Displaying publications 461 - 480 of 10157 in total

  1. Nurul Akhma Zakaria, Ahmad Abas Kutty
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:2601-2608.
    Masalah pencemaran sumber air tawar dan kesan ketoksikan logam telah mendapat perhatian di serata negara. Dua
    spesies organisma air tawar daripada filum moluska Filopaludina sumatrensis dan Corbicula fluminea didedahkan
    kepada tiga logam terpilih iaitu arsenik (As) kromium (Cr) dan selenium (Se) pada kepekatan berbeza selama 96 jam di
    dalam makmal terkawal. Kadar kematian dinilai serta kepekatan kematian median (LC50) dan masa kematian median
    (LT50) dihitung. Nilai LC50 dan LT50 didapati menurun dengan pertambahan masa dan kepekatan pendedahan bagi
    kedua-dua spesies dan kesemua logam. Keputusan daripada kajian ini memperlihatkan ketoksikan logam As, Cr dan Se
    semakin meningkat dengan peningkatan kepekatan dan masa pendedahan logam kepada F. sumatrensis dan C. fluminea.
    Nilai LC50 96 jam As, Cr dan Se bagi F. sumatrensis adalah 4.22, 3.78 dan 45.92 mg/L dan 11.84, 2.23 dan 35.63 mg/L
    masing-masing bagi C. fluminea. Keputusan menunjukkan Cr adalah logam paling toksik terhadap F. sumatrensis dan
    C. fluminea. Trend ketoksikan logam bagi kedua-dua moluska ini adalah sama iaitu Cr > As > Se.
  2. Fatimah Abdul Razak, Faridatulazna Ahmad Shahabuddin
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:2187-2194.
    Malaysian Household Income Survey data provided by the Malaysian Department of Statistics is used to provide evidence
    that the upper tails of the household income distribution follows a fractal based distribution known as power-law.
    Inequality measures are then applied to ascertain the levels of inequality based on this distribution. In addition to that,
    we analyzed the data in terms of different classes of occupation, obtained power-law exponents for each class and then
    highlighted the inequality between these classes.
  3. Behrani P, Ahmad Shahrul Nizam, Rohani Salleh
    Work-related upper-extremity disorders (WRUEDs) are frequently occurring among workers in general. Various researches support the empirical results of the Autogenic factors related to such problems of health and safety. Research shows the association of different aspects of work organization strengthen the possibilities of work-related stress and other psychosocial factors, which may lead towards adverse health conditions. To review the previous work done for finding the association between psychosocial factors and upper extremity disorders. Findings from different studies have been reviewed to examine the psychosocial factors association in developing WRUEDs. Published studies, which were primarily focused on WRUEDs and psychosocial factors association, were reviewed. Various studies have shown the relationship between psychosocial factors and UEDs. Due to the different nature of epidemiology of the disorder and variable differences, findings from different studies contradicts. Finally, this review presents the limitations in existing studies, and further research has been proposed for future.
  4. Wan Azman WA, Haizal HK
    JUMMEC, 2005;8:18-22.
    Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) is a life-threatening cardiomyopathy of an unknown cause that occurs in the peripartum period in previously healthy women and this article discusses the challenges that lie in diagnosing and managing this rare yet lethal disease.
  5. Shamsatun Nahar Ahmad, Nor’Aini Aris, Azlina Jumadi
    Scientific Research Journal, 2019;16(2):1-16.
    Concepts from algebraic geometry such as cones and fans are related to toric varieties and can be applied to determine the convex polytopes and homogeneous coordinate rings of multivariate polynomial systems. The homogeneous coordinates of a system in its projective vector space can be associated with the entries of the resultant matrix of the system under consideration. This paper presents some conditions for the homogeneous coordinates of a certain system of bivariate polynomials through the construction and implementation of the Sylvester-Bèzout hybrid resultant matrix formulation. This basis of the implementation of the Bèzout block applies a combinatorial approach on a set of linear inequalities, named 5-rule. The inequalities involved the set of exponent vectors of the monomials of the system and the entries of the matrix are determined from the coefficients of facets variable known as brackets. The approach can determine the homogeneous coordinates of the given system and the entries of the Bèzout block. Conditions for determining the homogeneous coordinates are also given and proven.
  6. Shee, Wei San, Affizal Ahmad, Bhanupiriya Mahadevan
    Dysphagia is a significant health issue and it gives a substantial impact on the individual’s quality of life. This study aims to explore the quality of life of patients with dysphagia in head and neck cancer population. Twenty patients with dysphagia who were attending to oncology clinic in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia for their medical treatment on the head and neck cancer involved in the study. The Swallowing Activity and Participation Profile (SAPP) was used to gather information on the patients’ swallowing ability and psychosocial domains (personal, social and working, and emotional). The results indicated that the swallowing ability was significantly related to the personal, social and working, and emotional domains. The Mann-Whitney test showed no statistically significant difference in the personal domain and in the social and working domain of men and women. Yet the result revealed a statistically significant difference in the emotional domain of men (M = 10.42) and women (M = 14.63). On the whole, this study positively conform that the quality of life of patients with dysphagia among head and neck cancer population was truly affected.

  7. Wan Ling Chiang, Mohammad Husni Ahmad Jamal
    Int J Public Health Res, 2020;10(1):1195-1208.
    This study determines the association between osteoporosis knowledge, health belief and calcium intake behaviour among students in a medical sciences university.
  8. Lim YY, Miskon A, Zaidi AMA
    Materials (Basel), 2022 Nov 01;15(21).
    PMID: 36363264 DOI: 10.3390/ma15217672
    This paper is to discuss the potential of using CuZn in an electrical biosensor drug carrier for drug delivery systems. CuZn is the main semiconductor ingredient that has great promise as an electrochemical detector to trigger releases of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). This CuZn biosensor is produced with a green metal of frameworks, which is an anion node in conductive polymers linked by bioactive ligands using metal-polymerisation technology. The studies of Cu, Zn, and their oxides are highlighted by their electrochemical performance as electrical biosensors to electrically trigger API. The three main problems, which are glucose oxidisation, binding affinity, and toxicity, are highlighted, and their solutions are given. Moreover, their biocompatibilities, therapeutic efficacies, and drug delivery efficiencies are discussed with details given. Our three previous investigations of CuZn found results similar to those of other authors' in terms of multiphases, polymerisation, and structure. This affirms that our research is on the right track, especially that related to green synthesis using plant extract, CuZn as a nanochip electric biosensor, and bioactive ligands to bind API, which are limited to the innermost circle of the non-enzymatic glucose sensor category.
  9. Ahmed A, Sadullah AFM, Yahya AS
    Accid Anal Prev, 2019 Sep;130:3-21.
    PMID: 28764851 DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2017.07.018
    Most of the decisions taken to improve road safety are based on accident data, which makes it the back bone of any country's road safety system. Errors in this data will lead to misidentification of black spots and hazardous road segments, projection of false estimates pertinent to accidents and fatality rates, and detection of wrong parameters responsible for accident occurrence, thereby making the entire road safety exercise ineffective. Its extent varies from country to country depending upon various factors. Knowing the type of error in the accident data and the factors causing it enables the application of the correct method for its rectification. Therefore there is a need for a systematic literature review that addresses the topic at a global level. This paper fulfils the above research gap by providing a synthesis of literature for the different types of errors found in the accident data of 46 countries across the six regions of the world. The errors are classified and discussed with respect to each type and analysed with respect to income level; assessment with regard to the magnitude for each type is provided; followed by the different causes that result in their occurrence, and the various methods used to address each type of error. Among high-income countries the extent of error in reporting slight, severe, non-fatal and fatal injury accidents varied between 39-82%, 16-52%, 12-84%, and 0-31% respectively. For middle-income countries the error for the same categories varied between 93-98%, 32.5-96%, 34-99% and 0.5-89.5% respectively. The only four studies available for low-income countries showed that the error in reporting non-fatal and fatal accidents varied between 69-80% and 0-61% respectively. The logistic relation of error in accident data reporting, dichotomised at 50%, indicated that as the income level of a country increases the probability of having less error in accident data also increases. Average error in recording information related to the variables in the categories of location, victim's information, vehicle's information, and environment was 27%, 37%, 16% and 19% respectively. Among the causes identified for errors in accident data reporting, Policing System was found to be the most important. Overall 26 causes of errors in accident data were discussed out of which 12 were related to reporting and 14 were related to recording. "Capture-Recapture" was the most widely used method among the 11 different methods: that can be used for the rectification of under-reporting. There were 12 studies pertinent to the rectification of accident location and almost all of them utilised a Geographical Information System (GIS) platform coupled with a matching algorithm to estimate the correct location. It is recommended that the policing system should be reformed and public awareness should be created to help reduce errors in accident data.
  10. Hazwani Hasmi, Asmida Ahmad, Faeiza Buyong
    Science Letter, 2016;10(2):19-22.
    —Anaerobic digestion (AD) of biomass is a well-established process to produce renewable energy, where organic matter is converted to biogas by microorganism. High solid content and complex structure of sludge-derived organic matter, methane production during digestion is limited at the hydrolysis step. Therefore pre-treatment of substrate is a way to accelerate the hydrolysis step. This study aimed to identify the optimum pre-treatment method to increase the methane production from poultry waste prior anaerobic digestion. The poultry waste was mixed with water, pre-treated, seeded with inoculums. Chemical and thermochemical pre-treatment were performed with NaOH and Ca(OH)2. The AD was conducted in bioreactors and incubated in water bath at 37 °C for 15 days. Results obtained show that the highest methane yield was at the thermochemical pre-treatment with Ca(OH)2 with cumulative amount of methane at 1665.17 ppm followed by chemical pre-treatment with Ca(OH)2, thermochemical pre-treatment with NaOH and chemical pre-treatment with NaOH with cumulative amount of methane at 1381.76 ppm, 884.07 ppm and 607.98 ppm respectively. Based on the comparison of the results, the thermochemical pre-treatment with Ca(OH)2 is the best pre-treatment as it produced the highest methane yield.
  11. Mohd Hamizan Selamat, Azizah Hanom Ahmad
    Science Letter, 2017;11(1):7-9.
    Application of dye-sensitized photoelectrochemical cell (DSSC) was developed using bio-based hybrid polyurethane (PU) polymer and composite electrolyte of Sodium iodide as cation of charge transport. The conducting electron transport material for the regenerative mechanism for Redox couple (I-1/I-3) was due corrosion in contacts of electrode. The polymer as additive has leveraged conductivity level of PU-composite electrolyte prepared by varying amount of Sodium iodide (NaI) via solution casting technique. These properties of composite electrolyte exhibited photoelectrochemical cell that was least corrosive (Block Membrane) for bio-based polymer electrolyte. DSSC design of heterojunction cell requires essential need of functions such as light absorption, charge regeneration -separation and transport to electrodes for a complete cell to work. The addition of polymer composite electrolyte in the redox energy separation of electrical transport was effective for bulk material of the DSSC cell system. The electrical conductivity of electrolyte material was evaluated as fair (x10−5 S.cm-1) using electrical impedance (EIS) with efficiency performance of photo-electro conversion. The hybrid-dye-sensitized solar cell of PU-Cu/TiO2-dye/PU-NaI-I2/B-AC configuration gave a response under light intensity of 100 mW cm−2 with 3.9% conversion efficiency with current density, Jsc of 0.06 mA cm−2 and open circuit voltage, Voc of 0.14 V respectively.
  12. Mohd Khairul Hazwan Yusof, Azizah Hanom Ahmad
    Science Letter, 2017;11(1):18-23.
    Sodium solid electrolyte based on sodium dicyanamide, NaN(CN)2 doped with sodium iodide, NaI was prepared by ultra-fined grinding using planetary milling and pelletised with pellet press. Electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity study were carried out by Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) at frequency range between 50 Hz to 5.00 x 106 Hz. Highest conducting sample at room temperature condition managed to achieved by optimizing the doped sodium salt content with weight composition of 10NaI–90NaN(CN)2 with ionic conductivity value of (5.67 ± 1.26) x 10-4 S cm-1 at ambient temperature condition. The findings are further supported with 10 wt.% NaI in solid electrolyte system sample possessed highest dielectric constant and dielectric loss values at lower frequency region that showed non-Debye behavior for charge storage. Transference number measurement were performed and obtained a value of 0.96 that confirmed the sodium solid electrolyte sample is ionic conductor in nature.
  13. Muhammad Ilyas Ahmad Jamalluddin, Wei-Koon, Lee
    The incident of beach pollution in Batu Ferringhi in year 2014 has created a major concern over water
    quality at the tourists’ haven. In order to understand advection and dispersion of pollutants in the area,
    a coastal hydrodynamic model of Batu Ferringhi beach was developed in this study by taking into
    consideration its wind, tide, coastal current and riverine runoff. The model was calibrated and validated
    through observations from adjacent coastal monitoring stations. Simulation was then carried out to
    investigate scenario of the constituent water quality which originates from the three rivers in the vicinity.
    Results showed high concentrations of water quality parameters observed near the headland towards the
    northeast of the study area, with intermittent patchy escape which may retain more than one-third the
    initial concentrations, weighted by the river discharge. Even more worrying is that localised trapping of
    up to three-quarter the initial weighted concentrations also occurs at the beach, owing to the interactions
    between river flow and longshore current.
  14. Norziah, M.H., Bhat, R., Ahmad, M.
    The present study was aimed to investigate the efficacy of fenugreek seeds as a potential natural source of antioxidants and antimicrobials. Fenugreek seed (FS) extracts were prepared using ethanol (75%), methanol (75%) and water as extraction solvents. Ethanol (E-FSP), methanol (M-FSP), water (W-FSP) and hot water (HW-FSP) extracts were obtained from ground FS, whilst water extract (W-GeFS) was obtained from germinated FS. The results revealed that all extracts of the ground FS exhibited antioxidant and antimicrobial activities and the extractability of bioactive compounds in the presence of water was higher in germinated seeds (W-GeFS). Highest phenolic (156.3 mg GAE/ g) and flavonoid (38.5 mg CE/ g) contents were found in W-GeFS. It also showed the strongest DPPH radical-scavenging activity of 68 % inhibition at a lower concentration (0.06 mg/ ml). In addition, highest vitamin C equivalent antioxidant capacity (143.28 mg vitamin C/ g) with an IC50 value of 42.1 μg/ ml were found in W-GeFS. Based on disc diffusion method, W-GeFS exhibited highest antimicrobial activity against all tested bacterial pathogens (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli). Thus, it can be concluded from the results that W-GeFS extract from germinating fenugreek seeds (W-GeFS) has the potential to be used as a natural source of bioactive compounds with varied applications in food industry especially, for active film packaging purposes to prolong the shelf-life of food products.
  15. Zainal Abidin, N.F., Yusoff, A., Ahmad, N.
    Octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) modified sago starch was prepared in order to improve the emulsification properties of native starch. In the present study, the major factors affecting esterification were investigated with respect to OSA concentration, pH and reaction time using response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite rotatable design (CCRD) to obtain the highest value of degree of substitution (DS). Results shown that the optimum conditions for OSA concentration, pH and reaction time were 5.00%, pH 7.20 and 9.65 h, respectively. At optimum condition, the esterification of sago starch with OSA resulted in DS value of 0.0120. The DS increased linearly with the increase in amount of OSA, whilst pH and reaction time show a curvature trend on the value of DS. The value of DS was found to be significantly affected by all the three variables. The experimental values under optimum condition were in good consistent with the predicted values (0.0131), which suggested that the optimisation by RSM is more efficient process than conventional optimisation.
  16. Ahmad Sanusi Hassan, Muhammad Hafeez Abdul Nasir
    The aim of this paper is to interrogate the principle of heat gain by the Overall Thermal Transfer Value
    (OTTV) through residential building facades. This study proposes three façade configurations as case
    studies to determine their capability of achieving the OTTV set by the current residential standards.
    Utilising the OTTV formula provided by the Malaysian Standards, the OTTV of each case study was
    calculated using parameters including Window-to-Wall Ratio (WWR), Shading Coefficient (SC), U-values
    and solar absorption (α). Results showed that each of the façade generated OTTV exceeding the regulation
    of 50 Wm-2. The study uncovered the increase in WWR leading to the increase in OTTV. The OTTV
    increased alongside window areas due primarily to the high amount of heat gained through windows,
    a constituent component of OTTV. Simultaneously, high Shading Coefficient (SC) and U-values were
    found to cause the high amount of solar heat gained through windows. The result underpins the impacts
    of high solar heat gain particularly from windows of a building envelope on OTTV. Recommendations
    for improvement of OTTV of the residential façades are also discussed..
  17. Lim YY, Zaidi AMA, Miskon A
    Molecules, 2023 Mar 24;28(7).
    PMID: 37049685 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28072920
    Due to its built-up chemoresistance after prolonged usage, the demand for replacing platinum in metal-based drugs (MBD) is rising. The first MBD approved by the FDA for cancer therapy was cisplatin in 1978. Even after nearly four and a half decades of trials, there has been no significant improvement in osteosarcoma (OS) therapy. In fact, many MBD have been developed, but the chemoresistance problem raised by platinum remains unresolved. This motivates us to elucidate the possibilities of the copper and zinc (CuZn) combination to replace platinum in MBD. Thus, the anti-chemoresistance properties of CuZn and their physiological functions for OS therapy are highlighted. Herein, we summarise their chelators, main organic solvents, and ligand functions in their structures that are involved in anti-chemoresistance properties. Through this review, it is rational to discuss their ligands' roles as biosensors in drug delivery systems. Hereafter, an in-depth understanding of their redox and photoactive function relationships is provided. The disadvantage is that the other functions of biosensors cannot be elaborated on here. As a result, this review is being developed, which is expected to intensify OS drugs with higher cure rates. Nonetheless, this advancement intends to solve the major chemoresistance obstacle towards clinical efficacy.
  18. Lim YY, Zaidi AMA, Miskon A
    Pharmaceuticals (Basel), 2022 Oct 27;15(11).
    PMID: 36355502 DOI: 10.3390/ph15111330
    Medication in arthritis therapies is complex because the inflammatory progression of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) is intertwined and influenced by one another. To address this problem, drug delivery systems (DDS) are composed of four independent exogenous triggers and four dependent endogenous stimuli that are controlled on program and induced on demand, respectively. However, the relationships between the mechanisms of endogenous stimuli and exogenous triggers with pathological alterations remain unclear, which results in a major obstacle in terms of clinical translation. Thus, the rationale for designing a guidance system for these mechanisms via their key irritant biosensors is in high demand. Many approaches have been applied, although successful clinical translations are still rare. Through this review, the status quo in historical development is highlighted in order to discuss the unsolved clinical difficulties such as infiltration, efficacy, drug clearance, and target localisation. Herein, we summarise and discuss the rational compositions of exogenous triggers and endogenous stimuli for programmable therapy. This advanced active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) implanted dose allows for several releases by remote controls for endogenous stimuli during lesion infections. This solves the multiple implantation and local toxic accumulation problems by using these flexible desired releases at the specified sites for arthritis therapies.
  19. Azhar AA, Jamil K, Abd Rasid AF
    Cureus, 2023 Aug;15(8):e42986.
    PMID: 37671211 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.42986
    Septic arthritis of the shoulder in pediatric patients should be diagnosed and treated urgently to prevent complications of the disease. However, early detection can be a challenge due to mild symptoms with ambiguous laboratory and radiological findings. We report a case of an eight-month-old girl who presented to us initially with pseudo paresis of her right shoulder without any signs suggestive of infection. After a negative ultrasound, she was discharged with analgesia upon improvement of range of motion. Three weeks later, she presented with recurrent shoulder pain associated with fever, swelling, elevated CRP, and osteomyelitis changes of the humeral head on a plain radiograph. We proceeded with a minimally invasive arthrotomy washout and commenced on IV antibiotics. At one month follow-up, she regained her full range of motion and recovered fully. No recurrence of septic arthritis until six-month follow-up. This write-up discusses the diagnostic challenge of pediatric shoulder septic arthritis and the surgical technique of minimally invasive arthrotomy washout in a pediatric patient.
  20. Ahmad F, Sadiq MA, Chee KH, Mahmood Zuhdi AS, Wan Ahmad WA
    J Coll Physicians Surg Pak, 2014 Jun;24(6):441-3.
    PMID: 24953923 DOI: 06.2014/JCPSP.441443
    Pulmonary hypertension is frequently associated with atrial septal defect and various connective tissue disorders. This case describes a 74-year-old woman who presented with symptoms of heart failure and concomitant involvement of salivary glands and keratoconjunctivitis. An echocardiogram demonstrated ostium secundum atrial septal defect with left to right shunt and severe pulmonary hypertension. Laboratory investigations confirmed the diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome (SS) with positive anti-nuclear factor and centromere SS-A/Ro pattern. Anti-Ro (SS-A) was found positive. Atrial septal defect was closed through transcatheter route with significant improvement in clinical outcome. This case report suggests a possible association of atrial septal defect with primary Sjögren's syndrome in an adult patient.
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