted access to data and capacity to innovate and transmit S&T, among others. The establishment of an Asian Network for Climate Science and Technology is proposed to provide and facilitate exchange of information and aid development of research co-ordination projects led by Asian researchers and possibly to act as a one-stop repository of global climate change related research too. The scope of the network would cover climate research with particular relevance to disaster resilience, including scientific capacity, which is all very distinct in Asia.
Nowadays, construction and demolition waste has become a major issue to environmental problems faced by many countries. This concern comes from the inefficiencies of waste management which includes the waste generated from construction and demolition activities. In Malaysia, there is a lack of database records on construction waste and this has affected proper management planning of the waste. As there is a lack of policy on construction waste management, control on construction waste disposal is very hazy and this has aggravated environmental problems and exhausted landfill usage and increased illegal dumping. This paper reviews the critical issues on construction waste management and also discusses several estimation models on construction waste generation from several countries. Based on the review, most of the countries faced problems regarding construction waste management and the models developed were considered as one of the methods which could be adopted for better management of construction wastes.
Pruritus is a lesser known symptom of hyperthyroidism, particularly in autoimmune thyroid disorders. This is a case report of a 27-year-old woman who presented with generalised pruritus at a primary care clinic. Incidental findings of tachycardia and a goiter led to the investigations of her thyroid status. The thyroid function test revealed elevated serum free T4 and suppressed thyroid stimulating hormone levels. The anti-thyroid antibodies were positive. She was diagnosed with Graves' disease and treated with carbimazole until her symptoms subsided. Graves' disease should be considered as an underlying cause for patients presenting with pruritus. A thorough history and complete physical examination are crucial in making an accurate diagnosis. Underlying causes must be determined before treating the symptoms.
The low resolution Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar-orbiting satellites Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) is being received and recorded in real-time mode at ground receiving station in School of Science and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sabah. The system is suitable for the developing and undeveloped countries in south and Southeast Asia and is said to be acceptable for engineering, agricultural, climatological and environmental applications. The system comprises a personal computer attached with a small APT receiver. The data transmission between the ground receiving station and NOAA satellites is using the electromagnetic wave. The relation for receiving and processing the electromagnetic wave in the transmission will be discussed.
This paper discuss thermal comfort studies of an under air conditioning in hot and humid climate which at one of the higher institution in East Coast of Malaysia. Indoor thermal environment is important as it affects the health and productivity of building occupants. The paper reports on an experimental investigation of indoor thermal comfort characteristics under the control of air conditioning. Firstly, the well known Fanger’s thermal comfort model was simplified for the current experimental investigation. This is followed by reporting the experimental results of indoor thermal comfort characteristics under the control of temperature, with eight different of temperatures which are 22oC to 29oC. Finally, indoor thermal comfort was merely affected by the increment ventilation and outdoor climate. PMV value was higher when near from the window because of the effects of the wall radiations and the metabolic heat.
The paper reports on a study conducted in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in NCER, Malaysia. Four safety management practices were studied in relation to safety behaviour of employees. Respondents consisted of employees working in SMEs in NCER. Companies were sampled randomly from directories provided by SMECorp and other SME-related body. Self-administered questionnaires were sent by mail to employees working in SMEs. Completed questionnaires were mailed back by respondents using pre-addressed and post-paid envelope included. Correlation analysis were conducted and found that all four safety management practices are highly correlated with safety behaviour. The result provides support to the use of safety management practices to improve safety behaviour of employees and overall safety of the workplace. Suggestions for management in SMEs are presented in the discussion section. Management in SMEs can consider the use of safety management practices as antecedents that trigger safety behaviour of their employees in order to reduce accident rate in workplace.
Part of the Seremban flood mitigation project in the state of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia is to mitigate
the flood at Jalan Rasah. The mitigation is planned to be implemented in packages. Package I and Package II of River Anak Air Rasah are parts of the project work. In these packages, wider and deeper concrete sections for the river are constructed. The existing undersized culverts were replaced by bigger reinforced concrete box culverts. The size of the box culverts was based on 100-years average reoccurrence interval (ARI). One of these culverts intersected with a rail line connecting Singapore and Malaysia. Trenchless jacking technique was used to lay the box culvert. The total length of the box culvert jacked under the railway line is 33 m, whereas the total width of the twin box culvert is 7.8 m with a total height of 3 m. This was the first time that the trenchless jacking techniques were used for the urban flood mitigation purpose in Malaysia, and it is mainly used to minimise traffic disruption. This study reports the success of using jacking technique in the development of the flood mitigation program of DID in Negeri Sembilan. Among other things, it explains significant performance of the technique under local conditions and experiences gained towards the advancement of tunnelling and trenchless technology.
Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan prevalens jangkitan vaginosis bakteria di kalangan wanita yang berumur 20 hingga 59 tahun di Hospital Umum Sarawak, Malaysia melalui pemeriksaan ke atas lumuran Pap lazim. Prevalens jangkitan ini dikaji di kalangan lima kumpulan etnik yang utama iaitu kaum Iban, Cina, Melayu, Bidayuh dan kaum Orang Ulu. Penyaringan mikroskopi dijalankan ke atas 300 sampel slaid yang telah diproses dan dicelup menggunakan pencelup Papanicolaou. Berdasarkan kepada maklumat pada borang permohonan penyaringan lumuran Pap, tanda dan gejala jangkitan diambil kira sebagai petunjuk penting semasa penyaringan kerana melalui tanda dan gejala jangkitan, lumuran Pap mempunyai hubungan yang rapat dengan ciri gambaran sitomorfologi jangkitan yang berlaku ke atas sel–sel epitelium sekiranya ia mengalami jangkitan. Kategori umur untuk setiap golongan etnik juga dijadikan sebagai salah satu faktor pengukur bagi menilai tahap kekerapan jangkitan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan jangkitan vaginosis bakteria mencatatkan sebanyak 79.7% (239/300 kes). Jangkitan berlaku pada kesemua kumpulan etnik dan jangkitan lebih kerap ditemui pada golongan umur 20 tahun hingga 39 tahun. Majoriti kes (93.3%) menunjukkan tanda dan gejala jangkitan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan kepentingan menjalani ujian lumuran Pap sebagai ujian mengesan jangkitan vaginosis bakteria selain saringan awal pengesanan kanser serviks.
Anxiety Disorders have been said to account for the majority of psychiatric cases treated in out patient clinics all over the world. However not much input Is being given to it in the teaching of futufe doctors mainly because although it is common it is not generally seen by students posted to psychiatry wards in Malaysia. The students have the advantage of visiting patients in the wards daily but may only spend about 20% of the entire psychiatry posting in the clinics. As such, emphasis in identifying and treating anxiety disorders becomes diminished. More time is spent on discussing management issues of schizophrenia and bipolar disorders when the likelihood of students treating anxiety disorders in primary care and family physician clinics are more after they graduate. This short editorial looks at the current trend in combining psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy in anxiety pathology for the benefit of both practicing doctors and students.
Background: In Malaysia the percentage of diploma registered nurses outnumber the percentage of degree registered nurses. Internationally, most registered nurses earn associate degrees or bachelor’s degrees in nursing. Malaysia is in the pipeline of ensuring that its registered nurses are professionally qualified with nursing degree by year 2020. Registered nurses with diploma qualification are feeling the pressure to upgrade their qualification to degree. There are concerns as to why these nurses are not pursuing their post registration nursing degree. Objective: To determine factors that are deterring the registered nurses of a private hospital in Penang from pursuing the post registered nursing degree. Methods: This descriptive study utilised a convenient sample of 150 registered nurses from Lam Wah Ee Hospital in Penang. The instrument of this study was developed based on literature search and the conceptual framework of Force Fields Analysis developed by Kurt Lewin in 1952. Results: The deterring factors for registered nurses not pursuing post registration nursing degree from this hospital were determined through negative mean score, which was valued at less than 2.5. The top 3 deterring factors identified were: high educational cost, with a score of 1.92; financial commitment, with a score of 2.22 and time constraints and high workload, with a score of 2.27. Conclusions: High educational cost, financial commitment, time constraint and high workload were the main factors deterring the registered nurses from this hospital from pursuing their post registration nursing degree. Thus it is timely for the organisational management to consider workable measures to assist and motivate their nurses to upgrade themselves with nursing degree in line with Malaysia’s vision to meet the increasing challenges and complex needs in the care of clients in health services.
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and three dimensional (3D) World Wide Web (WWW) applications usage are on the rise. The demand for online 3D terrain visualization for GIS data has increased. Current users demand for more complex data which have higher accuracy and realism. This is aided by the emergence of geo-browsers in the market which provide free service and also cater for the commercialized market. Other new technology driving the market is the use of software such as CityGML, Virtual Reality Markup Language (VRML)/ Entensive 3D (X3D), geoVRML, and Keyhole Markup Language (KML). These technologies also play an important role for this new era of online 3D terrain visualization. The aim of this paper is to implement the online 3D terrain visualization for GIS data by using VRML technology and launching the system into three different web servers. The data used for this system are contour data and high resolution satellite image (QUICKBIRD) for Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) area. Testing was done only for satellite image overlaid to 3D terrain data. The web servers used in this experiment were the Spatial Research Group Server in UPM, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) web server, and web server. The comparison was based on the performance of web servers in terms of accessibility, uploading time, CPU usage, frame rate per second (fps), and number of users. The results from this experiment will be of help and guidance to the developers in finding the right web servers for the best performance on implementing online 3D terrain visualization for GIS data.
Pelbagai bentuk pendekatan pengendalian pergerakan lipatan vokal paradoksikal (PLVP) telah dibincangkan dalam kajian-kajian sebelum ini, tetapi adalah penting untuk mengiktirafkan sifat kompleksiti kecelaruan ini dan perlunya diagnosis yang betul bagi membolehkan pengendalian yang sewajarnya dijalankan. Dapatan penyelidikan mendapati bahawa kecelaruan ini lazimnya berlaku di kalangan wanita muda yang mempunyai sejarah masalah perubatan yang berkaitan. Artikel ini membincangkan tentang kajian kes tunggal tentang seseorang kanak-kanak lelaki berumur 11 tahun yang mempunyai kecelaruan PLVP. Keadaan PLVP ini telah didiagnosis oleh pakar Otorinolaringologi di Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Ujian nasendoskopi menunjukkan pergerakan lipatan vokal adalah normal dalam pernafasan senyap dan sewaktu serangan episodik. Kanak-kanak ini kemudiannya dirujuk untuk terapi pertuturan; kecelaruan PLVPnya dikendalikan khususnya menggunakan rehabilitasi pertuturan. Pengurusan kecelaruan bagi kanak-kanak lelaki ini dibincangkan daripada mula rawatan sehingga beliau didiscaj daripada rawatan.
The crux of the current health problem is the alarming increase of dengue cases in the country. Dengue fever is endemic in Southeast Asia with Malaysia seeing dengue cases surge since 2003. The Health Minister of Malaysia has reported that the acute increase in dengue cases is worrying and could hit the country's productivity, tourism industry and economy.(Copied from article).
Malaysia is a tropical country and it is subjected to flooding in both the urban and rural areas. Flood
modelling can help to reduce the impacts of flood hazard by taking extra precautions. HEC-RAS model was used to predict the flood levels at selected reach of the Langat River with a total length of 34.4 km. The Langat River is located in the state of Selangor, Malaysia and it is subjected to regular flooding. The selected reach of the Langat River has insufficient data and a methodology was proposed to overcome this particular problem. Since complete floodplain data for the area are not available, the modelling therefore assumed vertical walls at the left and right banks of the Langat River and all the predicted flood levels above the banks were based on this assumption. The HECRAS model was calibrated and the values of Manning’s coefficients of roughness for the Langat River were found to range from 0.04 to 0.10. The discharge values were calculated for 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 year return periods and the maximum predicted flood depth ranged from 2.1m to 7.8m. Meanwhile, the model output was verified using the historical record and the error between the recorded and predicted water levels was found to range from 3% to 15%.
In this paper, stormwater runoff from a residential catchment located in Miri, Sarawak, was characterized to determine the pollutant concentrations and loading. The observed average event mean concentrations were 116 mg/L for TSS, 115 mg/L for COD, 1.5 mg/L for NH3-N, and 0.23 mg/L for Pb. Based on Interim National Water Quality Standards (INWQS) for Malaysia, the average event mean concentration, EMC value for TSS exceeded class II (50 mg/L), exceeded class V (>100 mg/L) for COD, and exceeded class III (0.9 mg/L) for NH3-N. All four water quality parameters exhibited first flush characteristic but to varying magnitude which was influenced by the storm characteristics.
This paper presents a two-staged, pilot-scale vertical flow engineered wetland-based septage treatment system (VFEWs), which was designed and constructed in Curtin University Sarawak Campus to determine the system efficiency in treatment of septage. The treatment system consists of storage tanks, vertical flow wetlands, and a network of influent and effluent distribution pipes. The first stage of the VFEWs treatment system consists of three vertical flow wetlands placed in parallel to provide pre-treatment to raw septage to reduce solids and organic matters mainly by physical filtration and sedimentation processes. The percolate from the first stage is then further treated in the second stage, with four vertical flow wetlands, each with variation in operational regime and substrate (filter) type. The influences of various system and application-related parameters such as substrate material, presence of plants and plant types, and septage feeding practices (solid loading rate (SLR), batch and intermittent loading, and frequency of daily feeding) on pollutant removal efficiency were studied. Results from the first stage wetlands indicate that the removal of total solids and organic matter (BOD and COD) from the raw septage is promising (> 80%) at both SLR of 100 kg TS/m2 .yr and 250 kg TS/m2 .yr, respectively. However, a higher SLR decreased the average NH3-N removal efficiency. The findings on bed clogging assessment during the study period are also presented in this paper. Validation and expansion of these results are carried out with ongoing assessments on the system performance.
Raffaelea variabilis is described as a new species in culture from Lannea grandis. It is distinguished by turbinate to cuneiform conidia measuring 4-16 times 2.5-7.5 mum, and compared and contrasted with established species. Trichocladium lobatum is described as a new species in culture with 1-2 euseptate spherical conidia, 19-22 mum diam., ornamented with flabelliform, spathulate or petaloid lobes 7 mum long. It is compared and contrasted with established Trichocladium species and representatives of Chlamydomyces, Histoplasma, Mycogone, Sepedonium and Thermomyces.