Displaying publications 181 - 200 of 372 in total

  1. Grismer LL, Wood PLJ, Ahmad AB, Baizul-Hafsyam BS, Afiq-Shuhaimi M, Rizal SA, et al.
    Zootaxa, 2018 May 29;4425(1):87-107.
    PMID: 30313468 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4425.1.5
    Two new species of diminutive, sympatric, lowland, leaf-litter skinks of the genus Tytthoscincus Linkem, Diesmos Brown from the Sekayu region of Hulu Terengganu, Terengganu State in northeastern Peninsular Malaysia are described on the basis genetic and morphological data. One of the new species, T. monticolus sp. nov., was collected in a hilly riparian area along Sungai (=river) Bubu and is most closely related to an undescribed species from the Tembak Reservoir area. The other, T. keciktuek sp. nov. collected along Sungai Peres, is most closely related to T. perhentianensis Grismer, Wood, Grismer from Pulau (=island) Perhentian Besar. Sympatry and syntopy of multiple, specialized, unrelated, leaf-litter species of Tytthoscincus was previously only known from upland areas and these new species represent the first example of lowland of sympatry. More importantly, however, these endemic species add to a growing body of research and discoveries that continue to underscore the unrealized biodiversity of the riparian systems of Hulu Terengganu and the Sekayu region and their need for protection and continued study.
  2. Olaiya NG, Surya I, Oke PK, Rizal S, Sadiku ER, Ray SS, et al.
    Polymers (Basel), 2019 Oct 11;11(10).
    PMID: 31614623 DOI: 10.3390/polym11101656
    This paper presents a comparison on the effects of blending chitin and/or starch with poly(lactic acid) (PLA). Three sets of composites (PLA-chitin, PLA-starch and PLA-chitin-starch) with 92%, 94%, 96% and 98% PLA by weight were prepared. The percentage weight (wt.%) amount of the chitin and starch incorporated ranges from 2% to 8%. The mechanical, dynamic mechanical, thermal and microstructural properties were analyzed. The results from the tensile strength, yield strength, Young's modulus, and impact showed that the PLA-chitin-starch blend has the best mechanical properties compared to PLA-chitin and PLA-starch blends. The dynamic mechanical analysis result shows a better damping property for PLA-chitin than PLA-chitin-starch and PLA-starch. On the other hand, the thermal property analysis from thermogravimetry analysis (TGA) shows no significant improvement in a specific order, but the glass transition temperature of the composite increased compared to that of neat PLA. However, the degradation process was found to start with PLA-chitin for all composites, which suggests an improvement in PLA degradation. Significantly, the morphological analysis revealed a uniform mix with an obvious blend network in the three composites. Interestingly, the network was more significant in the PLA-chitin-starch blend, which may be responsible for its significantly enhanced mechanical properties compared with PLA-chitin and PLA-starch samples.
  3. Fatihah-Syafiq M, Badli-Sham BH, Fahmi-Ahmad M, Aqmal-Naser M, Rizal SA, Azmi MSA, et al.
    Zookeys, 2020;985:143-162.
    PMID: 33223878 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.985.54737
    A herpetofaunal inventory was conducted on Bidong Island, Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia. It incorporates data from a recent herpetological survey conducted from 1 to 3 April 2019 with reptile records from previous publications. Specimens were collected with drift-fenced pitfall traps and taxa were recorded with visual encounter surveys (VES). In total, 18 species of reptiles and amphibians were recorded, including three species of frogs, 12 species of lizards, and three species of snakes. Six species from the present survey are new records for the island.
  4. Sumarli A, Grismer LL, Wood PL, Ahmad AB, Rizal S, Ismail LH, et al.
    Zootaxa, 2016 Oct 02;4173(1):29-44.
    PMID: 27701201 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4173.1.3
    Recently discovered populations of skinks of the genus Sphenomorphus from central Peninsular Malaysia represent a new species, S. sungaicolus sp. nov., and the first riparian skink known from Peninsular Malaysia. Morphological analyses of an earlier specimen reported as S. tersus from the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM), Selangor indicate that it too is the new riparian species S. sungaicolus sp. nov. Additionally, two specimens from the Tembat Forest Reserve, Hulu Terengganu, Kelantan and another from Ulu Gombak, Selangor have been diagnosed as new the species. The latter specimen remained unidentified in the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii since its collection in June 1962. Morphological and molecular analyses demonstrate that S. sungaicolus sp. nov. forms a clade with the Indochinese species S. maculatus, S. indicus, and S. tersus and is the sister species of the latter. Sphenomorphus sungaicolus sp. nov. can be differentiated from all other members of this clade by having a smaller SVL (66.5-89.6 mm); 39-44 midbody scale rows; 72-81 paravertebral scales; 74-86 ventral scales; a primitive plantar scale arrangement; and 20-22 scale rows around the tail at the position of the 10th subcaudal.
  5. Rizal S, H P S AK, Oyekanmi AA, Gideon ON, Abdullah CK, Yahya EB, et al.
    Polymers (Basel), 2021 Mar 24;13(7).
    PMID: 33805242 DOI: 10.3390/polym13071006
    The exponential increase in textile cotton wastes generation and the ineffective processing mechanism to mitigate its environmental impact by developing functional materials with unique properties for geotechnical applications, wastewater, packaging, and biomedical engineering have become emerging global concerns among researchers. A comprehensive study of a processed cotton fibres isolation technique and their applications are highlighted in this review. Surface modification of cotton wastes fibre increases the adsorption of dyes and heavy metals removal from wastewater. Cotton wastes fibres have demonstrated high adsorption capacity for the removal of recalcitrant pollutants in wastewater. Cotton wastes fibres have found remarkable application in slope amendments, reinforcement of expansive soils and building materials, and a proven source for isolation of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs). Several research work on the use of cotton waste for functional application rather than disposal has been done. However, no review study has discussed the potentials of cotton wastes from source (Micro-Nano) to application. This review critically analyses novel isolation techniques of CNC from cotton wastes with an in-depth study of a parameter variation effect on their yield. Different pretreatment techniques and efficiency were discussed. From the analysis, chemical pretreatment is considered the most efficient extraction of CNCs from cotton wastes. The pretreatment strategies can suffer variation in process conditions, resulting in distortion in the extracted cellulose's crystallinity. Acid hydrolysis using sulfuric acid is the most used extraction process for cotton wastes-based CNC. A combined pretreatment process, such as sonication and hydrolysis, increases the crystallinity of cotton-based CNCs. The improvement of the reinforced matrix interface of textile fibres is required for improved packaging and biomedical applications for the sustainability of cotton-based CNCs.
  6. Zubir MZ, Noor AA, Mohd Rizal AM, Harith AA, Abas MI, Zakaria Z, et al.
    PLoS One, 2024;19(8):e0293694.
    PMID: 39141630 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0293694
    The efficiency and productivity evaluation process commonly employs Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as a performance tool in numerous fields, such as the healthcare industry (hospitals). Therefore, this review examined various hospital-based DEA articles involving input and output variable selection approaches and the recent DEA developments. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology was utilised to extract 89 English articles containing empirical data between 2014 and 2022 from various databases (Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Springer Link, and Google Scholar). Furthermore, the DEA model parameters were determined using information from previous studies, while the approaches were identified narratively. This review grouped the approaches into four sections: literature review, data availability, systematic method, and expert judgement. An independent single strategy or a combination with other methods was then applied to these approaches. Consequently, the focus of this review on various methodologies employed in hospitals could limit its findings. Alternative approaches or techniques could be utilised to determine the input and output variables for a DEA analysis in a distinct area or based on different perspectives. The DEA application trend was also significantly similar to that of previous studies. Meanwhile, insufficient data was observed to support the usability of any DEA model in terms of fitting all model parameters. Therefore, several recommendations and methodological principles for DEA were proposed after analysing the existing literature.
  7. Rizal S, Alfatah T, H P S AK, Mistar EM, Abdullah CK, Olaiya FG, et al.
    Nanomaterials (Basel), 2021 Mar 04;11(3).
    PMID: 33806473 DOI: 10.3390/nano11030637
    The demand for bioplastic material for industrial applications is increasing. However, moisture absorption and low mechanical strength have limited the use of bioplastic in commercial-scale applications. Macroalgae is no exception to these challenges of bioplastics. In this study, Kappaphycus alvarezii macroalgae were reinforced with lignin nanoparticles. Lignin nanoparticles (LNPs) were used as a filler to reduce the brittleness and hydrophilic nature of macroalgae (matrix). Lignin nanofiller was produced using a green approach from black liquor of soda pulping waste and purified. The physical, mechanical, morphological, structural, thermal, and water barrier properties of LNPs with and without the purification process in macroalgae films were studied. The bioplastic films' functional properties, such as physical, mechanical, thermal, and water barrier properties, were significantly improved by incorporating purified and unpurified LNPs. However, the purified LNPs have a greater reinforcement effect on the macroalgae than unpurified LNPs. In this study, bioplastic film with 5% purified LNPs presented the optimum enhancement on almost all the functional properties. The enhancement is attributed to high compatibility due to strong interfacial interaction between the nanofiller and matrix. The developed LNPs/macroalgae bioplastic films can provide additional benefits and solutions to various industrial applications, especially packaging material.
  8. Rizal S, Alfatah T, Abdul Khalil HPS, Yahya EB, Abdullah CK, Mistar EM, et al.
    Polymers (Basel), 2022 Nov 25;14(23).
    PMID: 36501521 DOI: 10.3390/polym14235126
    The development of bioplastic materials that are biobased and/or degradable is commonly presented as an alleviating alternative, offering sustainable and eco-friendly properties over conventional petroleum-derived plastics. However, the hydrophobicity, water barrier, and antimicrobial properties of bioplastics have hindered their utilization in packaging applications. In this study, lignin nanoparticles (LNPs) with a purification process were used in different loadings as enhancements in a Kappaphycus alvarezii matrix to reduce the hydrophilic nature and improve antibacterial properties of the matrix and compared with unpurified LNPs. The influence of the incorporation of LNPs on functional properties of bioplastic films, such as morphology, surface roughness, structure, hydrophobicity, water barrier, antimicrobial, and biodegradability, was studied and found to be remarkably enhanced. Bioplastic film containing 5% purified LNPs showed the optimum enhancement in almost all of the ultimate performances. The enhancement is related to strong interfacial interaction between the LNPs and matrix, resulting in high compatibility of films. Bioplastic films could have additional advantages and provide breakthroughs in packaging materials for a wide range of applications.
  9. Brady SM, Salway R, Mariapun J, Millard L, Ramadas A, Rizal H, et al.
    PLoS One, 2024;19(2):e0297102.
    PMID: 38377079 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0297102
    BACKGROUND: Quantifying movement behaviours over 24-hours enables the combined effects of and inter-relations between sleep, sedentary time and physical activity (PA) to be understood. This is the first study describing 24-hour movement behaviours in school-aged children and adolescents in South-East Asia. Further aims were to investigate between-participant differences in movement behaviours by demographic characteristics and timing of data collection during Ramadan and COVID-19 restrictions.

    METHODS: Data came from the South-East Asia Community Observatory health surveillance cohort, 2021-2022. Children aged 7-18 years within selected households in Segamat, Malaysia wore an Axivity AX6 accelerometer on their wrist for 24 hours/day over 7 days, completed the PAQ-C questionnaire, and demographic information was obtained. Accelerometer data was processed using GGIR to determine time spent asleep, inactive, in light-intensity PA (LPA) and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA). Differences in accelerometer-measured PA by demographic characteristics (sex, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic group) were explored using univariate linear regression. Differences between data collected during vs outside Ramadan or during vs after COVID-19 restrictions, were investigated through univariate and multiple linear regressions, adjusted for age, sex and ethnicity.

    RESULTS: The 491 participants providing accelerometer data spent 8.2 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 7.9-8.4) hours/day asleep, 12.4 (95% CI = 12.2-12.7) hours/day inactive, 2.8 (95% CI = 2.7-2.9) hours/day in LPA, and 33.0 (95% CI = 31.0-35.1) minutes/day in MVPA. Greater PA and less time inactive were observed in boys vs girls, children vs adolescents, Indian and Chinese vs Malay children and higher income vs lower income households. Data collection during Ramadan or during COVID-19 restrictions were not associated with MVPA engagement after adjustment for demographic characteristics.

    CONCLUSIONS: Demographic characteristics remained the strongest correlates of accelerometer-measured 24-hour movement behaviours in Malaysian children and adolescents. Future studies should seek to understand why predominantly girls, adolescents and children from Malay ethnicities have particularly low movement behaviours within Malaysia.

  10. Mohammad Anwar Mohamed Iqbal, Muhammad Zulhelmi Nazri, Mohammad Norazmi Ahmad, Erna Normaya Abdullah, Umie Fatihah Mohamad Haziz, Mohd Rizal Razali, et al.
    Science Letters, 2020;14(2):71-84.
    Silver (I) dicyanonitrosomethanide, Ag[ONC(CN)2] represent a 3D interwoven coordination polymer organization in which all the donor atoms of the functional groups of ONC(CN)2- are coordinated to the Ag(I). Oxidation of styrene utilizing H2O2 as an oxidant in acetonitrile (CH3CN) was used as a model reaction to investigate the catalytic potential of the Ag (I) complex. The CH3CN was chosen as the solvent based on the data collected from Conductor like Screening Model for Real Solvents (COSMO-RS) study. The data indicate that the Ag [ONC(CN)2] complex was compatible and soluble in CH3CN. Different parameters such as styrene:H2O2 molar ratio, reaction time, catalyst mass, and reaction temperature were studied. Highest styrene conversion (36%) with 100% selectivity towards benzaldehyde (BZ) was achieved when 25 mg catalyst, 1:1 styrene to H2O2 molar ratio were used. The reaction was carried out at 303 K for 3 h. The catalytic conversion of styrene to BZ is proposed to take place via [Ag-H2O2] adduct with styrene oxide (StO) as an intermediate. Molecular Electrostatic Potential (MEP) shows that the Ag atom has the highest probability to coordinate with the oxygen atom of H2O2. The MEP data confirms the proposed mechanism.
  11. Emma Aishah, A., Muhammad Firdaus, M.F., Nur Syafiqah, T., Rozana, M.S., Sugasini, S.L., Syamsa Rizal, A., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2020;15(2):224-235.
    Ovitrap autosidal berperanan penting dalam pemantauan dan kawalan vektor denggi, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Beberapa jenis ovitrap ini telah digunakan di Malaysia termasuklah Mosquito Larvae Trapping Device (MLTD) yang diperkenalkan oleh Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kepadatan larva Aedes dan pembolehubah meteorologi setempat di sebuah penempatan pelajar di Cheras, Kuala Lumpur. MLTD (n=30) dengan umpan larutan baja NPK (5:5:5) organik telah digunakan. Pengumpulan larva dan penyelenggaraan ovitrap telah dilakukan setiap minggu selama lapan minggu. Pemeliharaan larva dan penentuan spesies telah dijalankan di makmal. Daripada sejumlah 2,152 larva Aedes, 85% merupakan Ae. albopictus manakala selebihnya Ae. aegypti. Ae. albopictus lebih banyak dikumpulkan di luar berbanding di dalam bangunan (purata larva per ovitrap, 9.28 lawan 6.08). Sebaliknya, Ae. aegypti lebih banyak dikumpulkan di dalam berbanding di luar bangunan (1.72 lawan 0.86). Ovitrap indeks yang paling tinggi adalah semasa minggu kelima (90%) dan keenam (93%). Minggu pertama menunjukkan ovitrap indeks yang paling rendah (30%). Analisis mendapati korelasi positif antara kepadatan larva Aedes dan suhu maksimum (r=0.830, p=0.011), manakala kelembapan relatif minimum menunjukkan korelasi negatif (r=-0.778, p=0.023). Pemantauan rutin bagi peringkat pramatang vektor denggi boleh memberikan maklumat mengenai kepadatan dan naik turun populasi nyamuk setempat. Apabila digandingkan dengan faktor meteorologi sejajar, maklumat ini dapat memberi panduan bagi perlaksanaan kawalan vektor sebagai sebahagian strategi pencegahan denggi.
  12. Mohd Rizal Hamid, Ahmad Faruq Mohamad Rosli, Manokaran, Kesavan, Siti Shafiqa Shamira Hashin, Nik Mohd Dzarrin Ghifari Azmy, Baba Md Deros, et al.
    Awareness of occupational noise and its effects is growing. At No. 11 squadron base, Sukhoi jet was identified as the main culprit of occupational noise that affects not just the employees of the base but also civilian people in the surrounding area. The objective of the study is to identify the noise level produced by Sukhoi two-engines jet during maintenance operations. Investigations were carried out using Bruel & Kjaer 2250 sound level meter hand-analyser. Measurements were performed directly under the Sukhoi jet body and then 10 metres, 50 metres, 100 metres, 1000 metres and 1500 metres away. The jet engines could operate at two levels, at 72% RPM and at 85% RPM. The civilians are only exposed to its noise from more than 1000 metres away. The results from this study are analysed and noise mapping and noise contouring are produced which give the level of noise exposure. The maximum noise is recorded t 122dB(A) and the minimum is at 60dB(A). The farther the noise from the jet is measured, the lower the values recorded. From the noise mapping, the effects of noise exposures on both the employees at the base and the civilian at the neighbouring surrounding could be identified. Even though the exposures are only for 5-10 minutes, it is still considered as a threat
  13. Tuti Ningseh Mohd-Dom, Khairiyah Abdul-Muttalib, Rasidah Ayob, Yaw, Siew Lan, Ahmad Sharifuddin Mohd-Asadi, Mohd Rizal Abdul-Manaf, et al.
    The paucity of published literature on periodontal treatment needs and services in developing countries has undermined the significance of periodontal disease burden on healthcare systems. This study analyses periodontal status and population treatment needs of Malaysians, and patterns of periodontal services provided at public sector dental clinics. A retrospective approach to secondary data analysis was employed. Data for population treatment needs were extracted from three decennial national oral health surveys for adults (1990, 2000 and 2010). Annual reports from the dental subsystem of the government Health Information Management System (HIMS) provided information on oral health care delivery for years 2006-2010. They were based on summaries of aggregated data; analyses were limited to reporting absolute numbers and frequency distributions. Periodontal disease prevalence declined between 1990 (92.8%) to 2000 (87.2%) but a sharp rise was observed in the 2010 survey (94.0%). The proportion of participants demonstrating periodontal pockets of 6 mm and more increased in 2010 survey after showing improvements in 2000. Individuals not requiring periodontal treatment (TN0) increased in proportion from 1990 to 2000, only to drop in 2010. An increase in utilisation was observed alongside a growing uptake of periodontal procedures (62.2% in 2006 to 73.6% in 2010). Only about 10% of treatment was surgeries. While the clinical burden of periodontal disease is observed to be substantial, the types of treatment provided did not reflect the increasing needs for complex periodontal treatment. Emphasis on downstream and multi-collaborative efforts of oral health care is deemed fit to contain the burden of periodontal disease.
  14. Ahmad Firdaus Mohd Salleh, Anita Talib, Mohamed Abdullah Marwi, Noor Hayati Mohd Isa, Syamsa Rizal Abdullah, Raja Muhammad Zuha Raja Kamal Bashah, et al.
    Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) dan Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) adalah merupakan dua spesies lalat penting yang boleh dijadikan sebagai penunjuk terbaik untuk menganggarkan selang masa kematian atau Post Mortem Interval (PMI) untuk kegunaan dalam sains forensik. Penentuan PMI adalah berdasarkan kepada saiz dan peringkat perkembangan larva. Kajian perkembangan telur, larva dan pupa lalat Ch. megacepahala dan Ch. rufifacies dijalankan di bawah suhu 27ºC, 30ºC dan 33ºC di makmal dengan menggunakan kebuk pertumbuhann serangga. Data daripada kajian digunakan untuk menghasilkan satu graf pertumbuhan dan Jam Darjah Terkumpul (ADH) bagi kedua-dua spesies. Ch. megacephala mengambil masa selama 9.15 hari pada suhu 27ºC, 8.54 hari (30ºC) dan 6.76 hari (33ºC) untuk melengkapkan satu kitar hidup. Pada C. rufifacies pula, kitar hidupnya lebih lama berbanding Ch. megacephala iaitu 9.92 hari pada suhu 27ºC, 9.13 hari (30ºC) dan 7.44 hari (33ºC). Telur bagi kedua-dua spesies menetas lebih cepat pada suhu 33ºC berbanding dua suhu yang lainnya. Nilai ADH yang rendah pada sesuatu suhu, menunjukkan sesuatu spesies lebih cepat melengkapkan suatu kitar hidup. Penemuan ini berguna dalam menganggarkan selang masa kematian bagi mayat yang dijumpai pada suhu persekitaran yang berlainan.
  15. Dinesh, S., Faudzi, M.M., Rafidah, M., Shakhira, B.N.I., Robiah, A.S., Shalini, S.S., et al.
    ASM Science Journal, 2014;8(1):11-20.
    In this study, Global Positioning System (GPS) simulation was employed to study the effect of radio frequency interference (RFI) on two hand-held GPS receivers; Garmin GPSmap 60CSx (evaluated GPS receiver) and Garmin GPSmap 60CS (reference GPS receiver). Both GPS receivers employed the GPS L1 coarse acquisition (C/A) signal. It was observed that the interference signal power levels required to affect the location fixes of the GPS receivers were significantly high compared to the corresponding GPS signal power levels. The noiselike C/A code structure, which modulated the L1 signal over a 2 MHz bandwidth, allowed for the signal to be received at low levels of interferences. The evaluated GPS receiver had better RFI operability as compared to the reference GPS receiver. This is because the evaluated GPS receiver had higher receiver sensitivity, allowing it to have increased carrier-to-noise density (C/N0) levels for GPS satellites tracked by the receiver. The absence of other error parameters, including ionospheric and tropospheric delays, satellite clock, ephemeris and multipath errors, and unintentional signal interferences and obstructions, resulted in the required minimum jamming power levels in this study to be significantly higher as compared to field evaluations. These minimum jamming power levels vary with location and time. This was due to the GPS satellite constellation being dynamic, causing varying GPS satellite geometry over location and time, resulting in the minimum required GPS jamming power levels being location / time dependent. In general, the lowest minimum jamming power levels were observed for readings with the highest position dilution of precision (PDOP) values, and vice versa.
  16. Amin, S.A., Ali, M., Aniza, I., Rizal, A.M., Saperi, S., Amrizal, M., et al.
    Introduction : Diabetes mellitus is recognized as a major public health problem worldwide. The burden of diabetes to society are morbidity, mortality and extensive usage of health care services.
    Methodology : This study aimed to determine the provider’s cost in treating diabetic foot patient per day in orthopaedic ward, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) in year 2006. Result : A total of 54 patients fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria, only 29 were eligible for analysis. The cost of health care providers derived from cost calculation on capital and recurrent costs. Results showed that the average cost for treating diabetic foot patient per day is RM 634.57. Recurrent costs contributed 75.3% of the total diabetic foot treatment and Intensive Care Unit costs was the biggest percentage (40.5%).
    Discussion : The results were comparable with findings by Case-Mix Unit of UKMMC. Treatment cost of diabetic foot is substantial and therefore avoidance of this complication must be emphasized to all diabetic patients.
  17. Azimatun Noor, A., Amrizal, M.N., Weng Kang, T, Rafidah, A.R., Hong, Y Geok, Adibah, A, et al.
    Hypertension is one of the commonest health problems in Malaysia and its cases are on a rise. In conjunction with the above statement, it is predictable that the cost of healthcare services will further increase in the future. Therefore, cost study is necessary to estimate the health related economic burden of hypertension in Malaysia. A cross sectional study was carried out to quantify the direct treatment cost of hypertension. Three hundred and ninety one hypertensive patients’ data from Bandar Tasik Selatan Primary Medical Centre in year 2010 were collected and analysed. The direct treatment costs were calculated. The result showed that out of 391 hypertensive patients, 12.5% was diagnosed hypertensive without any co-morbidity, 25.3% with 1 co-morbidity dyslipidemia only; 4.3% with diabetes mellitus type 2 only; 0.5% with chronic kidney disease only and none with ischaemic heart disease. Patients with 2 co-morbidities (dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus type 2) were 42.2%; with 3 co-morbidities (diabetes mellitus type 2, dyslipidemia and chronic kidney disease) was 4.3%. The mean cost of direct treatment of hypertension per visit/ year was RM289.42 ±196.71 with the breakdown costs for each component were medicines 72.2%, salary 14.6%, laboratory tests 5.0%, administration 4.4% and radiology tests 3.8%. Dyslipidemia is by far the commonest co-morbidity among hypertensive patients. Direct costs of treating hypertension are mostly dependent on present of co-morbidity and numbers of drugs used. Thus, the annual budget could be calculated precisely in the future especially for drugs.
  18. Azraf Azman, Mohd Rizal Mamat@Ibrahim, Anwar Abdul Rahman, Megat Harun Al Rashid Megat Ahmad, Abdul Aziz Mohamed, Muhammad Rawi Mohd Zin, et al.
    The temperature profile of a cryogenic system for cooling of beryllium filter of a small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) instrument of TRIGA MARK II PUSPATI research reactor was investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling and simulation. The efficient cooling of beryllium filter is important for obtaining higher cold neutron transmission for the SANS instrument. This paper presents the transient CFD results of temperature distributions via the thermal link to the beryllium and simulation of heat
    flux. The temperature simulation data are also compared with the experimental results for the cooling time and distribution to the beryllium.
  19. Rokiah Mohd Sabri, Abd Halim Baijan, Siti A’iasah Hashim, Mohd Rizal Md Chulan, Leo, Kwee Wah, Mukhlis Mokhtar, et al.
    A 3.375 kJ plasma focus is designed to operate at 13.5 kV for studying X-ray source in Argon discharge. X-rays are detected by a film from the mammography radiographic plate using radiography technique. The feasibility of plasma focus as a high intensity flash X-ray radiation for a good contrast in radiography image is presented.
  20. Muhd Al-Aarifin Ismail, Nik Mohd Rizal Mohd Fakri, Jamilah Al-Muhammadi Mohammad, Mohd Zarawi Mat Nor, Anisa Ahmad, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusof
    Lecturers are expected to teach effectively and evaluating their teaching effectiveness are essential to
    ensure students get the best learning experience. A systematic evaluation of teaching behaviours with a
    proper feedback mechanism will help to improve their teaching effectiveness. Improvement of teaching
    effectiveness will result in better students’ learning experience, and thus attaining the intended
    educational outcomes. This study aimed to evaluate teaching effectiveness among lecturers by
    assessing their teaching behaviours during lectures. A cross-sectional study was conducted on lecturers
    in a Malaysian public medical school. Their teaching behaviours were rated by 30 trained pre-clinical
    medical students using Teacher Behaviour Inventory (TBI) on seven aspects – organisation, speechpacing,
    clarity, enthusiasm, interaction, rapport, and disclosure. A total of 55 lecturers were rated
    by the medical students. The organisation and speech-pacing aspects were highly rated as the mean
    scores were 4.02 and 4.15, respectively. The clarity, enthusiasm, interaction, and rapport aspects
    attained satisfactory level as the mean scores ranged from 3.10 to 3.59. The disclosure aspect was
    poorly rated as the mean score was 2.20. Eventhough all lecturers in this school are considered expert
    in their area, findings from this study suggest that some teaching behaviour need some improvement.
    Findings from this study also provide useful data for the medical school to chart direction of faculty
    development activities to improve their lecturers’ teaching effectiveness during lectures.
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