Displaying publications 561 - 580 of 9998 in total

  1. Abdul Aziz Ismail, Mazlyfarina Mohamad, Rozilawati Ahmad, Ahmad Bazlie Abdul Kadir
    Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2015;15(22):173-178.
    The aims of this study were to compare the entrance surface dose (ESD) between anteroposterior (AP) supine with
    posteroanterior (PA) prone projection of computed radiography (CR) abdominal examination and to determine the
    relationship between body mass index (BMI) and ESD of a patient. AP supine and PA prone projections on the same
    patients for CR abdominal examination of intravenous urography (IVU) were acquired on 50 patients at Hospital Raja
    Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh. All the radiographic examinations were carried out on a Siemens Multixtop general x-ray unit
    and the images were processed with CR Carestream Direct view Max. Entrance surface dose (ESD) in miligray (mGy)
    was measured using optical stimulated luminescence dosimeters (OSLD) calibrated by the Malaysian Nuclear Agency.
    Data were analyzed using dependent t-test comparing the AP and PA projections on the same subject and Pearson
    correlation was used to determine the relationship between BMI and percentage of reduction of ESD. Results showed a
    significant different (p < 0.01) between AP supine (mean ESD = 6.42 ± 7.13 mGy) and PA prone (mean ESD = 3.92 ± 3.56
    mGy) projection at all BMI. The BMI has a positive correlation with percentage of reduction of ESD (r = 0. 61) and was
    statistically significant (p < 0.01). In conclusion, PA abdomen prone projection significantly reduces the radiation dose
    and there is a positive correlation between BMI and percentage of reduction of ESD. The use of PA prone projection for
    CR abdominal examination should be considered as the routine projection at all BMIs level. Awareness that as the BMI
    increases the ESD also increases at a moderate positive linear relationship.
  2. Hafizudin Mohamad Nor, Amirah Rahman, Ahmad Izani Md. Ismail, Ahmad Abd. Majid
    MATEMATIKA, 2016;32(1):53-67.
    Homotopy continuation methods (HCMs) can be used to find the solutions
    of polynomial equations. The advantages of HCMs over classical methods such as the
    Newton and bisection methods are that HCMs are able to resolve divergence and starting
    value problems. In this paper, we develop Super Ostrowski-HCM as a technique to
    overcome the starting value problem. We compare the performance of this proposed
    method with Ostrowski-HCM. The results provide evidence of the superiority of Super
  3. Ahmad Azahari, I.N.N., Wan Ahmad, W.F., Z. Jamaludin, Hashim, A.S., Abdul Aziz, N.S.
    Autism is a neurological disorder that affects the growth of mind, causing problematic measure in communicating, interacting, and social behaviour. Outstanding educational practices and rapid intermediation leads to vast improvement, as there is no remedy for autism. The main impairment of children with autism is their difficulty in social interaction. The main research is to recognize the effective learning approach in educating social interaction skills to children with autism using mobile technology. This paper presents the result of a engagement session of video modules to support social interaction training for children with autism. The modules are designed to be a part of a mobile application that will be developed based on the three basic interaction skills; Introducing Yourself, Emotions and Gestures. Engagement session was conducted where students with medium functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), aged 7-18 years watched the modules for social competence training during a single session. Outcome measures included an observation study of the student’s reactions towards the modules by two observers. The observers graded each student’s reactions using a ‘Social Skill Rubric’ that has five specific criteria to be scored. Results showed excellent acceptance of modules as well as strong preferences amongst them. The students revealed a range of different reactions towards the modules. However, mainly the modules do appeared to be effective in educating social interaction to children with autism as they are able to focus and enjoy in the learning process.
  4. Zanial AZ, Hamzah F
    Thyroid disorders could be broadly categorised into benign and malignant diseases. Approaches for the
    management of benign and malignant thyroid disorders have been well documented including the treatment
    using radioactive iodine (RAI). RAI has long been used to treat hyperthyroidism and well differentiated
    thyroid cancer. Nevertheless, there are various factors that may influence the outcome of RAI treatment
    including matters related to patient preparations. Thus, healthcare personnel play an important role in
    assisting patients to make the necessary preparations. This article aims to give nurses and clinicians of
    various specialities an insight into the overview of RAI treatment for thyroid disorders particularly in
    Malaysia and further discusses the issues related to preparations of patients.
  5. Ahmad Mustapha, Gandaseca, Seca, Ahmad Hanafi, Siti Nurhidayu, Mohammad Roslan, Khan, Waseem, et al.
    The objectives of this review are to determine the types of indices to use, to assess the current sediment quality index (SQI) of a mangrove forest and to select the appropriate index to describe the mangrove sediment quality index. Amongst the many indices considered in this review are the enrichment factors (EFs), the geo-accumulation index (Igeo), the pollution load index (PLI), the marine sediment pollution index (MSPI) and sediment quality index (SQI). The different indices give diverse perspectives of the status of mangrove sediment quality. This review also highlights the appropriate parameters that need to be used in assessing sediment quality, such as the physical, chemical and biological properties. As the comparison review, the sediment quality can be utilized for Mangrove quality index (MQI) development like to assess the heavy metal, complete laboratory parameters and a classification following the Interim Sediment Quality Guidelines ISQG, PCA and HACA. For the heavy metal content of sediment, the suggested parameters are Pb, Zn, Cu, Co and Mn. Lastly, for the indices, the enrichment factor (EFs), geo-accumulation index (Igeo), pollution load index (PLI) and marine sediment pollution index (MPSI) are used in develop SQI on mangrove forest.
  6. Ahmad Syariff Ahmad Tajudin, Mohammad Hamka Nizam Mohamad Rosni, Lee, Jeffrey Low Fook
    The purpose of this study was to compare the acquisition of performing the squat technique using visual and verbal feedback among eleven years old children. Thirty standard 5 students from a semi urban primary school were recruited for this study. Each participant performed the squat without any provision of feedback in the pre-test. Their performance was assessed using the Motion Competency Screen (MCS) scale. The pre-test scores were used to divide the participants randomly into three groups (i.e., visual-, verbal-feedback and control). During the acquisition phase (two weeks), the visual group (video recordings of their performance) received feedback about the correct squat technique by a qualified trainer while the verbal feedback group received verbal instructions and feedback from the same instructor on their performance. The control group did not participate in any trials during acquisition phase. All participants were tested again in the post- and retention test a week after the post-test. A 3 group x 3 tests mixed between-within ANOVA with repeated measures on the second factor was used to measure the between and within group mean differences. There was no significant different between groups for the pre-test. However, both the visual and the verbal feedback groups were significantly better than the control group in the post test. However, in the retention test, the verbal group significantly outperformed the visual group. Again both groups were significantly better than the control group. In conclusion, both visual and verbal feedbacks were effective in learning a motor skill. Interestingly, verbal feedback showed to be more effective for long term retention (learning).
  7. Lajis AFB
    Medicina (Kaunas), 2018 May 25;54(3).
    PMID: 30344266 DOI: 10.3390/medicina54030035
    For years, clinical studies involving human volunteers and several known pre-clinical in vivo models (i.e., mice, guinea pigs) have demonstrated their reliability in evaluating the effectiveness of a number of depigmenting agents. Although these models have great advantages, they also suffer from several drawbacks, especially involving ethical issues regarding experimentation. At present, a new depigmenting model using zebrafish has been proposed and demonstrated. The application of this model for screening and studying the depigmenting activity of many bioactive compounds has been given great attention in genetics, medicinal chemistry and even the cosmetic industry. Depigmenting studies using this model have been recognized as noteworthy approaches to investigating the antimelanogenic activity of bioactive compounds in vivo. This article details the current knowledge of zebrafish pigmentation and its reliability as a model for the screening and development of depigmenting agents. Several methods to quantify the antimelanogenic activity of bioactive compounds in this model, such as phenotype-based screening, melanin content, tyrosinase inhibitory activity, other related proteins and transcription genes, are reviewed. Depigmenting activity of several bioactive compounds which have been reported towards this model are compared in terms of their molecular structure and possible mode of actions. This includes patented materials with regard to the application of zebrafish as a depigmenting model, in order to give an insight of its intellectual value. At the end of this article, some limitations are highlighted and several recommendations are suggested for improvement of future studies.
  8. Mutiara Dwi Sari, Ab. Aziz Yusof, Ahmad Shaifful Anuar Ahmad Shukor
    Salah satu syarat untuk menjadi sebuah negara maju adalah tersedianya modal insan yang unggul yang
    lahir daripada Institusi Pengajian Tinggi. Kerajaan Malaysia telah memberikan peruntukan yang besar
    untuk mencapai matlamat tersebut. Walau bagaimanupun, terdapat kekangan dan keterhadan kewangan
    Kerajaan untuk memenuhi keseluruhan biaya Institusi Pengajian Tinggi. Oleh itu, semua pihak terkait
    perlulah mencari alternatif dan jalan keluar bagi mengatasi masalah ini. Wakaf merupakan salah satu
    sistem ekonomi Islam yang dikatakan sangat berpotensi bagi membangunkan pendidikan. Kertas kerja
    ini mempunyai dua tujuan. Pertama, untuk mengenal pasti pembangunan wakaf pendidikan dengan
    kajian kes di Universiti College Bestari (UCB), Terengganu, Malaysia. Kedua, menganalisis isu
    kelestaraian wakaf dan kaedah-kaedah yang digunakan UCB dalam mempastikan kelestarian wakaf
    tersebut. Bagi mencapai kedua-dua tujuan ini kaedah kualitatif yang melibatkan temu bual mendalam
    dua orang responden telah dijalankan. Data yang diperolehi di analisis menggunakan kaedah analisis
    kandungan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa pembangunan wakaf di UCB sudah bermula sejak tahun
    1998. Pengurusan dan pentadbiran wakaf UCB dilakukan di bawah tiga agensi (joint venture) yang
    setiapnya merupakan pemegang saham iaitu PEYATIM (Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim Malaysia)
    (50%), PERKAYA (Pertubuhan Kebajikan Anak Yatim) Terengganu (30%) dan YAKIN (Yayasan
    Kebajikan Negeri Terengganu) (20%). Antara kaedah yang digunakan untuk melestarikan wakaf
    pengajian tinggi di UCB adalah penjagaan dan pengelolaan aset yang telus dengan kepimpinan yang
    kuat, sistem pemasaran dan kaedah wakaf yang mudah. Sumbangan kerajaan dan juga peranan alumni
    dikatakan juga membantu pembangunan wakaf tersebut. Kajian ini membuktikan bahawa sistem wakaf
    memiliki potensi untuk membantu membangunkan pendidikan yang lestari.
  9. Siow YS, Ahmad TS, Goh SY
    Hand Surg, 1999 Dec;4(2):167-174.
    PMID: 11089175
    Three patients with severe fixed flexion deformity of the fingers caused by trauma were reported. As an alternative treatment, a new mini external fixator was used to correct the deformities. The use of this device has made treatment of contractures simpler and more predictable. Gradual distraction and straightening was applied to loosen and extend the joints, followed by a period of mobilisation while still on the device. In all the three patients, this experimental device and approach led to improvement of the fixed flexion deformities. With use of this device, surgical release may not be necessary.
  10. Asmariah Ahmad, Safura Salik, Yap Wei Boon, Ahmad Rohi Ghazali, Noorhisham Tan Kofli
    Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2018;16(101):23-26.
    Mutagenic and antimutagenic activities of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) Lactobacillus plantarum isolated from the local fermented durian (tempoyak) was determined by Ames test (Salmonella/microsome mutagenicity assay). Our study also involved pre-incubation assay against Salmonella typhimurium TA 98 and TA 100 bacterial strain in the presence and absence of metabolic activator S9 system. It was found that the L. plantarum showed no mutagenic activity on both S. typhimurium strain TA 98 and TA 100 in the presence and absence of metabolic activator. Significant antimutagenic activity (p < 0.05) was observed in both cell-free supernatant and bacterial cell suspension of L. plantarum as compared to the mutagenicity induced by 2-Aminoanthracene in the presence of metabolic activator. Meanwhile, in the absence of metabolic activator, only the bacterial cells of L. plantarum showed antimutagenicity acitivity against Sodium Azide and 2-Nitrofluorene. In conclusion, L. plantarum could play a vital role as chemopreventive agent by binding to mutagens and suppressing mutagenesis. Thus, L. plantarum could be consider as a good candidate for functional food development as a supplement product to prevent development of colon cancer.
  11. Ahmad Rohi Ghazali, Wee Xian Lee, Xiang Yi Chen, Asmariah Ahmad, Tava Shelan Nagapan
    Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2018;16(101):27-33.
    Drug Metabolizing Enzyme (DME) has been a target of natural chemopreventive agents to inhibit, retard and reverse the process of carcinogenesis. Pterostilbene, an analog to resveratrol has been reported to possess various pharmacological benefits including chemoprevention. In our study, benzo[a]pyrene-induced HT-29 colorectal cell line was used as the DME model. The activity of phase I enzyme CYP1A as determined by the 7-ethoxyresorufin O-deethylation (EROD) assay was found to be inhibited significantly by pterostilbene at 50 μM, 75 μM and 100 μM (p ≤ 0.01, p ≤ 0.05, p ≤ 0.01 respectively) compared to the benzo[a]pyrene treated group. Meanwhile, pterostilbene induced glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity significantly (p ≤ 0.01) at 50 μM as compared to the untreated. In addition, However, the protein expression of CYP1A1 and GST in pterostilbene treated group was not significantly affected compared to untreated. On the other hand, pterostilbene at 25 and 75 μM were able to increase the protein expression of transcription factor Nrf2 significantly (p ≤ 0.01). Results indicated that pterostilbene could reduce metabolic activation of procarcinogens and increase the detoxification process which can be potentially developed as chemopreventive agent.
  12. Ahmad Rohi Ghazali, Asmariah Ahmad, Lim Yi Cheng, Shafreena Shaukat Ali, Satirah Zainalabidin
    Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2018;16(101):47-53.
    Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. or also known as roselle which is rich in polyphenols, has been demonstrated to cause lowering of blood pressure in animal and clinical settings. However its exact mechanism of action particularly from polyphenolic compounds is not clearly understood. Therefore, we aimed to determine the effects of H. sabdariffa polyphenol extract (HPE) towards vascular reactivity and its mechanism of action. The HPE was studied on isolated thoracic aortic rings from normal Sprague-Dawley rats, suspended in a 15-ml organ chambers containing Krebs-Henseleit solution. The changes in tension were recorded by isometric transducer connected to data acquisition. HPE relaxed the contraction induced by phenylephrine (PE, 1 μM) in similar pattern for both endothelium-intact and endothelium denuded aortic rings in dose-dependent manner 0.1 ~ 0.9 mg/ml. The pretreatment with atropine (1 μM), a competitive muscarinic antagonist, and propranolol (1 μM), a non-selective beta- blocker did not alter HPE vasorelaxation response. In addition, HPE did not inhibit the contraction induced by extracellular Ca2+ precontracted by PE (1 μM) or KCl (60 mM), in Ca2+ -free solution, suggesting that the relaxation effect of HPE was not via inhibition of calcium channels. In conclusion, HPE demonstrated vasorelaxation effects on rat thoracic aorta although the underlying mechanism is still unknown. The vasorelaxation effect could be via angiotensin type 1 receptor inhibition in the vascular smooth muscle cells or the activation of hyperpolarizing K+ channel.
  13. Nurul Huda Abd. Karim, Musa Ahmad, Mohammad Osman, Herman, Ahmad Mahir Mokhtar
    Kajian ini menilai potensi ekstrak pewarna kaliks Hibiscus Sabdariffa L. (rosel) sebagai bahan sensor. Dalam kajian ini, sensor pH dibangunkan menggunakan ekstrak warna kemerahan semulajadi dalam kelopak rosel, delfinidin-3-sambubiosida yang dipegunkan dalam kertas turas gentian kaca. Dalam larutan bebas, ekstrak rosel dicirikan menggunakan spektrofotometer UL-nampak untuk mengkaji kesan pH, kepekatan ekstrak, masa ransangan keadaan mantap, analisis kebolehulangan dan analisis kestabilan foto. Ekstrak rosel terpegun dicirikan dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer pantulan untuk mengkaji kesan pH, masa ransangan keadaan mantap, analisis kebolehulangan, analisis kestabilan foto dan kajian histerisis. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa ekstrak bahan semulajadi boleh digunakan sebagai bahan sensor dalam pembinaan sensor optik pH.
  14. Nur Nadiah Abdul Hamid, Ahmad Abd Majid, Ahmad Izani MD Ismail
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1285-1290.
    Second order linear two-point boundary value problems were solved using extended cubic B-spline interpolation method. Extended cubic B-spline is an extension of cubic B-spline consisting of one shape parameter, called λ. The resulting approximated analytical solution for the problems would be a function of λ. Optimization of λ was carried out to find the best value of λ that generates the closest fit to the differential equations in the problems. This method approximated the solutions for the problems much more accurately compared to finite difference, finite element, finite volume and cubic B-spline interpolation methods.
  15. Azoza Mohd Rohni, Syakila Ahmad, Ahmad Izani Md Ismail, Pop I
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:345-351.
    Steady laminar mixed convection boundary layer flow past a horizontal circular cylinder with constant wall heat flux, immersed in a viscous and incompressible fluid of temperature-dependent viscosity is considered in this study. The governing partial differential equations were transformed using non-similar transformation and then solved numerically by an implicit finite-difference scheme known as the Keller-box method. The effects of temperature-dependent viscosity parameter θr on the flow and heat transfer characteristics were examined for various values of Prandtl number, Pr and the mixed convection parameter, λ. It was found that for both assisting and opposing flows, as θr increases, the local skin friction coefficient increases while the wall temperature decreases for air but for water, the local skin friction coefficient decreases then slightly increases while temperature decreases.
  16. Rahman, Abdullah Abdull, Albattat, Ahmad Rasmi, Nurul Fadhillah, Ahmad Fakhry, Nur Syafiqah, Mohd Idris
    Bakery industry in Malaysia is a very dynamic and fast-moving industry, where the use of bakery products has become common among society. The purpose of this study is to understand the behaviour of consumers as well as their purchase decision process. Two objectives of this research are to identify consumer’s behaviour towards bakery product in Section 13, Shah Alam, and to study the factors that influence consumers behaviour in their decision making. Researcher has developed a questionnaire to collect the primary data. A survey consisted of a quantitative method and the data were analysed by Statistical Package for Social Science using descriptive statistics. The data were derived from self-administrated questionnaires consisted of structured questions related. A survey is performed by involving 400 bakery consumers. The theoretical framework focusing on the developed marketing mix, consisting of product, price, place, and promotion that resulted positively, and significantly related to consumers’ behaviour in their decision making. Based on the results of this study, it show that the freshness of bakery products leads to the tendency of weekly purchase among consumers. Although consumers’ monthly income is ranging between RM1000-RM4000, the amount of RM51-RM100 as the cost of buying bakery products is considered as preferable and valuable. Moreover, consumers tend to spend their time in bakery within 20 to 30 minutes. Bagus Bakery has become the most visited bakery because of its status as the preferred convenient place with promotional offers during festive season. The most common reason of buying bakery products is determined because of the variety selection. As the study has achieved its objectives, it can be concluded that consumers are having their impression while making the decision towards bakery products during the pre-purchase and post purchase.
  17. Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff, Khairiah Abdul Hamid, Saemah Rahman, Shahlan Surat, Syazarina Sharis Osman, Maziah Ahmad Marzuki
    Jurnal Sains Kesihatan Malaysia, 2018;16(2):101-111.
    Inferior parietal lobule (IPL) and inferior temporal gyrus (ITG) are two important brain regions for the default mode
    network (DMN). IPL has been known to be involved in the control of attention and responding to given information while
    ITG is involved in the processing and perception awakened by visual stimuli. These two key DMN regions are highly
    interconnected as determined from white matter and fiber tracking studies. However, little is known about their nature
    of connectivity while the brain is at rest, whether it is linear, bilinear or nonlinear and whether it is of mono- or bidirection. Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) data were obtained from 7 healthy male and
    female participants (average age = 20.7 ± 4.5 years) and were concatenated. Data were analyzed using statistical
    parametric mapping (SPM12). Endogenous brain signals were modelled by Fourier series at 0.01 – 0.08 Hz. IPL-ITG
    connected linear, bilinear and non-linear causal models in both hemispheres were constructed and estimated by means of
    stochastic dynamic causal modelling (sDCM) and were compared using Bayesian Model Selection (BMS) for group studies.
    Group fixed-effects results indicated that bilateral IPL and ITG exhibited high neural activity at a corrected significant
    level (pFWE < 0.05). Neural activity was centered in ITG (-32/2/-38) in the left hemisphere but shifted to IPL (32/-38/50) in
    the right hemisphere indicating different control center for both hemispheres. BMS selected bilinear model as the optimal
    model for both hemispheres (model posterior probability ~ 1.0; log evidence > 1000) which has the best balance between
    model accuracy and difficulty. The minimum free energy (F) = -4.41 × 104
    and -4.09 × 104
    for left and right hemisphere
    bilinear models respectively. From BMS and DCM results, it was found that IPL and ITG do have a dynamic collaboration
    between each other, a connectivity that belongs to a greater network when the brain is at rest. The intrinsic connections
    between them are negative in both directions i.e. IPL and ITG mutually inhibited each other. The effective connectivity
    was modulated by the endogenous fluctuation of the brain signal.
  18. Sabih D, Ahmad E, Sabih A, Sabih Q
    Biomed Imaging Interv J, 2010 10 01;6(4):e38.
    PMID: 21611074 DOI: 10.2349/biij.6.4.e38
    The authors report a case of a cephalopagus conjoined twin that was diagnosed at 29 weeks of gestation despite the mother having had two ultrasounds done previously. The fetus had one head and face, fused thoraces, common umbilicus but had two pelvises and two sets of genitalia. The fetus had four normally formed legs and arms.Antenatal ultrasound images are supplemented by post natal photographs. A review of literature, clues to ultrasound diagnosis and possible causes of missing this significant abnormality until the 3rd trimester are discussed.
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