Displaying publications 2981 - 3000 of 10157 in total

  1. Boon, Y. T., Naim, M. N., Zakaria, R., Abu Bakar, N. F., Ahmad, N.
    A study on the feasibility of using gel electrophoresis technique in grading the agarwood oil
    quality was investigated. Prior to electrophoresis, the emulsified agarwood oil droplets were
    screened by a diffuse layer of ions that have equal absolute charge to that of the droplets surface
    charge in aqueous phase. The condition was obtained by varying the concentrations of nonionic
    surfactant; Tween 80 until the critical aggregation concentration (CAC) value of 0.0167%
    (v/v) was achieved. The prepared droplets suspended in the aqueous within nano-metre size and
    had ability to migrate through the agarose gel with its own specific electrophoretic mobility.
    However, due to the limitation of gel pore size, only large oil droplets (>200 nm) indicated
    visible bands. Overall, a novel work for grading the emulsified agarwood oil droplet with its
    own electrical properties was feasible.
  2. Rokiah Omar, Yau, Meng Kuan, Victor, Feizal Knight, Faudziah Abd Manan, Mohd Nizar Ahmad Padri
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2017;6(1):13-19.
    The ability to anticipate accurately and consistently plays a vital role to excel in sports
    performance. The present study was designed to determine the differences of visual anticipation
    time between athletes in open and closed skills sports. A total of 95 junior athletes, aged 13 to 16
    years old (Mean age=14.84±1.04 years) from Bukit Jalil Sports School participated in the study.
    Participants were distributed to open skills (n=47) and closed skills (n=48) sports according to
    their sports environment. Visual anticipation time was tested using Bassin Anticipation Timer in
    response to stimuli at the speed of 5, 10, and 15 mph, measuring absolute and variable error.
    Absolute error measured the accuracy of responses while variable error focused on the
    consistency of responses. The results of this investigation showed that in general open skills sport
    are not superior over anticipation ability in relations to accuracy and consistency as compared to
    closed skills sports across all speeds (p < 0.05). The evidence from this study suggested more
    emphasis on training related to eye and hand coordination would be imperative for open skills
    sports athletes to enhance in on-field sports performance. This study could serve as a base for
    future studies focusing on visual and hand coordination related to speed as anticipation has been
    proven to be the key leading to superior performance and for talent identification purposes. Future
    research concentrating on elite athletes as well as focused sports group would provide further
    insights on anticipation ability of athletes.
  3. Rajendran, N., Tey, Y.S., Ahmad Sidique, S.F., Abdul Hadi, A.H.I., Brindal, M., Shamsudin, M.N., et al.
    Farm sustainability issues are diverse but interconnected and complex. Many organizations
    have begun to promote packaged sustainable agricultural practices (SAPs). Some of these
    bundled SAPs (i.e. organic agriculture and integrated pest management) have long been
    employed by farmers, and studied by scientists seeking to understand their response to these
    alternative agricultural approaches. This paper reviews and synthesizes recent research in this
    area. It identifies key explanatory factors, which frequently lead to the adoption of bundled
    SAPs. Vote count analysis reveals that variables implying economic motivation and facilitation
    regularly explain farmers’ behaviour. In addition, a new finding emerged, in which factors
    inferring higher learning and superior management capacity provided further indicators to
    adoption. In particular, the training that provided by non-governmental organizations and rural
    institutions complements change agents (i.e. public extension services). While this finding is
    novel, more research is required to generate better understanding of farmer reaction to bundled
    SAPs, particularly dynamic ones (i.e. private standards) in which farm business sustainability
    depends upon good agricultural practices being implemented.
  4. Noor, N.S.M., Ghazalli, Z., Mamat, R., Kadirgama, K., Sani, M.S.M., Ahmad, Z., et al.
    Seating comfort is one of the important indicators while driving especially for a long hour drive. The objective of this study was to execute a preliminary study of survey and identify the discomfort of body while driving and after driving session by conducting a survey. The questionnaire developed was tested for its reliability. By using Cronbach’s Alpha, this paper’s contribution was found to be significant in which it provides a survey with acceptable test reliability in which the alpha (α) was 0.887. The survey was conducted on 30 students of University Malaysia Pahang (20 male and 10 female) with driving experience and valid driving license. The subjects should have experiences in driving small size car or mini car as well. The results showed that the body area that the drivers felt discomfort while driving and after driving should be known. The findings showed that the discomfort was intense at the neck, upper back, and lumbar while and after driving.
  5. Norhafizan Ahmad, Raja Ariffin Raja Ghazilla, Muhammad Zikril Hakim Md Azizi
    Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) provide a vast possibility in enabling the brain to communicate directly with the computer, hence providing an alternative in controlling the machines without much effort. In fields of rehabilitations robotics, the applications of an exoskeletons in assisting a spinal cord injured (SCI) patients were growing. Steady state visually evoked potentials (SSVEP) based BCIs that utilizes the human visual reactions to the constant flickered stimulus quickly showed its potentials among the BCIs used in rehabilitations devices because of its advantages such as a higher immunity to noises and artefacts and also its robustness compared to other BCIs. Rehabilitation exoskeletons demands an approach that are more user friendly and the aspects of control scheme and mechanical parts that are more focused on assisting the patients in rehabilitations and providing a SCI patients an alternatives to explore their surroundings in a more intuitive ways. This paper highlights the current development trends in SSVEP based BCIs for rehabilitation exoskeletons and proposed the potential research scopes in the future that can improve the effectiveness, and its potential applications in rehabilitations.
  6. Darliana Mohamad, Dian Darina Indah Daruis, Baba Md Deros, Ahmad Rasdan Ismail
    Drivers’ posture is one of the factors that can contribute to driving discomfort. Subjective evaluation is needed in determining the driving discomfort problem. The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability of different driving postures that may lead to drivers’ discomfort. A total of thirty-four healthy Malaysian drivers were involved in this study. Respondents were required to sit on the driver’s seat with the required adjustments of three different postures and fill-in the given subjective evaluation form. The same procedure was repeated for each respondent after three days for purpose of conducting test retest evaluation. The reliability statistical analysis result shows the study was reliable and valid with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient equal to 0.827. The comparison means that ANOVA analysis also shows significance difference between these three groups of postures for all measured parameters. In conclusion, the result from this study shows the subjective evaluation conducted is reliable and can be used for drivers’ posture discomfort study.
  7. Bakar, M. S. A., Ahmad, S., Muchtar, A., Rahman, H. A .
    Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are efficient and clean power generation devices. Lowtemperature
    SOFC (LTSOFC) has been developed since high-temperature SOFC (HTSOFC) is not
    feasible to be commercialized due to cost. Lowering the operation temperature reduces its substantial
    performance resulting from cathode polarization resistance and overpotential of cathode. The
    development of composite cathodes regarding mixed ionic-electronic conductor (MIEC) and ceriabased
    materials for LTSOFC minimizes the problems significantly and leads to an increase in
    electrocatalytic activity for the occurrence of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). Lanthanum-based
    materials such as lanthanum strontium cobalt ferrite (La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ) have been discovered
    recently, which offer great compatibility with ceria-based electrolyte to be applied as composite
    cathode materials for LTSOFC. Cell performance at lower operating temperature can be maintained
    and further improved by enhancing the ORR. This paper reviews recent development of various ceriabased
    composite cathodes especially related to the ceria-carbonate composite electrolytes for
    LTSOFC. The influence of the addition of metallic elements such as silver (Ag), platinum (Pt) and
    palladium (Pd) towards the electrochemical properties and performance of LSCF composite cathodes
    are also discussed.
  8. Khor, Chai Wey, Ahmad Azlina, Ponnuraj, Kannan Thirumulu, Noor Hayati Abdul Razak
    Xeroderma pigmentosum-D (XPD) is one of the genes that play a role in the Nucleotide-Excision Repair (NER). Polymorphisms in XPD gene have been identified and reported to be associated with many types of cancer with two common single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), namely, XPD312 and XPD751. The XPD312 polymorphism is at exon 10 codon 312 Asp to Asn (A→G) and the association of this polymorphism with oral cancer is very little known, especially, in Malaysia. The aim of this study was to screen for XPD312 gene polymorphisms in human oral cancer patients attending Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Malaysia. Blood samples were collected from 10 oral cancer and 10 normal healthy subjects with their consent. DNA was extracted using commercial DNA extraction kit and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was performed to amplify the XPD312 gene. The PCR products were digested using restriction enzyme, Sty I and analyzed on a 3% agarose gel for the detection of polymorphisms. This was followed by DNA sequencing to confirm the findings. In the current study, only homozygous wild type polymorphisms in the XPD312 gene was noticed in the oral cancer tissues as revealed by the restriction enzyme and DNA sequencing analyses.
  9. Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff, Mazlyfarina Mohamad, Mohd Mahadir Ayob, Mohd Harith Hashim
    A functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study was conducted on 4 healthy male and female subjects to investigate brain activation during passive and active listening. Two different experimental conditions were separately used in this study. The first condition requires the subjects to listen to a simple arithmetic instruction (e.g. one-plus-two-plus-three-plus-four) - passive listening. In the second condition, the subjects were given the same series of arithmetic instruction and were required to listen and perform the calculation - active listening. The data were then analysed using the Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM5) and the MATLAB 7.4 (R2007a) programming softwares. The results obtained from the fixed (FFX) and random effects analyses (RFX) show that the active-state signal intensity was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than the resting-state signal intensity for both conditions. The results also indicate significant differences (p < 0.001) in brain activation between passive and active listening. The activated cortical regions during passive listening, as obtained from the FFX of the first condition is symmetrical in the left and right temporal and frontal lobes covering the cortical auditory areas. However, for the second condition, which was active listening, more activation occurs in the left hemisphere with a reduction in the number of activated voxels and their signal intensity in the right hemisphere. Activation mainly occurs in the middle temporal gyrus, precentral gyrus, middle frontal gyrus, superior temporal gyrus and several other areas in the frontal lobes. The point of maximum signal intensity has been shifted to a new coordinates during active listening. It is also observed that the magnetic resonance signal intensity and the number of activated voxel in the right and left superior temporal lobes for the second condition have been reduced as compared to that of the first condition. The results obtained strongly suggest the existence of functional specialisation. The results also indicate different networks for the two conditions. These networks clearly pertain to the existence of functional connectivity between activation areas during listening and listening while performing a simple arithmetic task.
  10. Norimah A.Karim, Nik Shanita Safii, Safiah Mohd Yusof, Norazliana Mohd Noor, Zawiah Ahmad, Tee, E Siong
    This paper reports the nutrition knowledge of Malaysian elderly, as part of a nationwide study to evaluate the status of nutrition knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of food and nutrition among various communities in Malaysia. A total of 906 elderly, age ranging between 60 to 96 years old, with mean age 67.4 ± 6.7 years representing all states in Malaysia participated in the study. An interview administered questionnaire was used to assess the nutrition knowledge and to collect demographic data of the elderly. Subjects were in the 60-65 years (51%) and more than 65 years (49%) age category. There were 46% Malays, 32% Chinese, 6% Indians while the remaining 16% comprised of other minority groups in Malaysia such as Iban, Kadazan, Melanau, Orang Asli and others. More than half of the elderly (54%) had no formal education, 36% completed primary schooling and only 9% finished secondary education. Overall 73% elderly were categorized as having poor nutrition knowledge, 18% moderate and only 9% good. The minority groups had the highest percentage of poor nutrition knowledge (91%) while the Chinese had the highest percentage of good nutrition knowledge (11%). More female (78%) than male (67%) had poor nutrition knowledge, in contrast to more male (10%) than female (8%) with good nutrition knowledge. Chi square test showed that there was a significant correlation between educational status and nutrition knowledge. This was reflected in the results which showed that 81% elderly with no formal education were categorized in the poor nutrition knowledge group. Majority of the elderly did not know about foods to be consumed most (88%), or to be eaten least (87%). Only a quarter to a third of the elderly responded correctly to questions on nutrient function and content. The question on foods with high salt was well responded by the elderly (65%). It is quite discouraging to show that a majority of Malaysian elderly had poor nutrition knowledge. This study indicated that appropriate nutrition education interventions need to be implemented to improve the shortcomings of nutrition knowledge among the Malaysian elderly.
  11. Hasyimah, R., Aniza, I., Ahmad Taufik, J., Jamsiah, M., Azimatun Noor, A.
    The level of patient satisfaction is important for service quality in hospitals. This study aims to measure the level of patient satisfaction at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) and the factors affecting it. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 520 respondents at the outpatient department in four clinics in UKMMC by using self-administered questionnaires. Respondents were selected using a systematic sampling method based on the list of patient appointments. The level of patient satisfaction was measured using the PSQIII domain. Less than half of the respondents were satisfied with the overall service provided (41.0%), while the others (59.0%) were not satisfied. Based on the domain studied, the level of satisfaction varies widely: the highest satisfaction were interpersonal relationships (75.8%) followed by the registration process (73.8%), technical quality (71.3%), communication (66.7%), physical facilities (64.6%), accessibility (60.2%), and financial (47.3%). The level of patient satisfaction was low and financial domain should be given more attention to in order to ensure an increase in patient satisfaction levels.
    Study site: Surgery, Orthopaedic, Obstetric and Gynaecology, and Medical clinics, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    The blood of the Painted Storks (Mycteria leucocephala) and the Milky Storks (M. cinerea) from Malaysia were collected
    invasively from the breeding site. The blood was dropped on to FTA® cards and stored at room temperature. DNA was isolated from
    the FTA® cards through a modification of the Wizard DNA Purification kit (Promega) procedure and PCR was performed with 11 pairs
    of microsatellite primers of the American Wood Stork (M. americana). The collection of a drop of blood onto the card is superior to the
    usual practice of collecting about five ml of blood into a vacuum tube as it causes fewer traumas to these sensitive birds. Moreover, this
    collection procedure can be adopted for use in various wild animal species which are usually found in the remote areas of Malaysia as
    the sample collection cards can be transported back to the laboratory at room temperature. Our procedure allows the typing of several
    molecular genetic markers from just a drop of blood collected in the field and stored at room temperature alleviating the need for storage
    in expensive deep freezers or liquid nitrogen tanks.
  13. Khraisat, Adam Mahmoud Salameh, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Introduction: Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluates emotion. Research results found that EI is relevant to organizational development and manpower development. It is also important to academic success, emotional adaptability, stress management and other lifestyle issues. EI principles help one to understand and assess people's behaviors, interpersonal skills, attitudes and potentials. It also plays an important role in human resource planning, job placement and recruitment interviews and selection, business development, customer care services, and more. The study focused on exploring students’ EI, subscales of EI (i.e., personal competencies and social competencies) and its associated factors. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 571 medical students from year 1, 3 and 5. Years of study, gender, and ethnic groups were included as factor variables. USM Emotional Quotient Inventory (USMEQ-i) was used to measure EI, personal competence and social competence. Results: Years of study significantly associated with EI (F = 18.41, p < 0.001), personal competency (F = 16.93, p < 0.001) and social competency levels (F = 12.92, p < 0.001). There was a decreasing pattern of EI, personal competency and social competency level as medical training progresses. Male significantly had a higher EI (t = -1.99, p < 0.05) and personal competence (t = -1.99, p < 0.05) levels than female medical students. Nevertheless, male and female students had equal levels of social competence (t = -1.39, p = 0.730). Ethnic groups demonstrated no significant association with EI, personal competency and social competency level. Conclusion: This study found that years of study were the main associated factor, followed by gender. In addition, there is a cause of concern regarding the decreasing pattern of EI throughout medical training. Further research is required to investigate this concern, so that appropriate intervention can be taken to alleviate the concern.
  14. Anisa Ahmad, Nurhanis Syazni Roslan, Jamilah Al-Muhammady Mohammad, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Introduction: Clinical educators around the globe agreed that an optimal educational climate is a vital aspect for effective learning to take place. This study was conducted to evaluate the perceptions of graduates toward the quality of clinical education climate in USM medical school. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on a cohort of USM medical graduates. Questionnaires were administered to the graduates to measure their perception on four aspects of clinical education climate that include structure of clinical rotation, clinical teaching and learning activities, quality of lecturers and end clinical rotation assessment across 13 clinical rotations. The graduates were requested to respond to seven-Likert scale ranging from 1(poor) to 7(excellent). Scores of equal to or more than 5 was considered as positive areas, scores of between 4 and 5 were considered as areas for improvement, and scores less than 4 were considered as areas of concern. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 20. Results: A total of 105 (96.3%) graduates responded to the questionnaire. Results showed only the paediatric rotation obtained positive ratings on all areas of the clinical rotation structure. With regards to teaching and learning activities, the graduates scored most of the clinical rotations between 4 and 5. With regards to the quality of lecturers, most of the clinical rotations obtained score more than 5. Most of the areas related to the end-of-assessment of clinical rotation obtained score more than 5 except for the feedback adequacy, indicating inadequacy of feedback they received. Conclusion: USM medical graduates positively perceived the quality of lecturers during clinical training, however several areas of clinical education related to clinical rotation structure, clinical teaching and learning activities, and feedback practice were perceived by them as areas for improvement. Medical schools should introduce strategic measures to address the concerns raised by the graduates to ensure the best clinical learning experience are provided to the current and future medical students.
  15. Zal U’yun Wan Mahmood, Zaharudin Ahmad, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed, Abdul Kadir Ishak, Norfaizal Mohammed
    The distribution, enrichment and pollution status of metals in sediment cores from the Sabah-Sarawak coastal waters were studied. Seven sediment cores were taken in July 2004 using a gravity box corer. The metals of Cu, Zn and Pb were analyzed by ICP-MS to assess the pollution status of the sediments. The sediment fine fraction and organic carbon content was also analyzed. Enrichment Factor (EF), Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo) and Pollution Load Index (PLI) was calculated as criteria of possible contamination. The results showed that collected sediments were composed with clay, silt and sand as 12 – 74%, 27 – 72% and 0 – 20%, respectively. Meanwhile, organic carbon contents were relatively low and constant over time, based on sediment depth profiles, and it did not exceed 5% at any sampling station. The average metal concentrations in sediment cores at all sampling station were distributed in the ranges of 1.66 ± 1.36 – 6.61 ± 0.12 μgg-1 for Cu, 26.55 ± 1.04 – 57.94 ± 1.58 μgg-1 for Zn and 3.99 ± 0.10 – 14.48 ± 0.32μgg-1 for Pb. According to calculations of EF, Igeo and PLI, it can be concluded that concentrations of Cu, Zn and Pb were not significantly affected by pollution from anthropogenic sources at the seven sampling locations. Thus, the metal content of Cu, Zn and Pb in sediment should not cause pollution problem to the marine environment of Sabah-Sarawak coastal waters and further response measures are not needed.
  16. Chong, Jia-Woei, Azlina Ahmad Annuar, Wong, Kum-Thong, Thong, Meow-Keong, Goh, Khean-Jin
    Neurology Asia, 2014;19(1):27-36.
    Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletions are a major cause of chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO) and Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS). We analyzed single mtDNA deletions in 11 CPEO and one KSS patients by means of Southern blot and long polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. The deletion sizes ranged from 3.4 kb to 6.9 kb whereas the heteroplasmy level varied from 18.8% to 85.5%. Two unique deletions sized 4320 bp and 4717 bp were found. This study represents the first genetic screen of mtDNA disorders in Malaysia, and it follows the data seen in other published reports on CPEO and KSS genetic aetiology.
  17. Azizul Isha, Nor Azah Yusof, Musa Ahmad, Dedy Suhendra, Wan Md. Zin Wan Yunus, Zulkarnain Zainal
    An artificial neural network (ANN) was applied for the determination of V(V) based on immobilized fatty hydroxamic acid (FHA) in poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). Spectra obtained from the V(V)-FHA complex at single wavelengths was used as the input data for the ANN. The V(V)-FHA complex shows a limited linear dynamic range of V(V) concentration of 10 - 100 mg/ L. After training with ANN, the linear dynamic range was extended with low calibration error. A three layer feed forward neural network using backpropagation (BP) algorithm was employed in this study. The input layer consisted of single neurons, 30 neurons in hidden a layer and one output neuron was found appropriate for the multivariate calibration used. The network were trained up to 10000 epochs with 0.003 % learning rate. This reagent also provided a good analytical pedormance with reproducibility characters of the method yielding relative standard deviation (RSD) of 9.29% and 7.09% for V(V) at concentrations of 50 mg/ L and 200 mg/ L, respectively. The limit of detection of the method was 8.4 mg/ L.
  18. Balakrishnian, M., Johar, M.J., Ismail, M.S., Ahmad Khaldun, I., Hamidah, Y.
    Medicine & Health, 2013;8(2):81-84.
    Access to an intravenous (IV) route is very crucial in emergency patients under resuscitation. The difficulty to access and administer fluid and drugs through intravenous will influence the outcome of patient. In case of unavailable of intravenous route, the alternative is intraosseous access. To date, there is no data available on the prevalence and pattern of intraosseous cannulation knowledge among emergency paramedics in the published literature from our country, even though the use of intraosseous cannulation for emergency patients is being practices. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to determine the level of knowledge regarding intraosseous cannulation among emergency paramedics. The knowledge related to intraosseous cannulation among emergency paramedics was assessed through structured validated test questions. Fifteen paramedics participated in this study. Majorities of participants were male (86.6%). The age group ranged from 22 – 45 old years. The working experiences were from two to thirteen years. There was only 1 out of 15 participants who had scored 75%. The majority (10) scored 40% to 50%. This suggests that necessity in teaching of intraosseous cannulation among emergency paramedics needs to be emphasised.
  19. Ang, Grace, Jacqueline Maryam Kamaluddin, Wizziyiane Ahmad, Uday Kumar Umesan, Siti Waznah Wahab, Naing, Lin
    his study assesses inter-examiner reproducibility in recording various malocclusion parameters and Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) grade during patient examination by utilising the kappa statistic. Five previously calibrated orthodontists clinically examined 233 non-orthodontically treated schoolchildren aged 14-17 years for recording various malocclusion parameters. The examination was repeated twice, thirty days apart and precluded the use of study-models or radiographs. Although good inter-examiner reproducibility was observed in recording incisor class, IOTN dental health grade, type of posterior crossbite, and excellent for parameters with absolute criteria like
    erupted supernumeraries, etc, substantial examiner variation resulted in only fair reproducibility for recording IOTN esthetic category, canine class, overbite category, traumatic overbite and upper centre-line shift of two millimetres or more from the facial midline. Reproducibility for detecting occlusal displacement in the presence of crossbite was poor, and kappa statistic was incalculable for recording openbite and number of upper incisors rotated 30° or more. Kappa was also incalculable for recording IOTN dental health subcategory due to the creation of asymmetric tables caused by rarely chosen subcategory options. Despite prior agreement between previously calibrated examiners on evaluation criteria, detection of certain malocclusion parameters during an epidemiological examination can prove to be challenging. Epidemiological studies that report on prevalence of malocclusion in the population should always report on the kappa reproducibility, especially if the study is carried out by multiple examiners.
  20. Naznin, M, Abdul Rahman, S., Ariff, O., Ahmad Mansur, M, Kasule, O.H.
    Background: The approach to the teaching of ethics and professionalism in the Faculty of Medicine (FM) of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) is unique. A specifically designed package is incorporated designated as the Islamic Input into the Medical Programme (IIMP). The IIMP spans over the entire 5 years of the medical programme. In the Faculty of Allied Health Sciences (FAHS) students do not go through a similar Islamic Input module but exposed to ethical issues specific to health sciences. Method: The aim of this study is to assess the impact of the teaching of ethics through the IIMP. A cross-sectional study was conducted in medical and allied health sciences faculties of IIUM. In total 259 students volunteered and were allocated to 4 groups, Years 2 and 5 students of FM and Years 2 and 4 of FAHS. A set of questionnaire consisting of 20 vignettes related to medical ethics was distributed to all students. An independent t-test was used to compare the mean total scores between the groups. Results: A significant difference (p < 0.05) was seen between the mean total scores for the Year 2 and Year 5 students of FM; Year 2 students of FM and Year 2 students of FAHS; and between the Year 5 students of FM and Year 4 students of FAHS. Also there was significant difference between the two medical and allied health sciences groups as a whole. Discussion: This study suggests that the IIMP of the IIUM has a positive impact on the medical students when dealing with ethical issues. The Year 5 medical students were expected to have obtained a higher mean total score. The probable reason for the lower mean total score include the teaching-learning approach utilized which is mainly lecture with minimal small group approach. Also the allocation of marks for medical ethics in summative assessment in the IIUM medical curriculum is minimal compared to the core medical subjects which would have some influence on the weight given by students. Conclusion: The Medical Faculty of IIUM believes that the approach to the teaching of medical ethics by incorporating the Islamic Input module is effective, practical and relevant. However the teaching-learning method and the assessment will have to be re-addressed to achieve greater impact.
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