Studies have shown that organisational excellence is influenced amongst others by top management leadership and management quality, human resource management and customer focus. This is clearly illustrated by international organisational excellence models, e.g the Malaysian Prime Minister Quality Award, the American Quality Award, EFQM Excellence and Deming Prize Criteria Models.
With the objective of finding out how well the Pathology Department, Hospital Tuanku Ja'afar Seremban fares, a study was conducted in early 2006 and a repeated study performed in 2007 after remedial actions and continuous improvement activities have been undertaken by the department leadership and top management. The study was performed on the staff (internal customer) to gauge the degree of satisfaction in the areas of leadership, resource management and customer focus.
The study showed an increased in the overall satisfaction i.e. 65.43% in 2007 compared to 18.29% in 2006. The staff of the department have appreciated that the current leadership has been strengthened and the management has shown improved caring, professionalism and team work as stipulated by the Ministry of Health's Corporate Culture. There has also been increased sense of belonging, feeling being cared for, appreciated and loved by the management. This has led staff being more proud of the organisation and 88.1% have maintained that they have worked very hard in 2007 study compared to 57.69% in 2006 study. This study has shown that top management and leadership commitment and being staff or internal customer focus, while instituting changes in the organisation would inevitably lead to increased staff satisfaction and this in turn leads to improved staff participation and contribution to the organisation.
Objectives: The Bahasa Malaysia (BM) version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21-item (DASS-21) has been widely used ever since the establishment of its validity. To consolidate the evidence of the BM DASS-21 validity by examining its concurrent validity.
Methods: The BM DASS was administered together with the Hospital Anxiety and Depressive Scale (HADS) to a total of 246 patients at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) Infertility Centre.
Results: The anxiety domain of BM DASS-21 had good correlation with anxiety domain in HADS (0.61) but for DASS depressive domain, it had modest correlation with its respective domain in HADS (0.49).
Conclusions: The results of this study further ensconced the evidence that the BM DASS-21 had relatively satisfactory psychometric properties for clinical subjects in Malaysia.
Accepted 11 August 2011.
Introduction Despite of its importance for preventing fatal and severe injuries in an event of a crash, limited studies were conducted to find out the status of seatbelt use among rear passengers in Malaysia. This study was conducted to the determine seatbelt use among rear passengers in Malaysia in conjunction with the introduction of the rear seatbelt law that took effect on 1st January 2009.
Methods Two methods were used; the roadside observations and surveys. A total of 4180 rear passengers were observed during the road side observation and 793 rear passengers were interviewed in the survey.
Results About 41.8 % (95 % CI: 38.3, 45.4) of rear passengers interviewed reported that they “Always/Often’ wore safety belts, while roadside observation recorded slightly lower rate (36.2 % [95 % CI: 34.8, 37.7]). Based on the roadside observation method, male rear passengers were more likely to use rear seatbelts as compared to female rear passengers (with Odd Ratio: 1.17 (95 % CI: 1.03, 1.33)). Both methods consistently reported that rear passengers of Multipurpose Vehicle (MPV)/Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) (survey method “always wear”: 39.3 %, Odd Ratio: 2.02 [95 % CI: 1.13, 3.61], roadside observation method: 51.9 %, Odd Ratio: 2.23 [95 % CI: 1.89, 2.62]) were two times more likely to wear seatbelts as compared to rear passengers of a car.
Conclusions The two research methods indicate rear passengers in Malaysia were consistently having low seatbelt usage rate. As the rear seatbelt advocacy and enforcement programme are new in Malaysia, efforts to advocate rear seatbelt use should be strengthened. The changes in rear seatbelt usage rate need to be tracked regularly and as an alternative to roadside observation method, interview survey method could be used to measure the seatbelt usage rate and to identify the reason for not using safety belt among rear passengers.
Accepted 21 July 2011.
Introduction The extensive and intensive use of pesticides in agricultural practices has exposed farmers to various hazards resulting in varying degrees of health
Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study among paddy farmers in Sabak Bernam district, Malaysia. The objective of this study was to gather baseline information on chlorpyrifos blood level and its relationship with pesticides exposure symptoms.
Results We detected chlorpyrifos in farmers’ blood in 7 percent of the respondents, with mean 7.29 nanogram per millilitre blood (sd 5.84 nanogram per millilitre). The percentage of farmers who experienced at least one pesticide exposure symptoms was 75 percent. However, we found no significant association between chlorpyrifos blood level and its exposure symptoms. The farmers had low scores on safe practice of pesticide use even though they have high marks on knowledge and attitude. We found no significant association between the scores on knowledge, attitude and practice on pesticide use and the chlorpyrifos blood level.
Conclusions The presence of pesticide exposure symptoms proved that most of the farmers were exposed to hazardous effects of pesticides. Specific trainings on safe use and handling of pesticides should be given on regular basis to these farmers to ensure they are protected from hazardous effects of pesticides exposure.
The main purpose of this study was to analyzed and examined the cocoa butter samples from Sabah. This work presence the crystal phases present in cocoa butter sample thus proved the existence of polymorphs obtained from differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) analysis and confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The cocoa butter samples were extracted using a conventional method by Soxhlet Extraction method. Crystals were formed under controlled static and tempered conditions. Cocoa butter polymorphism demonstrates that it is the actual crystallization temperature, not the cooling rate that determines the polymorph that crystallizes.
Tujuan kertas kerja ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan, kesan ekonomi semasa dan faktor pencemaran terhadap modal, perbelanjaan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi terutamanya kepada Malaysia dan dibandingkan dengan negara seperti Jepun, Singapura dan Zimbabwe. Persoalan utama adalah sama ada modal dan perbelanjaan dapat berterusan menyumbangkan kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi ataupun tidak. Untuk mengkaji perhubungan, kami gunakan Test Unit Root (TUR); Augmented Dickey-Fuller Method (ADF), Phillip-Perron Test (PP) dan Kwiatkowski-Phillip-Schmidt-Shin (KPSS), Test Johansen Cointegration (TJC), diikuti Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) dan akhir sekali Test Granger Causality (TGC). Tujuan pengujian ini adalah untuk mengukur perhubungan, kestabilan dan kesahihan model. Kedua, untuk mengkaji kesan impak ekonomi kami gunakan Impulse Respond dan ujian Variance Decomposition yang menyelidik kesan berapa banyak dan berapa panjang model bertindakbalas kepada kesan Kegawatan Ekonomi Asia pada 1997 dan Kesan Serangan Pengganas di Amerika Syarikat pada September 2011. Ketiga kami juga megukur kesan perbelanjaan isi rumah dan kerajaan terhadap alam persekitaran. Kertas kerja ini mendapati, ia menyokong idea modal penjana pertumbuhan tetapi natijah perbelanjaan penjana pertumbuhan adalah berbeda mengikut tahap pertumbuhan. Di mana Malaysia dan Singapura menyokong sepenuhnya tetapi Jepun dan Zimbabwe hanya menyokong separa sahaja. Apabila kami mengukur impak kesan ekonomi pula, di dapati pada negara Zimbabwe tiada kesan antara krisis pada tahun 1997 ataupun pada 2001. Tetapi impak pada negara seperti Jepun, Malaysia dan Singapura pula berhadapan dalam posisi tidak baik pada krisis tahun 1997 tetapi keadaan yang baik pula pada krisis tahun 2001. Akhir sekali kami juga bangunkan theori pencemaran dimana untuk negara Zimbabwe ke semua pembolehubah seperti Perbelanjaan isi rumah (HC), Perbelanjaan Kerajaan (GC) dan Modal Tetap Kasar (GFC) tidak mempengaruhi pencemaran iaitu Karbon Dioksida (CO2). Tetapi natijah untuk negara Malaysia dan Singapura pula hanya HC mencipta CO2, tidak untuk GC dan GFC. Dan pengakhiran sekali Negara Jepun pula semua pembolehubah seperti GC,HC dan GFC mencipta pencemaran. Kesimpulannya krisis yang berlaku pada negara Amerika Syarikat pada tahun 2001 memberi kesan terus pada Negara Amerika tetapi tidak pada negara seperti Malaysia, Jepun dan Singapura, walhal negara-negara ini menadapat lambakan di dalam pasaran modal akibat perubahan ketidaktentuan dalam ekonomi Amerika seterusnya meningkatkan secara langsung Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (GDP). Walaubagaimanapun negara Zimbabwe tidak mempunyai kesan langsung sama ada sebelum atupun selepas masalah krisis ekonomi ini. Apabila kertas kerja ini mengkaji daripada sudut pembangunan lestari didapati Negara Zimbabwe seperti HC dan GC tidaklah mencemar seperti negara Malaysia dan Singapura yang menunjukkan HC punca pencemaran dan bukannya GC yang mungkin disebabkan skala ekonominya yang lebih kecil. Untuk negara Jepun pula disebabkan negara ini mempunyai skala ekonomi yang lebih besar HC dan GC adalah agen kepada pencemaran. Implikasinya model ini sepatutnya diambil kira dalam pembuat keputusan terutamanya untuk meninkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi.
In this study a GIS model was developed and spatial analytical techniques performed to identify and select a suitable location for a waste transfer station in the sprawling suburban town of Petaling Jaya. The lack of a transfer station in urban centres of Malaysia has caused many problems and affects the efficiency of waste collection and disposal. With diminishing space for landfills and the increasing cost of solid waste management, the need for urban solid-waste recycling has become very important. However, finding a place for waste to be efficiently sorted before unwanted waste can be carried to disposal landfills has social and physical constraints. This study applies GIS techniques and analysis for site selection and identifies an acceptable area. In the model, environmental, physical and social constraints were taken into account, resulting in the selection of a potential area that is acceptable to the residents of the area because it is out of range of causing public nuisance and within minimum travelling distance for collection vehicles. The results show that the potential location for the transfer station should be in proximity of the industrial area of Petaling Jaya, allowing for the possible sale of recyclable materials to local industries. The location is also sited near a major highway to allow quick transportation of the rest of the unwanted waste to the landfill.
Background: Nowadays, most medical laboratories in Malaysia practice occupational safety and health based on standard operating procedure and sometimes ad-hoc characteristic limited to only internal use. The level of compliance of the national occupational safety and health management system (OSHMS) guidelines among medical laboratories in Malaysia is still largely unexplored.
Methods: This study was carried out on 34 medical laboratories consisting of 17 public medical laboratories and 17 private medical laboratories in Klang Valley using self-administered questionnaire based on guideline of OSHMS6. This study covered 112 medical laboratories units including pathology chemistry (18), microbiology (20), virology (7), histopathology (16), cytopathology (17), hematology (19) and 15 multi discipline medical laboratories.
Results: This study showed the level of compliance to the national OSHMS guideline among medical laboratories who are MS ISO 15189:2004 accredited & have a higher scores (p
The proposed Pharmacy Bill of Malaysia which served to consolidate and harmonise the existing pharmacy legislation which has been used for more than 60 years. This new Pharmacy Bill contains 17 parts and a total of 170 legislative sections covering laws governing pharmacy practice, medicinal products classification, registration, sale, supply, licensing etc. Our article could serve as a case study on pharmacy jurisprudence and drug regulation as well as the governance for medicines.
Not many attempts have been made in previous studies to understand consumers’ socio-demographic characteristics and their awareness towards organic rice. Knowledge towards organic rice among consumers is fundamental to induce demand and market for organic rice. This study seeks to understand consumers’ awareness towards organic rice in Malaysia. The survey is exploratory in nature and was conducted at major supermarkets in Klang Valley. Data were analysed using descriptive analysis and chi-square analysis using cross-classification techniques, and correlation to determine their relationship, strength and direction of their relationship. The findings showed majority of the respondents (85.6%) have some level of awareness towards organic rice, while only 64.7% planned to consume organic rice in the future. This indicates that awareness of consumers towards organic rice does not necessarily translate to their planning to consume organic rice. Thus, achieving awareness and understanding the linkage between awareness and consumption is fundamental to impacting demand and market for organic rice. The study also showed that the younger respondents have more concern towards organic rice. These findings if well responded to, would definitely have positive implications for the Malaysian organic rice industry.
The first 2 years of life is a critical period of rapid growth and brain development. During this period, nutrition and environmental factors play important roles in growth and cognitive development of a child. This report describes the study protocol of early nutrition, growth and cognitive development of infants from birth to 2 years of age.
Globally, stroke is the commonest cause of long-term disability. The residual disabilities among post stroke patients affect their daily living activities. The aim of rehabilitation therapy is to help stroke survivors to gain back their functional ability. The present study aimed to determine the relationship between post stroke duration with functionality status of post-stroke survivals at a teaching hospital in Kuala Lumpur. A cross-sectional study involved one hundred nine five post stroke patients who attended the Rehabilitation Clinic over a 4-month period. The data on post stroke duration was reveale from patient’s cleckship. Their functional status was assessed with Modified Barthel Index (MBI). Results showed the mean age of participants was 61 years (SD=13.86, range:22-87 years), with 118 males and 81 females having a median duration of 12 months post-stroke (range: 1-79 months). The prevalence 123 (63.1%) of stroke survivors are found to be dependent in their daily living activity. A Chi-square test for independence indicated there was significant relationship between post-stroke duration with levels of functioning, χ2 (2 , n=195) = 6.455, p<0.05,phi = 0.182. Patients in post-stroke duration of 13-24 months were independent (52.1) than ≤ 12 months and ≥ 24 months.
Keywords: functional status, post-stroke disability, mbi, activities of daily living, rehabilition therapy
Study site: rehabilitation clinic , Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM)
Cardiac concussion is a sudden, direct blunt trauma cause to the chest which led to death. However, there are patients who did not completely fulfil this definition. We report two cases which did not fit into the definition domain. Two male patients presented to Emergency Department with moderate anterior chest pain after motor vehicle crash showed transient anterior ST segment elevation at chest lead V2 and V3 with raised creatine kinase and normal troponin T. The electrocardiogram changes fully resolved after 24 hours. Both patients were discharged uneventfully after 24 hours monitoring in Emergency Department short-stay ward. Conventional definition of cardiac concussion (commotion cordis) and cardiac contusion may be unsuitable to describe these cases. Therefore, we propose the diagnosis of focal
cardiac concussion. We also highlighted the ability of Emergency Department to manage these patients in short-stay ward.
Keywords: commotio cordis, chest pain, nonpenetrating, electrocardiography
Obesity prevalence and body image consciousness are on the rise, and women often try to lose weight using a variety of methods. This paper reports the knowledge on body weight management amongst working women aged 30 – 45 years in Kuala Lumpur. Respondents comprised 131 school teachers and 122 civil servants. Anthropometric measurements included body weight and height; while knowledge on weight management was assessed using a questionnaire. The respondents were Malay (64%), Chinese (26%) and Indian women (10%) with mean age of 38.3 ± 4.6 years old. The respondents were grouped into two weight categories based on body mass index (BMI): normal weight (BMI 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2) and overweight (BMI ≥ 25.0 kg/m2). Mean body weight and BMI were significantly different (p < 0.001) between the two weight categories. Overweight and normal weight groups had mean body weight of 69.0 ± 9.5 kg and 53.5 ± 5.3 kg; while mean BMI were 29.2 ± 3.6 kg/ m2 dan 21.9 ± 1.7 kg/m2; respectively. Mean scores for knowledge on weight management were similar for both weight categories, 62.4 ± 13.7 and 61.8 ± 13.4 for overweight and normal weight, respectively. A majority of overweight (71%) and normal weight (73%) women had moderate level (scores 50–74%) of weight management knowledge. However, it was interesting to note that there were more overweight women (20%) who had high knowledge level (scores ≥ 75%) as compared to normal weight women (15%). Only 9% of overweight and 12% of normal weight women demonstrated low knowledge level (scores <50%). School teachers were significantly (p < 0.001) more knowledgeable than civil servants in weight management matters with mean knowledge scores of 65.5 ± 12.3 and 58.4 ± 13.9, respectively. On the whole, the results indicated that women were fairly knowledgeable in healthy body weight management. Knowledge on body weight management is essential for preventing comorbidity risks related to overweight problem. The study also revealed that there was a need for nutrition education related to body image and effective weight management. Key words: Body weight management, working women, overweight, obesity
Dynamic hip screw (DHS) fixation is considered standard treatment for most intertrochanteric fractures. However, excessive sliding at the fracture site and medialisation of femoral shaft may lead in fixation failure. In contrast, fixed-angled 95° condylar blade plate (CBP) has no effective dynamic capacity and causes little bone loss compared to DHS. We compared the outcome of 57consecutive unstable intertrochanteric fragility fractures treated with these two fixation methods. CBP instrumentation is more difficult requiring longer incision, operating time and higher surgeon-reported operative difficulty. The six month post-operative mortality rate is 16%. Post-operative Harris hip scores were comparable between the two methods. Limb length shortening more than 20 mm was 6-fold more common with DHS. In elderly patients with unstable intertrochanteric fragility fractures, fixed angled condylar blade plate appears to be a better choice than dynamic hip screws for preventing fixation failures.
Military personnel who are deployed for peace-keeping missions are exposed to many hazards, including infectious diseases. One of the most common and fatal infectious disease is Malaria. Although well controlled in Malaysia, this deadly disease is still widely endemic in many other countries especially Africa. We would like to report the case of a military personnel who was infected with Malaria during a peace-keeping mission in Sudan and subsequently died after returning home. We hope that by reporting this case in depth, strategic actions can be taken to avoid similar unfortunate events in future.
Medical education of today continues to evolve to meet the challenges of the stakeholders. Medical professionals today are expected to
play multiple roles besides being experts. Thus, the curriculum has to be developed in a manner that facilitates learners to achieve the intended goal of becoming a medical professional with multiple competencies. The understanding of learning theories will be helpful in designing and delivering the curriculum to meet the demands of producing a medical professional who would meet the CanMEDS model.
This commentary explores and reflects on the learning theories of behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism as they have evolved over time and the application of these learning theories in medical education, particularly in the context of medical education in Malaysia. The authors are convinced that these three theories are not mutually exclusive but should be operationalized contextually and throughout the
different stages of learning in the MBBS curriculum. Understanding these theories and their application will enhance the learning experience of students.
Maritime transportation is very important for coastal state country like Malaysia. However, as having the busiest straits in the world, Malaysia is continuously exposed to the risk of marine spill. The nation had experienced around 30 marine spill incidents since 1976 to the present. The main contributor of marine spill is ship’s accident and in term of category of accident, collision had contributed the most. In term of type of substance that mostly spilled by ships is highly persistence crude oil. The management of marine spill response of Malaysia is applying the three tiers system which is base on the area and scale of the spill. The basis of establishing the marine response service is in accordance with OPRC, which incorporated into the national environmental law. With the three tiers of response system, Malaysia is equipped with arsenal of marine spill response and control equipments. However, with the present magnitude of threat, the current capacities of equipments are insufficient. Nevertheless, the possibility of full magnitude of marine spill is unlikely due to the safety features incorporated into the design of the ships and FSO/FPSO. In term of claim and compensation for marine spill incident, Malaysia is applying the two layers of compensation under the CLC 1992 Protocol and FUND 1992 Protocol. Therefore, Malaysia is ready in various aspects of marine spill response and control.
Malaysia’s palm oil industry is growing in complexity and successively to succeed on the global level by accounts for about 36% of the word production of palm oil [1]. But, Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) issues are still problematic areas that need to be addressed by all parties concerned in this industry. In the olden days, unlike construction or manufacturing industry, palm oil industry was green in OHS management system. However, due to stringent in the legislative enforcement in the past few years, it has lead some of the plantation companies to develop OHS management system, which are based on Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS), towards corporate sustainability. Sustainability is not about paying lip-service to the latest corporate buzzword; neither is it about superficially meeting minimum requirements for the sake of compliance. Rather, sustainability is a core value that lies at the heart of the companies’ business conduct. In practical terms, this means strive to operate with due consideration for the interest of all stakeholders by making the health and safety of all workers a priority. This paper describes the certification of OHSAS 18001 and MS 1722 in Genting Plantations Berhad (GENP) prove the commitment to sustainability by forming guiding principle on safety management. Further, this paper also demonstrates that the implementation of safety management can help to reduce the accident rate, especially fatal accident.
Regulation on occupational safety and health in Malaysia had evolved from the prescriptive Factory and Machinery Act (1967) to a self-regulated Occupational Safety and Health Act (1994). However, from the authors’ observation the high standards of occupational safety and health culture that surpass the legal requirement were not widely practiced by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The two main objectives of this study are: first, to identify and determine the level of conformity; and second, to investigate the reasons of nonconformity to Occupational Safety and Health Act (1994) regulation in SMEs involved the chemical industry sub-sectors. The survey questionnaire was distributed to 150 SMEs in chemical industry sub-sectors. Forty one of the survey questionnaires were completed and returned, giving a response rate of 27.3% for the survey. The survey results revealed that an overwhelming majority (92.7%) of the respondents from SMEs are likely not conforming to the basic requirement of Occupational Safety and Health Act (1994). In addition to this, the survey also found that only 3.1% of the management personnel can be considered competent in terms of knowledge, skill and ability in carrying out occupational safety and health regulation within their respective organization. While, 96.9% of the respondents that participated in the survey can be considered not competent. The authors hope the result of this survey could assist the relevant authorities in formulating a better policy and strategy for implementing occupational safety and health in SMEs involved in chemical industry sub-sectors.