Materials and Methods: Sensitivity of two biofilm-producing bacteria (P. mirabilis UCa4 and P. mirabilis UCe1) to bacteriocin, was investigated in planktonic and biofilm states by cell viability and crystal violet assay, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was also performed to determine the effect of bacteriocin on the morphology of the cells associated with biofilm.
Results: It was found that bacteriocin possessed bactericidal activity to biofilm-forming isolates in the planktonic state. However, bacteriocin interferes with the formation of biofilms and disrupts established biofilms. Bacteriocin reduced biofilm formation in the isolates of P. mirabilis UCa4 and P. mirabilis UCe1 with SMIC50 of 32 and 128 μg/mL, desirable SMIC50 of bacteriocin for biofilm disruption were 128 and 256 μg/mL, respectively. The SEM results indicated that bacteriocin affected the cell morphology of biofilm-associated cells.
Conclusion: The present findings indicated that bacteriocin from Bacillus sp. Sh10 has bactericidal properties against biofilm-forming isolates of P. mirabilis UCa4 and P. mirabilis UCe1 and has the ability to inhibit the formation of biofilm and disrupt established biofilm.
PATIENTEN UND METHODEN: Sechs Monate postoperativ wurde bei allen Patienten das klinische Ergebnis nach den Crawford-Kriterien, die Schmerzen anhand einer visuellen Analogskale (VAS) und der DASH-Score ermittelt. Zusätzlich wurden die aktive Beweglichkeit und das Extensionsdefizit im Endgelenk sowie aufgetretene Komplikationen festgehalten.
ERGEBNISSE: Patienten der Gruppe 1 hatten eine signifikant bessere Beugung im Fingerendgelenk, aber auch ein signifikant größeres Extensionsdefizit, obwohl sie signifikant früher ihre Arbeit wiederaufnahmen. Nach den Crawford-Kriterien erzielten 71 % der Patienten der Gruppe 1 und 100 % der Gruppe 2 ein exzellentes und gutes Ergebnis. Keine Unterschiede konnten bzgl. der OP-Dauer, der Schmerzen, dem DASH-Score und der Zeit bis zur knöchernen Heilung festgestellt werden.
SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG: In der Kurzzeitbeobachtung werden mit Extension-Block-Pinning bessere Ergebnisse in der Behandlung des knöchernen Strecksehnenausriss am Fingerendglied erzielt als mit der Delta-Draht-Technik.
METHODS: This is a non-experimental cross-sectional design study, which was conducted using survey questionnaire to examine the incidence of burnout, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and the quality of life (QOL) among the disaster relief volunteers. And the study also examined the socio-demographic variables of the participants. In addition, the association between the sociodemographic variable and the preferred coping strategies was also investigated through self-reporting checklist.
RESULTS: The findings of this study revealed that 90.9% volunteers (n = 312) experienced some levels of recurring stress throughout their lives, which led to burnout. Also, 96.8% (n = 332) of the participants were categorized as having at least some symptoms of PTSD. However, self-reporting QOL measurements indicated that the participants are, in general, satisfied with their lives. Significant associations between the incidence of burnout, incidence of PTSD and QOL were identified. Both positive coping measures and behavioral or avoidant coping measures were also identified. Furthermore, a number of socio-demographic factors were also seen to interact significantly with burnout, PTSD and QOL.
CONCLUSION: This study provides some insights into the psychological challenges of disaster relief volunteers in Malaysia, and this impact can last a long time after the volunteers return to their hometowns. Several recommendations including practice development, policy and research were discussed in the study.
RESULTS: We demonstrate a method using a web-based tool to construct a deep learning model and later export the model for deployment. We train the model by using breeding substrate images with different spectra of illumination on known densities of larvae and evaluate the training model in both the test set and field-collected samples. In general, the model was able to predict the larval abundance by the laboratory-prepared breeding substrate with 87.56% to 94.10% accuracy, precision, recall, and F-score on the unseen test set, and white and green illumination performed significantly higher compared to other illuminations. For field samples, the model was able to obtain at least 70% correct predictions by using white and infrared illumination.
CONCLUSION: Larval abundance can be monitored with computer vision and deep learning, and the monitoring can be improved by using more biochemistry parameters as the predictors and examples of field samples included building a more robust model. © 2021 Society of Chemical Industry.