Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 496 in total

  1. Talib, R.A., Nor, M.Z.M., Noranizan, M.A., Chin, N.L., Hashim, K.
    This work describes the effects of different cooking temperatures in repetitive cooking-chilling (RCC) process on resistant starch (RS) content in fish crackers prepared in a ratio of 1:1 fish to sago starch formulation. In this work, three sets of four RCC cycles were performed on fish crackers, in which each set was cooked at fixed temperatures of 100, 115 and 121°C, respectively. The chilling temperature was fixed at 4°C in all cases. Subjecting the fish crackers to a higher cooking temperature for up to 4 cycles of RCC can increase the RS content. However, quality degradation was observed in the characteristics of the fish crackers. During the first RCC cycle, cooking at a higher temperature had caused the crackers to crack and burst. Besides, defragmentation to the shape of the fish cracker gels was also observed during the first RCC cycle, coupled with softer texture and high moisture content. When the products were subjected to frying, their linear expansion decreased, the texture became harder and the colour turned darker. This work demonstrated that the application of higher cooking temperature up to 4 RCC cycles was able to enhance the RS content in the fish crackers, but it was less able to attain the product's perfect shape. On the contrary, fish crackers that were exposed to lower cooking temperatures contained lower RS but with less shape damage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  2. Abdul Rahim, R., Pang, J.F., Chan, K.S., Leong, L.C., Fazalul Rahiman, M.H.
    ASM Science Journal, 2007;1(1):27-36.
    In this study, real-time imaging was monitored for flowing solid particles when various baffles were created to block certain areas of the pipe. The generated flow regimes were full-flow, three-quarter-flow, half-flow and quarter-flow. A vertical pneumatic conveyor was designed to hold a 85 mm inner diameter pipeline. The four projection optical tomography systems used, applied the parallel beam projection approach and use infrared light sources so that the sensor was free of noise from the surrounding visible light source. The two orthogonal and two rectilinear projections were axial, but ideally they should have been in the same layer. The sensor readings could be related to the varying light intensity effects of the dropping particles and were used to provide cross-sectional distribution information for the conveyor. By using computer programming, the information was reconstructed to produce coloured images and concentration was obtained by reference to a colour code. The results obtained from this study showed how imaged flow followed the artificial flow regime. This study could benefit industrial production lines in maintaining the desired flow rates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  3. Nur Syuhaidah Mohd Aris, Shariff Ibrahim, Borhannuddin Arifin, Yahaya Hawari
    Electrocoagulation has proven to be an effective method in the treatment of wastewater. This study evaluated the decolourisation of Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) using electrocoagulation (EC) batch reactor by utilising aluminium as sacrificial electrode. POME sample source from a final discharged pond at a palm oil mill was characterised for its colour, chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, conductivity and turbidity; were found to be 2707 PtCo, 3909 mg/L, 7.63, 12.82 mS/cm and 755 NTU respectively. The respective effects of operating parameters such as pH (3 to 11), applied voltage (5 V to 20 V), plate gap (7.5 to 11.5 cm) and operating time (1 to 8 hours) were investigated. The decolourisation of POME was observed to increase with increasing voltage and operating time. Highest removal efficiency was observed at pH 5, 20 V applied voltage, 9.5 cm plate gap and at 8-hour operating time with colour removal efficiency of 89, 79, 78 and 64% respectively. From the findings, it can be concluded that electrocoagulation process using aluminium electrodes is a reliable technique for the removal of colour from POME.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  4. Hafiz AFA, Keat YW, Ali A
    J Food Sci Technol, 2017 Jun;54(7):2181-2185.
    PMID: 28720977 DOI: 10.1007/s13197-017-2645-1
    The shelf life of rambutan is often limited due to rapid water loss from the spinterns and browning of the pericarp. An integrated approach, which combined hot water treatment (HWT) (56 °C for 1 min), oxalic acid (OA) dip (10% for 10 min) and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP), was used to study their effectiveness on the quality of rambutan during storage (10 °C, 90-95% relative humidity). Significant differences were observed in rambutan quality with the combination of MAP + HWT + OA after 20 days of storage. This treatment combination resulted into better retention of firmness and colour (L and a* values) than in the control. Change in the total soluble solid content was significantly delayed however the titratable acidity showed no significant change in comparison to the control at the end of storage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  5. Ng SP, Lai OM, Abas F, Lim HK, Tan CP
    Food Res Int, 2014 Oct;64:919-930.
    PMID: 30011735 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2014.08.045
    The rheological properties, microstructure, textural properties, colour and droplet size distribution of mayonnaise-like emulsion models prepared using 10-30wt.% of palm olein-based diacylglycerol (POL-DAG) oil were compared with those of the control (100wt.% VCO) model. There were significant (P<0.05) differences in the particle size distribution of the oil droplets, the textural properties, and the rheological properties of the various emulsion models. The rheological analysis included the determination of the flow curves, yield stress, thixotropy, apparent viscosity, and viscoelastic parameters. The concentrated oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion with 30wt.% POL-DAG substitution exhibited high thixotropy. The POL-DAG content had a substantial effect on the rheological properties of yield stress, storage modulus (G') and loss modulus (G″). The pseudoplastic behaviour of the emulsions was demonstrated. The size of the particles in the 30% POL-DAG-substituted emulsion was dramatically increased after one day and 30days of storage. All of the emulsion samples with POL-DAG substituted for VCO showed a relatively non-uniform bimodal droplet size distribution after one day of storage. In general, substitution of 10-20wt.% POL-DAG oil is appropriate for preparing O/W emulsions that had flow curves and textural properties similar to those of the control sample.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  6. Noor Aziah, A.A., Komathi, C.A.
    There is an increasing demand for fibre rich food and food ingredients. In this study, pumpkin pulp, unripe banana pulp, unripe mango pulp and peel which are high in dietary fibre were processed into flour and substituted at 5% level for wheat flour in a composite flour crackers formulation. The control crackers comprised of 100% wheat flour. Sensory evaluation was conducted using a 9-point hedonic scale with 31 panelists evaluating the crackers based on colour, crrispiness, taste and overall acceptance. Different types of composite flour crackers were not significantly different (p≤0.05) in term of crispiness. For colour, taste and overall acceptance, the pumpkin, banana and control crackers differ significantly (p≤0.05) with the mango pulp and mango peel crackers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  7. Kuan, C.H., Ahmad, S. H., Son, R., Yap, E. S. P., Zamri, M. Z., Shukor, N. I. A., et al.
    A good temperature management, such as precooling and cold storage, can delay deterioration of fresh produce. In this study, different forced-air precooling times were applied on Musa AAA Berangan to investigate the influence of forced-air precooling time on the changes of quality attributes and consumer acceptance. The banana was subjected to forced-air precooling treatment (5 ± 1°C) for 0, 14, 50, and 120 min and then stored in a cold room (13 ± 1°C) for 2 weeks. Then, all the fruits were transferred to a ripening room (25 ± 2°C) and initiated to ripen with ethylene gas. Quality attributes analyses and sensory evaluations were conducted when the fruits reached maturity index 5. Quality parameters, such as soluble solids concentration, titratable acidity, pulp firmness, and peel colour, showed no significant differences when fruits were precooled at different times. Blackening of peel as a result of chilling injury occurred in fruits treated with forced-air precooling for 50 and 120 min. This blackening significantly influenced consumer acceptance, although it did not affect the pulp colour and taste.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  8. Wan Rosli, W.l.
    The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajorcaju,
    PSC) addition to partially replace coconut milk powder on nutritional composition and
    sensory values of Herbal Seasoning (HS). This study evaluates the nutritional composition,
    dietary fibre and sensory acceptance of HS that processed using six different formulations
    with different levels of PSC powder, namely 0% (A), 20% (B), 40% (C), 60% (D), 80% (E)
    and 100% (F). The use of PSC powder substantially brought down the fat content of HS.
    The fat content of PSC-based HS was ranged from 13.82±0.84% to 8.16±0.74%. The protein
    content showed an increasing trend in line with increasing of PSC powder ranging from 7%
    to 12%.Substitution of coconut milk powder with PSC powder resulted in significantly higher
    (p0.05).The panels preferred HS formulated with PSC powder since its
    enhance colour and viscosity attributes of the products. In brief, HS formulated with more than
    40% PSC powder is recommended since it has significant nutrients and palatably accepted by
    sensorial panellists.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  9. Takaoka H, Saito K, Adler PH, Baba M
    Zootaxa, 2018 Nov 23;4524(4):489-495.
    PMID: 30486108 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4524.4.6
    A new species of black fly, Prosimulium kazukii, is described based on female, male and pupal specimens collected from central Honshu, Japan. It is placed in the Prosimulium magnum species-group, and is characterized in the female and male by yellow thoraces, and in the pupa by the frons and dorsal surface of the thorax without distinct tubercles. By these characters, it is distinguished from all four related species (P. apoina Ono, P. kalibaense Ono, P. sarurense Ono, and P. yezoense Shiraki) of the same species-group in Japan. The female of this new species was previously known as an aberrant form of P. yezoense.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  10. Nel HA, Dalu T, Wasserman RJ, Hean JW
    Sci Total Environ, 2019 Mar 10;655:567-570.
    PMID: 30476836 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.261
    The quantification of microplastics in environmental samples often requires an observer to determine whether a particle is plastic or non-plastic, prior to further verification procedures. This implies that inconspicuous microplastics with a low natural detection may be underestimated. The present study aimed at assessing this underestimation, looking at how colour (white, green and blue), size (large; ~1000 μm and small; <400 μm) and grain size fraction may affect detection. Sediment treatments varying in grain size were inoculated with known quantities of low-density polyethylene microbeads extracted from commercially bought facial scrubs. These microbeads varied in colour and size. Once extracted using a density separation method microbeads were counted. An overall underestimation of 78.59% may be a result of observer error and/or technical error. More specifically, the results suggested that microbeads varying in colour and size have a different detection probability and that these microbead features are more important in underestimation likelihoods than grain sizes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  11. Zainal-Abidin RA, Abu-Bakar N, Sew YS, Simoh S, Mohamed-Hussein ZA
    Int J Genomics, 2019;2019:4168045.
    PMID: 31687375 DOI: 10.1155/2019/4168045
    Recently, rice breeding program has shown increased interests on the pigmented rice varieties due to their benefits to human health. However, the genetic variation of pigmented rice varieties is still scarce and remains unexplored. Hence, we performed genome-wide SNP analysis from the genome resequencing of four Malaysian pigmented rice varieties, representing two black and two red rice varieties. The genome of four pigmented varieties was mapped against Nipponbare reference genome sequences, and 1.9 million SNPs were discovered. Of these, 622 SNPs with polymorphic sites were identified in 258 protein-coding genes related to metabolism, stress response, and transporter. Comparative analysis of 622 SNPs with polymorphic sites against six rice SNP datasets from the Ensembl Plants variation database was performed, and 70 SNPs were identified as novel SNPs. Analysis of SNPs in the flavonoid biosynthetic genes revealed 40 nonsynonymous SNPs, which has potential as molecular markers for rice seed colour identification. The highlighted SNPs in this study show effort in producing valuable genomic resources for application in the rice breeding program, towards the genetic improvement of new and improved pigmented rice varieties.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  12. Hasnida Harun, Aznah Nor-Anuar, Zaini Ujang, Inawati Othman, Nor Hasyimah Rosman
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:1485-1490.
    The present study investigated the efficiency of aerobic granular sludge (AGS) technology in treating effluent from soy sauce industry which is categorized as a high strength wastewater. The combination of anaerobic and aerobic granulation technology in SBR system was used in this study which was efficiently treated COD from the soy sauce wastewater where 87% of removal was achieved. Ammonia and colour was removed at a maximum of 87 and 76%, respectively, in the SBR system. Matured, dense and compact granules with 2.5 mm in diameters were developed with a good settling velocity (45 m/h) and 28 mL/gSS of sludge volume index (SVI). Hence, AGS technology was proven as an excellent treatment for soy sauce wastewater for being discharge into the environment, as the effluent was treated in one biological reactor with high hydraulic and organic loadings besides less production of sludge. In this study, the capabilities of AGS technology in treating relatively higher concentration of organic impurities present in the soy sauce wastewater were demonstrated.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  13. Marina AM, Nurhanan AR, Wan Rosli WI, Nurul Ain O
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1105-1111.
    The effect of addition of avocado (Persea americana) puree on the physical and microstructure of butter cake was studied.
    Butter cakes were made by replacing butter with 10, 30 and 50% of avocado puree. Physical properties including batter
    specific gravity, volume, colour and image analysis of cellular structure of the crumb were analyzed. Texture profile
    analysis was determined using texture analyzer. The results showed that with the increased amount of avocado puree,
    the batter specific gravity increased while volume of the cakes reduced. The texture profile analysis showed that the cakes
    became harder as the amount of avocado puree increased, while cohesiveness was not affected. The cellular structure of
    the crumb exhibited a decrease in the number of air cells while the average cell size increased with addition of avocado
    puree. The colour analysis showed that the cake crumb became darker as the aavocado puree was increased.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  14. Mohamad Yusof Maskat, Lee LY
    Due to the increase in consumer interest, mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia) extract is being produced in several forms including dry powder. One of the methods that can be used to produce dry powder is spray drying. This study was done to determine the physical properties of powdered mengkudu extract produced by spray drying from different sections of the spray-dryer. Mengkudu extract at 50% (v/v) dilution was spray-dried using two levels of feed flow rate (350 mL/hr and 475 mL/hr) and inlet air temperature (170oC and 190oC). Spray dried mengkudu extract from the cyclone and colletion sections of the spray dryer was collected and analyzed for amount produced, moisture content and colour. No significant interaction between feed flow rate and inlet air temperature used was observed for all parameters measured. Inlet temperature used did not show any significant effect on amount of production. However, increasing the inlet air temperature from 170oC to 190oC did produce lower moisture content for samples from the cyclone but no significant difference for samples from the collection bottle, while lowering the degree of redness of samples from the collection bottle, while lowering the degree of brightness for samples from both cyclone and collection sections of the spray-dryer. Feed flow rate used did not produce any significant effect on all parameters measured.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  15. Aliteh NA, Minakata K, Tashiro K, Wakiwaka H, Kobayashi K, Nagata H, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2020 Jan 23;20(3).
    PMID: 31979252 DOI: 10.3390/s20030637
    Oil palm ripeness' main evaluation procedure is traditionally accomplished by human vision. However, the dependency on human evaluators to grade the ripeness of oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFBs) by traditional means could lead to inaccuracy that can cause a reduction in oil palm fruit oil extraction rate (OER). This paper emphasizes the fruit battery method to distinguish oil palm fruit FFB ripeness stages by determining the value of load resistance voltage and its moisture content resolution. In addition, computer vision using a color feature is tested on the same samples to compare the accuracy score using support vector machine (SVM). The accuracy score results of the fruit battery, computer vision, and a combination of both methods' accuracy scores are evaluated and compared. When the ripe and unripe samples were tested for load resistance voltage ranging from 10 Ω to 10 kΩ, three resistance values were shortlisted and tested for moisture content resolution evaluation. A 1 kΩ load resistance showed the best moisture content resolution, and the results were used for accuracy score evaluation comparison with computer vision. From the results obtained, the accuracy scores for the combination method are the highest, followed by the fruit battery and computer vision methods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  16. Khoo KS, Lee SY, Ooi CW, Fu X, Miao X, Ling TC, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2019 Sep;288:121606.
    PMID: 31178260 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.121606
    Haematococcus pluvialis is one of the most abundant sources of natural astaxanthin as compared to others microorganism. Therefore, it is important to understand the biorefinery of astaxanthin from H. pluvialis, starting from the cultivation stage to the downstream processing of astaxanthin. The present review begins with an introduction of cellular morphologies and life cycle of H. pluvialis from green vegetative motile stage to red non-motile haematocyst stage. Subsequently, the conventional biorefinery methods (e.g., mechanical disruption, solvent extraction, direct extraction using vegetable oils, and enhanced solvent extraction) and recent advanced biorefinery techniques (e.g., supercritical CO2 extraction, magnetic-assisted extraction, ionic liquids extraction, and supramolecular solvent extraction) were presented and evaluated. Moreover, future prospect and challenges were highlighted to provide a useful guide for future development of biorefinery of astaxanthin from H. pluvialis. The review aims to serve as a present knowledge for researchers dealing with the bioproduction of astaxanthin from H. pluvialis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  17. Kim TW, Kim CW, Kwon SG, Hwang JH, Park DH, Kang DG, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1097-1103.
    In order to examine differences of meat quality traits depending on pH values post-mortem, the pH range was classified
    according to initial pH (pH45min) and ultimate pH (pH24hr) post-mortem. The differences of meat quality traits depending
    on sex were not changed by a number of amount, except for backfat thickness and fat content. The value of pH45min was
    positively correlated with pHdif, whereas pH24hr was negatively associated with lightness (CIE L*) and protein content. At
    pH45min post-slaughter, collagen content, fat content, shear force, water holding capacity and yellowness (CIE b*) showed
    lower values at the higher pH range of pH>6.7 than those of other ranges, but CIE L* and redness (CIE a*) presented
    the lowest value at the intermediate pH range of pH6.3~6.7. Conversely, at pH24hr post-slaughter, fat and moisture
    contents maintained the highest average values at the higher pH range of pH>6.1, but protein content showed higher
    value at the lower pH range of pH<5.7. Higher pH24hr appeared significantly lower shear force, but higher water holding
    capacity. CIE L*, a*, and b* values showed significantly higher values at the lowest region of pH24hr. Since meat quality
    characteristics seemed to be favored by consumers in rather than at the range of pH5.7~6.1, which showed significant
    differences of meat color, appearance, and meat juiciness, it is suggested that production of pork meat to appropriate
    pH value is performed by pig breeders and control measures taken during pre- and post-slaughters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  18. Noor Afiqah Md Noor, Maizura Murad, Effarizah Mohd Esah
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:2047-2054.
    This study was designed to determine the physicochemical, antioxidant and microbial properties of fresh sugarcane juice
    with calamansi juice addition. The sugarcane that was used in the experiments was the black cane variety (Saccharum
    officinarum). Sugarcane pressed with and without their peel was juiced and added with calamansi juice before analysis
    was carried out. Standard method was used to analyse physicochemical properties such as pH, total soluble solids,
    acidity and colour of sugarcane juice. Total phenolic content (TPC), DPPH and FRAP assay were conducted for antioxidant
    properties. Total plate count and yeast and mould count were carried out for the microbiological analyses. Two way
    analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows significant (p<0.05) difference on colour of sugarcane juiced after extraction with and
    without peel. There were no significant (p>0.05) difference shown for pH, acidity and total soluble solids of sugarcane
    juice pressed with and without peel. Sugarcane juice pressed with peel produced higher antioxidant value compared
    to sugarcane pressed without peel. However, sugarcane juice pressed without peeled showed a lower microbial count
    compared to sugarcane juice pressed with peel. The addition of calamansi juice proved to have significant (p<0.05)
    effect on colour, antioxidant and microbial count of the sugarcane juices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  19. Ab Aziz MF, Hayat MN, Kaka U, Kamarulzaman NH, Sazili AQ
    Foods, 2020 Jun 04;9(6).
    PMID: 32512753 DOI: 10.3390/foods9060741
    Storage temperature and duration plays an important role in meat processing. Observations in poultry processing plants have shown a serious deviation in storage condition compared to the recommended procedures. Furthermore, there is still a paucity of evidence on the effects of storage temperature and duration on meat quality and microbial population. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of different temperature and duration during storage on physico-chemical properties and microbiological quality of broiler chicken Pectoralis major muscle. Eighty birds were slaughtered and processed, following which the packed boneless breast (PBB) (each bird was to provide two breast muscle samples; left breast and right breast) was divided into four groups, each consisted of 40 PBB. Each group was subsequently assigned to storage either at 4 °C, -10 °C, -18 °C or -40 °C, for 24 h before 20 PBB samples from each group were transported to the respective laboratory for meat quality and microbiological analysis. The remaining 20 PBB from each storage temperature were stored for 72 h before being transported for analysis. Results have shown significant increases in drip loss and cooking loss as the storage temperature decreases. Similarly, storage duration significantly affected cooking loss, of which, samples stored for 72 h exhibited higher cooking loss compared to those stored for 24 h. For color, significant differences were only observed in lightness (L*) and redness (a*) values. Longer duration of storage had significantly improved tenderness whereby, samples that have been stored for a shorter duration presented higher pH values. Populations of coliform and Salmonella decreased significantly with decreasing temperature and increasing storage duration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
  20. Najmuddin MF, Haris H, Othman N, Zahari F, Mohd-Ridwan AR, Md-Zain BM, et al.
    Data Brief, 2020 Aug;31:105727.
    PMID: 32548216 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105727
    Morphism refer to polymorphic species, in which multiple colour variants coexist within a population. Morphism in primates is common and langurs also exhibit certain characteristics of morphism, such as conspicuous natal coats. Banded langurs (Presbytis femoralis) and dusky leaf monkey (Trachypithecus obscurus) exhibits the same characteristics of conspicuous natal coats, but these coats are only limited to infants and changed when they reached adulthood. This article reports the first discovery of rare brown morph of two adult male banded langurs and one leucistic adult female dusky leaf monkey in Malaysia. We also conducted a systematic literature search to review the diversity of morphism in leaf monkey globally.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color
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