METHODS: Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and Ovid MEDLINE were systematically searched for published articles. Articles were screened based of inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria were: (1) published in 2010-2020, (2) full original article, (3) written in English, (4) qualitative, mixed-methods article, observational or interventional study. The exclusion criteria were: (1) animal study, (2) in vivo/in vitro study, (3) type 1 diabetes or gestational DM and (4) conference abstract, book chapter, report, and systematic review. Eligible articles were assessed using Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) by three assessors.
RESULTS: A total of 11 articles were selected for qualitative synthesis from the initial 620 articles. The issues and challenges seen in T2DM primary prevention followed three themes: healthcare program (sub-themes: lack of resources, community partnership, participation, health literacy), health provider (sub-themes: lack of implementation, health care staff, collaboration, availability), individual (sub-themes: awareness, communication, misbehaviour, family conflict).
CONCLUSION: Factors relating to healthcare programmes, health providers, and individual issues are the main challenges in T2DM primary prevention. By establishing sustainable preventative initiatives that address these issues and challenges in the primary prevention of T2DM, a reduction in T2DM prevalence could be achievable.
METHODS: We performed a pooled analysis of individual patient data from cohort studies that included consecutive patients with ischemic stroke aged 18-50 years. We studied differences in prevalence of risk factors and causes of ischemic stroke between different ethnic and racial groups, geographic regions, and countries with different income levels. We investigated differences in 3-month mortality by mixed-effects multivariable logistic regression.
RESULTS: We included 17,663 patients from 32 cohorts in 29 countries. Hypertension and diabetes were most prevalent in Black (hypertension, 52.1%; diabetes, 20.7%) and Asian patients (hypertension 46.1%, diabetes, 20.9%). Large vessel atherosclerosis and small vessel disease were more often the cause of stroke in high-income countries (HICs; both p < 0.001), whereas "other determined stroke" and "undetermined stroke" were higher in low and middle-income countries (LMICs; both p < 0.001). Patients in LMICs were younger, had less vascular risk factors, and despite this, more often died within 3 months than those from HICs (odds ratio 2.49; 95% confidence interval 1.42-4.36).
DISCUSSION: Ethnoracial and regional differences in risk factors and causes of stroke at young age provide an understanding of ethnic and racial and regional differences in incidence of ischemic stroke. Our results also highlight the dissimilarities in outcome after stroke in young adults that exist between LMICs and HICs, which should serve as call to action to improve health care facilities in LMICs.
OBJECTIVE: The main focus of this review is to discuss and summarise the major risk factors associated with urbanisation that affect human gut microbiota thus affecting human health.
METHODS: Multiple medical literature databases, namely PubMed, Google, Google Scholar, and Web of Science were used to find relevant materials for urbanisation and its major factors affecting human gut microbiota/microbiome. Both layman and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms were used in the search. Due to the scarcity of the data, no limitation was set on the publication date. Relevant materials in the English language which include case reports, chapters of books, journal articles, online news reports and medical records were included in this review.
RESULTS: Based on the data discussed in the review, it is quite clear that urbanisation and its associated factors have long-standing effects on the human gut microbiota that result in alterations of gut microbial diversity and composition. This is a matter of serious concern as chronic inflammatory diseases are on the rise in urbanised societies.
CONCLUSION: A better understanding of the factors associated with urbanisation will help us to identify and implement new biological and social approaches to prevent and treat diseases and improve health globally by deepening our understanding of these relationships and increasing studies across urbanisation gradients.HIGHLIGHTSHuman gut microbiota have been linked to almost every important function, including metabolism, intestinal homeostasis, immune system, biosynthesis of vitamins, brain processes, and behaviour.However, dysbiosis i.e., alteration in the composition and diversity of gut microbiota is associated with the pathogenesis of many chronic conditions.In the 21st century, urbanisation represents a major demographic shift in developed and developing countries.During this period of urbanisation, humans have been exposed to many environmental exposures, all of which have led to the dysbiosis of human gut microbiota.The main focus of the review is to discuss and summarise the major risk factors associated with urbanisation and how it affects the diversity and composition of gut microbiota which ultimately affects human health.
METHODOLOGY: A prospective single-center cohort study was conducted in a tertiary care set-up. Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia patients registered with the pediatric unit were screened for hypercoagulability using TEG during six months of the study period and followed up for three years for the development of thromboembolic events. Patient demographics, history of splenectomy, Serum ferritin levels and annual red cell transfusion requirement (mL/kg/year) were assessed. TEG parameters used were R time, K time, alpha angle, Maximum amplitude, Clot index, and Lysis 30. The thrombin generation test (V Curve) obtained from the first-degree derivate of the TEG velocity curve was also used for analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 34 patients were recruited during the six months study period with an average age of 10.6 years ( ± 5.47). The average pre-transfusion hemoglobin level and the volume of packed red cells received were 7.24 g/dL and 152.82 mL/kg/year respectively. The TEG tracing was suggestive of a hypercoagulable state in 58.82% of patients. The mean values of angle (70.74), MA (64.16), CI (2.65) and TG (774.43) in TDT patients compared to age matched reference range (62.81, 57.99, 0.8, 577.83 respectively) was suggestive of prothrombotic changes. Annual blood transfusion requirement was negatively correlated with hypercoagulable status (-0.344, CI= -0.68 to 0.08). One out of 34 patients developed corona radiata infarct (with annual blood requirement; 112.7 mL/kg/Year). The risk to develop a hypercoagulable state appeared to be higher when the volume of RBCs transfused was less than 154 mL/kg/Year.
CONCLUSION: TDT patients are at risk of developing thromboembolism, and screening with TEG may be useful to identify those at high risk.
METHODS: We systematically searched MEDLINE, Embase and Google Scholar for observational studies and contacted national experts to estimate CKD prevalence in countries of Asia (Eastern, Southern and South Eastern Asia). CKD was defined as estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 or the presence of proteinuria. For countries without reported data, we estimated CKD prevalence using agglomerative average-linkage hierarchical clustering, based on country-level risk factors and random effects meta-analysis within clusters. Published CKD prevalence data were obtained for 16 countries (of the 26 countries in the region) and estimates were made for 10 countries.
RESULTS: There was substantial variation in overall and advanced (eGFR <30 mL/min/1.73 m2) CKD prevalence (range: 7.0%-34.3% and 0.1%-17.0%, respectively). Up to an estimated 434.3 million (95% CI 350.2 to 519.7) adults have CKD in Asia, including up to 65.6 million (95% CI 42.2 to 94.9) who have advanced CKD. The greatest number of adults living with CKD were in China (up to 159.8 million, 95% CI 146.6 to 174.1) and India (up to 140.2 million, 95% CI 110.7 to 169.7), collectively having 69.1% of the total number of adults with CKD in the region.
CONCLUSION: The large number of people with CKD, and the substantial number with advanced CKD, show the need for urgent collaborative action in Asia to prevent and manage CKD and its complications.
METHODS: A total of 29,850 participants (58% women) from 21 cohorts across six continents were included in an individual participant data meta-analysis. Sex-specific hazard ratios (HRs), and women-to-men ratio of hazard ratios (RHRs) for associations between RFs and all-cause dementia were derived from mixed-effect Cox models.
RESULTS: Incident dementia occurred in 2089 (66% women) participants over 4.6 years (median). Women had higher dementia risk (HR, 1.12 [1.02, 1.23]) than men, particularly in low- and lower-middle-income economies. Associations between longer education and former alcohol use with dementia risk (RHR, 1.01 [1.00, 1.03] per year, and 0.55 [0.38, 0.79], respectively) were stronger for men than women; otherwise, there were no discernible sex differences in other RFs.
DISCUSSION: Dementia risk was higher in women than men, with possible variations by country-level income settings, but most RFs appear to work similarly in women and men.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A dose-ranging analysis using SKF7® was conducted through a randomized, double-blind, multicentre, placebo-controlled, phase 2 clinical trial involving individuals with obesity (N = 133) between January 2020 and April 2021. The potential percentage of change was assessed in relation to BW, BMI, WC and WHtR.
RESULTS: Average treatment effect estimates (treatment group vs. placebo) show a statistically significant reduction in the percentage of change for BW (mean = -2.915; CI: -4.546, -1.285), BMI (-2.921; CI: -4.551, -1.291), WC (mean = -2.187; CI: -3.784, -0.589) and WHtR (mean = -2.294, CI: -3.908, -0.681) in the group with a total of 750 mg of SKF7® (p
METHODS: This qualitative study used vignettes and think-aloud methods. We recruited patients from a primary care clinic who were at least 18 years old, had high cardiovascular risk and had previously sought OHI. Participants were given two statin-related vignettes: Vignette 1 (low-quality information) and Vignette 2 (high-quality information). Participants voiced their thoughts aloud when reading the vignettes and determined the trust level for each vignette using a 5-point Likert scale. This was followed by a semi-structured interview which was audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were coded and analysed using thematic analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 20 participants were recruited, with age ranging from 38-74 years. Among all the high cardiovascular-risk participants, eight had pre-existing cardiovascular diseases. For Vignette 1 (low-quality information), five participants trusted it while nine participants were unsure of their trust. 17 participants (85%) trusted Vignette 2 (high-quality information). Five themes emerged from the analysis of how patients evaluated OHI: (1) logical content, (2) neutral stance and tone of OHI content, (3) credibility of the information source, (4) consistent with prior knowledge and experience, and (5) corroboration with information from other sources.
CONCLUSION: Patients with high cardiovascular risks focused on the content, source credibility and information consistency when evaluating and determining their trust in statin-related OHI. Doctors should adopt a more personalised approach when discussing statin-related online misinformation with patients by considering their prior knowledge, beliefs and experience of statin use.
METHODS: We used a mixed-method design to evaluate how participants used the smartphone diary tool and their perspectives on usability. Participants were high cardiovascular-risk patients recruited from a primary care clinic and used the tool for a week. We measured usability with the System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire and interviewed participants to explore utility and usability issues.
RESULTS: The information diary was available in three languages and tested with 24 participants. The mean SUS score was 69.8 ± 12.9. Five themes related to utility were: IDP functions as a health information diary; supporting discussion of health information with doctors; wanting a feedback function about credible information; increasing awareness of the need to appraise information; and wanting to compare levels of trust with other participants or experts. Four themes related to usability were: ease of learning and use; confusion about selecting the category of information source; capturing offline information by uploading photos; and recording their level of trust.
CONCLUSION: We found that the smartphone diary can be used as a research instrument to record relevant examples of information exposure. It potentially modifies how people seek and appraise topic-specific health information.
METHODS: We identified children ≤ 12 years old hospitalized for COVID-19 across five hospitals in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021 from the state's pediatric COVID-19 case registration system. The primary outcome was the development of moderate/severe COVID-19 during hospitalization. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to identify independent risk factors for moderate/severe COVID-19. A nomogram was constructed to predict moderate/severe disease. The model performance was evaluated using the area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy.
RESULTS: A total of 1,717 patients were included. After excluding the asymptomatic cases, 1,234 patients (1,023 mild cases and 211 moderate/severe cases) were used to develop the prediction model. Nine independent risk factors were identified, including the presence of at least one comorbidity, shortness of breath, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, seizures, temperature on arrival, chest recessions, and abnormal breath sounds. The nomogram's sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and AUC for predicting moderate/severe COVID-19 were 58·1%, 80·5%, 76·8%, and 0·86 (95% CI, 0·79 - 0·92) respectively.
CONCLUSION: Our nomogram, which incorporated readily available clinical parameters, would be useful to facilitate individualized clinical decisions.
DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study.
SETTING: Tertiary referral hospital.
PATIENTS: A total of 1894 women underwent PRS for advanced pelvic organ prolapse (POP) stages 3 to 4 with urodynamic findings of BOO.
MEASUREMENTS: The primary outcome measured was the resumption of normal voiding function, defined clinically with multichannel urodynamic testing at 1 year postoperatively. The secondary outcomes were to identify the different risk factors for persistence voiding dysfunction (VD) 1 year after PRS.
MAIN RESULTS: A total of 431 women with Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification stages 3 and 4, urodynamic study of maximum urinary flow rate ≤15 mL/s, and detrusor pressure at maximum flow ≥20 cm H2O were included. Resumption of normal voiding function was found in 91% (n = 392 of 431), whereas 9% (n = 39 of 431) remained to have VD 1 year postoperatively. Those with persistent VD, 20.5% (n = 8 of 39) remained having urodynamic diagnosis of BOO. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression revealed factors associated with postoperative VD were pre-operative maximal cystometric capacity ≥500 mL and postvoid residual volume ≥200 mL.
CONCLUSION: VD may persist in women with BOO after PRS, particularly in those with preoperative maximal cystometric capacity of >500 mL and postvoid residual volume >200 mL.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective study, medical records of patients admitted with hip fractures between 2019 and 2021 at Hospital Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah (HoSHAS) in Pahang were analyzed. Data on sociodemographic characteristics, nature of trauma, fracture types, and comorbidities were collected and examined using descriptive and inferential statistics.
RESULTS: Among 3856 Orthopaedic Department admissions at HoSHAS (2019-2021), 296 hip fracture cases were identified, predominantly in women (71.3%), Malay ethnicity (75.3%), and aged 71-80 (38.5%). Intertrochanteric femur fractures were prevalent (62.8%). Unintentional falls accounted for 94.9% of cases. Logistic regression showed age and gender as significant predictors of femoral neck fractures. Specifically, Chinese seniors were 1.96 times more likely, and women over 65 were 1.95 times more likely to suffer these fractures. Notably, the absence of comorbidities increased the risk by 3.41 times (p < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: With increased longevity among Malaysian citizen, the number of hip fracture cases are growing and leading to other health-related problems such as disability, depression, and cardiovascular. Various preventive interventions for osteoporosis and falls should be implemented to reduce the incidence of hip fractures among older adults.
METHODS: To clarify the shared molecular genetic basis of major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder and to highlight disorder-specific associations, we meta-analyzed data from the latest Psychiatric Genomics Consortium genome-wide association studies of major depression (including data from 23andMe) and bipolar disorder, and an additional major depressive disorder cohort from UK Biobank (total: 185,285 cases, 439,741 controls; nonoverlapping N = 609,424).
RESULTS: Seventy-three loci reached genome-wide significance in the meta-analysis, including 15 that are novel for mood disorders. More loci from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium analysis of major depression than from that for bipolar disorder reached genome-wide significance. Genetic correlations revealed that type 2 bipolar disorder correlates strongly with recurrent and single-episode major depressive disorder. Systems biology analyses highlight both similarities and differences between the mood disorders, particularly in the mouse brain cell types implicated by the expression patterns of associated genes. The mood disorders also differ in their genetic correlation with educational attainment-the relationship is positive in bipolar disorder but negative in major depressive disorder.
CONCLUSIONS: The mood disorders share several genetic associations, and genetic studies of major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder can be combined effectively to enable the discovery of variants not identified by studying either disorder alone. However, we demonstrate several differences between these disorders. Analyzing subtypes of major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder provides evidence for a genetic mood disorders spectrum.
METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study, between March 27, 2004 and November 2, 2022, in 279 ICUs of 95 hospitals in 44 cities in 9 Asian countries (China, India, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam).
RESULTS: 153,717 patients, followed during 892,996 patient-days, acquired 3,369 VAPs. We analyzed 10 independent variables. Using multiple logistic regression we identified following independent VAP RFs= Age, rising VAP risk 1% per year (aOR=1.01; 95%CI=1.00-1.01, Prisk 7% daily (aOR=1.07; 95%CI=1.06-1.07, Prisk.
CONCLUSIONS: Some identified VAP RFs are unlikely to change= age, gender, ICU type, facility ownership, country income level. Based on our results, we recommend limit use of tracheostomy, reducing LOS, reducing the MV/DU ratio, and implementing an evidence-based set of VAP prevention recommendations.