Displaying publications 1681 - 1700 of 24531 in total

  1. Wan Ishak, W.I., Khairuddin Abdul Rahman
    The application of computer and machines for agricultural production has been one of the outstanding
    developments in Malaysian agriculture, especially in overcoming labour shortages in Oil Palm plantations. The on-line automated weedicide sprayer system was developed at Universiti Putra
    Malaysia to locate the existence and intensity of weeds in real-time environment and to spray the
    weedicides automatically and precisely. During the start of the spraying operation, the web camera
    will initially capture the image of weeds. The computer programme will compute the red, green, blue (RGB) values in the form of computer pixel. These values will be used as reference RGB values to be compared with the RGB values of the weeds captured real-time during the spraying operation. The sprayer nozzle will be turned ‘on’ or ‘off’, depending on the percentage or intensity of the green colour pixel value of weeds. The sprayer valve will open the nozzle/s when the camera detected the presence of weeds. The purpose is to reduce wastage, reduce labour, reduce cost, and control environment hazard.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  2. Nor Hasyimah, A.K., James Noik, V., Teh, Y.Y., Lee, C.Y., Pearline Ng, H.C.
    Most investigations on heavy metals content in fish were either conducted on single markets, ports, seaside markets or direct sampling from natural habitat, and there were very few studies done on fish samples from both wet markets and supermarkets. This paper presents the assessment outcome of Cd and Pb levels in commercial fish sold between wet markets and supermarkets in Klang Valley, Malaysia. In this study, the organs of four commercial fish species (Rastrellinger kanagurta, Epinephelus sexfasciatus, Lates calcarifer, and Decapterus maruadsi) sampled from different markets within the sampling area were assessed using dry ashing-acid digestion method and Flame AAS. Results obtained concluded that Cd and Pb in fishes sampled from supermarkets are generally higher compared to wet markets, while both metals content in the edible organs fall well within the permissible limits for human consumption when compared to the Fourteenth Schedule of the Malaysian Food Regulations 1985.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  3. Ghazaleh Shimi, Hasnah Haron
    The advantage of cooking cannot be summarized just as the better food digestion. Some investigations showed the effect of cooking on reduction of food anti-nutrients such as oxalate. This study was aimed to determine the effect of cooking on oxalate content and its negative effects on calcium availability in eight Malaysian soy-based dishes. Since there is few data which examined the effects of cooking on food oxalate content globally, thus this study was designed as the first in Malaysia. Oxalate in this research was analyzed by using enzymatic methods, while calcium content was determined by using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The oxalate concentration was in the range of 6.43-19.40 mg/100 g for whole cooked samples, 9.03-11.90 mg/100 g for raw soy products, and 4.36-7.99 mg/100 g for cooked ones. There were 5 out of 12 samples containing oxalate, which was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in cooked products compared to the raw ones. The rest of the samples were also lower in oxalate but not significantly different (p > 0.05). Oxalate in raw/cooked fermented soy products (tempeh) was slightly lower compared to the non-fermented ones. However, there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in oxalate amount between fermented and non-fermented soy products. As Oxalate/Calcium ratio was below 1, oxalate did not have an effect on availability of calcium in the studied samples. Optimal cooking and food processing might be effective in reducing oxalate content in soy products. There is a need for more investigations about the effect of cooking on soy products to confirm the present results.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  4. Ho, S.E., Wan Ahmad, L., Tan, Z.Y., Ho, Christopher Ck, Nursharifah, M.S., Choy, Y.C., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2015;10(1):58-65.
    Patient’s belief towards pain management may affect pain management outcomes and quality of life. The main aim of the present study was to determine the impact of a pre-operative pain education package towards pain belief among patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery in a tertiary hospital. A one-group pre-test post-test design study was conducted on orthopaedic surgery patients. Thirty respondents were recruited and pre-operative pain education was administered individually before surgery. Pre-operative and post-operative pain belief, management scores and side effects were measured using the Barrier Questionnaire (BQ-13). The results reported significant differences between pre-test scores (Mean = 41.87, Standard Deviation = 11.467) and post-test scores (Mean=34.80, Standard Deviation=13.026) of pain belief (t = 2.84, p = 0.004). There were also significant differences between pre-test scores (Mean = 37.10, Standard Deviation = 10.610) and post-test scores (Mean=30.80, Standard Deviation = 11.424) of pain management (t = 3.856, p = 0.0005). Respondent’s gender (t = -2.403, p = 0.023) and ethnicity (F = 5.038, p=0.014) reported significant differences with p value < 0.05, respectively. However, there were no significant differences between educational level, ethnicity, prior surgical history with pain belief (p> 0.05). There was positive impact of the pain education package towards pain belief and painmanagement among respondents who underwent orthopaedics surgery in a tertiary hospital. Reinforcement of pain educational program is pivotal in order to achieve optimal post-operative pain management.
    Keywords: pain, education, orthopaedics, patient, surgery
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  5. Norfazilah, A., Hafizah, Z., Siti Zubaidah, Azmawati, M.N.
    Medicine & Health, 2015;10(1):48-57.
    Kebelakangan ini, tanda-tanda kemurungan dalam kalangan remaja semakin meningkat. Kajian ini dijalankan untuk menentukan prevalens kemurungan dan faktor-faktor ramalan. Satu kajian keratan rentas telah dijalankan 191 remaja yang terpilih secara rawak dan terdiri daripada pelajar tingkatan empat dari lima buah sekolah menengah di negeri Selangor, Malaysia. Satu soal selidik yang terdiri daripada enam bahagian (A) demografi, (B) tahap kemurungan, (C) hubungan keluarga, (D) tahap sokongan rakan sebaya, (E) harga diri, dan (F) pencapaian akademik telah diedarkan. Prevalen kemurungan adalah 50.3%. Analisis regresi logistik mendapati, remaja yang mempunyai masalah dengan rakan-rakan adalah lebih cenderung untuk mengalami kemurungan berbanding dengan mereka yang tidak mempunyai masalah dengan rakan-rakan mereka (aOR 2.84, 95% CI 1.50, 5.36). Kajian selanjutnya perlu meneliti faktor-faktor lain seperti tekanan daripada guru-guru untuk mengukuhkan pemahaman kita mengenai kemurungan di kalangan remaja. Diharapkan hasil kajian ini berguna kepada pelbagai pihak yang mengambil berat tentang masalah ini.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  6. Saba, Z.H., Suzana, M., Yasmin Anum, M.Y.
    Medicine & Health, 2013;8(1):3-18.
    Madu adalah bahan semulajadi yang dihasilkan oleh lebah madu, Apis mellifera, berpunca daripada madu yang diambil dari bunga yang berkembang atau cecair dari pokok dan tumbuhan yang dikenali sebagai madu nektar dan madu serangga masing-masing. Ia adalah larutan tepu gula, yang kaya dengan protein, mineral, vitamin, asid organik dan polifenol. Madu mempunyai pelbagai khasiat, sifat penyembuhan dan profilaktik disebabkan oleh komponen-komponen yang terkandung di dalamnya. Madu mempunyai beberapa khasiat kesihatan seperti penyembuhan luka, antimikrob, antioksidan dan potensi anti-radang. Ulasan ini adalah berkaitan komposisi nutrien, antioksidan dan kesan terapeutik madu dengan penekanan kepada madu di Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  7. Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff, Mohd Harith Hashim, Mohd Mahadir Ayob, Iskandar Kassim
    Kajian garis pangkal pengimejan resonans magnet kefungsian (fMRI) telah dijalankan di Jabatan Radiologi, Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ke atas seorang subjek lelaki sihat berumur 25 tahun menggunakan sistem pengimejan resonans magnet (MRI) 1.5 T. Kajian ini menggunakan gerakan jari tangan kanan dan kiri untuk merangsang aktiviti neuron di dalam korteks serebrum. Subjek diarahkan supaya menekan jari-jari pada ibu jari secara bergilir-gilir semasa imbasan kefungsian dilakukan. Paradigma 5 kitar aktifrehat digunakan dengan setiap kitar masing-masing mengandungi 20 siri pengukuran. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa rantau otak yang aktif akibat gerakan jari adalah girus presentral merangkumi kawasan motor primer. Pengaktifan otak adalah secara kontralateral terhadap gerakan jari tangan kanan dan kiri. Keamatan isyarat keadaan aktif didapati lebih tinggi daripada keamatan isyarat keadaan rehat. Analisis yang dilakukan ke atas beberapa rantau pengaktifan yang diminati (ROI) pada beberapa hirisan menunjukkan perbezaan yang bererti (p < 0.05) antara keamatan keadaan aktif dan rehat untuk nilai ambang statistik (Z) = 1.0 dan 1.5. Perbezaan purata antara kedua-dua purata keamatan isyarat keadaan aktif dan rehat pada manamana hirisan untuk kedua-dua nilai Z menunjukkan magnitud pengaktifan yang lebih tinggi pada hemisfera kanan otak iaitu apabila subjek menggerakkan tangan kirinya. Bilangan voksel yang aktif juga didapati lebih tinggi pada hemisfera kanan berbanding pada hemisfera kiri otak. Keputusan ini menyokong fakta bahawa bagi subjek yang tidak kidal, kawasan pengaktifan motor pada hemisfera kanan otak semasa gerakan jari tangan kiri mengalami rangsangan hemodinamik yang lebih tinggi berbanding dengan hemisfera kiri otak semasa gerakan jari tangan kanan. Fenomena rangsangan hemodinamik yang diperhatikan dalam kajian ini dibincangkan berdasarkan kepada kebergantungan kontras isyarat kepada aras oksigen darah (BOLD).
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  8. Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff, Mohd Harith Hashim, Mohd Mahadir Ayob, Iskandar Kassim
    Kajian garis pangkal pengimejan resonans magnet kefungsian (fMRI) telah dijalankan ke atas 2 orang subjek lelaki sihat (kidal dan tidak kidal) masing-masing berumur 22 dan 25 tahun. Imbasan fMRI dijalankan menggunakan sistem pengimejan resonans magnet (MRI) 1.5 T di Jabatan Radiologi, Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan gerakanjari tangan kanan dan kiri untuk merangsang aktiviti neuron di dalam korteks serebrum. Paradigma 5 kitar aktifIrehat digunakan dengan setiap kitar mengandungi satu blok aktif dan satu blok rehat yang masing-masing mengandungi 10 siri pengukuran. Imej fMRI dianalisis menggunakan pekej perisian MatLab dan pemetaan statistik berparameter 2 (sPM2). Proses pendaftaran jasad tegar menggunakan penjelmaan afin 6 parameter dilakukan ke atas kesemua imej kefungsian berwajaran T2*. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa pergerakan subjek adalah minimum sama ada dalam arah translasi (< 1 mm) atau putaran (< 1 ). Kesemua imej dinormalkan melalui proses peledingan tak linear menggunakan penjelmaan afin 12 parameter dan didapati sepadan dengan pencontoh yang telahpun mematuhi ruang anatomi piawai. Walau bagaimanapun, bentuk, resolusi dan kontras imej kefungsian telah berubah sedikit berbanding dengan imej asal. Pelicinan imej menggunakan kernel Gaussian isotropik 6 mm menyebabkan data imej lebih bersifat parametrik dengan kehilangan yang ketara dalam resolusi dan kontras. Pengasingan struktur yang dilakukan ke atas imej berwajaran T1 mengklaskan tisu otak kepadajirim kelabu, jirim putih dan bendalir serebrospina. Pasca pemprosesan ruang bagi imej kefungsian dan struktur menjadikan data imej bersifat parametrik dengan taburan jenis Gaussian dan sedia untuk dianalisis menggunakan model linear am dan teori medan rawak Gaussian.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  9. Bong, C.H.J., Mah, D.Y.S, Putuhena, F.J., Said, S., Bustami, R.A.
    ASM Science Journal, 2012;6(1):47-60.
    Hydraulics simulation can be used as a supporting tool for planning and developing a framework, such as Integrated Flood Management for river management. To demonstrate this, a hydraulics model for the Sarawak River Basin was run using InfoWorks RS software by Wallingford Software, UK. InfoWorks River Simulation (RS) was chosen because its applicability has been proven and widely used to model Malaysian rivers. The extraction of computed floodwater level and flood maps for different time intervals would produce the rate of floodplain submergence from river bank level. This information could be incorporated into a logical framework to support decisions on flood management measures. Thus, hydraulics models can be used as tools to provide the necessary decision parameters for developing logical frameworks which would act as to guide the planning when it involved various stakeholders’ participation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  10. Norliza Ahmad, Hanafiah Mohd Salleh
    This study was designed to examine the role of parents and family in motorcycle riding practices among teenagers and motorcycle accident in FELDA Trolak Utara, Perak. This was a cross sectional study using universal sampling that involved 309 teenage riders aging from 11 to 19 years old. Only 6.1% respondents that rode motorcycle had a valid driving licenses. Mean age of starting to ride was 11.46 ± 1.75 years old. Mean years of riding motorcycle was 3.66 ± 1.95 years. The major buyer of motorcycles for the teenagers were father (78.3%) and other family members (13.7%). About 42.7% of teenagers learnt riding by themselves and in 51.8%, family members taught teenagers to ride motorcycle. The main purpose for riding motorcycle were to go to shop (37.2%), to school (32.7%) and for recreation (25.2%). From the perception of teenagers, about 82.2% parents encouraged them to ride. Mean usual riding speed (n = 296) was 58.72 ± 23.97 km/h. The mean maximum riding speed (n = 290) was 89.81 ± 30.70 km/h. There were positive correlation between years of motorcycle riding and usual motorcycle riding speed (r = 0.292, p < 0.05) and maximum motorcycle riding speed (r = 0.371, p < 0.05). The usual motorcycle riding speed was predictor factor for motorcycle accident. Parents, families and communities should play their role to make sure that their teenage children do not ride at a very young age and ride without a valid license. Reducing years of motorcycle riding among teenagers may reduce usual riding speed and consecutively reducing teenagers’ involvement in motorcycle accidents.
    Key words : role of parents, teenagers’ riding practice, motorcycle
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  11. Phua KL
    Healthcare costs are rising in Malaysia for various reasons. Thus, some people have responded by purchasing private health insurance to protect against catastrophic illnesses and huge medical bills. In this paper, a comparative analysis of private health insurance plans of dyferent types is done to determine Q' they do provide adequate coverage and adequate protection against heavy financial loss. The results indicate that all of the eight private health insurance plans in this study do not provide adequate coverage and adequate financial protection because of various restrictive terms and conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  12. Azmi, H., Mohd Kamil, H., W Fadillah, W.H.
    The aim of this study was to identify the problems of stress and health effect among the office computer users. A total of 41 office workers whose job required the use of computers. A set of constructed questionnaire were use to measure the work stress and health problems among workers. The data was analyzed by using of descriptive and inference statistic. The result showed that subjects who use computer for more than 2 hours would experienced work stress such as fatigue 29(70.7%), eye and visual symptoms such as blurring of vision 27(65.9%) and musculoskeletal pain at neck 32( 78.6%). However most of symptoms were moderate. There were a significant relationship between the time spent of using computer with problem of stress (r= 0.440, p<0.05) and eyes and visual problem (r=0.319, p<0.05). However there was no significant relationship between the work station design with stress, musculoskeletal, eye and visual problems. Therefore the longer time spent using computer will lead to health problems. Using the safety operating procedure will reduce the work stress problems.
    Keys word: Work stress, health problems, computer users
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  13. Al-Naggar RA, Al-Jashamy KA, Low WY, Mohd Isa Z, Alsaror MI, Al-Naggar AGA
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(2):198-0.
    Objective: This study was aimed to explore the perceptions and opinions of happiness among university students. Methods: This qualitative study was conducted in January for the academic year 2010 among 33 Medical Science Students from Management and Science University (MSU), Shah Alam, Malaysia. The facilitator wrote down the conversation during the discussion. The data obtained was classified into various categories. Due to the small sample size, the data was analyzed manually. Results: All participants mentioned that the main source of happiness is money. Good relationship with friends and family is the second source of happiness among university students. Some of the students mentioned that the stability of life and good health are causes of happiness. Few participants mentioned that success in life is one of the causes of the happiness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  14. Ruzanna Zam Zam
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2010;11(1):113-0.
    This paper discusses the evolution of PSR development for people with severe mental illness since the early 20th century in Malaysia. The various aspects of PSR include the activities, service target, the treatment settings, factors contributed to the development and the challenges that have been faced are also described along with the evolution, comparing the past and
    present. It is learned that despite of many challenges, PSR in Malaysia has now continued to progress with increasing supports from the stakeholders and is in keeping with the current PSR concept.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  15. Rohayu Sarani, Hizal Hanis Hashim, Wan Fairos Wan Yaakob, Norlen Mohamed, Radin Umar Radin Sohadi
    Int J Public Health Res, 2013;3(1):267-275.
    The increase in car usage due to economic prosperity has led to increase in occupant injuries. One way to reduce the injuries encountered by road accident victims is by implementing the rear seatbelt (RSB) law. Rear seatbelt wearing has been proven to save lives. In Malaysia, the implementation of the restraint system for front occupant has started in the 70's. However, the rear seatbelt enforcement law only came in 2009, after six months of an advocacy program. Prior to the introduction of the rear seatbelt law, rear seatbelt wearing rate was rather low, started to increase gradually during the advocacy period and jumped to the highest level after two month of the enforcement. This paper attempts to assess the effectiveness of the rear seatbelt intervention in reducing injuries among passenger car occupants in Malaysia using the generalized linear model (GLM). In GLM procedure, the dependent variable is the number of people from passenger vehicles that sustained severe and slight injuries, for the study period. The study period selected covers six months before implementation, six months during advocacy program, and six months after the law is implemented. The independent variables considered are enforcement and balik kampung activities (both are dummy variables) and time effect. Our results suggest that RSB intervention (p-value= 0.0001) had significantly reduced the number of people sustained serious and slight injuries by about 20%. The implementation of change in the RSB law has benefited not only in reducing the number of injuries but also result to great impact to the health outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  16. Mohd Nazry Salleh, Farizul Hafiz Kasim, Khairul Nizar Ismail, Che Mohd Ruzaidi Ghazali, Kamarudin Hussin, Saiful Azhar Saad, et al.
    Batu Reput’ is primary sediment mineral and abundantly found in Perlis. Perlis is one of the major producers of ‘Batu Reput’ in Malaysia that content large deposit of high-purity dolomite [CaMg (CO3)2]. Pure samples of ‘Batu Reput’ recently explored in the Koperasi Rimba Mas Padang Besar Quarry were investigated for their physical, chemical and mineralogical composition. SEM and XRD analysis methods were applied. The potential of ‘Batu Reput’ as a raw material in fertilizer production was investigated in this paper.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  17. Gan Chun Chet
    The paper writes on the possible origin of off-limit cases found in a noise project conducted internally in a factory in Malaysia. Out of 691 sampled workers’ that attended audiometric test results (some repeated), it was found that the mode of hearing ability is between 20 to 30 dB depending on individual worker’s age ranging from 20 to 55 years. Out of the total results, approximately 100 workers are above a limit defined here in this paper as the off-limit condition. The chance of a worker originating from a good condition to an unhealthy condition is about 1 percent. The data are tabulated to show that a sway pattern could be an explanation of workers’ origin. Although the data is profound, there is no evidence of a trace due to a short test period. Possibilities are highlight here to outline the severity of a cross over to the unhealthy condition (here defined as the off-limit condition). Some advises are mentioned here with individual susceptibility on the matter though there is no data to substantiate. Further findings are required to show a trace. In conclusion, the severity is highlight. A chart, developed to know the limits of hearing ability, is illustrated ased the findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  18. Saad Mohd Said, Zairihan Abdul Halim, Fatimah Said
    This study analyzes the determinants of workplace injuries across 44 four-digit manufacturing industries in Malaysia from 1993 to 2008 through the business cycle and structural approaches. The results of fixed-effects estimations revealed that workplace injuries in Malaysian manufacturing sector were negatively influenced by firm size and positively influenced by business cycle. Consistent with the findings of previous studies in other countries, the empirical evidence of this study supports the pro-cyclical behavior of injury rates in manufacturing industries towards business cycle. The analysis demonstrates that both structural and cyclical variation effects are important determinants of workplace injuries in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  19. Zafir, M.M., Fazilah, M.H.
    Stres di tempat kerja terjadi apabila keperluan kerja tidak sepadan dengan kebolehan, sumber, dan kehendak pekerja. Ia boleh memberi kesan ke atas psikologi dan fisiologi manusia. Seseorang individu yang berasa tertekan dengan kerja yang dilakukan akan menunjukkan kemurungan yang berpanjangan. Apabila rasa tertekan, psikologi akan terganggu dan pekerja gagal membuat keputusan dengan baik. Situasi ini boleh menjejaskan prestasi kerja mereka dan menggugat produktiviti organisasi. Masalah paling dibimbangi adalah stres di tempat kerja boleh menyebabkan penyakit berbahaya seperti tekanan darah tinggi, sakit jantung dan melemahkan sistem pertahanan badan terhadap penyakit. Stres di tempat kerja juga boleh menyebabkan kemalangan di tempat kerja, peningkatan kos keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan, gangguan trauma kumulatif, menjejaskan prestasi kerja serta mengganggu kehidupan sosial individu. Masalah keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan akibat stres di tempat kerja seharusnya tidak diabaikan oleh organisasi kerana ia boleh menyebabkan sumber manusia sesebuah negara kehilangan daya saingnya. Sumber manusia yang berasa terancam akibat masalah keselamatan dan kesihatan akan gagal menggunakan sepenuhnya kreativiti mereka dan melakukan tugas pada tahap minimum. Fenomena ini seharusnya dibimbangi dalam persekitaran perniagaan masa kini yang sangat kompetitif. Di Malaysia, kajian yang berkaitan dengan stres seharusnya dipertingkatkan kerana kajian lepas terhadap stres di tempat kerja adalah tidak menyeluruh. Perkembangan ini sejajar dengan perubahan yang berlaku di persekitaran kerja seperti teknologi, sosial, ekonomi, undang-undang buruh dan seumpamanya. Kajian stres di tempat kerja perlu dijalankan kerana sumbangannya amat bernilai dalam menghasilkan sumber manusia yang lebih produktif dan berdaya saing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  20. Ismail Mustapha, Samihah Mustaffh, Md Fakarudin Ab Rahman, Roslan Yahya, Lahasen @ Norman Shah Dahin, Nor Pa’iza Mohd Hasan, et al.
    Non-destructive and real time method becomes a well-liked method to researchers in the oil palm
    industry since 2000. This method has the ability to detect oil content in order to increase the
    production of oil palm for better profit. Hence, this research investigates the potential of neutron
    source to estimate oil content in palm oil fruit since oil palm contains hydrogen with chemical
    formula C55H96O6. For this paper, oil palm loose fruit was being used and divided into three
    groups. These three groups are ripe, under-ripe and bruised fruit. A total of 21 loose fruit for each
    group were collected from a private plantation in Malaysia. Each sample was scanned using
    neutron backscattered technique. The higher neutron count, the more hydrogen content, and the
    more oil content in palm oil fruit. The best correlation result came from the ripe fruits with r2=0.98.
    This research proves that neutron backscattered technique can be used as a non-destructive and
    real time grading system for palm oil.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
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