Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 698 in total

  1. Anggraini NA, Ambarika R, Fawzi A, Sanaty BA, Sansuwito TB
    Enferm Clin, 2020 06;30 Suppl 5:119-121.
    PMID: 32713548 DOI: 10.1016/j.enfcli.2019.11.036
    Accidents are the fourth cause of death, after heart disease, cancer and stroke, ±50 increases per year 100,000 population each year, 3% of the causes of death are due to direct spinal cord trauma, 2% due to multiple trauma. Attitudes or responses are very closely related to the handling of pre-hospital prevention of cervical injury in traffic accident patients because a positive response will affect the accuracy in handling pre-hospital prevention of cervical injury in traffic accident patients. This study aims to determine the relationship of perceptions with public attitudes about the handling of pre-hospital prevention of cervical injury in traffic accident patients in the village of Watdek, Southeast Maluku. The design of this study is a correlation with approach cross sectional. The sample size is 67 respondents. Sampling using simple random sampling, data collection using questionnaires and calculation processes using the test chi-square using SPSS 18.0 α 0.05 error. The results of this study showed that most 32 respondents had sufficient perceptions and 13 of them had negative attitudes in handling pre-hospitals cervical injury prevention and a small proportion of respondents (5 respondents) had good perceptions and positive attitudes. A good perception, especially in the pre-hospital treatment of cervical injury prevention in traffic accident patients will be intelligence, especially a positive response if you meet with an accidental community with the attitude that is in accordance with the first limping procedure in patients with cervical injury. So that the action can help patients before arriving at a health facility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  2. Mohd Mydin FH, Othman S
    J Interpers Violence, 2020 11;35(23-24):6041-6066.
    PMID: 29294874 DOI: 10.1177/0886260517726411
    This qualitative study attempts to explore the definition, perceptions, practice experience, and barriers of primary care physicians (PCPs) in identifying and intervening in cases of elder abuse and neglect at the primary care level. Semistructured in-depth interview was conducted among 10 PCPs. Participants were selected by purposive sampling. The interviews were audio recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using thematic analysis. In general, PCPs showed consistency in defining elder abuse and neglect. PCPs considered that they were optimally positioned to intervene in cases of elder abuse and neglect, but indicated the potential of overlooking such problems. The hurdles faced by PCPs in the identification and intervention of elder abuse were determined to be occurring at three levels: clinical, organizational, and policy. At the clinical level, PCPs recognize that they are lacking both the confidence and knowledge of elder abuse and neglect intervention. PCPs' conflicting personal and professional beliefs create barriers during the clinical practice. Time constraints, patients' other clinical problems, and, in addition, the preservation of a good doctor-patient relationship overshadow the importance of addressing and intervening in elder abuse and neglect issues during the consultation. This is further exacerbated by the barriers perceived by the patients: their nondisclosure and reluctance to accept outside intervention. At the organizational level, the lack of efficient interagency networks or support for the health system poses barriers. At the policy level, the absence of legislation specifically addressing elder abuse also creates considerable difficulties. However, PCPs gave differing responses when asked about a law concerning the elderly and mandatory reporting. Addressing these multilevel barriers is critical for ensuring that opportunities arising at the primary care level for elder maltreatment intervention are correctly utilized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  3. Akbar Z, Saleem Z, Shaukat A, Farrukh MJ
    J Glob Antimicrob Resist, 2021 06;25:157-161.
    PMID: 33789207 DOI: 10.1016/j.jgar.2021.03.013
    OBJECTIVES: Antimicrobial resistance is a major health concern worldwide. Community pharmacists can play an important role in rational antibiotic use. This study aimed to evaluate the perception and practices of community pharmacists regarding antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) in Lahore, Pakistan.

    METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among community pharmacists in Lahore from 1 November 2017 to 31 December 2017. A self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection. Non-probability convenience sampling was performed to select community pharmacists. Descriptive statistics were applied and Mann-Whitney U-tests and Kruskal-Wallis tests were performed to compare independent groups using SPSS v.20.0. A P-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Perception and practice scores were determined to access community pharmacist knowledge regarding AMS. A score of 0.5-1 was considered to be very good.

    RESULTS: The overall response rate was 70.9%. Sex, age, work experience and education level did not significantly influence the perception and practices of community pharmacists. Experienced pharmacists showed a better response to AMS. The majority of pharmacists strongly agreed that they educate patients on the use of antimicrobials and resistance-related issues.

    CONCLUSION: It was concluded that community pharmacists in Lahore have good perception regarding AMS and they are practicing it well. But there are several gaps in their practices that must be filled, such as dispensing without a prescription and dispensing for a longer duration than prescribed. Additionally, there should be strict implementation of guidelines for dispensing antibiotics in order to rationalise antibiotic use and decrease antimicrobial resistance.

    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  4. Lohrey S, Chua M, Gros C, Faucet J, Lee JKW
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Nov 10;794:148260.
    PMID: 34328123 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148260
    Extreme heat is an increasing climate threat, most pronounced in urban areas where poor populations are at particular risk. We analyzed heat impacts and vulnerabilities of 1027 outdoor workers who participated in a KAP survey in Hanoi, Vietnam in 2018, and the influence of their mitigation actions, their knowledge of heat-risks, and access to early warnings. We grouped respondents by their main income (vendors, builders, shippers, others, multiple jobs, and non-working) and analyzed their reported heat-health impacts, taking into consideration socioeconomics, knowledge of heat impacts and preventive measures, actions taken, access to air-conditioning, drinking amounts and use of weather forecasts. We applied linear and logistic regression analyses using R. Construction workers were younger and had less knowledge of heat-health impacts, but also reported fewer symptoms. Older females were more likely to report symptoms and visit a doctor. Access to air-conditioning in the bedroom depended on age and house ownership, but did not influence heat impacts as cooling was too expensive. Respondents who knew more heat exhaustion symptoms were more likely to report impacts (p < 0.01) or consult a doctor (p < 0.05). Similarly, those who checked weather updates were more likely to report heat impacts (p < 0.01) and experienced about 0.6 more symptoms (p < 0.01). Even though occupation type did not explain heat illness, builders knew considerably less (40%; p < 0.05) about heat than other groups but were twice as likely to consult a doctor than street vendors (p < 0.01). Knowledge of preventive actions and taking these actions both correlated positively with reporting of heat-health symptoms, while drinking water did not reduce these symptoms (p < 0.01). Child carers and homeowners experienced income losses in heatwaves (p < 0.01). The differences support directed actions, such as dissemination of educational materials and weather forecasts for construction workers. The Red Cross assisted all groups with cooling tents, provision of drinks and health advice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  5. Khatijah, L.A.
    JUMMEC, 2007;10(2):37-42.
    Leadership style has been shown to be an important determinant of organisational success. The aim of this preliminary study was to develop an understanding of leadership style of three employees with leadership responsibility in a hospital. All the participants were interviewed using a structured questionnaire around a framework on leadership behaviours followed by self administered T-P leadership questionnaire and voluntary completion of a leadership perception survey by each of the participant’s colleagues. The results suggest that whilst individuals are aspiring to be transformational in style, key barriers such as organisational culture, inter-professional dynamics and lack of leadership development meant responses more characteristic of a transactional style were encountered. There is a need to have joint responsibility between developing the individual leadership style and the organisation that facilitates such development for their leaders. The author concludes that a more analytical approach to leadership and mentorship opportunities for developments is required.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  6. Rajeev Bhat, Wipawee Yodkraisri
    The main objective of the present study was to produce crispy deep fried chips from lotus rhizome with acceptable organoleptic qualities. Effects of three different frying temperatures (180, 190 and 200°C, for 15-20 sec) on the overall qualities (proximate composition, texture and sensory) of lotus rhizome chips were determined. Prior to frying, freshly procured rhizomes were sliced uniformly (thickness of ~2.5 mm, diameter ~ 5.2mm), blanched in hot water (85°C for 3.5 min) and dried in a hot air vacuum oven (60°C, 24 h). Results on textural studies showed force required to break the chips to be dependent on temperature. Sensory quality results revealed high acceptability for chips produced by frying at 200°C. This reported work being a preliminary study, further research works is warranted to standardize the protocols for industrial scale production of lotus rhizome chips, with improved taste and flavour, keeping in mind the safety and quality issues.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taste Perception
  7. Tan AK, Mallika P, Md Aziz S, Asokumaran T, Intan G
    Malays Fam Physician, 2008;3(2):87-90.
    PMID: 25606123 MyJurnal
    Purpose. To highlight the importance of using the Farnsworth Panel D-15 Hue test in colour vision testing in patients on ethambutol treatment. Case Report. A 70 year-old lady received ethambutol as part of her anti-tuberculous regime. She developed blue-yellow colour defect detectable with the Farnsworth Panel D-15 Hue test, but not with the Isihara Pseudoisochromatic Plates. Ethambutol was immediately discontinued from her anti-tuberculous regime. Two months later, her colour vision returned to normal. Conclusion. This case report illustrates the importance of regular monitoring of patients receiving ethambutol for blue-yellow colour defect using the Farnsworth Panel D-15 Hue Test.
    Matched MeSH terms: Color Perception Tests
  8. Ab Murat, N.
    Ann Dent, 2008;15(2):71-76.
    Teaching is a complex activity which consists not only of giving instructions but also promotion of learning. Different students have different preference for learning styles. Dental educators must therefore attempt to mix and match their methods of teaching to accommodate students with differing learning styles to provide an opportunity to maximize their learning. This paper aims to share the writer's experience and students' perceptions towards a different mode of teaching/learning method. The Jigsaw Classroom method was employed on University of Malaya's third-year dental students during their Water Fluoridation lecture. At the end of the session, students were asked to reflect upon the learning experience and to inscribe their feelings. Initially, students showed their resentment towards the new learning style but their resistance changed once they got into a group and started to learn from each other. In the reflective essay, most students expressed that learning through teaching and discussing as required in the Jigsaw method enhanced their understanding of the topic and they claimed that they were able to retain the information better. In this study, the Jigsaw method proved that learning in the lecture hall can be fun, educational and enriching.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  9. Tan SF, Chong CP, Chooi WT
    An assessment on the use of acetaminophen (paracetamol) among consumers would
    provide guidance for implementing strategies to overcome the misuse of acetaminophencontaining
    products. This study aims to evaluate Malaysian consumers’ practices,
    perceptions and understanding regarding the use of acetaminophen. A semi-structured
    qualitative study utilising face-to-face interviews was conducted among 14 consumers
    aged 24 to 82 years old who live in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Transcripts of all the
    interviews were generated from audio tapes and were analysed for the issues and themes
    emerging from the text; the transcripts were independently coded and verified by experts.
    The consumers had a positive attitude towards the popularity, safety and efficacy of
    acetaminophen. The consumers predominantly used acetaminophen for pain and fever.
    Some consumers tended to increase the frequency and dosage of acetaminophen
    consumption if their condition persisted. Consumers had difficulty recognising the generic
    acetaminophen-containing products available in the market. Health literacy investigations
    have found that consumers have a lack of knowledge regarding the correct dosing
    regimen for acetaminophen in adults and children. The consumers were not aware of the
    precautions and toxicities of acetaminophen. To increase awareness of acetaminophen
    poisoning in Malaysia, the consumers suggested that educational tools regarding the
    proper use of acetaminophen are needed from the Ministry of Health and policy-makers.
    The information gained from this study emphasises the importance of educational
    interventions to educate the public on the proper use of acetaminophen in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  10. Lake, S.T., Aug, L.C.
    This survey elucidated the perceptions and implementation 0f orthodontic Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) by all ortlmduntistc and dental officers in the Ministry of Health Mahysia (MOH). Two different set: uf xelf-administered questionnaires were targeted at first·year dental officers (FYDO), dental officcrx (DO) and administrative Senior Dental Officers (SDO) in one group and unhocluntists in another group. Only 30% responded from a total of 1,327 MOH dental officers, with no participation from three States. Majority (89%) of officers have heard of CPG: although some were unsure of their purpose and usage. About 69% have read orthodontic CPG; of whom 87% have read other MOH dental CPG:. About 78.6% found CPGs 'gaud to excellenf but 16,0% did not answer this question. Same comments received included: language was confusing, inadequate details and pictures, need improvement, irrelevant, need CPG: for other orthodontic problems, need more knowledge first and requests for mare copies. Only 27.7% used them often, 53% occasionally and 15% hardly follow CPG:. About 82% felt that they were encouraged to use CPGx in their workplace and the majority (86%) knew where they were kept especially SDC: and DO; About 90% in the orthndonzist group have received hard copies of orthodontic CPGs but the majority (76%) has not seen them on the website. Although all felt that CPG; were useful to officers and encouraged their use, only 62.5% have introduced CPGs to their officers. There was generally more awareness and usage of CPGS among SDOs compared with DOs and FY DO; The dissemination and availability of orthodontic CPG: is reasonably good. However, the implementation by mthodontists and administrative officers can be improved for better awareness, understanding and usage by dental officers, especially FYDOs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  11. Jalina Karim, Nabishah Mohamad, John HV Gilbert, Ismail Saibon, Subhan Thamby Mohd Meerah, Hamidah Hassan, et al.
    Introduction: Teaching strategy for nursing students need to be varied for the future preparation and to increase confident level in delivering quality care to patients. Interprofessional learning (IPL) is a way to encourage collaboration among health professional teams that will drive them to collaborate with, from and about other profession and thus, it allow students to have greater knowledge. Currently, they are unable to learn together during the clinical posting due to professional boundaries. Objective: To explore nursing student knowledge and perception on interprofessional learning. Method: This paper presents a focus group discussion with a group of nursing students (n= 8). A semi structured guide was used and focused on knowledge, experiences and benefit related to IPL. Result: Data was analysed and four major themes emerged; 1. learning with, from and about other health professionals, 2. communication skills, 3. teamwork and 4. future preparation. Conclusion: This study suggested that the interprofessional learning in the teaching and learning strategy should be introduced to the nursing students as to involve them with interprofessional learning and extend their understanding on other health professionals roles. In addition, it is an opportunity for them to work collaboratively with other health professionals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  12. Mohd Said, N., Rogayah, A., Hafizah, A.
    Medicine & Health, 2008;3(2):274-279.
    Learning environment in the universities plays an important role in producing highly competent graduates especially in nursing profession. Thus, the most important as-pects are the teaching activities and as well as student – teacher interaction in daily environment in the university. To investigate the International Islamic University Malay-
    sia (IIUM) nursing students experience towards their teachers and to identify the rela-tionship between teaching and students learning perception in their learning environ-ment. This study used quantitative method and utilized two out of five subscales in Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measurement (DREEM). The subscales used
    were students’ perception of learning (SPoL) , students’ perception of teacher (SPoT)
    and total items in these both subscales are 12 and 11 items, respectively. The ques-tionnaire results revealed that IIUM nursing students scored 28.54/48.00 in (SPoL) and
    28.13/44.00 in (SPoT). Both findings showed  the IIUM nursing students’ experience their teachers and the learning environment are moving in towards positive directions. The regression finding was 51% of the total variation in students’ perception of teacher score was explained by students’ perception of learning. Although the overall sub-scales (SPoL) score in the current study falls in the category of a more positive per-ception, 2 out of 12 items were poorly scored by the IIUM nursing students. The re-searcher strongly agrees that listening to  the expression of students is an important consideration for an educational institution. The overall mean score for (SPoT) showed that the students perceived their teachers as moving in the right direction. In this pre-sent IIUM study, one item showed a mean score of less then 2.00. As a result, these two subscales most probably should reflect the same outcome such as in their aca-demic performance and experience greatly during their student life on campus. The arising issues from this DREEM study at IIUM embrace the need for the creation of supportive environment as well as designing and implementing interventions to remedy unsatisfactorily elements of the learning environment for more effective and successful teaching and learning to be realised.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  13. Khani A, Mustafar F, Rainer G
    Cell Rep, 2018 05 22;23(8):2405-2415.
    PMID: 29791851 DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.04.076
    Despite well-known privileged perception of dark over light stimuli, it is unknown to what extent this dark dominance is maintained when visual transients occur in rapid succession, for example, during perception of moving stimuli. Here, we address this question using dark and light transients presented at different flicker frequencies. Although both human participants and tree shrews exhibited dark dominance for temporally modulated transients, these occurred at different flicker frequencies, namely, at 11 Hz in humans and 40 Hz and higher in tree shrews. Tree shrew V1 neuronal activity confirmed that differences between light and dark flicker were maximal at 40 Hz, corresponding closely to behavioral findings. These findings suggest large differences in flicker perception between humans and tree shrews, which may be related to the lifestyle of these species. A specialization for detecting dark transients at high temporal frequencies may thus be adaptive for tree shrews, which are particularly fast-moving small mammals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  14. Lim YJ, Jamaluddin R, Er YT
    Nutrients, 2018 Jun 25;10(7).
    PMID: 29941848 DOI: 10.3390/nu10070819
    A microscale built environment was the focus in this cross-sectional study which aimed to investigate the associations between platescapes, foodscapes, and meal energy intake among subjects. A total of 133 subjects (54 male, 79 female) with mean age 36.8 ± 7.3 years completed a self-administered questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics, platescapes, and foodscape preferences. For platescapes, a plate mapping method was used, where subjects were required to place various sizes of food models on two different sized plates (23 cm and 28 cm) based on their preferences. For foodscape preferences, subjects were given a 23-cm plate and various food models differentiated by shapes and colours. Then, 24-h daily recalls (for one weekday and one weekend day) were obtained using interviews. Significant differences were observed in meal energy intake (p < 0.05) between males (1741 ± 339 kcal) and females (1625 ± 247 kcal) and also between age groups (p < 0.05). There was a significant difference (p < 0.0001) in terms of subjects’ meal energy intake when comparing 23-cm plates (419 ± 124 kcal) and 28-cm plates (561 ± 143 kcal). The bigger plate (28 cm) (p < 0.01) was significantly associated with subjects’ meal energy intakes, but this was not so for the 23-cm plate. There were significant differences in subjects’ meal energy when comparing white rice and multicoloured rice (p < 0.0001), unicoloured and multicoloured proteins (p < 0.0001), and unicoloured and multicoloured vegetables (p < 0.0001). There was a significant difference found between round- and cube-shaped proteins (p < 0.05). The colours of rice (p < 0.01), protein (p < 0.05), and vegetables (p < 0.05) were significantly associated with subjects’ meal energy. Only the shape of carrots in vegetables (p = 0.01) was significantly associated with subjects’ meal energy. Subconsciously, platescapes and foodscapes affect an individual’s energy intake, and thus these elements should be considered in assessing one’s dietary consumption.
    Matched MeSH terms: Size Perception*; Visual Perception*
  15. Noor Aziah, A.A., Komathi, C.A.
    There is an increasing demand for fibre rich food and food ingredients. In this study, pumpkin pulp, unripe banana pulp, unripe mango pulp and peel which are high in dietary fibre were processed into flour and substituted at 5% level for wheat flour in a composite flour crackers formulation. The control crackers comprised of 100% wheat flour. Sensory evaluation was conducted using a 9-point hedonic scale with 31 panelists evaluating the crackers based on colour, crrispiness, taste and overall acceptance. Different types of composite flour crackers were not significantly different (p≤0.05) in term of crispiness. For colour, taste and overall acceptance, the pumpkin, banana and control crackers differ significantly (p≤0.05) with the mango pulp and mango peel crackers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Taste Perception
  16. Nasyira, M.N., Othman, M., Ghazali, H.
    Employees are an asset to an organisation where they could be the determinant behind organisational’s success or failure in an industry. In this study, the relationship between perceived organisational support (POS), perceived supervisor support (PSS), and organisational commitment (OC) with employee’s intention to stay with their current jobs were studied. For that purpose, 717 questionnaires were collected among casual dining restaurants employees in Klang Valley area and analyses Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression were run by using SPSS version 21. The results suggest that POS, PSS, and OC were positively correlated with employee’s intention to stay with their current job. Furthermore, OC was also found to be the most influential factor in affecting employees’ staying intention. The finding is hoped to have important implications where the management can formulate strategies to retain employees in restaurant industry in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  17. Sukadarin, E.H., Qian, F.S., Zakaria, J., Deros, B.M., Nawi, N.S.M.
    Prolonged sitting is one of the factors for back discomfort. Sitting in the same position for long periods of time is worse.
    This experimental based study was conducted to achieve three objectives. There were to 1) identify whether is there any
    differences between perceived body discomfort among respondents before and after upright sitting, 2) identify whether
    is there any differences between perceived body discomfort among respondents before and after slump sitting and 3)
    compare the level of perceived body discomfort among respondents after two sitting postures. Thirty young and healthy
    adults were recruited as study respondents. Each respondent was asked to sit in a posture either upright or slump for 30
    minutes. Respondents were then rated their body discomfort using Borg CR-10 scale before and after sitting. Another
    sitting posture was carried out after one day interval. There is a significant difference between perceived body
    discomfort among respondents before and after upright and slump sitting. Body discomfort of upright sitting was shown
    significantly greater than slump sitting. Although, slump sitting caused less discomfort than upright, but it proven by
    previous studies did not provide benefit to occupational safety and health practice in preventing occupational health
    related disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  18. Gul Y, Sultan Z, Jokhio GA
    Heliyon, 2018 Aug;4(8):e00715.
    PMID: 30094383 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2018.e00715
    It has been reported in the literature that the perception of crime at the neighbourhood level inversely affects the walking behaviour of individuals. On the other hand, the gated neighbourhoods are considered safe from crime, however, there is a lack of research on the association of the perception of crime and walking in gated neighbourhoods. Therefore, the objectives of the study reported in this paper were to investigate the association between the perception of crime and walking in gated and non-gated neighbourhoods. A questionnaire was used to collect the data on walking and the perception of crime in 16 neighbourhoods of Karachi Pakistan, 8 out of which were gated. Independent sample t-test and gamma tests were used for the data analysis. The results show that although there is a lower perception of crime in the gated neighbourhoods, yet the inhabitants of gated neighbourhoods engage in less physical activity comprising of walking. In spite of a greater perception of crime in non-gated neighbourhoods, higher values of walking were reported by the residents of those neighbourhoods. Therefore, it has been concluded that there does not exist a definite relationship between the perception of crime and walking behaviour at the neighbourhood level and the perceived safety from crime claimed by the proponents of the gated neighbourhoods does not encourage walking among the residents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  19. Wan Baharudin Wan Mahmood, Khairuddin Idris, Bahaman Abu Samah, Zoharah Omar
    Employees support during the implementation of planned organizational changes is important to ensure
    successful change. Therefore, this study attempts to explain the phenomenon of behavioral support for
    change by integrating Lewin's Three Steps Model and Theory of Planned Behaviour. The literature
    review of planned organizational change models developed by previous researchers based on the Three
    Steps of Lewin Change Model was undertaken before the change model for this study was developed which involved three phases of change namely motivation to change, commitment to change, and
    behavioural support for change. Based on that model, the Theory of Planned Behaviour was used to
    explain the relationship between the variables where perceived benefits of change (attitude), supervisor
    support (subjective norms) and change self-efficacy (perceived behavioural control) was predicted to
    influence commitment to change (behavioral intention), which in turn affects individual behaviour to
    support change (behavior). Subsequently, this study proposes a conceptual model based on the latest
    literature to be implemented in depth empirical studies to test the proposed model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Perception
  20. Noor Zalikha Mohamed Islam, Nadras Othman, Zulkifli Ahmad, Hanafi Ismail
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1123-1127.
    This paper describes the effect of pro-degradant additives (PDA) on photo-oxidative aging of polypropylene (PP) films after being time accelerated in UV-weathering chamber. Thin films (0.12 mm) containing these additives were prepared by sheeting process. The effect of UV on PP films in the presence of these additives was investigated. Changes in the PP films appearance, tensile properties and carbonyl index (CI) were used to investigate the degradation behavior. The films became completely pulverised after 100 h of photo-oxidative treatment and could not be tested further. Films containing PDA showed rapid loss in tensile properties within 100 h of photo-oxidative aging. In addition, the CI results of photo-oxidative films increased with increasing PDA amount within the time interval of aging and the activity was due to the mechanism reaction of PP with PDA particles. During the aging process the material becomes denser due to tighter packing and incorporation of oxygen into the amorphous regions of the polymer. The results indicated that the presence of PDA contributed to the photo degradation and the activity was very much influenced by the amount PDA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Time Perception
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