Displaying publications 21 - 40 of 538 in total

  1. Mazlan NW, Tate R, Yusoff YM, Clements C, Edrada-Ebel R
    Curr Med Chem, 2020;27(11):1815-1835.
    PMID: 31272343 DOI: 10.2174/0929867326666190704130105
    Endophytic fungi have been explored not just for their ecological functions but also for their secondary metabolites as a new source of these pharmacologically active natural products. Accordingly, many structurally unique and biologically active compounds have been obtained from the cultures of endophytic fungi. Fusarium sp. and Lasiodiplodia theobromae were isolated from the root and stem of the mangrove plant Avicennia lanata, respectively, collected from Terengganu, Malaysia. High-resolution mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy were used as metabolomics profiling tools to identify and optimize the production of bioactive secondary metabolites in both strains at different growth stages and culture media. The spectral data was processed by utilizing Mzmine 2, a quantitative expression analysis software and an in house MS-Excel macro coupled with the Dictionary of Natural Products databases for dereplication studies. The investigation for the potential bioactive metabolites from a 15-day rice culture of Fusarium sp. yielded four 1,4- naphthoquinone with naphthazarin structures (1-4). On the other hand, the endophytic fungus L. theobromae grown on the 15-day solid rice culture produced dihydroisocoumarins (5-8). All the isolated compounds (1-8) showed significant activity against Trypanosoma brucei brucei with MIC values of 0.32-12.5 µM. Preliminary cytotoxicity screening against normal prostate cells (PNT2A) was also performed. All compounds exhibited low cytotoxicity, with compounds 3 and 4 showing the lowest cytotoxicity of only 22.3% and 38.6% of the control values at 100 µg/mL, respectively. Structure elucidation of the isolated secondary metabolites was achieved using 2D-NMR and HRESI-MS as well as comparison with literature data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  2. Wun Fui Mark-Lee, Mohammad B. Kassim, Mohd Faizal Md Nasir
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:741-747.
    A benzoylthiourea molecule namely 1,1-dibenzyl-3-(2-bromobenzoyl)thiourea (2BrBT) was synthesized and characterized
    by C, H, N and S elemental, mass spectrometry and spectroscopic analyses (infrared, ultraviolet-visible and nuclear
    magnetic resonance). The 2BrBT compound crystallized in a tetragonal system with the space group P43 and exhibits
    an acentric crystalline packing due to the presence of intermolecular H-bonding network that forms a self-assembly
    of 1D helical motif. The asymmetric delocalisation of electrons in the molecule retains its transparency throughout the
    visible and near-infrared region and hence, essentially propagates the macroscopic helical motif in the solid state. The
    highest-occupied and lowest-unoccupied molecular orbital (HOMO/LUMO) are mainly found on the thiourea moiety and
    the benzoylthiourea fragment, respectively and shows an optical bandgap of 3.50 eV. The influence of its geometrical
    characteristics to the optical properties of 2BrBT is established and discussed in view of nonlinear optical (NLO)
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  3. Piersson AD, Mohamad M, Rajab F, Suppiah S
    Acad Radiol, 2021 10;28(10):1447-1463.
    PMID: 32651050 DOI: 10.1016/j.acra.2020.06.006
    BACKGROUND: There is compelling evidence that neurochemical changes measured by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) occur at different phases of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, the extent to which these neurochemical changes are associated with validated AD biomarkers and/or apolipoprotein (APOE) ε4 is yet to be established.

    OBJECTIVE: This systematic review analyzed the available evidence on (1) neurochemical changes; and (2) the relations between brain metabolite and validated cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers, and/or APOE in AD.

    METHODS: PubMed, Cochrane, Scopus, and gray literature were systematically screened for studies deemed fit for the purpose of the current systematic review.

    RESULTS: Twenty four articles met the inclusion criteria. Decreased levels of N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), NAA/(creatine) Cr, and NAA/(myo-inositol) ml, and increased ml, ml/Cr, Cho (choline)/Cr, and ml/NAA were found in the posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus. Increased ml is associated with increased tau levels, reduced NAA/Cr is associated with increased tau. ml/Cr is negatively correlated with Aβ42, and ml/Cr is positively correlated with t-tau. NAA and glutathione levels are reduced in APOE ε4 carriers. APOE ε4 exerts no modulatory effect on NAA/Cr. There is interaction between APOE ε4, Aβ42, and ml/Cr.

    CONCLUSION: NAA, ml, NAA/Cr, NAA/ml and ml/Cr may be potentially useful biomarkers that may highlight functional changes in the clinical stages of AD. The combinations of ml and tau, NAA/Cr and Aβ42, and NAA/Cr and tau may support the diagnostic process of differentiating MCI/AD from healthy individuals. Large, longitudinal studies are required to clarify the effect of APOE ε4 on brain metabolites.

    Matched MeSH terms: Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  4. Nugroho AE, Nakajima S, Wong CP, Hirasawa Y, Kaneda T, Shirota O, et al.
    J Nat Med, 2022 Jan;76(1):94-101.
    PMID: 34351584 DOI: 10.1007/s11418-021-01556-4
    Eight new limonoids, walsogynes H-O (1-8) were isolated from the barks of Walsura chrysogyne, and their structures were determined on the basis of the 1D and 2D NMR data. Walsogynes H-M (1-6) and O (8) were concluded to be 11,12-seco limonoids with a dodecahydro-1H-naphtho[1,8-bc:3,4-c']difuran skeleton, and walsogyne N (7) to be 11,12-seco limonoid sharing a unique dodecahydronaphtho[1,8-bc:5,4-b'c']difuran skeleton. Walsogynes H-O (1-8) exhibited potent antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 strain with IC50 value of 2.5, 2.6, 1.6, 2.5, 1.5, 2.6, 2.1, and 1.1 µM, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  5. Serag A, Zayed A, Mediani A, Farag MA
    Sci Rep, 2023 Feb 13;13(1):2533.
    PMID: 36781893 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-28551-x
    Tongkat ali commonly known as Malaysian Ginseng (Eurycoma longifolia) is a herbal root worldwide available in nutraceuticals, either as a crude powder or capsules blended with other herbal products. Herein, a multiplexed metabolomics approach based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SPME-GC-MS) was applied for authentic tongkat ali extract vs some commercial products quality control analysis. NMR metabolite fingerprinting identified 15 major metabolites mostly ascribed to sugars, organic and fatty acids in addition to quassinoids and cinnamates. Following that, multivariate analysis as the non-supervised principal component analysis (PCA) and supervised orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) were applied revealing that differences were related to fatty acids and 13,21-dihydroeurycomanone being more enriched in authentic root. SPME-GC-MS aroma profiling led to the identification of 59 volatiles belonging mainly to alcohols, aldehydes/furans and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Results revealed that aroma of commercial products showed relatively different profiles being rich in vanillin, maltol, and methyl octanoate. Whereas E-cinnamaldehyde, endo-borneol, terpinen-4-ol, and benzaldehyde were more associated to the authentic product. The present study shed the light for the potential of metabolomics in authentication and standardization of tongkat ali and identification of its true flavor composition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  6. Guo C, Dong J, Deng L, Cheng K, Xu Y, Zhu H, et al.
    Molecules, 2023 May 25;28(11).
    PMID: 37298809 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28114332
    The quality of Panax Linn products available in the market is threatened by adulteration with different Panax species, such as Panax quinquefolium (PQ), Panax ginseng (PG), and Panax notoginseng (PN). In this paper, we established a 2D band-selective heteronuclear single quantum coherence (bs-HSQC) NMR method to discriminate species and detect adulteration of Panax Linn. The method involves selective excitation of the anomeric carbon resonance region of saponins and non-uniform sampling (NUS) to obtain high-resolution spectra in less than 10 min. The combined strategy overcomes the signal overlap limitation in 1H NMR and the long acquisition time in traditional HSQC. The present results showed that twelve well-separated resonance peaks can be assigned in the bs-HSQC spectra, which are of high resolution, good repeatability, and precision. Notably, the identification accuracy of species was found to be 100% for all tests conducted in the present study. Furthermore, in combination with multivariate statistical methods, the proposed method can effectively determine the composition proportion of adulterants (from 10% to 90%). Based on the PLS-DA models, the identification accuracy was greater than 80% when composition proportion of adulterants was 10%. Thus, the proposed method may provide a fast, practical, and effective analysis technique for food quality control or authenticity identification.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  7. Latif NHA, Brosse N, Ziegler-Devin I, Chrusiel L, Hashim R, Hussin MH
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2023 Dec 31;253(Pt 5):127210.
    PMID: 37797852 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.127210
    The effects of steam explosion (SE) pretreatment on the structural properties of lignin isolated from coconut husk (CH) biomass via soda pulping were investigated in this work. The isolated SE lignin was classified as dilute acid impregnation SE lignin (ASEL), water impregnation SE lignin (WSEL), and 2-naphthol impregnation SE lignin (NSEL). The various types of functional groups isolated from SE lignin were characterized and compared using a variety of complementary analyses: FTIR spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, GPC chromatography, HPAEC-PAD chromatography and thermal analyses. It was revealed that ASEL has the highest solid recovery with 55.89 % yield as well as the highest sugars content compared to WSEL (45.66 % yield) and NSEL (49.37 % yield). Besides, all isolated SE lignin contain a significant quantity of non-condensed G-type and S-type units but less amount of H-type units as supported by previous research. The SE lignin produced lignin with higher molecular weight (Mw ASEL: 72725 g mol-1 > Mw WSEL: 13112 g mol-1 > Mw NSEL: 6891 g mol-1) seems to influence the success of the synthesis reaction of phenolic resins. Because of the large variances in the physicochemical properties of SE lignin polymers, their structural properties were increased toward numerous alternative techniques in lignin-based applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  8. Xing M, Liu F, Lin J, Xu D, Zhong J, Xia F, et al.
    Food Res Int, 2024 Jan;175:113780.
    PMID: 38129006 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2023.113780
    Edible bird's nest (EBN) is a high-value health food with various nutrients and bioactive components. With increasing demand for EBN, they are often adulterated with cheaper ingredients or falsely labeled by the origin information, thus harming consumer interests. In this study, high- and low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (HF/LF-NMR) technology combined with multivariate statistical analysis was used to identify the geographical marker of EBN from different origins and authenticate the adulterated EBN with various adulterants at different adulteration rates. Authentic EBN samples from Malaysia were used to simulate adulteration using gelatin (GL), agar (AG) and starch (ST) at 10 %, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 %, and 100 % w/w, respectively. The results showed significant differences in composition among EBN from different origins, with isocaproate and citric acid serving as geographical markers for Malaysia and Vietnam, respectively. Leucine, glutamic acid, and N-acetylglycoprotein serving as geographical markers for Indonesia. In addition, PLS model further verified the accuracy of origin identification of EBN. The LF-NMR results of adulteration EBN showed a linear correlation between the transverse relaxation (T2, S2) and the adulterated ratio. The OPLS-DA based on T2 spectra could accurately identify authentic EBN from adulterated with GL, AG and ST at 40 %, 20 %, and 20 %, respectively. Fisher discrimination model was able to differentiate at 20 %, 20 %, and 40 %, respectively. These results show that the 1H NMR combined with multivariate statistical analysis method could be a potential tool for the detection of origin and adulteration of EBN.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  9. Nugroho AE, Komuro T, Kawaguchi T, Shindo Y, Wong CP, Hirasawa Y, et al.
    J Nat Med, 2024 Jan;78(1):68-77.
    PMID: 37690111 DOI: 10.1007/s11418-023-01746-2
    Ceramicines are a series of limonoids which were isolated from the barks of Malaysian Chisocheton ceramicus (Meliaceae), and were known to show various biological activity. Six new limonoids, ceramicines U-Z (1-6), with a cyclopentanone[α]phenanthrene ring system with a β-furyl ring at C-17 were isolated from the barks of C. ceramicus. Their structures were determined on the basis of the 1D and 2D NMR analyses, and their absolute configurations were investigated by CD spectroscopy. Ceramicine W (3) exhibited potent antimalarial activity against Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 strain with IC50 value of 1.2 µM. In addition, the structure-antimalarial activity relationship (SAR) of the ceramicines was investigated to identify substituent patterns that may enhance activity. It appears that ring B and the functional groups in the vicinity of rings B and C are critical for the antimalarial activity of the ceramicines. In particular, bulky ester substituents with equatorial orientation at C-7 and C-12 greatly increase the antimalarial activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  10. Ali MS, AbuZaiter A, Schlosser C, Bycraft B, Takahata K
    Sensors (Basel), 2014 Jul 10;14(7):12399-409.
    PMID: 25014100 DOI: 10.3390/s140712399
    This paper reports a method that enables real-time displacement monitoring and control of micromachined resonant-type actuators using wireless radiofrequency (RF). The method is applied to an out-of-plane, spiral-coil microactuator based on shape-memory-alloy (SMA). The SMA spiral coil forms an inductor-capacitor resonant circuit that is excited using external RF magnetic fields to thermally actuate the coil. The actuation causes a shift in the circuit's resonance as the coil is displaced vertically, which is wirelessly monitored through an external antenna to track the displacements. Controlled actuation and displacement monitoring using the developed method is demonstrated with the microfabricated device. The device exhibits a frequency sensitivity to displacement of 10 kHz/µm or more for a full out-of-plane travel range of 466 µm and an average actuation velocity of up to 155 µm/s. The method described permits the actuator to have a self-sensing function that is passively operated, thereby eliminating the need for separate sensors and batteries on the device, thus realizing precise control while attaining a high level of miniaturization in the device.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/instrumentation*
  11. Zainuddin N, Karpukhina N, Law RV, Hill RG
    Dent Mater, 2012 Oct;28(10):1051-8.
    PMID: 22841162 DOI: 10.1016/j.dental.2012.06.011
    The purpose of this study was to characterize commercial glass polyalkenoate cement (GPC) or glass ionomer cement (GIC), Glass Carbomer(®), which is designed to promote remineralization to fluorapatite (FAp) in the mouth. The setting reaction of the cement was followed using magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS-NMR) spectroscopy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/methods*
  12. Kadir MA, Abdul Razak FI, Haris NSH
    Data Brief, 2020 Oct;32:106263.
    PMID: 32905010 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106263
    The data in this article provide information on spectroscopic and theoretical data for p-chlorocalix[4]arene when combined with selected drugs, such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, and cetirizine. The present spectroscopic data are generated from Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (1H NMR and 13C NMR), and Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis) as the key tools for molecular characterization. The measurement of the optimization energy, interaction energy, and the band gap energy between the molecules was calculated by Gaussian 09 software. It is interesting to note that of the three titled drugs identified, p-chlorocalix[4]arene showed the highest interaction energy with paracetamol, followed by ibuprofen and cetirizine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbon-13 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  13. Saleh MSM, Siddiqui MJ, Mediani A, Ahmed QU, Mat So'ad SZ, Saidi-Besbes S, et al.
    Food Res Int, 2020 11;137:109547.
    PMID: 33233172 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109547
    Fruit of salak (Salacca zalacca) is traditionally used and commercialized as an antidiabetic agent. However, the scientific evidence to prove this traditional use is lacking. This research was aimed to evaluate the metabolic changes of obese-diabetic (OBDC) rats treated with S. zalacca fruit extract using proton-nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR)-based metabolomics approach. This research presents the first report on the in vitro antidiabetic effect of S. zalacca fruits extract using this approach. The obtained results indicated that the administration of 400 mg/kg bw of 60% ethanolic S. zalacca extract for 6 weeks significantly decreased the blood glucose level and normalized the blood lipid profile of the OBDC rats. The potential biomarkers in urine were 2-oxoglutarate, alanine, leucine, succinate 3-hydroxybutyrate, taurine, betaine, allantoin, acetate, dimethylamine, creatine, creatinine, glucose, phenyl-acetylglycine, and hippurate. Based on the data obtained, the 60% ethanolic extract could not fully improved the metabolic complications of diabetic rats. The extract of S. zalacca fruit was able to decrease the ketones bodies as 3-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate. It also improved energy metabolism, involving glucose, acetate, lactate, 2-hydroxybutyrate, 2-oxoglutarate, citrate, and succinate. Moreover, it decreased metabolites from gut microflora, including choline. This extract had significant effect on amino acid metabolism, metabolites from gut microflora, bile acid metabolism and creatine. The result can further support the traditional claims of S. zalacca fruits in management of diabetes. This finding might be valuable in understanding the molecular mechanism and pharmacological properties of this medicinal plant for managing diabetes mellitus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  14. Hellal K, Mediani A, Ismail IS, Tan CP, Abas F
    Food Res Int, 2021 02;140:110046.
    PMID: 33648271 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2020.110046
    Lupinus albus or white lupine has recently received increase attention for its medicinal values. Several studies have described the hypoglycemic effect of the white lupine, which is known as a food plant with potential value for treatment of diabetes. This study provides useful information for the identification and quantification of compounds in L. albus fractions by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) spectroscopy. In total, 35 metabolites were identified from L. albus fractions.Principal component analysis (PCA) was used as a multivariate projection method for visualizing the different composition of four different fractions. The bioactivities of fractions with different polarity obtained from the extract of L. albus seeds are reported. Among the fractions studied, the chloroform fraction (CF) exhibits a high free radical scavenging (DPPH) and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities with IC50 values of 24.08 and 20.08 μg/mL, respectively. A partial least-squares analyses (PLS) model had been successfully performed to correlate the potential active metabolites with the corresponding biological activities. Metabolites containing proline, caprate, asparagine, lupinoisolone C, hydroxyiso lupalbigenin and some unknown compounds show high correlation with the bioactivities studied. Moreover, the structural identification in the active fraction was supported by ultrahigh-performance-liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS) analysis. A total of 21 metabolites were tentatively identified from MS/MS data by comparison with previously reported data. Most of these compounds are isoflavonoids without known biological activity. This information may be useful for developing functional food from L. albus with potential application in the management of diabetes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  15. Pariyani R, Ismail IS, Ahmad Azam A, Abas F, Shaari K
    J Sci Food Agric, 2017 Sep;97(12):4169-4179.
    PMID: 28233369 DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.8288
    BACKGROUND: Java tea is a well-known herbal infusion prepared from the leaves of Orthosiphon stamineus (OS). The biological properties of tea are in direct correlation with the primary and secondary metabolite composition, which in turn largely depends on the choice of drying method. Herein, the impact of three commonly used drying methods, i.e. shade, microwave and freeze drying, on the metabolite composition and antioxidant activity of OS leaves was investigated using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1 H NMR) spectroscopy combined with multivariate classification and regression analysis tools.

    RESULTS: A total of 31 constituents comprising primary and secondary metabolites belonging to the chemical classes of fatty acids, amino acids, sugars, terpenoids and phenolic compounds were identified. Shade-dried leaves were identified to possess the highest concentrations of bioactive secondary metabolites such as chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, luteolin, orthosiphol and apigenin, followed by microwave-dried samples. Freeze-dried leaves had higher concentrations of choline, amino acids leucine, alanine and glutamine and sugars such as fructose and α-glucose, but contained the lowest levels of secondary metabolites.

    CONCLUSION: Metabolite profiling coupled with multivariate analysis identified shade drying as the best method to prepare OS leaves as Java tea or to include in traditional medicine preparation. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry.

    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/methods*
  16. Ahmed, Y., Rahman, S., Akhtar, P., Islam, F., Rahman, M., Yaakob, Z.
    General phytochemical screening of the leaves of Saurauia roxburghii (Actinidiaceae) revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, O-glycosides, terpenoids, carbohydrates, steroids, reducing sugar, tannins, phlobatannins and saponin are present in this plant whereas cardiac glycosides are absent. Two steroid compounds were isolated from the n-hexane extract of the leaves from S. roxburghii. Based on the spectral evidence IR, 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR, structures were determined to be stigmasterol (1) and β-sitosterol (2) This is the first report so far of occurrence and details spectroscopic description of these compounds from S. roxburghii.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbon-13 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  17. Raza H, Abbasi MA, Aziz-Ur-Rehman, Siddiqui SZ, Hassan M, Abbas Q, et al.
    Bioorg Chem, 2020 01;94:103445.
    PMID: 31826809 DOI: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.103445
    In the current research work, different N-(substituted-phenyl)-4-{(4-[(E)-3-phenyl-2-propenyl]-1-piperazinyl}butanamides have been synthesized according to the protocol described in scheme 1. The synthesis was initiated by reacting various substituted anilines (1a-e) with 4-chlorobutanoyl chloride (2) in aqueous basic medium to give various electrophiles, 4-chloro-N-(substituted-phenyl)butanamides (3a-e). These electrophiles were then coupled with 1-[(E)-3-phenyl-2-propenyl]piperazine (4) in polar aprotic medium to attain the targeted N-(substituted-phenyl)-4-{(4-[(E)-3-phenyl-2-propenyl]-1-piperazinyl}butanamides (5a-e). The structures of all derivatives were identified and characterized by proton-nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR), carbon-nuclear magnetic resonance (13C NMR) and Infra-Red (IR) spectral data along with CHN analysis. The in vitro inhibitory potential of these butanamides was evaluated against Mushroom tyrosinase, whereby all compounds were found to be biologically active. Among them, 5b exhibited highest inhibitory potential with IC50 value of 0.013 ± 0.001 µM. The same compound 5b was also assayed through in vivo approach, and it was explored that it significantly reduced the pigments in zebrafish. The in silico studies were also in agreement with aforesaid results. Moreover, these molecules were profiled for their cytotoxicity through hemolytic activity, and it was found that except 5e, all other compounds showed minimal toxicity. The compound 5a also exhibited comparable results. Hence, some of these compounds might be worthy candidates for the formulation and development of depigmentation drugs with minimum side effects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbon-13 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  18. Mustahil NA, Baharuddin SH, Abdullah AA, Reddy AVB, Abdul Mutalib MI, Moniruzzaman M
    Chemosphere, 2019 May 04;229:349-357.
    PMID: 31078892 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.05.026
    Ionic liquids (ILs) based surfactants have been emerged as attractive alternatives to the conventional surfactants owing to their tailor-made and eco-friendly properties. Therefore, present study described the synthesis of nine new fatty amino acids based IL surfactants utilizing lauroyl sarcosinate anion and pyrrolidinium, imidazolium, pyridinium, piperidinium, morpholinium and cholinium cations for the first time. The synthesized surface active lauroyl sarcosinate ionic liquids (SALSILs) were characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and TGA. Next, the surface tension and critical micellar concentrations were determined and compared with the surface properties of ILs based surfactants. Further, the toxicity and biodegradability of the synthesized SALSIILs were evaluated to confirm their safe and efficient process applications. The studies revealed that three out of nine synthesized SALSILs containing pyridinium cation have showed strong activity towards the tested microbial growth. The remaining six SALSILs met the biocompatible measures demonstrating moderate to low activity depends on the tested microbes. The alicyclic SALSILs containing morpholinium and piperidinium cations have demonstrated 100% biodegradation after 28 days of the test period. Overall, it is believed that the synthesized SALSILs could effectively replace the conventional surfactants in a wide variety of applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbon-13 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  19. Kadhum AAH, Mohamad AB, Hammed LA, Al-Amiery AA, San NH, Musa AY
    Materials (Basel), 2014 Jun 05;7(6):4335-4348.
    PMID: 28788680 DOI: 10.3390/ma7064335
    A new coumarin derivative, N,N'-((2E,2'E)-2,2'-(1,4-phenylenebis (methanylylidene))bis(hydrazinecarbonothioyl))bis(2-oxo-2H-chromene-3-carboxamide) PMBH, was synthesized and its chemical structure was elucidated and confirmed using spectroscopic techniques (Infrared spectroscopy IR, Proton nuclear magnetic resonance, (1)H-NMR and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (13)C-NMR). The corrosion inhibition effect of PMBH on mild steel in 1.0 M HCl was investigated using corrosion potential (ECORR), potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and electrochemical frequency modulation (EFM) measurements. The obtained results indicated that PMBH has promising inhibitive effects on the corrosion of mild steel in 1.0 M HCl across all of the conditions examined. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to investigate the morphology of the mild steel before and after immersion in 1.0 M HCl solution containing 0.5 mM of PMBH. Surface analysis revealed improvement of corrosion resistance in presence of PMBH.
    Matched MeSH terms: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  20. Al-Amiery AA, Kadhum AAH, Mohamad AB, Musa AY, Li CJ
    Materials (Basel), 2013 Nov 27;6(12):5466-5477.
    PMID: 28788402 DOI: 10.3390/ma6125466
    A new curcumin derivative, i.e., (1E,4Z,6E)-5-chloro-1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)hepta-1,4,6-trien-3-one (chlorocurcumin), was prepared starting with the natural compound curcumin. The newly synthesized compound was characterized by elemental analysis and spectral studies (IR, ¹H-NMR and 13C-NMR). The corrosion inhibition of mild steel in 1 M HCl by chlorocurcumin has been studied using potentiodynamic polarization (PDP) measurements and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The inhibition efficiency increases with the concentration of the inhibitor but decreases with increases in temperature. The potentiodynamic polarization reveals that chlorocurcumin is a mixed-type inhibitor. The kinetic parameters for mild steel corrosion were determined and discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Carbon-13 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
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