Displaying publications 2941 - 2960 of 10157 in total

  1. Nur Izzah Jamil, Rosemawati Ali, Siti Noor Dina Ahmad, Nurul Aityqah Yaacob, Nadiah Mohamed
    Statistics is one of the most important quantitative subjects in higher education. However, statistics subject is unappealing to many average students with varying background. Traditional teaching method of statistics which tend to emphasize on rote learning and heavy calculations can cause students to have negative perception thus stir anxiety towards statistics learning. Therefore, to address all these negative perceptions, it is important for educators to make a significant improvement in their teaching approach to make learning more dynamic, meaningful and inspiring. This study is aimed primarily to highlight the factors of a research instrument used to evaluate the implementation of a developed interactive learning tool namely XRace game board in providing active learning. An exploratory factor analysis suggested that out of 33 variables evaluated, there are six domains which account for 71.78% of the total variance which considerably reduce the complexity of the data set with 28.82% loss of information. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin value is 0.895 and Bartlett's test p-value=0.000 < 0.05 indicate factor analysis is feasible for this data set. There is no item removed since the communalities values are all above moderate (min=0.583, max=0.837). The principal component analysis with Varimax rotation method revealed six domains in term of Motivation, Novelty, Fun learning, Commercialization, Product features and Eco friendly. The results suggested that these six important domains were considered in the evaluation of the learning tool and the possibility of utilizing it in teaching any difficult courses in an interesting and engaging way without loss of rigor.
  2. Sajid MR, Muhammad N, Zakaria R, Shahbaz A, Bukhari SAC, Kadry S, et al.
    Interdiscip Sci, 2021 Jun;13(2):201-211.
    PMID: 33675528 DOI: 10.1007/s12539-021-00423-w
    BACKGROUND: In the broader healthcare domain, the prediction bears more value than an explanation considering the cost of delays in its services. There are various risk prediction models for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in the literature for early risk assessment. However, the substantial increase in CVDs-related mortality is challenging global health systems, especially in developing countries. This situation allows researchers to improve CVDs prediction models using new features and risk computing methods. This study aims to assess nonclinical features that can be easily available in any healthcare systems, in predicting CVDs using advanced and flexible machine learning (ML) algorithms.

    METHODS: A gender-matched case-control study was conducted in the largest public sector cardiac hospital of Pakistan, and the data of 460 subjects were collected. The dataset comprised of eight nonclinical features. Four supervised ML algorithms were used to train and test the models to predict the CVDs status by considering traditional logistic regression (LR) as the baseline model. The models were validated through the train-test split (70:30) and tenfold cross-validation approaches.

    RESULTS: Random forest (RF), a nonlinear ML algorithm, performed better than other ML algorithms and LR. The area under the curve (AUC) of RF was 0.851 and 0.853 in the train-test split and tenfold cross-validation approach, respectively. The nonclinical features yielded an admissible accuracy (minimum 71%) through the LR and ML models, exhibiting its predictive capability in risk estimation.

    CONCLUSION: The satisfactory performance of nonclinical features reveals that these features and flexible computational methodologies can reinforce the existing risk prediction models for better healthcare services.

  3. Tang H, Rasool Z, Khan AI, Khan AA, Khan MA, Azaz GA
    Int J Food Sci, 2021;2021:9985784.
    PMID: 34476257 DOI: 10.1155/2021/9985784
    This study examines the role of a private standard on corporate social responsibility (CSR) compliance in the Pakistani mango industry and how this compliance affects rural workers' motivation. Pakistan is the fifth largest mango producer in the world and the fourth largest exporter in global mango trade; also, mango is the biggest fruit crop within the country. Mango trade is subject to trade terms, where buyers decide the conditions of trade agreements by means of codes of conduct. The key dimensions of the codes involved in agrofood trade are food safety, traceability, worker welfare, and environmental consideration, issues which are all connected with CSR. Private standards ensure compliance with these codes of conduct. This study draws on interviews and a questionnaire survey with certified mango producers and farm workers in Pakistan. The mango industry also involves other stakeholders such as government institutes and NGOs; interviews were also conducted with their representatives. Given that this study is an impact assessment research, the researcher designed a theoretical framework using a mixed method approach to investigate the rationale behind acquiring the standard by the mango growers in Pakistan and what impact (if any) this shift has generated with regard to the farm workers' job satisfaction and motivation. This study is the first to empirically examine good agricultural practices in Pakistan and evaluate their impact. This study shows that private standards play a significant role in ensuring compliance, and CSR practices implemented through them were found to be positively related to the rural workers' job satisfaction and motivation. Furthermore, this study has made separate contributions to theory, methodology, and practice. The production of the synergistic model for improving compliance is among the key highlights of the study. The findings of this study can extend to other agriculture and primary production industry workers in Pakistan and even beyond to other developing countries' rural agriculture workers.
  4. Ho, S.E., Sumathi, U., Ismail, M.S., Choy, Y.C., Ahmad Zailani, H., Liu, C.Y.
    Medicine & Health, 2013;8(1):33-36.
    Child birth is associated with severely painful experience for the parturient, and often exceeds one’s expectations. Even though, severe pain is non life-threatening condition in healthy parturient women, it may lead to undesired neuropsychological consequences. When no analgesia was used, postnatal depression may be more common, and this labour pain leads to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder. Epidural analgesia is now considered gold standard for effective pain relief during labour. We here report a case of a 37-year-old G1 P0 patient at term gestation who successfully used epidural analgesia for labour pain management.
  5. Wan Noorina Wan Ahmad, Dalia Abdullah, Kanagasingam, Shalini, Safura Anita Baharin, Jasmina Qamaruz zaman
    Malaysian Dental Journal, 2010;31(2):90-93.
    This study aims to determine the prevalence of hand-held ProTaper® files system among UKM final year dental undergraduates and to assess their perception in performing endodontic treatments.

    Methods: 85 final year dental students from 2006/2007 academic session participated in the questionnaire survey. All students underwent didactic endodontic teaching of conventional stainless steel files throughout a 2-year course and a 2-day ProTaper® hand files seminar on canal preparation. Each student had a total of 6 months clinical period before the survey was distributed to the subjects and returned for data analysis.

    Results: A 100% response rate was received. About 58.8% (n=50) used hand ProTaper routinely while 41.2% claimed themselves as non-users. Amongst the users, 52.5% were moderate users and about 33.6% were frequent users. Tooth type and size of canals were the selected criteria for file use. Majority of users used ProTaper® hand for posterior teeth and regarded it as user friendly. Although almost all users expressed concern of instrument fracture during use, very few did break. Procedural errors were not experienced by 51.3% users.

    Conclusion: About 2/3rd majority of UKM undergraduate dental students use ProTaper® hand-held system as an alternative for canal preparation. Procedural errors were perceived to occur much less when using the NiTi files. The system can be initiated to novice users and can be taught as part of endodontic curricula.
  6. Raja Muhammad Zuha, Balkhis Bashuri, Supriyani Mustamin, Baharudin Omar, Nazni Wasi Ahmad
    In forensic entomology practice, it is more common to use raw animal tissue to breed dipteran larvae and it often brings unpleasant odour in the laboratory. Few studies suggested the use of synthetic diets, mainly agar-based media, as alternatives to animal tissue but it is rarely being practiced in forensic entomology laboratory. The present study observed the growth of a forensically important fly, Megaselia scalaris (Loew) on raw cow’s liver, nutrient agar, casein agar and cow’s liver agar. A total of 100 M. scalaris eggs were transferred each into the different media and placed in an incubator at 30°C in a continuous dark condition. Data on length and developmental period were collected by randomly sampling three of the largest larvae from each rearing media, twice a day at 0900 and 1500 hours until pupariation. M. scalaris larvae reared on raw cow’s liver recorded the highest mean length (4.23 ± 1.96 mm) followed by cow’s liver agar (3.79 ± 1.62 mm), casein agar (3.14 ± 1.16 mm) and nutrient agar (3.09 ± 1.11 mm). Larval length in raw liver and liver agar were significantly different from those in nutrient and casein agar (p < 0.05). Larvae bred in liver agar and raw liver recorded the shortest larval duration before entering the post-feeding stage (89 hours), followed by nutrient agar (119 hours) and casein agar (184 hours). Total developmental time from oviposition until adult emergence for M. scalaris in liver agar and raw liver was approximately 163 hours. All puparia in nutrient agar and casein agar failed to hatch. This research highlighted the potential use of cow’s liver agar as an alternative diet of raw liver to culture M. scalaris in laboratory.
  7. Lee, Szu Ming, Poh, Bee Koon, Mohd Ismail Noor, Ahmad Fuad Shamsuddin
    Kafein mempunyai kesan ergogenik terhadap golongan yang terlatih; walaubagaimanapun, kajian kesan fisiologi kafein terhadap golongan sedentari adalah amat terhad. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kesan kafein ke atas penggunaan oksigen dan tanggapan tahap lesu semasa senaman intensiti sederhana dalam kalangan dewasa muda perempuan yang sedentari. Subjek terdiri daripada 16 orang mahasiswi yang berumur antara 22 hingga 24 tahun. Kriteria penerimaan adalah tahap aktiviti fizikal yang rendah dan pengambilan kafein adalah kurang daripada 50 mg sehari, disaring dengan menggunakan Soal Selidik Aktiviti Fizikal Antarabangsa (versi pendek) dan soal selidik pengambilan kafein. Reka bentuk kajian eksperimental ini adalah buta tunggal, pindah silang, kawalan plasebo dengan semua subjek menjadi kawalannya tersendiri. Subjek dikehendaki malaporkan diri ke makmal untuk menjalankan dua sesi eksperimen selepas masing-masing mengambil kapsul plasebo atau kafein dengan selang masa 3 hari antara dua sesi eksperimen tersebut. Enam puluh minit selepas mengambil kapsul plasebo (Glucolin, glukosa) atau 100 mg kafein (Pro-plus, United Kingdom), subjek dikehendaki berlari di atas treadmill selama 30 minit pada kuasa kerja yang bersamaan 60% daripada anggaran maksimum kadar denyutan jantung. Penggunaan oksigen, kadar denyutan jantung dan tanggapan tahap lesu direkod pada minit ke-20, ke-25 dan ke-30, manakala tekanan darah direkod serta-merta selepas subjek menghabiskan larian. Perbezaan direkod selepas kesemua subjek menyempurnakan kedua-dua eksperimen plasebo dan kafein. Min peratus lemak tubuh subjek adalah 28.4 ± 5.4. Ujian t bersandar menunjukkan tiada perbezaan signifikan antara trial plasebo dengan trial kafein ke atas penggunaan oksigen (13.99 ± 2.47 vs 14.49 ± 1.73, p = 0.440), tanggapan tahap lesu (12.3 ± 2.5 vs 12.3 ± 2.1, p = 1.000), tekanan darah sistolik (113 ± 10 vs 117 ± 11, p = 0.129), tekanan diastolik (67 ± 8 vs 69 ± 10, p = 0.408) dan kadar denyutan jantung (127.3 ± 11.0 vs 127.1 ± 11.6, p = 0.912). Terdapat korelasi negatif tinggi yang signifikan antara peratusan lemak tubuh dengan pengambilan oksigen (r = –0.568, p < 0.05) serta korelasi positif tinggi yang signifikan antara peratusan lemak tubuh dengan tanggapan tahap lesu (r = 0.515, p < 0.05). Hasil kajian tidak meningkatkan kesan yang signifikan mungkin disebabkan oleh kesan saiz (effect size) kajian ini yang kecil (d = 0.24). Justeru itu, kajian masa depan yang melibatkan lebih ramai subjek harus dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan kafein semasa senaman dalam kalangan populasi sedentari.
  8. Mohd Al Amin Muhamad Nor, Maryam Mohd Ridzuan, Zainal Arifin Ahmad
    Ceramic materials play key role in several biomedical applications. One of them is bone graft which is use in treating bone defect which caused by injury or osteoporosis. Calcium phosphates based ceramic are preferred as bone grafts in hard tissue engineering because of their chemical compositions are similar to the composition of human bone, superior bioresorbable and bioactivity. In this study, β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) ceramic was synthesized by using sol-gel method. Phosphorous pentoxide (P2O5) and calcium nitrate tetrahydrate (Ca(NO3)2.4H2O) were used as calcium and phosphate precursors. The effects of calcination temperature on the synthesis powder were studied using the XRD, SEM-EDS and FTIR techniques. It was found that calcination temperature greatly influence the purity of the synthesized powders. The β-TCP was the dominant phase with the formation of α-TCP at calcination temperature from 600 to 800°C. Pure β-TCP was obtained at calcination of 900°C. As the temperature increased to 1000°C, the β-TCP was decomposed to for calcium phosphate oxide (CPO). The sol-gel method has some advantages over other methods, mainly its simplicity and ability to produce pure β-TCP at lower calcination temperature.
  9. Hutagalung, Sabar D., Eng, Siew T., Zainal A. Ahmad, Ishak Mat, Yussof Wahab
    One-dimensional nanostructure materials are very attractive because of their electronic and optical properties depending on their size. It is well known that properties of material can be tuned by reducing size to nanoscale because at the small sizes, that they behave differently with its bulk materials and the band gap will control by the size. The tunability of the band gap makes nanostructured materials useful for many applications. As one of the wide band gaps semiconductor compounds, zinc selenide (ZnSe) nanostructures (nanoparticles, nanowires, nanorods) have received much attention for the application in optoelectronic devices, such as blue laser diode, light emitting diodes, solar cells and IR optical windows. In this study, ZnSe nanostructures have been synthesized by reduction process of zinc selenate using hydrazine hydrate (N2H4.2H2O). The reductive agent of hydrazine hydrate was added to the starting materials of zinc selenate were heat treated at 500 o C for 1 hour under argon flow to form onedimensional nanostructures. The SEM and TEM images show the formation of nanocompositelike structures, which some small nanobars and nanopellets stick to the rod. The x-ray diffraction and elemental composition analysis confirm the formation of mixture zinc oxide and zinc selenide phases.
  10. Norlela Samsudin, Mazidah Puteh, Ahmad Nazmi Fadzal, Mohd Tajul Hasnan Mohd Tajuddin
    The advancement in communication and Internet technology leads to mass of online data available on the Internet. People communicate to each other with application such as Facebook, Twitter, Short Message Service and e-forum. Entries or posts from these applications are known as microtexts. Normally a microtext is very short, very noisy and does not follow the correct structure of a sentence either in the English language or the Malay language. High occurrence of noisy texts decreases the accuracy value when microtexts are processed. This paper proposes a prototype of a system known as Sistem Penterjemahan Mesej Atas Talian (SPMAT). The objective of the system is to 'clean' noisy texts in microtexts that are created online by the Malaysian. 5000 Facebook messages, 5000 Twitter messages and 5000 e-forum messages were collected. From these sources, few lists such as common noisy texts list, common acronyms list artificial abbreviations list and Bi-gram index were created and used in the normalization processed. In addition, the system kept messages that it normalized and updated the corpus when instructed by the user. The methods used in SPMAT had been tested with 100 online messages. The result indicated that 80% of the noisy texts incorporated in these messages had been identified and cleaned correctly.
  11. Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff, Mohd Harith Hashim, Mohd Mahadir Ayob, Iskandar Kassim
    Kajian garis pangkal pengimejan resonans magnet kefungsian (fMRI) telah dijalankan di Jabatan Radiologi, Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ke atas seorang subjek lelaki sihat berumur 25 tahun menggunakan sistem pengimejan resonans magnet (MRI) 1.5 T. Kajian ini menggunakan gerakan jari tangan kanan dan kiri untuk merangsang aktiviti neuron di dalam korteks serebrum. Subjek diarahkan supaya menekan jari-jari pada ibu jari secara bergilir-gilir semasa imbasan kefungsian dilakukan. Paradigma 5 kitar aktifrehat digunakan dengan setiap kitar masing-masing mengandungi 20 siri pengukuran. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa rantau otak yang aktif akibat gerakan jari adalah girus presentral merangkumi kawasan motor primer. Pengaktifan otak adalah secara kontralateral terhadap gerakan jari tangan kanan dan kiri. Keamatan isyarat keadaan aktif didapati lebih tinggi daripada keamatan isyarat keadaan rehat. Analisis yang dilakukan ke atas beberapa rantau pengaktifan yang diminati (ROI) pada beberapa hirisan menunjukkan perbezaan yang bererti (p < 0.05) antara keamatan keadaan aktif dan rehat untuk nilai ambang statistik (Z) = 1.0 dan 1.5. Perbezaan purata antara kedua-dua purata keamatan isyarat keadaan aktif dan rehat pada manamana hirisan untuk kedua-dua nilai Z menunjukkan magnitud pengaktifan yang lebih tinggi pada hemisfera kanan otak iaitu apabila subjek menggerakkan tangan kirinya. Bilangan voksel yang aktif juga didapati lebih tinggi pada hemisfera kanan berbanding pada hemisfera kiri otak. Keputusan ini menyokong fakta bahawa bagi subjek yang tidak kidal, kawasan pengaktifan motor pada hemisfera kanan otak semasa gerakan jari tangan kiri mengalami rangsangan hemodinamik yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan hemisfera kiri otak semasa gerakan jari tangan kanan. Fenomena rangsangan hemodinamik yang diperhatikan dalam kajian ini dibincangkan berdasarkan kepada kebergantungan kontras isyarat kepada aras oksigen darah (BOLD).
  12. Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff, Mohd Harith Hashim, Mohd Mahadir Ayob, Iskandar Kassim
    Kajian garis pangkal pengimejan resonans magnet kefungsian (fMRI) telah dijalankan ke atas 2 orang subjek lelaki sihat (kidal dan tidak kidal) masing-masing berumur 22 dan 25 tahun. Imbasan fMRI dijalankan menggunakan sistem pengimejan resonans magnet (MRI) 1.5 T di Jabatan Radiologi, Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan gerakanjari tangan kanan dan kiri untuk merangsang aktiviti neuron di dalam korteks serebrum. Paradigma 5 kitar aktifIrehat digunakan dengan setiap kitar mengandungi satu blok aktif dan satu blok rehat yang masing-masing mengandungi 10 siri pengukuran. Imej fMRI dianalisis menggunakan pekej perisian MatLab dan pemetaan statistik berparameter 2 (sPM2). Proses pendaftaran jasad tegar menggunakan penjelmaan afin 6 parameter dilakukan ke atas kesemua imej kefungsian berwajaran T2*. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa pergerakan subjek adalah minimum sama ada dalam arah translasi (< 1 mm) atau putaran (< 1 ). Kesemua imej dinormalkan melalui proses peledingan tak linear menggunakan penjelmaan afin 12 parameter dan didapati sepadan dengan pencontoh yang telahpun mematuhi ruang anatomi piawai. Walau bagaimanapun, bentuk, resolusi dan kontras imej kefungsian telah berubah sedikit berbanding dengan imej asal. Pelicinan imej menggunakan kernel Gaussian isotropik 6 mm menyebabkan data imej lebih bersifat parametrik dengan kehilangan yang ketara dalam resolusi dan kontras. Pengasingan struktur yang dilakukan ke atas imej berwajaran T1 mengklaskan tisu otak kepadajirim kelabu, jirim putih dan bendalir serebrospina. Pasca pemprosesan ruang bagi imej kefungsian dan struktur menjadikan data imej bersifat parametrik dengan taburan jenis Gaussian dan sedia untuk dianalisis menggunakan model linear am dan teori medan rawak Gaussian.
  13. Fadhli, Y., Azaadi, O., Noor Ani, A., Balkish, M.N., Ahmad Jessree, K., Tahir, A.
    The National Health and Morbidity Survey 2011 was a nationally representative household survey of non-institutionalized Malaysian population who were residing in Malaysia for at least 2 weeks prior to data collection. The aim of the survey was to provide health related community–based data and information to support Ministry of Health, Malaysia, in reviewing health priorities, programme strategies and activities, and planning for allocation of resources. There were twelve research scopes included in the survey. The sample size was calculated based on the requirement for each scope. A two-stage stratified sampling was adopted in the survey. The methods for data collection were via the questionnaire, clinical examination, and biochemical analysis. Quality controls were also instituted to ensure collection of high quality data. The National Health and Morbidity Survey 2011 (NHMS 2011) adopted an appropriate methodology for a population survey and all the necessary steps were taken to ensure valid and reliable findings.
    Study name: National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS-2011)
  14. Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Mohd Jamil Yaacob, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(1):13-24.
    Objective: To determine the construct validity and the internal consistency of the Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ) among medical students hence in the future it could be used as a valid and reliable instrument to identify stressors among medical students. Methods: The blueprint for the development of MSSQ was developed after a review of literature on the subject and a discussion with experts in the field. It comprised of 40 items
    with six hypothetical groups. The face validity of the questionnaire was established through discussion with 141 final year medical students whereas content validity was established through discussion with experts from field of Medical Education and Psychiatry. It was administered to a total of 761 medical students. Data was analysed using Statistical Package Social Sciences (SPSS) version 12. Factor analysis was applied to test construct validity of the MSSQ. Reliability analysis (Cronbach’s alpha and item total correlation) was applied to test internal consistency of the MSSQ. Results: The total Cronbach’s alpha value of the MSSQ was 0.95. All the preliminary 40 items were included in the MSSQ as the items had item total correlation value of more than 0.3. The items were loaded nicely into the six pre-determined hypothetical groups as their factor loading values were more than 0.3.
    Conclusion: This study showed that MSSQ had good psychometric value. It is a valid and reliable instrument in identifying stressors among medical students.
  15. Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Mohd Jamil Yaacob, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(1):36-43.
    Objective: To determine the sensitivity, specificity and internal consistency of the Malay version GHQ-12 among medical student population. This study determined the appropriate GHQ-12 score to detect distressed medical students. Methods: The Malay version of GHQ-12 was derived based on two sources which were the original version GHQ-12 and the validated Malay version 30-items GHQ. The GHQ-12 and the Malay version Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) were administered to a total of 141 medical students. Distress diagnoses were made based on the Malay version BDI-II. ROC curve analysis was applied to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the GHQ-12 by testing against the BDI-II. Reliability analysis (Cronbach’s alpha and item total correlation) was applied to test internal consistency of the
    GHQ-12. The analysis was done using SPSS version 12.Results: The GHQ-12 sensitivity and specificity at cut-off point of 3/4 was 81.3% and 75.3% respectively with positive predictive value (PPV) of 62.9% as well as area under ROC curve more than 0.7. The Cronbach’s alpha value of the GHQ-12 was 0.85.Conclusion: This study showed the Malay version GHQ-12 is a valid and reliable screening tool in detecting distressed medical students. The
    GHQ-12 score equal to or more than 4 was considered as significant distress.
  16. Haslina Hassan, Rosnah Sutan, Nursazila Asikin Mohd Azmi, Shuhaila Ahmad, Rohana Jaafar
    Int J Public Health Res, 2013;3(1):241-248.
    The aim of the Fourth Millennium Developmental Goal is to reduce mortality among children less than 5 years by two thirds between 1990 and 2015. Efforts are more focus on improving children's health. The aim of this study was to describe the trend of stillbirth and neonatal deaths in University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre from 2004 to 2010. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted using hospital data on perinatal mortality and monthly census delivery statistics. There were 45,277 deliveries with 526 stillbirths and neonatal deaths. More than half of the stillborn cases were classified as normally formed macerated stillbirth and prematurity was common in neonatal deaths. The trend of SB and NND was found fluctuating in this study. However, by using proportionate test comparing rate, there was a transient significant decline of stillbirth but not neonatal deaths rates between 2004 and 2006. On the other hand, the neonatal deaths rate showed significant increment from 2006 to 2008. When both mortality rates were compared using proportionate test, from the start of the study, year 2004 with end of the study, year 2010, there was no significant decline noted. Trends of stillbirth and neonatal death rates in University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre within 7 years study period did not show the expected outcome as in Millennium Developmental Goal of two thirds reduction.
  17. Yeoh, Cheow Keat, Srimala Sreekantan, Sabar Derita Hutagalung, Zainal Arifin Ahmad
    CaCu3Ti4O12 was synthesized starting from a solution of TiO2 to which Ca and Cu nitrates were added. Due to the differences in the solubilities of the Ca, Cu and Ti, initial variations from ideal stoichiometry and a high solution pH was necessary to obtain stoichiometric CaCu3Ti4O12 precipitates. As precipitated samples were amorphous with CuO phases observed after drying of the precipitates at 300 oC. CaCu3Ti4O12 phases were observed after heat treatment at 1000 oC. XRD studies show the presence of CuO and TiO2 in addition to the CaCu3Ti4O12 for non stoichiometric samples. Observations under the SEM show the presence of Cu rich and Ti rich phases in addition to the CaCu3Ti4O12.
  18. Mohd Al Amin Muhamad Nor, Lee, Chain Hong, Hazizan Md. Akil, Zainal Arifin Ahmad
    Ceramic foams are a class of high porosity materials that are used or being considered for a wide range of technological applications. Ceramic foam was produce by polymer replication method. In this process, commercial polymeric sponge was use as template, dipping with ceramic particles slurry, drying and then sintered to yield a replica of the original foams. The study was focus on the fabrication of different density of ceramic foams by varying the density of ceramic slurries (1.1876, 1.2687, 1.3653 and 1.5295 g/cm3). Properties of ceramic foam produced such as density was characterized accordingly to ASTM C 271-94 and porosity were characterized using Archimedes methods. Compressive and bending strength was performed accordingly to ASTM C1161-94 and C773-88 (1999), respectively. The morphological study was performed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and EDX. Density of ceramic foams produced was about 0.5588 and 1.1852 g/cm3, where as porosity was around 26.28 and 70.59 %. Compressive and bending strength was increase from strength also increases from 2.60 to 23.07 MPa and 1.20 to 11.10 MPa, respectively, with increasing of slurries density from 1.1876 to 1.3653 g/cm3. The SEM micrographs show that the cells structure become denser as the slurries density increased. EDX proved that the ceramic used is porcelain. As a conclusion, increasing in slurries density produced ceramic foams with good mechanical properties such as compressive and bending strength and denser body.
  19. Shah Rizal Kasim, Yeong, Meng Yee, Hazizan Md. Akil, Zainal Arifin Ahmad, Hazman Seli
    Many attempts have been focused in the past on preparing of synthetic E-tricalcium (E-TCP), which being employed as bone substitute due to its biocompatibility and resorbability. Low temperature synthesize such as sol-gel method become popular due to the high product purity and homogenous composition. Sol-gel method is less economical towards commercialization because the cost of raw materials and the yield of the product that can be achieved. This paper describes the synthesis of ETCP via mixing of CaCO3 and H3PO4 followed by calcinations process at 750qC – 1050qC. X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), fourier transformation infra-red (FTIR) were used for characterization and evaluation of the phase composition, morphology, particle size and thermal behavior of the product. E-TCP phase start to occur after calcinations at 750qC.
  20. Hamdan Bin Ramat, Shamsul Bahri Bin Mohd Tamrin, Mohd Rafee Bin Baharuddin, Mansor Bin Ahmad
    There is a need to develop an Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSHMS) Critical Success Factors (CSF) Monitoring among gas contractor in Malaysia. Critical Success Factors (CSF) can be used for future implementation, adaptation and practice for gas contractor work for both by clients and contractors in Malaysia. The main purpose of CSF implementation is to reduce the number of accident related with Occupational Safety and Health (OSH). The need for CSF is due to the requirement by law and standard that require companies to establish an arrangement related to the identified OSH risks. The objective of this study is to assess the established of OSHMS among gas contractor in Peninsular Malaysia and to identify the CSF imposed by these industries. A cross sectional study for eighty gas contractor companies using established questionnaire has been done. All data consolidated in order to determine the OSHMS and it CSF among gas contractor in Peninsular Malaysia that has registered with Department of Occupational Safety and Health. Established questionnaire are based on OSHMS MS 1722:2011 elements requirement No 1: Policy, No 2: Organizing, No 3: Planning and Implementation, No 4: Evaluation and No 5: Action for Improvement as parameters to come out with organization means and Z-scores. Descriptive statistic showed that element mean (standard deviation) score for policy is 75(6.6), for Organizing is 63(5.2), for Planning and Implementation is 59(9.4), for Evaluation is 66(5.1) and Action for Improvement is 63(1.3). Percentage of company that complies with the main element for Policy is 15%, for Organizing is 8.8%, for Planning and Implementation is 11.3%, for evaluation is 11.3% and for Action for improvement is 13.8%. Percentage of companies that partially comply with Policy element is distributed between 61.0% to 85.0% which is 76.3 %, for Organizing score is mainly distributed between 46.0% to 60.0% which is 62.5%, for planning and Implementation score for 80 companies distributed mainly in group score between 46.0 to 60.0% which is 56.3 %, for Evaluation the partially comply score is distributed in group score between 61.0% to 85.5% which is 41 % and for Action for Improvement partially comply score, the distribution is mainly distribute in range of 61.0% to 85.0% which is 62.5 %. Z-score for element policy is five points from policy mean, for organizing Z-score is three points from Organizing mean, for Planning and Implementation the Z-score is three points from Planning and Implementation mean, for Evaluation the Z-score is three points from evaluation mean and for Action for improvement Z-score is two to three points from Action for Improvement mean. Percentage of compliance with OSHMS MS 1722:2011 elements by gas contractors in almost main element and sub element are still low and can be further improved by focusing on all company element score for continual improvement of OSH elements compliances.
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