Displaying publications 341 - 360 of 10157 in total

  1. Ahmad, R., Ishlah, W., Norie A.
    The ultimate goal of treatment of glottic malignancy is eradication of the cancer and preservation of maximum function. Ideally this would mean return of normal speech, respiration and deglutition. The foundation of vertical partial laryngectomy (VPL) is based on the knowledge of laryngeal anatomy and an understanding of how cancers invade the larynx. The VPL surgery of the glottic cancer is based on oncological sound principles, which will be further disscussed in this article. For the purpose of description we briefly presented 3 of our cases that underwent vertical partial laryngectomy for glottic cancer.
  2. Rakesh, S., Hazli, Z., Ahmad Nabil, M.R.
    Objective: Individuals with ADHD are known to have more risk of developing substance use disorder (SUD). However the underlying mechanisms behind it are not straightforward. Method: We report a case of an adult with ADHD, who has a long standing history of polysubstance use, since the age of 10. He had multiple relapses, even after numerous efforts undertaken to keep him drug-free. Result: ADHD symptoms were not optimally treated during admission. He had preference towards opioid-based and amphetamine-type substances in order to attain euphoria. Conclusion: Taking into account the biological and psycho-social condition of this man, we discussed the role of ADHD from the perspective of dysfunctional rewards system and other possible factors in explaining his drug-craving behavior.
  3. Rahima Dahlan, Siti Nor Aizah Ahmad
    Objective: This case report highlights on the challenges in the management of people with bipolar disorder. Method: We report a case of 36 year-old lady living with this disorder and her journey in a search for a meaningful life. Result: Adherence to treatment is a major determinant of outcome in bipolar patient like Ms WMY. Poor insight, negative attitudes towards treatment and poor understanding of medications and the illness can all lead to reduced adherence. Conclusion: This case demonstrates on how poverty of insight, poor social support, on-going stressors with significant life events and poor compliance to treatment create a series of stumbling blocks in recovery from bipolar disorder.
  4. Ahmad Saat, Zaini Hamzah, Zaharidah Abu Bakar
    Being an imperative material for man either used as building materials, pottery or as components in material industry and technology, knowledge of clays elemental contents is important. In the present study ten clay samples obtained from various locations in North-West Peninsular Malaysia were used. Majority of the clays were economically manufactured to be used as building materials or pottery. The objective of study was to determine the main elemental contents of the samples, and relate the results to the types of minerals, as well as to compare them with clays from other studies. In the study X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) coupled to samples dilution method and standard calibration samples was used. The elements detected in the study were Si, Al, Fe, Ti, K and Ca. Depending on locations, the percentage concentration ranged between 24.8 – 32.4 for Si, 10.8 – 19.0 for Al, 0.09 – 2.12 for Fe, 0.08 – 1.13 for Ti, 0.45 – 3.39 for K and trace amount of Ca and P. However, Mg that normally found in typical clay was not found in the studied samples. Comparing the oxide of the major elements with other studies, it was found that the clay samples contained mixtures of kaolinite (two-layered structure) and illite (three-layered structure).
  5. Banjuraizah Johar, Hasmaliza Mohamad, Zainal Arifin Ahmad
    α Cordierite is very important phase in MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system because of their very outstanding thermal, chemical and electrical properties. In this presents study nonstoichiometry cordierite (MgO:Al2O3:SiO2 = 3:1.5:5) using 2 different initial raw materials ( (i)mixture of pure oxide, and ii) mainly mixture of minerals) were fabricated and compared in terms of phase transformation and physical properties. Cordierite was prepared by glass method at low melting temperature (1350°C). Low melting temperature has resulted in partly crystalline glass which has possesses higher hardness, required longer milling time and result in contamination from grinding media. However, α-cordierite has successfully crystallized and fully densified at 850°C/2h. Activation energy for densification was investigated from thermal expansion coefficient (TCE) results. Other properties that were discussed included thermal properties using DTA/TGA.
  6. Siti Rohana Ahmad, Salmah Husseinsyah, Kamarudin Hussin
    In this study, dynamic vulcanization process was used to improve the thermal properties of calcium carbonate filled composites. The composites were prepared using a Z-blade mixer at 180oC and rotor speed 50rpm. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques were used to analyze the thermal properties of the composites. The vulcanized and unvulcanized PP/EPDM composites were filled by CaCO3 at 0, 10, 20, 30, and 40 %wt. Meanwhile, thermogravimetric analysis indicates that the total weight loss of PP/EPDM/CaCO3 composites decreased with increasing filler loading. Dynamic vulcanized composites have higher thermal stability, while the crystallinity of PP/EPDM/CaCO3 composites were increased as compared to unvulcanized composites. Therefore, the thermal properties were improved by the presence of
    dynamic vulcanization process.
  7. Chye, S.J., Ahmad, R., Noor Aziah, A.A.
    This study was carried out to improve the nutritional value of goat’s milk dadih by the addition of tropical-fruit purees, namely, jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus, Lam.), pineapple (Ananas comosus) and papaya (Carica papaya). Dadih with added fruits were compared with the control (without fruit puree) for physical, chemical and sensory attributes. The texture properties of the tropical- fruit dadih were significantly different (p< 0.05) from the control. Control dadih showed highest values for lightness and hue (p< 0.05) as compared to tropical- fruit dadih. The addition of tropical- fruit purees significantly increased (p< 0.05) the moisture, protein, ash and vitamin C contents of the fruit added dadih. There were no significant differences (p> 0.05) in the fat, carbohydrate, energy and total soluble solid contents. Sensory evaluations using a hedonic test showed that all dadih were acceptable. Overall, syneresis of the dadih increased with decreasing pH throughout storage at 4°C.
  8. Ahmad, Z., Rohana, H., Md Tahir, P.
    ASM Science Journal, 2013;7(1):37-58.
    This study investigated the thermal properties of three room temperature curing adhesives containing nano particles which were thixotropic and shear thinning which allowed injection into overhead holes when exposed to different environmental conditions. Viscosity and shear stress of the adhesives were measured as a function of shear rate. The thermal behaviour of the adhesives were measured using dynamic mechanical thermal anylisis following exposures to different temperatures and humidities which included temperatures of 20 degrees Celcius, 30 degrees Celcius and 50 degrees Celcius, relative humidities of 65% RH, 75% RH 95% RH soaked in water at 20 degrees Celcius and placed in the oven at 50 degrees Celcius. The dynamic thermal properties reported include storage and loss modulus, the loss tangent and the glass transition temperature ( Tg ). For nano- and micro-particles filled adhesives, the Tg increased with the temperature increase, even though the adhesives was subjected to high humidity and this was due to further cross-linking. The results showed that room temperature cured epoxies were only partially cured at room temperature.
  9. Lee, C.K., Sara Ahmad, T., Abdullah, B.J.J.
    Malays Orthop J, 2008;2(2):47-49.
    Splinter or foreign body removal from the hand and foot is a common occurrence. Usually only the deep seated, broken or missed splinters are referred to the surgeon for removal. Unless the object is radio-opaque, plain radiograph will not give any useful information, hence removal can sometimes be very difficult and traumatic. We are reporting a case where a radiolucent splinter was removed with the aid of ultrasonography. This modality can help to localize a splinter at the pre and intra-operative period, minimizing amount of exploration and time of operation.
  10. Isa Halim, Rohana Abdullah, Ahmad Rasdan Ismail
    Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) are common occupational injuries among workers in the construction industry. Epidemiological studies indicated that WMSDs include neck pain, lower back pain, knee pain, leg fatigue as well as ankle and feet discomfort. The objectives of this study are to identify the WMSDs experienced by the workers during construction works and discuss the causes of those WMSDs. Subjective approach associated with modified Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ) was applied to identify the symptoms of WMSDs. A case study was conducted in several construction sites situated at the southern region of Peninsular Malaysia. During the study, 37 construction workers with different age and scope of works were interviewed to determine the WMSDs that they have experienced. Based on distributed questionnaire, almost all workers experienced pain in the region of lower back, upper back and biceps. These pains were contributed by manipulation of heavy load and high force exertion. Based on discussed causations, control measures via engineering controls method and administrative controls method were proposed to alleviate the risk of WMSDs among construction workers.
  11. Al-Shamiry, Faisal Mohammed Seif, Desa Ahmad
    Natural ventilation is defined as the number of air exchanges per hour per unit floor area necessary
    to reduce high indoor air temperature and humidity. In addition, it maintains the concentration of carbon dioxide. Natural ventilation is preferred in mechanical system as the ventilation opening is built into the greenhouse, with lower construction cost and no energy and maintenance inputs are required. A mathematical model to quantify natural ventilation rates was developed and verified in large-scale greenhouse structures. For this purpose, four Naturally Ventilated Tropical Greenhouse Structures were designed and constructed at the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI). These were single, double, triple, and quadruple span structures with floor areas of 500 m2, 1000 m2, 1500 m2 and 2000 m2, respectively. This paper presents the validation of a mathematical model which was developed to quantify natural ventilation rates which are very crucial to reduce high in-house temperature built up in the tropics. Regression equations of natural ventilation against wind speed were found to be Φw = 0.0632V, Φw= 0.0395V, Φw= 0.0316Vand Φw=0.0276V for the single, double, triple and quadruple spans, respectively. Meanwhile, coefficients of determination showed strong relationships between ventilation rate and wind speed, with R2 = 0.9999 for all structures. Larger floor area was found to have higher in-house temperature than smaller ones. Ventilation rate inside the single-span structure was found to be higher compared to the multi-span structures, which increased linearly with the increasing wind speed at the eaves of structure.
  12. Wo, Yii Mei, Hidayah Shahar, Zaharudin Ahmad
    Present of 241Am in the environment is being determined as part of surveillance and research
    programs related to nuclear activities. The separation of 241Am from environmental samples was
    carried out against the IAEA’s reference material by using an improved in-house radiochemical
    separation method through anion exchange column, followed by the electro-deposition on a
    stainless steel disc, and finally assayed on alpha spectrometry counting system. The resulting
    spectra showed good isolated peak, indicating a good separation of the radionuclide of interest.
    The analytical results were in good agreement with the certified value for IAEA-326 and IAEA-368
    with the calculated U-score was 0.36 and 0.82, respectively, showing no significant difference
    between the experimental and certified value. Using this method, distributions of 241Am in seabed
    surface sediment in the Exclusive Economic Zone of East Coast Peninsular Malaysia were studied.
    Samples were collected during June 2008 where the concentrations of 241Am were found to be
    ranged from < 0.08 to 0.36 Bq/kg, dry weight.
  13. Ahmad, F., Yunus, N., Mc Cord, F.
    Ann Dent, 2008;15(2):94-99.
    This article reviews the concept of Combination Syndrome and presents a clinical case of a patient with a modern variation to this clinical scenario': The clinical procedures involved in the provision of a maxillary complete denture against a mandibular implant-supported complete fixed prosthesis is described with some suggestions on how to optimise the treatment outcome for the patient.
  14. Mohd Jailani Mohd Nor, Rabiah Ahmad
    In Malaysia, all sectors are currently gearing themselves in supporting the initiatives of becoming a developed nation by the year 2020. The most important element in ensuring the success of this mission is to provide critical mass of knowledge workers to champion this cause. As such the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE) has established the National Higher Education Strategic Plan (NHESP), comprising seven thrusts which are very crucial in providing the much needed human capital and eco-system for this agenda. The essence of NHESP is also in line with other initiatives established by the government of Malaysia such as the National Key Results Area (NKRA) and the Government Transformation Plan (GTP). In fact MOHE has developed a systematic working model for the academia to play their role actively in driving the agenda of transforming Malaysia into a developed nation. The workforce required to spearhead the agenda for an innovation-led economy can be categorized into five different groups namely: Discoverers; Innovators; Inventors; Transformers; and Technopreneurs. It is very crucial for MOHE to develop and implement a comprehensive programme for producing a new breed of researchers that can contribute in translating government policies into a reality. This article presents the challenges and success stories in reforming the landscape of Research and Development in Malaysian universities and research institutions. The establishment of NHESP has made it possible for MOHE to systematically establish comprehensive guidelines for the management of research grants, standard for research conduct, instrument to measure research performance, and standardized reporting of research and innovation output. This new approach in the management of research at the ministry level has created positive ramifications for universities, research institutions, research management centres, and research leaders. During the first five-year cycle (2006-2010) of these research initiatives, and now into the second phase (2011-2015), positive results and outcomes have started to emerge. These results include increased in generation of articles on research findings published in reputable journals worldwide. Currently, Malaysia is recognized for achieving the world's fastest growth rate in number of journal publications. In addition, increased in number of postgraduate students, commercialization of R&D products and the establishment of Higher Institutions Centres of Excellence (HiCOE) contribute towards producing a new breed of great researchers in Malaysia. A continuing positive trend indicates that this phenomenal growth will be sustained for the next few years.
  15. Farzana Kabir Ahmad, Siti Sakira Kamaruddin
    Scientific Research Journal, 2015;12(1):1-10.
    The invention of microarray technology has enabled expression levels of thousands of genes to be monitored at once. This modernized approach has created large amount of data to be examined. Recently, gene regulatory network has been an interesting topic and generated impressive research goals in computational biology. Better understanding of the genetic regulatory processes would bring significant implications in the biomedical fields and many other pharmaceutical industries. As a result, various mathematical and computational methods have been used to model gene regulatory network from microarray data. Amongst those methods, the Bayesian network model attracts the most attention and has become the prominent technique since it can capture nonlinear and stochastic relationships between variables. However, structure learning of this model is NP-hard and computationally complex as the number of potential edges increase drastically with the number of genes. In addition, most of the studies only focused on the predicted results while neglecting the fact that microarray data is a fragmented information on the whole biological process. Hence this study proposed a network-based inference model that combined biological knowledge in order to verify the constructed gene regulatory relationships. The gene regulatory network is constructed using Bayesian network based on low-order conditional independence approach. This technique aims to identify from the data the dependencies to construct the network structure, while addressing the structure learning problem. In addition, three main toolkits such as Ensembl, TFSearch and TRANSFAC have been used to determine the false positive edges and verify reliability of regulatory relationships. The experimental results show that by integrating biological knowledge it could enhance the precision results and reduce the number of false positive edges in the trained gene regulatory network.
  16. Abu Bakar, M.A., Ahmad, S., Kuntjoro, W.
    Kenaf fibre that is known as Hibiscus cannabinus, L. family Malvaceae is an herbaceous plant that can be grown under a wide range of weather conditions. The uses of kenaf fibres as a reinforcement material in the polymeric matrix have been widely investigated. It is known that epoxy has a disadvantage of brittleness and exhibits low toughness. In this research, liquid epoxidized natural rubber (LENR) was introduced to the epoxy to increase its toughness. Kenaf fibres, with five different fibre loadings of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% by weight, were used to reinforce the epoxy resins (with and without addition of epoxidized natural rubber) as the matrices. The flexural strength, flexural modulus and fracture toughness of the rubber toughened epoxy reinforced kenaf fibre composites were investigated. The results showed that the addition of liquid epoxidized natural rubber (LENR) had improved the flexural modulus, flexural strength and fracture toughness by 48%, 30%, and 1.15% respectively at 20% fibre loading. The fractured surfaces of these composites were investigated by using scanning electron microscopic (SEM) technique to determine the interfacial bonding between the matrix and the fibre reinforcement.
  17. Haidar, R.T., Ahmad Fareed, A.R., Jamsiah, M.
    Introduction : An organization performs well with proper management methods. Participation is a process involving cooperation and collaboration within all levels of individuals, groups or community for the purpose of organization improvement. Empowerment brings the organization further by delegation of power and responsibilities to others for better result.
    Methodology : This is a systematic review on various publications, articles and studies based on the findings and researches conducted by experts and scholars involved with participation and empowerment of organizations.
    Results : Participation and empowerment are crucial in every organization including healthcare. Its success depends on factors such as proper planning, mutual understanding, regular training and continuous education. They contribute towards better outcome in goal setting, decision making, problem solving and organizational development. There are also various levels of empowerment and participation depending on the type of activities, organisation’s performance and level of authority.
    Conclusion : The prerequisite for an organisation’s success is dependent upon holistic participation and appropriate empowerment. The benefits gained from these measures are indeed invaluable. It creates sense of ownership, increases motivation and satisfaction, optimizing resources, promote innovations, enhancing quality and improving efficiency.
  18. Hishamuddin Ahmad, Nur Akmal Ishak, Asmadi Ishak
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a two week reduction in training load on selected physiological and performance among junior cyclist. Twenty seven male junior cyclists (age= 16.6±0.7 years, height=165.6±6.1 cm, weight= 54.1±8.1 kg) were matched into either the control group (n=13) or the experimental group (n=14) using their initial VO2max values. Both groups followed a 12-week progressive endurance training program and subsequently, the experimental group (EXP) engaged in a two week tapering (recovery via a reduction in training loads) phase. The control group continued with their normal training routine. A simulated 20 km time trials performance and a graded exercise test on cycle ergometer were performed before and after endurance training and after the two week tapering protocol. Following the conclusion of the two week intervention or no intervention program both groups undertook a TT20km. Results showed no significant difference in the TT20km performance. Compared to the CON group, the EXP group showed significant changes in all the selected physiological variables tested, p
  19. Babak Mahjoub, Kamarul Arifin Ahmad, Surjatin Wiriadidjaja
    A number of different studies were reviewed to investigate the functionality of splitter plates for the
    purpose of drag reduction and vortex elimination behind a circular cylinder. The studies were carried
    out numerically or experimentally in different combinations of Reynolds range, 2D or 3D dimensions,
    with intention of drag reduction, vortex suppression or both. Results were compared to discover the
    generalities of a splitter plate’s applications and its performance in drag reduction and vortex control.
    The reduction of 12% up to 38.6% in drag coefficient suggests that all reviewed studies verified the
    effectiveness of upstream plate in drag reduction. Varied upstream plate’s gap ratios (gap between the
    plate and cylinder) were tested and the optimum position was obtained. For the finite cylinder case,
    however, the studies discovered that the effectiveness of upstream plate decreased severely and thus, are
    barely considered as a drag reductive tool for shorter cylinders. Although downstream plate influences
    drag force, its prominent application is found to be vortex shedding elimination (up to 14.7%). The
    length ratio and gap ratio of downstream plate were varied in these studies and it was found that the
    length ratio was a more important factor compared with the gap ratio in the case of vortex suppression.
  20. Abdul Syakir Abdul Mubin, Norhafizan Ahmad
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2015;4(2):19-30.
    It has been shown in previous studies that the flight trajectories of sports balls are influenced by their aerodynamic characteristics. These aerodynamic characteristics are primarily dependent on the physical shape and surface texture of the balls. Even though sepak takraw is well established as a sport, little is known regarding the aerodynamic characteristics of the sepak takraw ball, which has a rather complex shape and surface texture. Hence, the main objective of this research is to investigate the aerodynamic characteristics (specifically the drag and lift coefficients) and flow features of a modern sepak takraw ball commercially available in the market by means of numerical simulations and wind tunnel experiments using the smoke flow visualization technique. The aerodynamic characteristics and flow features of the ball are determined for non-spinning conditions at a wind speed of 3 m/s. It is found that the drag coefficient and lift coefficient of the sepak takraw ball is 0.4868400 and - 0.0130915, respectively. The images captured from the smoke flow visualization experiments reveal that the sepak takraw ball is in the subcritical flow regime at a wind speed of 3 m/s, which is the regime before the drag crisis. The laminar boundary layer separates from the upper and lower surfaces of the ball at points upstream of the equator of the ball, creating a large wake region downstream of the sepak takraw ball and resulting in high drag. This in turn, influences the trajectory of the sepak takraw ball in flight. The flow features observed from the smoke flow visualization experiments are representative of the flow during a sepak takraw game. Owing to the complexity of sepak takraw ball, it is recommended that the aerodynamic characteristics of the sepak takraw ball are investigated for spinning conditions in future studies.
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